▼ doc | |
▼ manual | |
generated | |
▼ sw | |
▼ airborne | |
► arch | |
► chibios | |
► mcu_periph | |
adc_arch.c | |
adc_arch.h | |
gpio_arch.c | |
gpio_arch.h | |
gpio_def.h | |
hal_stm32_dma.c | STM32 DMA subsystem driver header |
hal_stm32_dma.h | STM32 DMA subsystem driver header |
i2c_arch.c | |
i2c_arch.h | |
pwm_input_arch.c | |
pwm_input_arch.h | |
ram_arch.h | |
rng_arch.c | Arch specific Random Number Generator API |
sdio_arch.c | |
spi_arch.c | |
spi_arch.h | |
sys_time_arch.c | |
sys_time_arch.h | |
uart_arch.c | |
uart_arch.h | |
► modules | |
► actuators | |
actuators_dshot_arch.c | |
actuators_dshot_arch.h | |
esc_dshot.c | DSHOT driver based on ChibiOS |
esc_dshot.h | DSHOT driver based on ChibiOS |
► core | |
► microrl | |
microrl.c | |
microrl.h | |
microrlConfig.h | |
microrlShell.c | |
microrlShell.h | Simple CLI shell header |
rtos_mon_arch.c | |
shell_arch.c | |
shell_arch.h | |
► light | |
light_ws2812_arch.c | |
light_ws2812_arch.h | Ws2812 driver based on ChibiOS |
► tlsf | |
tlsf_malloc_arch.c | |
tlsf_malloc_arch.h | |
► subsystems | |
► actuators | |
actuators_pwm_arch.c | |
actuators_pwm_arch.h | |
► radio_control | |
ppm_arch.c | |
ppm_arch.h | |
settings_arch.c | |
chconf.h | |
halconf.h | |
led_hw.h | |
mcu_arch.c | |
mcu_arch.h | |
► linux | |
► mcu_periph | |
adc_arch.c | |
adc_arch.h | |
gpio_arch.c | |
gpio_arch.h | |
i2c_arch.c | |
i2c_arch.h | |
i2c_smbus.h | |
pipe_arch.c | |
pipe_arch.h | |
pwm_sysfs.c | |
pwm_sysfs.h | |
spi_arch.c | |
spi_arch.h | |
sys_time_arch.c | |
sys_time_arch.h | |
uart_arch.c | |
uart_arch.h | |
udp_arch.c | |
udp_arch.h | |
► subsystems | |
settings_arch.c | |
led_hw.h | |
mcu_arch.c | |
mcu_arch.h | |
rt_priority.h | |
serial_port.c | |
serial_port.h | |
udp_socket.c | |
udp_socket.h | |
► lpc21 | |
► include | |
LPC21xx.h | |
lpcADC.h | |
lpcCAN.h | |
lpcEMC.h | |
lpcGPIO.h | |
lpcI2C.h | |
lpcPIN.h | |
lpcRTC.h | |
lpcSCB.h | |
lpcSPI.h | |
lpcTMR.h | |
lpcUART.h | |
lpcVIC.h | |
lpcWD.h | |
types.h | |
► mcu_periph | |
adc_arch.c | |
adc_arch.h | |
dac_arch.c | |
dac_arch.h | |
gpio_arch.h | |
i2c_arch.c | |
i2c_arch.h | |
pwm_input_arch.c | |
pwm_input_arch.h | |
spi_arch.c | |
spi_arch.h | |
spi_slave_hs_arch.c | |
spi_slave_hs_arch.h | |
sys_time_arch.c | |
sys_time_arch.h | |
uart_arch.c | |
uart_arch.h | |
► modules | |
► adcs | |
max11040_hw.c | |
max11040_hw.h | |
► core | |
trigger_ext_hw.c | |
trigger_ext_hw.h | |
► display | |
lcd_dogm_hw.c | |
lcd_dogm_hw.h | |
► sensors | |
mag_micromag_fw_hw.c | |
mag_micromag_fw_hw.h | |
trig_ext_hw.c | |
trig_ext_hw.h | |
► peripherals | |
max1168_arch.c | |
max1168_arch.h | |
ms2100_arch.c | |
ms2100_arch.h | |
► subsystems | |
► actuators | |
actuators_pwm_arch.c | |
actuators_pwm_arch.h | |
servos_4015_hw.c | |
servos_4015_hw.h | |
servos_4015_hw_new.c | |
servos_4015_MAT_hw.c | Servo driving MAT0.1 (SERVO_CLOCK_PIN) using TIMER0 |
servos_4015_MAT_hw.h | |
servos_4017_hw.c | |
servos_4017_hw.h | |
servos_ppm_hw.c | |
servos_ppm_hw.h | |
► imu | |
imu_aspirin_arch.c | |
imu_aspirin_arch.h | |
► radio_control | |
ppm_arch.c | |
ppm_arch.h | |
settings_arch.c | |
ADS8344.c | |
ADS8344.h | |
armVIC.c | |
armVIC.h | |
icp_scale.h | |
inttypes.h | |
led_hw.h | |
link_mcu_hw.h | |
mcu_arch.c | Lpc21 arch dependant microcontroller initialisation functions |
mcu_arch.h | Lpc21 arch dependant microcontroller initialisation functions |
ssp_hw.h | |
tacho_mb.c | |
tacho_mb.h | |
uart_tunnel.c | |
usb_msc_hw.c | |
usb_msc_hw.h | |
usb_ser_hw.c | |
► sim | |
► mcu_periph | |
adc_arch.c | |
adc_arch.h | |
gpio_arch.h | |
i2c_arch.c | |
i2c_arch.h | |
pipe_arch.c | |
pipe_arch.h | |
rng_arch.c | Arch specific Random Number Generator API |
spi_arch.c | |
spi_arch.h | |
sys_time_arch.c | |
sys_time_arch.h | |
uart_arch.c | |
uart_arch.h | |
udp_arch.c | |
udp_arch.h | |
► modules | |
► actuators | |
actuators_dshot_arch.c | |
actuators_dshot_arch.h | |
► core | |
booz_pwm_arch.c | |
booz_pwm_arch.h | |
rtos_mon_arch.c | |
trigger_ext_hw.c | |
trigger_ext_hw.h | |
► ins | |
ins_arduimu.c | |
ins_arduimu_basic.c | |
► peripherals | |
hmc5843_arch.c | |
hmc5843_arch.h | |
max1168_arch.c | |
max1168_arch.h | |
► subsystems | |
► actuators | |
actuators_dualpwm_arch.c | |
actuators_dualpwm_arch.h | |
actuators_pwm_arch.c | |
actuators_pwm_arch.h | |
servos_4015_MAT_hw.h | |
servos_4017_hw.h | |
servos_ppm_hw.h | |
► datalink | |
superbitrf.c | |
superbitrf.h | |
► radio_control | |
ppm_arch.c | |
ppm_arch.h | |
rc_datalink.c | |
spektrum_arch.c | |
spektrum_arch.h | |
settings_arch.c | |
baro_MS5534A.h | |
led_hw.c | |
led_hw.h | |
max1167_hw.c | |
max1167_hw.h | |
mcu_arch.c | |
mcu_arch.h | |
servos_nil.h | |
sim_adc_generic.c | |
sim_ahrs.c | Regroup functions to simulate an ahrs |
sim_ap.c | |
sim_gps.c | |
sim_ir.c | Regroup functions to simulate autopilot/infrared.c |
sim_uart_hw.c | |
► stm32 | |
► mcu_periph | |
adc_arch.c | |
adc_arch.h | |
can_arch.c | |
can_arch.h | |
gpio_arch.c | |
gpio_arch.h | |
i2c_arch.c | |
i2c_arch.h | |
pwm_input_arch.c | |
pwm_input_arch.h | |
rng_arch.c | Arch specific Random Number Generator API |
spi_arch.c | |
spi_arch.h | |
sys_time_arch.c | |
sys_time_arch.h | |
uart_arch.c | |
uart_arch.h | |
► peripherals | |
hmc5843_arch.c | |
hmc5843_arch.h | |
max1168_arch.c | |
max1168_arch.h | |
ms2100_arch.c | |
ms2100_arch.h | |
sc18is600_arch.c | |
sc18is600_arch.h | |
► subsystems | |
► actuators | |
actuators_dualpwm_arch.c | |
actuators_dualpwm_arch.h | |
actuators_pwm_arch.c | |
actuators_pwm_arch.h | |
actuators_shared_arch.c | |
actuators_shared_arch.h | |
► imu | |
imu_aspirin_arch.c | |
imu_aspirin_arch.h | |
imu_krooz_sd_arch.c | |
imu_krooz_sd_arch.h | |
► radio_control | |
ppm_arch.c | |
ppm_arch.h | |
settings_arch.c | |
led_hw.c | |
led_hw.h | |
link_mcu_hw.h | |
mcu_arch.c | Stm32 arch dependant microcontroller initialisation functions |
mcu_arch.h | Stm32 arch dependant microcontroller initialisation functions |
my_debug_servo.h | |
test_bswap.c | |
uart_tunnel.c | |
usb_ser_hw.c | |
► boards | |
► apogee | |
► chibios | |
► v1.0 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
ffconf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
imu_apogee.c | |
imu_apogee.h | |
► ardrone | |
actuators.c | |
actuators.h | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
board.c | |
gpio_ardrone.c | |
navdata.c | |
navdata.h | |
► bebop | |
► isp | |
► regmap | |
avi_isp_bayer.h | |
avi_isp_chain_bayer_inter.h | |
avi_isp_chain_yuv_inter.h | |
avi_isp_chroma.h | |
avi_isp_chromatic_aberration.h | |
avi_isp_color_correction.h | |
avi_isp_dead_pixel_correction.h | |
avi_isp_denoising.h | |
avi_isp_drop.h | |
avi_isp_edge_enhancement_color_reduction_filter.h | |
avi_isp_gamma_corrector.h | |
avi_isp_green_imbalance.h | |
avi_isp_i3d_lut.h | |
avi_isp_lens_shading_correction.h | |
avi_isp_pedestal.h | |
avi_isp_statistics_bayer.h | |
avi_isp_statistics_yuv.h | |
avi_isp_vlformat_32to40.h | |
avi_isp_vlformat_40to32.h | |
libisp.c | |
libisp.h | |
libisp_config.h | |
reg_avi.h | |
actuators.c | |
actuators.h | |
baro_board.h | |
board.c | |
mt9f002.c | |
mt9f002.h | |
mt9f002_nps.c | |
mt9f002_regs.h | |
mt9v117.c | |
mt9v117.h | |
mt9v117_nps.c | |
mt9v117_regs.h | |
► booz | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► chimera | |
► chibios | |
► v1.0 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
chimera.h | |
ffconf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
baro_board.h | |
► crazyflie | |
► chibios | |
► v2.1 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
crazyflie.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
► disco | |
actuators.c | |
actuators.h | |
baro_board.h | |
board.c | |
► elle0 | |
baro_board.h | |
► hbmini | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
imu_hbmini.c | |
imu_hbmini.h | |
► krooz | |
baro_board.h | |
imu_krooz.c | |
imu_krooz.h | |
imu_krooz_memsic.c | |
imu_krooz_memsic.h | |
► lia | |
► chibios | |
► v1.1 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► lisa_l | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► lisa_m | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► lisa_mx | |
► chibios | |
► v2.1 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► lisa_mxs | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► lisa_s | |
baro_board.h | |
► mateksys | |
► F765-WING | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
ffconf.h | |
matekF765-WING.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
► navgo | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
imu_navgo.c | |
imu_navgo.h | |
► navstik | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
► naze32 | |
baro_board.h | |
► nucleo | |
► 144_f767zi | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
nucleo144_f767zi.h | |
► opa_ap | |
baro_board.h | |
► openpilot_revo | |
baro_board.h | |
► px4fmu | |
► chibios | |
► v2.4 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
ffconf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
► v4.0 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
ffconf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
px4fmu.h | |
► v5.0 | |
board.c | |
board.h | |
ffconf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
px4fmu.h | |
baro_board.h | |
► swing | |
actuators.c | |
actuators.h | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
board.c | |
► tawaki | |
► chibios | |
► common | |
board.c | |
ffconf.h | |
mcuconf.h | |
tawaki.h | |
► v1.0 | |
board.h | |
► v1.1 | |
board.h | |
baro_board.h | |
► umarim | |
baro_board.c | |
baro_board.h | |
imu_umarim.c | |
imu_umarim.h | |
apogee_1.0.h | |
ardrone2.h | |
baro_board_ms5611_i2c.c | |
baro_board_ms5611_spi.c | |
beagle_bone_black.h | |
bebop.h | |
booz_1.0.h | |
cc3d.h | |
cjmcu.h | |
crazybee_f4_1.0.h | |
disco.h | |
elle0_1.0.h | |
elle0_1.2.h | |
elle0_common.h | |
hb_1.1.h | |
hbmini_1.0.h | |
krooz_sd.h | |
lia_1.1.h | |
lisa_l_1.0.h | |
lisa_m_1.0.h | |
lisa_m_2.0.h | |
lisa_m_2.1.h | |
lisa_m_common.h | |
lisa_mx_2.0.h | |
lisa_mx_2.1.h | |
lisa_mx_common.h | |
lisa_mxs_1.0.h | |
lisa_s_1.0.h | |
logom_2.6.h | |
matek_f405_wing_v1.h | |
navgo_1.0.h | |
navstik_1.0.h | |
naze32_common.h | |
naze32_rev4.h | |
naze32_rev5.h | |
olimex_lpc_h2148.h | |
olimex_stm32-h103.h | |
opa_ap_1.0.h | |
opa_ftd_1.0.h | |
openpilot_revo_1.0.h | |
openpilot_revo_nano.h | |
pc_sim.h | |
px4fmu_1.7.h | |
px4fmu_2.4.h | |
px4fmu_4.0.h | |
px4io_2.4.h | |
sdlog_1.0.h | |
swing.h | |
tiny_0.99.h | |
tiny_1.1.h | |
tiny_2.0.h | |
tiny_2.1.h | |
tiny_2.11.h | |
twog_1.0.h | |
umarim_1.0.h | |
umarim_lite_2.0.h | |
yapa_2.0.h | |
► filters | |
1e_filter.h | Implementation of the 1 euro filter |
delayed_first_order_lowpass_filter.h | First order low-pass filter with delay |
high_pass_filter.h | Simple high pass filter with double precision |
low_pass_filter.h | Simple first order low pass filter with bilinear transform |
median_filter.h | |
notch_filter.h | Second order notch filter |
pid.h | Several forms of PID controllers |
► firmwares | |
► demo | |
demo_ahrs_actuators.c | |
► fixedwing | |
► guidance | |
energy_ctrl.c | |
energy_ctrl.h | |
guidance_common.h | |
guidance_h.c | |
guidance_h.h | |
guidance_v.c | |
guidance_v.h | |
guidance_v_n.c | |
guidance_v_n.h | |
► stabilization | |
stabilization_adaptive.c | |
stabilization_adaptive.h | |
stabilization_attitude.c | |
stabilization_attitude.h | |
ap_downlink.c | |
autopilot_firmware.c | |
autopilot_firmware.h | |
autopilot_generated.c | |
autopilot_generated.h | |
autopilot_rc_helpers.h | |
autopilot_static.c | |
autopilot_static.h | |
autopilot_utils.c | |
autopilot_utils.h | |
fbw_datalink.c | |
fbw_datalink.h | |
fbw_downlink.c | |
fixedwing_datalink.c | |
main.c | |
main_ap.c | |
main_ap.h | |
main_chibios.c | |
main_chibios.h | |
main_fbw.c | |
main_fbw.h | |
nav.c | |
nav.h | |
► rotorcraft | |
► guidance | |
guidance_flip.c | |
guidance_flip.h | |
guidance_h.c | |
guidance_h.h | |
guidance_h_ref.c | |
guidance_h_ref.h | |
guidance_hybrid.c | |
guidance_hybrid.h | |
guidance_indi.c | |
guidance_indi.h | |
guidance_indi_hybrid.c | |
guidance_indi_hybrid.h | |
guidance_module.h | |
guidance_v.c | |
guidance_v.h | |
guidance_v_adapt.c | |
guidance_v_adapt.h | |
guidance_v_ref.c | |
guidance_v_ref.h | |
► stabilization | |
► wls | |
wls_alloc.c | This is an active set algorithm for WLS control allocation |
wls_alloc.h | |
attitude_ref_saturate_naive.h | |
stabilization_attitude.h | |
stabilization_attitude_common_float.h | |
stabilization_attitude_common_int.h | |
stabilization_attitude_euler_float.c | |
stabilization_attitude_euler_float.h | |
stabilization_attitude_euler_int.c | |
stabilization_attitude_euler_int.h | |
stabilization_attitude_heli_indi.c | |
stabilization_attitude_heli_indi.h | |
stabilization_attitude_passthrough.c | Passthrough attitude stabilization |
stabilization_attitude_passthrough.h | |
stabilization_attitude_quat_float.c | Quaternion attitude stabilization (floating point) |
stabilization_attitude_quat_float.h | |
stabilization_attitude_quat_indi.c | MAVLab Delft University of Technology This control algorithm is Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (INDI) |
stabilization_attitude_quat_indi.h | |
stabilization_attitude_quat_int.c | |
stabilization_attitude_quat_int.h | |
stabilization_attitude_quat_transformations.c | |
stabilization_attitude_quat_transformations.h | |
stabilization_attitude_rc_setpoint.c | |
stabilization_attitude_rc_setpoint.h | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_defaults.h | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_euler_float.c | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_euler_float.h | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_euler_int.c | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_euler_int.h | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_int.h | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_quat_float.c | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_quat_float.h | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_quat_int.c | |
stabilization_attitude_ref_quat_int.h | |
stabilization_indi.c | |
stabilization_indi.h | |
stabilization_indi_simple.c | |
stabilization_indi_simple.h | |
stabilization_none.c | |
stabilization_none.h | |
stabilization_rate.c | |
stabilization_rate.h | |
stabilization_rate_indi.c | |
stabilization_rate_indi.h | |
autopilot_arming.h | |
autopilot_arming_common.h | |
autopilot_arming_switch.h | |
autopilot_arming_throttle.h | |
autopilot_arming_yaw.h | |
autopilot_firmware.c | |
autopilot_firmware.h | |
autopilot_generated.c | |
autopilot_generated.h | |
autopilot_guided.c | |
autopilot_guided.h | |
autopilot_rc_helpers.h | |
autopilot_static.c | |
autopilot_static.h | |
autopilot_utils.c | |
autopilot_utils.h | |
guidance.h | |
main.c | |
main.h | |
main_ap.c | |
main_ap.h | |
main_chibios.c | |
main_chibios.h | |
main_fbw.c | |
main_fbw.h | |
navigation.c | |
navigation.h | |
rotorcraft_datalink.c | |
rotorcraft_telemetry.c | |
stabilization.c | |
stabilization.h | |
► rover | |
► guidance | |
rover_guidance.c | |
rover_guidance.h | |
rover_guidance_holonomic.c | |
rover_guidance_holonomic.h | |
autopilot_firmware.c | |
autopilot_firmware.h | |
autopilot_generated.c | |
autopilot_generated.h | |
autopilot_rc_helpers.h | |
autopilot_utils.c | |
autopilot_utils.h | |
main_ap.c | |
main_ap.h | |
main_chibios.c | |
main_chibios.h | |
navigation.c | |
navigation.h | |
rover_datalink.c | |
rover_telemetry.c | |
► setup | |
setup_actuators.c | |
usb_tunnel.c | |
► tutorial | |
main_demo1.c | |
main_demo2.c | |
main_demo3.c | |
main_demo4.c | |
main_demo5.c | |
main_demo6.c | |
► math | |
► qr_solve | |
qr_solve.c | |
qr_solve.h | |
r8lib_min.c | |
r8lib_min.h | |
pprz_algebra.h | Paparazzi generic algebra macros |
pprz_algebra_double.c | Paparazzi double precision floating point algebra |
pprz_algebra_double.h | Paparazzi double precision floating point algebra |
pprz_algebra_float.c | Paparazzi floating point algebra |
pprz_algebra_float.h | Paparazzi floating point algebra |
pprz_algebra_int.c | Paparazzi fixed point algebra |
pprz_algebra_int.h | Paparazzi fixed point algebra |
pprz_geodetic.h | Paparazzi generic macros for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_double.c | Paparazzi double-precision floating point math for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_double.h | Paparazzi double-precision floating point math for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_float.c | Paparazzi floating point math for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_float.h | Paparazzi floating point math for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_int.c | Paparazzi fixed point math for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_int.h | Paparazzi fixed point math for geodetic calculations |
pprz_geodetic_utm.h | Constants UTM (Mercator) projections |
pprz_geodetic_wgs84.h | WGS-84 Geoid Heights |
pprz_geodetic_wmm2020.c | WMM2020 Geomagnetic field model |
pprz_geodetic_wmm2020.h | WMM2020 Geomagnetic field model |
pprz_isa.h | Paparazzi atmospheric pressure conversion utilities |
pprz_matrix_decomp_float.c | Matrix decompositions in floating point |
pprz_matrix_decomp_float.h | Matrix decompositions in floating point |
pprz_orientation_conversion.c | |
pprz_orientation_conversion.h | |
pprz_polyfit_float.c | Polynomial regression |
pprz_polyfit_float.h | Polynomial regression |
pprz_random.c | |
pprz_random.h | |
pprz_rk_float.h | Runge-Kutta library (float version) |
pprz_simple_matrix.h | Simple matrix helper macros |
pprz_stat.c | Statistics functions |
pprz_stat.h | Statistics functions |
pprz_trig_int.c | Paparazzi fixed point trig functions |
pprz_trig_int.h | Paparazzi fixed point trig functions |
RANSAC.c | |
RANSAC.h | Perform Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC), a robust fitting method |
► mcu_periph | |
adc.h | Arch independent ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) API |
can.c | |
can.h | |
dac.h | |
gpio.h | |
i2c.c | |
i2c.h | |
pipe.c | Arch independent PIPE API |
pipe.h | Arch independent PIPE API |
pwm_input.c | Arch independent PWM input capture API |
pwm_input.h | Arch independent PWM input capture API |
rng.h | Arch independent Random Number Generator API |
sdio.h | Arch independent SDIO API |
softi2c.c | |
softi2c.h | |
spi.c | |
spi.h | |
sys_time.c | Architecture independent timing functions |
sys_time.h | Architecture independent timing functions |
uart.c | |
uart.h | Arch independent UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) API |
udp.c | Arch independent UDP API |
udp.h | Arch independent UDP API |
usb_serial.h | Arch independent USB API |
► modules | |
► actuators | |
actuators_dshot.h | |
actuators_md25.c | |
actuators_md25.h | |
actuators_ostrich.c | |
actuators_ostrich.h | |
► adcs | |
adc_generic.c | |
adc_generic.h | |
battery_monitor.c | |
battery_monitor.h | |
max11040.c | Maxim MAX11040 ADC hw interface |
max11040.h | |
mcp355x.h | |
► ahrs | |
ahrs_infrared.c | |
ahrs_infrared.h | |
ahrs_madgwick.c | |
ahrs_madgwick.h | |
ahrs_madgwick_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_madgwick_wrapper.h | |
► air_data | |
air_data.c | |
air_data.h | |
► airborne_ant_track | |
airborne_ant_track.c | |
airborne_ant_track.h | |
► benchmark | |
flight_benchmark.c | |
flight_benchmark.h | |
i2c_abuse_test.c | |
i2c_abuse_test.h | |
imu_quality_assessment.c | |
imu_quality_assessment.h | |
► boards | |
opa_controller_ap.c | |
opa_controller_ap.h | |
opa_controller_fbw.c | |
opa_controller_fbw.h | |
► calibration | |
mag_calib_ukf.c | |
mag_calib_ukf.h | |
send_imu_mag_current.c | |
send_imu_mag_current.h | |
► cam_control | |
cam.c | Pan/Tilt camera library |
cam.h | Pan/Tilt camera API |
cam_roll.c | |
cam_roll.h | |
cam_segment.c | Camera control to track a segment using the general cam driver (target mode) |
cam_segment.h | |
point.c | Determines camera pan and tilt angles |
point.h | |
rotorcraft_cam.c | |
rotorcraft_cam.h | |
► cartography | |
cartography.c | Navigation functions for cartography of the ground |
cartography.h | |
photogrammetry_calculator.c | |
photogrammetry_calculator.h | |
► com | |
generic_com.c | |
generic_com.h | |
usb_serial_stm32.h | |
usb_serial_stm32_example1.c | |
usb_serial_stm32_example2.c | |
► computer_vision | |
► blob | |
blob_finder.c | |
blob_finder.h | |
imavmarker.c | |
imavmarker.h | |
► lib | |
► encoding | |
jpeg.c | |
jpeg.h | |
rtp.c | |
rtp.h | |
► exif | |
exif_module.c | |
exif_module.h | |
► v4l | |
v4l2.c | |
v4l2.h | |
virt2phys.c | |
virt2phys.h | |
► vision | |
act_fast.c | Finds corners in an image by actively scanning the image. This method is inspired by the work in: de Croon, G.C.H.E., and Nolfi, S. (2013, May). Act-corner: Active corner finding for optic flow determination. In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 4679-4684). IEEE |
act_fast.h | Finds corners in an image by actively scanning the image. This method is inspired by the work in: de Croon, G.C.H.E., and Nolfi, S. (2013, May). Act-corner: Active corner finding for optic flow determination. In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 4679-4684). IEEE |
bayer.h | |
edge_flow.c | Calculate optical flow with EdgeFlow |
edge_flow.h | Calculate optical flow with EdgeFlow |
fast_rosten.c | |
fast_rosten.h | |
image.c | |
image.h | |
lucas_kanade.c | Efficient fixed-point optical-flow calculation |
lucas_kanade.h | Efficient fixed-point optical-flow calculation |
PnP_AHRS.c | Functions for solving a perspective-n-point problem, using the AHRS to get the relevant angles |
PnP_AHRS.h | Functions for solving a perspective-n-point problem, using the AHRS to get the relevant angles |
undistortion.c | Functions for undistorting camera images |
undistortion.h | Functions for undistorting camera images |
► opticflow | |
inter_thread_data.h | Inter-thread data structures |
linear_flow_fit.c | |
linear_flow_fit.h | |
opticflow_calculator.c | Estimate velocity from optic flow |
opticflow_calculator.h | Calculate velocity from optic flow |
size_divergence.c | Calculate divergence from flow vectors by looking at line sizes between the points |
size_divergence.h | Calculate divergence from flow vectors by looking at line sizes beteween the points |
► qrcode | |
qr_code.c | |
qr_code.h | |
bebop_ae_awb.c | |
bebop_ae_awb.h | |
colorfilter.c | |
colorfilter.h | |
cv.c | |
cv.h | |
cv_blob_locator.c | |
cv_blob_locator.h | |
cv_detect_color_object.c | |
cv_detect_color_object.h | |
cv_georeference.c | |
cv_georeference.h | |
cv_opencvdemo.c | |
cv_opencvdemo.h | |
cv_target_localization.c | |
cv_target_localization.h | |
detect_contour.c | |
detect_contour.h | |
detect_gate.c | |
detect_gate.h | |
detect_window.c | |
detect_window.h | |
opencv_contour.cpp | |
opencv_contour.h | |
opencv_example.cpp | |
opencv_example.h | |
opencv_image_functions.cpp | |
opencv_image_functions.h | |
opticflow_module.c | Optical-flow estimation module |
opticflow_module.h | Optical-flow calculation for Parrot Drones |
snake_gate_detection.c | |
snake_gate_detection.h | |
textons.c | |
textons.h | |
undistort_image.c | |
undistort_image.h | |
video_capture.c | |
video_capture.h | |
video_thread.c | |
video_thread.h | |
video_thread_nps.c | |
video_thread_nps.h | |
video_usb_logger.c | |
video_usb_logger.h | Camera image logger for Linux based autopilots |
viewvideo.c | |
viewvideo.h | |
► config | |
config_mkk_v2.c | |
config_mkk_v2.h | |
► core | |
pwm_meas.c | |
pwm_meas.h | |
rtos_mon.c | |
shell.c | Enhanced CLI shell code |
shell.h | |
sys_mon.c | |
sys_mon.h | |
sys_mon_bare_metal.h | |
sys_mon_rtos.h | |
trigger_ext.c | |
trigger_ext.h | |
► ctrl | |
ctrl_effectiveness_scheduling.c | |
ctrl_effectiveness_scheduling.h | |
ctrl_module_innerloop_demo.c | Example empty controller |
ctrl_module_innerloop_demo.h | Example empty controller |
ctrl_module_outerloop_demo.c | Example empty controller |
ctrl_module_outerloop_demo.h | Example empty controller |
ctrl_windtunnel.c | Windtunnel automatic step controller |
ctrl_windtunnel.h | Windtunnel controller |
gain_scheduling.c | |
gain_scheduling.h | |
object_tracking.c | |
object_tracking.h | |
optical_flow_functions.c | |
optical_flow_functions.h | |
optical_flow_hover.c | |
optical_flow_hover.h | |
optical_flow_landing.c | This module implements optical flow landings in which the divergence is kept constant. When using a fixed gain for control, the covariance between thrust and divergence is tracked, so that the drone knows when it has arrived close to the landing surface. Then, a final landing procedure is triggered. It can also be set to adaptive gain control, where the goal is to continuously gauge the distance to the landing surface. In this mode, the drone will oscillate all the way down to the surface |
optical_flow_landing.h | This module implements optical flow landings in which the divergence is kept constant. When using a fixed gain for control, the covariance between thrust and divergence is tracked, so that the drone knows when it has arrived close to the landing surface. Then, a final landing procedure is triggered. It can also be set to adaptive gain control, where the goal is to continuously gauge the distance to the landing surface. In this mode, the drone will oscillate all the way down to the surface |
shift_tracking.c | |
shift_tracking.h | |
vertical_ctrl_module_demo.c | Example vertical controller |
vertical_ctrl_module_demo.h | Example vertical |
► datalink | |
► bitcraze | |
crtp.h | |
syslink.c | |
syslink.h | |
syslink_dl.c | |
syslink_dl.h | |
► gec | |
gec.c | |
gec.h | |
► missionlib | |
blocks.c | PPRZ specific mission block implementation |
blocks.h | PPRZ specific mission block implementation |
mission_manager.c | Common functions used within the mission library |
mission_manager.h | Common functions used within the mission library, blocks and waypoints cannot be send simultaneously (which should not matter) |
waypoints.c | Improvement of the missionlib implementation of the waypoint protocol, truly global waypoints are used such that they will not be relocated after you run GeoInit |
waypoints.h | |
bluegiga_dl.c | |
bluegiga_dl.h | |
extra_pprz_dl.c | |
extra_pprz_dl.h | |
gec_dl.c | |
gec_dl.h | Datalink using Galois Embedded Crypto |
ivy_dl.c | |
ivy_dl.h | Datalink using IVY protocol |
mavlink.c | Basic MAVLink datalink implementation |
mavlink.h | Basic MAVLink datalink implementation |
mavlink_decoder.c | Simple decoder of mavlink message |
mavlink_decoder.h | Simple decoder of mavlink message |
pprz_dl.c | |
pprz_dl.h | Datalink using PPRZ protocol |
xbee_dl.c | |
xbee_dl.h | Datalink using XBEE protocol |
xtend_rssi.c | |
xtend_rssi.h | |
► decawave | |
decawave_anchorless_communication.c | |
decawave_anchorless_communication.h | |
dw1000_arduino.c | |
dw1000_arduino.h | |
ekf_range.c | |
ekf_range.h | |
trilateration.c | |
trilateration.h | |
► demo_module | |
demo_module.c | |
demo_module.h | |
► dfu_command | |
dfu_command.c | |
dfu_command.h | |
► digital_cam | |
► catia | |
catia.c | |
chdk_pipe.c | |
chdk_pipe.h | |
protocol.c | |
protocol.h | |
serial.c | |
serial.h | |
socket.c | |
socket.h | |
std.h | |
atmega_i2c_cam_ctrl.c | Interface with digital camera though AVR AtMega chip |
atmega_i2c_cam_ctrl.h | |
dc.c | |
dc.h | |
dc_ctrl_parrot_mykonos.c | |
dc_ctrl_parrot_mykonos.h | Digital video/photo recorder control for Parrot Mykonos Platform, For others that is: control the camera of the Disco and if one manages to add pimpctl onto a Bebop or Bebop2, should work also on those |
dc_shoot_rc.c | |
dc_shoot_rc.h | |
gpio_cam_ctrl.c | |
gpio_cam_ctrl.h | Digital Camera Control |
hackhd.c | Digital video/photo recorder HackHD control |
hackhd.h | Digital video/photo recorder HackHD control |
servo_cam_ctrl.c | Digital Camera Control |
servo_cam_ctrl.h | Digital Camera Control |
sim_i2c_cam_ctrl.c | Simulated Interface with digital camera |
uart_cam_ctrl.c | |
uart_cam_ctrl.h | Digital Camera Control Over UART with download of thumbnails over the PAYLOAD message |
video_cam_ctrl.c | |
video_cam_ctrl.h | Digital Camera Control: controls triggering of an embedded digital camera on a linux based autopilot |
► display | |
lcd_dogm.c | |
lcd_dogm.h | |
max7456.c | |
max7456.h | |
max7456_regs.h | |
► dragspeed | |
dragspeed.c | |
dragspeed.h | |
► e_identification_fr | |
e_identification_fr.c | |
e_identification_fr.h | |
► energy | |
bat_checker.c | |
bat_checker.h | |
MPPT.c | Solar cells MPTT monitoring |
MPPT.h | Solar cells MPTT monitoring |
sim_MPPT.c | |
► esc32 | |
esc32.c | |
esc32.h | |
► gas_engine | |
gas_engine_idle_trim.c | |
gas_engine_idle_trim.h | |
► geo_mag | |
geo_mag.c | Calculation of the Geomagnetic field vector from current location. This module is based on the world magnetic model from (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml) |
geo_mag.h | Calculation of the Geomagnetic field vector from current location. This module is based on the world magnetic model from (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml) |
► glide_wing_lock | |
glide_wing_lock.c | |
glide_wing_lock.h | |
► gpio_ext | |
gpio_ext_common.c | |
gpio_ext_common.h | |
gpio_ext_pca95xx.c | |
gpio_ext_pca95xx.h | |
► gps | |
gps_ubx_i2c.c | |
gps_ubx_i2c.h | |
gps_ubx_ucenter.c | Configure Ublox GPS |
gps_ubx_ucenter.h | Configure Ublox GPS |
► gsm | |
gsm.c | |
gsm.h | |
► guidance | |
► gvf | |
► nav | |
nav_survey_polygon_gvf.c | |
nav_survey_polygon_gvf.h | |
► trajectories | |
gvf_ellipse.c | |
gvf_ellipse.h | |
gvf_line.c | |
gvf_line.h | |
gvf_sin.c | |
gvf_sin.h | |
gvf.c | |
gvf.h | |
► gvf_parametric | |
► trajectories | |
gvf_parametric_2d_trefoil.c | |
gvf_parametric_2d_trefoil.h | |
gvf_parametric_3d_ellipse.c | |
gvf_parametric_3d_ellipse.h | |
gvf_parametric_3d_lissajous.c | |
gvf_parametric_3d_lissajous.h | |
gvf_parametric.cpp | |
gvf_parametric.h | |
gvf_parametric_low_level_control.c | |
gvf_parametric_low_level_control.h | |
► guidance_opticflow | |
guidance_opticflow_hover.c | Optical-flow based control for Linux based systems |
guidance_opticflow_hover.h | Optical-flow based control for Linux based systems |
► gumstix_interface | |
qr_code_spi_link.c | |
qr_code_spi_link.h | |
► helicopter | |
swashplate_mixing.c | |
swashplate_mixing.h | |
throttle_curve.c | |
throttle_curve.h | |
► hott | |
hott.c | |
hott.h | |
hott_eam.h | |
hott_gam.h | |
► imu | |
filter_1euro_imu.c | |
filter_1euro_imu.h | |
imu_bmi088_i2c.c | |
imu_bmi088_i2c.h | |
imu_vectornav.c | |
imu_vectornav.h | |
► ins | |
ahrs_chimu.h | |
ahrs_chimu_spi.c | |
ahrs_chimu_uart.c | |
alt_filter.c | |
alt_filter.h | |
imu_chimu.c | |
imu_chimu.h | |
imu_temp_ctrl.c | |
imu_temp_ctrl.h | |
imu_xsens.c | |
imu_xsens.h | |
ins_arduimu.c | |
ins_arduimu.h | |
ins_arduimu_basic.c | |
ins_arduimu_basic.h | |
ins_mekf_wind.cpp | |
ins_mekf_wind.h | |
ins_mekf_wind_wrapper.c | |
ins_mekf_wind_wrapper.h | |
ins_module.h | Device independent INS code |
ins_skeleton.c | |
ins_skeleton.h | |
ins_vn100.c | |
ins_vn100.h | Interface for the VectorNav VN100 AHRS use the binary protocal on the SPI link |
ins_xsens.c | |
ins_xsens.h | |
ins_xsens700.c | |
ins_xsens700.h | |
VN100.h | |
xsens.c | |
xsens.h | |
xsens700.c | |
xsens700.h | |
xsens_parser.c | |
xsens_parser.h | |
► joystick | |
joystick.c | |
joystick.h | |
► lidar | |
lidar_lite.c | Driver for the Lidar-Lite i2c lidar version 1 (silver label) |
lidar_lite.h | Driver for the Lidar-Lite i2c lidar |
lidar_sf11.c | |
lidar_sf11.h | Driver for the Parallax SF11-A/B/C Laser Rangefinder connected over i2c bus |
tfmini.c | Driver for the TFMini lidar |
tfmini.h | Driver for the TFMini lidar |
tfmini_i2c.c | |
tfmini_i2c.h | Driver for the TFMini ranging device when used via I2C bus |
► light | |
led_safety_status.c | |
led_safety_status.h | |
light.c | |
light.h | |
light_scheduler.c | Basic LED scheduler based on WS2812 RGB led driver |
light_scheduler.h | Basic LED scheduler based on WS2812 RGB led driver |
► loggers | |
► sdlog_chibios | |
msg_queue.c | |
msg_queue.h | |
printf.c | |
printf.h | Mini printf-like functionality |
sdLog.c | |
sdLog.h | |
usb_msd.c | |
usb_msd.h | |
usbStorage.c | |
usbStorage.h | |
direct_memory_logger.c | Write logs directly to flash memory chips |
direct_memory_logger.h | Write logs directly to flash memory chips |
file_logger.c | File logger for Linux based autopilots |
file_logger.h | File logger for Linux based autopilots |
flight_recorder.c | |
flight_recorder.h | |
high_speed_logger_direct_memory.c | |
high_speed_logger_direct_memory.h | |
high_speed_logger_spi_link.c | |
high_speed_logger_spi_link.h | |
logger_control_effectiveness.c | Log data required to compute control effectiveness |
logger_control_effectiveness.h | Log data required to compute control effectiveness |
logger_uart.c | |
logger_uart.h | |
logger_uart_parse.py | |
openlog.c | |
openlog.h | |
pprzlog_tp.c | Initialize pprzlog transport |
pprzlog_tp.h | Initialize pprzlog transport |
sdlog_chibios.c | |
sdlog_chibios.h | |
sdlogger_spi_direct.c | |
sdlogger_spi_direct.h | |
► mav_course_exercise | |
mav_exercise.c | |
mav_exercise.h | |
► meteo | |
► lib_ukf_wind_estimator | |
rtwtypes.h | |
UKF_Wind_Estimator.c | |
UKF_Wind_Estimator.h | |
charge_sens.c | I2C interface for University of Reading charge sensor |
charge_sens.h | |
dust_gp2y.c | Sharp GP2Y1010AU dust sensor interface |
dust_gp2y.h | |
geiger_counter.c | I2C interface for University of Reading Geiger counter |
geiger_counter.h | |
humid_dpicco.c | DigiPicco I2C sensor interface |
humid_dpicco.h | DigiPicco I2C sensor interface |
humid_hih.c | Honeywell HIH-4030 sensor interface |
humid_hih.h | |
humid_htm_b71.c | TronSens HTM-B71 humidity/temperature sensor i2c interface |
humid_htm_b71.h | |
humid_pcap01.c | ACAM Picocap Single-chip Solution for Capacitance Measurement |
humid_pcap01.h | ACAM Picocap Single-chip Solution for Capacitance Measurement |
humid_sht.c | |
humid_sht.h | |
humid_sht_i2c.c | Sensirion SHT25 humidity/temperature sensor interface |
humid_sht_i2c.h | |
humid_sht_uart.c | |
humid_sht_uart.h | |
ir_mlx.c | Melexis MLX90614 I2C |
ir_mlx.h | |
light_solar.c | University of Reading solar radiation sensor interface |
light_solar.h | |
light_temt.c | Vishay TEMT6000 ambient light sensor interface |
light_temt.h | |
meteo_france_DAQ.c | |
meteo_france_DAQ.h | |
meteo_stick.c | |
meteo_stick.h | |
meteo_stick_calib.c | |
meteo_stick_calib.h | |
mf_ptu.c | |
mf_ptu.h | |
temp_lm75.c | National LM75 I2C sensor interface |
temp_lm75.h | |
temp_tcouple_adc.c | Universitaet Tuebingen thermocouple interface |
temp_tcouple_adc.h | |
temp_temod.c | Hygrosens TEMOD-I2C-Rx temperature sensor interface for PT1000 e.g. Heraeus PT 1000 M 222 KL. B |
temp_temod.h | |
temp_tmp102.c | TI TMP102 I2C sensor interface |
temp_tmp102.h | |
wind_estimator.c | |
wind_estimator.h | |
wind_gfi.c | GFI wind speed/direction sensor interface |
wind_gfi.h | |
windturbine.c | |
windturbine.h | |
► mission | |
copilot.h | |
copilot_common.c | |
copilot_fixedwing.c | |
copilot_rotorcraft.c | |
mission_common.c | Messages parser for mission interface |
mission_common.h | Mission planner library |
mission_fw_nav.c | Mission navigation for fixedwing aircraft |
mission_rotorcraft_nav.c | Mission navigation for rotorcrafts |
► multi | |
► ctc | |
ctc.c | |
ctc.h | |
ctc_target.c | |
ctc_target.h | |
► dcf | |
dcf.c | |
dcf.h | |
► fc_rotor | |
fc_rotor.c | |
fc_rotor.h | |
drop_zone.c | Drop zone |
drop_zone.h | Drop zone |
follow.c | Follow a certain AC ID. Only for rotorcraft firmware |
follow.h | Follow a certain AC id |
formation.c | Library for formation flight |
formation.h | Formation flight library |
potential.c | |
potential.h | Flying with potential field to avoid collision |
rssi.c | |
rssi.h | |
tcas.c | Collision avoidance library |
tcas.h | Collision avoidance library |
traffic_info.c | |
traffic_info.h | |
► nav | |
nav_airspeed.c | |
nav_airspeed.h | |
nav_bungee_takeoff.c | |
nav_bungee_takeoff.h | |
nav_catapult.c | |
nav_catapult.h | Catapult launch timing system |
nav_cube.c | |
nav_cube.h | |
nav_drop.c | |
nav_drop.h | |
nav_fish.c | |
nav_fish.h | |
nav_flower.c | |
nav_flower.h | |
nav_geofence.h | |
nav_gls.c | Gps landing system |
nav_gls.h | Gps landing system |
nav_heli_spinup.c | |
nav_heli_spinup.h | |
nav_launcher.c | Pneumatic launcher system See video of the system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc1uwH-8Dbw Launcher. A pneumatic launching system |
nav_launcher.h | Pneumatic launcher system See video of the system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc1uwH-8Dbw Launcher. A pneumatic launching system |
nav_line.c | |
nav_line.h | |
nav_line_border.c | Navigate along a border line (line 1-2) with turns in the same direction |
nav_line_border.h | Navigate along a border line (line 1-2) with turns in the same direction |
nav_line_osam.c | |
nav_line_osam.h | |
nav_poles.c | |
nav_poles.h | |
nav_rover_base.c | |
nav_rover_base.h | |
nav_skid_landing.c | Landing on skidpads See video of the landing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYrB7s3oeX4 Standard landing procedure: 1) circle down passing AF waypoint (from left or right) 2) once low enough follow line to TD waypoint 3) once low enough flare |
nav_skid_landing.h | Landing on skidpads See video of the landing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYrB7s3oeX4 Standard landing procedure: 1) circle down passing AF waypoint (from left or right) 2) once low enough follow line to TD waypoint 3) once low enough flare |
nav_smooth.c | |
nav_smooth.h | |
nav_spiral.c | |
nav_spiral.h | |
nav_survey_disc.c | |
nav_survey_disc.h | |
nav_survey_poly_osam.c | |
nav_survey_poly_osam.h | |
nav_survey_poly_rotorcraft.c | |
nav_survey_poly_rotorcraft.h | |
nav_survey_polygon.c | |
nav_survey_polygon.h | |
nav_survey_rectangle_rotorcraft.c | |
nav_survey_rectangle_rotorcraft.h | |
nav_survey_zamboni.c | |
nav_survey_zamboni.h | |
nav_vertical_raster.c | |
nav_vertical_raster.h | |
takeoff_detect.c | |
takeoff_detect.h | |
► obstacle_avoidance | |
guidance_OA.c | Guidance for the obstacle avoidance methods |
guidance_OA.h | Guidance for the obstacle avoidance methods |
obstacle_avoidance.c | Obstacle avoidance methods |
obstacle_avoidance.h | Obstacle avoidance methods |
► optical_flow | |
mateksys_3901_l0x.c | |
mateksys_3901_l0x.h | Driver for the mateksys_3901_l0x sensor via MSP protocol output |
px4flow.c | Driver for the optical flow sensor PX4FLOW |
px4flow.h | Driver for the optical flow sensor PX4FLOW |
px4flow_i2c.c | |
px4flow_i2c.h | |
► orange_avoider | |
orange_avoider.c | |
orange_avoider.h | |
orange_avoider_guided.c | |
orange_avoider_guided.h | |
► pano_unwrap | |
pano_unwrap.c | |
pano_unwrap.h | |
► pca9685 | |
pca9685_i2c.c | |
pca9685_i2c.h | |
► pose_history | |
pose_history.c | |
pose_history.h | |
► px4_flash | |
protocol.h | |
px4_flash.c | |
px4_flash.h | |
► px4_gimbal | |
px4_gimbal.c | |
px4_gimbal.h | |
► range_finder | |
cf_deck_multi_ranger.c | |
cf_deck_multi_ranger.h | |
laser_range_array.c | |
laser_range_array.h | |
teraranger_one.c | |
teraranger_one.h | |
► range_forcefield | |
range_forcefield.c | |
range_forcefield.h | |
► relative_localization_filter | |
discrete_ekf.c | |
discrete_ekf.h | |
discrete_ekf_no_north.c | |
discrete_ekf_no_north.h | |
relative_localization_filter.c | |
relative_localization_filter.h | |
► rust | |
► demo_module | |
rust_demo_module.h | |
► sensors | |
► cameras | |
jevois.c | |
jevois.h | |
jevois_mavlink.c | |
jevois_mavlink.h | |
airspeed_adc.c | |
airspeed_adc.h | |
airspeed_ads1114.c | |
airspeed_ads1114.h | |
airspeed_amsys.c | |
airspeed_amsys.h | |
airspeed_ets.c | |
airspeed_ets.h | |
airspeed_ms45xx_i2c.c | |
airspeed_ms45xx_i2c.h | |
airspeed_otf.c | |
airspeed_otf.h | |
airspeed_sdp3x.c | |
airspeed_sdp3x.h | |
airspeed_uADC.c | |
airspeed_uADC.h | |
alt_srf08.c | Basic library for SRF08 telemeter |
alt_srf08.h | Basic library for SRF08 telemeter |
aoa_adc.c | Angle of Attack sensor on ADC Autor: Bruzzlee |
aoa_adc.h | |
aoa_pwm.c | Angle of Attack sensor on PWM |
aoa_pwm.h | Angle of Attack sensor on PWM |
baro_amsys.c | |
baro_amsys.h | |
baro_bmp.c | |
baro_bmp.h | |
baro_bmp280_i2c.c | |
baro_bmp280_i2c.h | |
baro_bmp3.c | |
baro_bmp3.h | |
baro_ets.c | |
baro_ets.h | |
baro_hca.c | |
baro_hca.h | |
baro_mpl3115.c | |
baro_mpl3115.h | |
baro_MS5534A.c | Handling of the MS5534a pressure sensor |
baro_MS5534A.h | Handling of the MS5534a pressure sensor |
baro_ms5611_i2c.c | |
baro_ms5611_i2c.h | |
baro_ms5611_spi.c | |
baro_ms5611_spi.h | |
baro_scp.c | |
baro_scp.h | |
baro_scp_i2c.c | VTI SCP1000 I2C sensor interface |
baro_scp_i2c.h | |
baro_sim.c | |
baro_sim.h | |
bat_voltage_ardrone2.c | |
bat_voltage_ardrone2.h | |
ezcurrent.c | Copyright (C) 2012 Gerard Toonstra |
ezcurrent.h | |
imu_mpu9250.c | |
imu_mpu9250.h | |
infrared_adc.h | |
infrared_i2c.h | |
mag_hmc5843.c | |
mag_hmc5843.h | |
mag_hmc58xx.c | |
mag_hmc58xx.h | |
mag_ist8310.c | |
mag_ist8310.h | |
mag_lis3mdl.c | |
mag_lis3mdl.h | |
mag_micromag_fw.c | |
mag_micromag_fw.h | |
mag_pitot_uart.c | |
mag_pitot_uart.h | |
met_module.h | Device independent serial meteo code |
opticflow_pmw3901.c | |
opticflow_pmw3901.h | |
rpm_sensor.c | |
rpm_sensor.h | |
temp_adc.c | |
temp_adc.h | |
trigger_ext.c | |
trigger_ext.h | |
► servo_tester | |
servo_tester.c | |
servo_tester.h | |
► settings | |
rc_settings.c | |
rc_settings.h | |
► sonar | |
agl_dist.c | |
agl_dist.h | |
sonar_adc.c | |
sonar_adc.h | Simple driver to deal with one sonar sensor on ADC |
sonar_bebop.c | Parrot Bebop Sonar driver |
sonar_bebop.h | Parrot Bebop Sonar driver |
sonar_pwm.c | |
sonar_pwm.h | |
sonar_vl53l1x.c | |
sonar_vl53l1x.h | |
► spektrum_soft_bind | |
spektrum_soft_bind.c | |
spektrum_soft_bind.h | |
spektrum_soft_bind_ap.c | |
spektrum_soft_bind_ap.h | |
spektrum_soft_bind_fbw.c | |
spektrum_soft_bind_fbw.h | |
► stereocam | |
► droplet | |
stereocam_droplet.c | |
stereocam_droplet.h | |
► nav_line_avoid | |
avoid_navigation.c | |
avoid_navigation.h | |
stereo_avoid.c | |
stereo_avoid.h | |
stereo_avoid_sim.c | |
► stereocam_follow_me | |
follow_me.c | |
follow_me.h | |
stereocam.c | Interface to TU Delft serial stereocam Include stereocam.xml to your airframe file. Parameters STEREO_PORT, STEREO_BAUD, SEND_STEREO should be configured with stereocam.xml |
stereocam.h | Interface to the TU Delft serial stereocam |
► switching | |
auto1_commands.c | |
auto1_commands.h | |
switch_servo.c | |
switch_servo.h | |
switch_uart.c | |
switch_uart.h | |
► system_identification | |
pprz_chirp.c | |
pprz_chirp.h | |
sys_id_chirp.c | |
sys_id_chirp.h | |
► telemetry | |
telemetry_intermcu.h | Telemetry through InterMCU |
telemetry_intermcu_ap.c | Telemetry through InterMCU |
telemetry_intermcu_ap.h | Telemetry through InterMCU |
telemetry_intermcu_fbw.c | Telemetry through InterMCU |
► time | |
time_countdown.c | |
time_countdown.h | |
► tlsf | |
tlsf_malloc.h | |
► uav_recovery | |
uav_recovery.c | |
uav_recovery.h | |
► vehicle_interface | |
vi.c | |
vi.h | |
vi_datalink.c | |
vi_datalink.h | |
vi_test_signal.c | |
vi_test_signal.h | |
► wedgebug | |
wedgebug.c | |
wedgebug.h | |
wedgebug_opencv.cpp | |
wedgebug_opencv.h | |
► peripherals | |
ads1114.c | |
ads1114.h | |
ads1220.c | |
ads1220.h | |
adxl345.h | |
adxl345_i2c.c | |
adxl345_i2c.h | |
adxl345_regs.h | |
adxl345_spi.c | |
adxl345_spi.h | |
ak8963.c | |
ak8963.h | |
ak8963_regs.h | |
ak8975.c | |
ak8975.h | |
ami601.c | |
ami601.h | |
bmi088.c | |
bmi088.h | |
bmi088_i2c.c | |
bmi088_i2c.h | |
bmi088_regs.h | |
bmp085.c | |
bmp085.h | |
bmp085_regs.h | |
bmp280_i2c.c | Sensor driver for BMP280 sensor via I2C |
bmp280_i2c.h | Sensor driver for BMP280 sensor via I2C |
bmp280_regs.h | |
bmp3_i2c.c | Sensor driver for BMP3 sensor via I2C |
bmp3_i2c.h | Sensor driver for BMP3 sensor via I2C |
bmp3_regs.h | Sensor driver for BMP280 sensor register definition |
cc2500.c | |
cc2500.h | |
cyrf6936.c | |
cyrf6936.h | |
cyrf6936_regs.h | |
eeprom25AA256.c | |
eeprom25AA256.h | |
hmc5843.c | |
hmc5843.h | |
hmc58xx.c | |
hmc58xx.h | |
hmc58xx_regs.h | |
ist8310.c | |
ist8310.h | |
ist8310_regs.h | |
itg3200.c | |
itg3200.h | |
itg3200_regs.h | |
l3g4200.c | |
l3g4200.h | |
l3g4200_regs.h | |
l3gd20.h | |
l3gd20_regs.h | |
l3gd20_spi.c | |
l3gd20_spi.h | |
lis302dl.h | |
lis302dl_regs.h | |
lis302dl_spi.c | |
lis302dl_spi.h | |
lis3mdl.c | |
lis3mdl.h | |
lps25h.h | |
lps25h_i2c.c | |
lps25h_i2c.h | |
lps25h_regs.h | |
lsm303d.h | |
lsm303d_regs.h | |
lsm303d_spi.c | |
lsm303d_spi.h | |
lsm303dlhc.h | |
lsm303dlhc_i2c.c | |
lsm303dlhc_i2c.h | |
lsm303dlhc_regs.h | |
lsm6ds33.h | |
lsm6ds33_i2c.c | |
lsm6ds33_i2c.h | |
lsm6ds33_regs.h | |
max1168.c | |
max1168.h | |
mcp355x.c | Driver for MCP3550/1/3 |
mcp355x.h | |
mpl3115.c | |
mpl3115.h | |
mpu60x0.c | |
mpu60x0.h | |
mpu60x0_i2c.c | |
mpu60x0_i2c.h | |
mpu60x0_regs.h | |
mpu60x0_spi.c | |
mpu60x0_spi.h | |
mpu9250.c | |
mpu9250.h | |
mpu9250_i2c.c | |
mpu9250_i2c.h | |
mpu9250_regs.h | |
mpu9250_spi.c | |
mpu9250_spi.h | |
ms2100.c | |
ms2100.h | |
ms5611.c | |
ms5611.h | |
ms5611_i2c.c | |
ms5611_i2c.h | |
ms5611_regs.h | |
ms5611_spi.c | |
ms5611_spi.h | |
pca95xx.c | |
pca95xx.h | |
pmw3901.c | |
pmw3901.h | |
sc18i600.c | |
sc18i600.h | |
sdcard_spi.c | This is an interface for reading and writing blocks of data to and from an SD card directly over SPI. The pinout of the SD card is given here [1]. Connect the card according to the following table: |
sdcard_spi.h | Interface for reading and writing blocks of data to and from an SD card directly over SPI |
sst25vfxxxx.c | |
sst25vfxxxx.h | |
video_device.h | |
vl53l1_platform.c | |
vl53l1_platform.h | Those platform functions are platform dependent and have to be implemented by the user |
vl53l1_types.h | VL53L1 types definition |
vl53l1x_api.c | Functions implementation |
vl53l1x_api.h | Functions definition |
vl53l1x_nonblocking.c | Non-blocking runtime functions for the VL53L1X |
vl53l1x_nonblocking.h | Non-blocking runtime functions for the VL53L1X |
vn200_serial.c | |
vn200_serial.h | |
► subsystems | |
► actuators | |
actuators_4015.h | |
actuators_4017.h | |
actuators_asctec.c | |
actuators_asctec.h | |
actuators_asctec_v2.c | |
actuators_asctec_v2.h | |
actuators_asctec_v2_new.c | |
actuators_asctec_v2_new.h | |
actuators_default.h | |
actuators_dshot.h | |
actuators_dualpwm.h | |
actuators_dummy.h | |
actuators_esc32.c | |
actuators_esc32.h | |
actuators_md25.h | |
actuators_mkk.c | |
actuators_mkk.h | |
actuators_mkk_v2.c | |
actuators_mkk_v2.h | |
actuators_ostrich.h | |
actuators_ppm.h | |
actuators_pwm.h | |
actuators_sbus.c | |
actuators_sbus.h | |
actuators_skiron.c | |
actuators_skiron.h | |
actuators_spektrum.c | |
actuators_spektrum.h | |
motor_mixing.c | |
motor_mixing.h | |
motor_mixing_types.h | |
► ahrs | |
ahrs_aligner.c | |
ahrs_aligner.h | |
ahrs_float_cmpl.c | |
ahrs_float_cmpl.h | |
ahrs_float_cmpl_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_float_cmpl_wrapper.h | |
ahrs_float_dcm.c | |
ahrs_float_dcm.h | |
ahrs_float_dcm_algebra.h | |
ahrs_float_dcm_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_float_dcm_wrapper.h | |
ahrs_float_invariant.c | |
ahrs_float_invariant.h | |
ahrs_float_invariant_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_float_invariant_wrapper.h | |
ahrs_float_mlkf.c | |
ahrs_float_mlkf.h | |
ahrs_float_mlkf_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_float_mlkf_wrapper.h | |
ahrs_float_utils.h | |
ahrs_gx3.c | |
ahrs_gx3.h | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_euler.c | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_euler.h | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_euler_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_euler_wrapper.h | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_quat.c | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_quat.h | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_quat_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_int_cmpl_quat_wrapper.h | |
ahrs_int_utils.h | |
ahrs_magnetic_field_model.h | |
ahrs_sim.c | |
ahrs_sim.h | |
ahrs_vectornav.c | |
ahrs_vectornav.h | |
ahrs_vectornav_wrapper.c | |
ahrs_vectornav_wrapper.h | |
► datalink | |
bluegiga.c | |
bluegiga.h | |
datalink.c | |
datalink.h | Handling of messages coming from ground and other A/Cs |
downlink.c | Common code for AP and FBW telemetry |
downlink.h | Common code for AP and FBW telemetry |
frsky_x.c | |
frsky_x.h | |
superbitrf.c | |
superbitrf.h | |
telemetry.c | |
telemetry.h | |
telemetry_common.h | |
uart_print.h | |
w5100.c | |
w5100.h | |
► gps | |
► librtcm3 | |
common.h | |
CRC24Q.h | |
rtcm3.h | |
gps_datalink.c | GPS system based on datalink |
gps_datalink.h | GPS system based on datalink |
gps_furuno.c | |
gps_mtk.c | Mediatek MT3329 specific code |
gps_mtk.h | Mediatek MT3329 specific code |
gps_nmea.c | |
gps_nmea.h | |
gps_piksi.c | |
gps_piksi.h | |
gps_sim.c | |
gps_sim.h | |
gps_sim_hitl.c | |
gps_sim_hitl.h | |
gps_sim_nps.c | |
gps_sim_nps.h | |
gps_sirf.c | |
gps_sirf.h | Sirf protocol specific code |
gps_skytraq.c | |
gps_skytraq.h | |
gps_ubx.c | |
gps_ubx.h | UBX protocol specific code |
gps_udp.c | |
gps_udp.h | |
► imu | |
imu_analog.c | |
imu_analog.h | |
imu_ardrone2.c | |
imu_ardrone2.h | |
imu_aspirin.c | |
imu_aspirin.h | |
imu_aspirin_2_spi.c | |
imu_aspirin_2_spi.h | |
imu_aspirin_defaults.h | |
imu_aspirin_i2c.c | |
imu_aspirin_i2c.h | |
imu_b2.c | |
imu_b2.h | |
imu_bebop.c | |
imu_bebop.h | |
imu_disco.c | |
imu_disco.h | |
imu_drotek_10dof_v2.c | |
imu_drotek_10dof_v2.h | |
imu_gl1.c | |
imu_gl1.h | |
imu_gl1_defaults.h | |
imu_mpu6000.c | |
imu_mpu6000.h | |
imu_mpu6000_hmc5883.c | |
imu_mpu6000_hmc5883.h | |
imu_mpu60x0_i2c.c | |
imu_mpu60x0_i2c.h | |
imu_mpu9250_i2c.c | |
imu_mpu9250_i2c.h | |
imu_mpu9250_spi.c | |
imu_mpu9250_spi.h | |
imu_navstik.c | |
imu_navstik.h | |
imu_nps.c | |
imu_nps.h | |
imu_ppzuav.c | |
imu_ppzuav.h | |
imu_px4_defaults.h | |
imu_px4fmu.c | |
imu_px4fmu.h | |
imu_px4fmu_v2.4.c | |
imu_px4fmu_v2.4.h | |
imu_swing.c | |
imu_swing.h | |
imu_um6.c | |
imu_um6.h | |
► ins | |
hf_float.c | |
hf_float.h | |
ins_alt_float.c | |
ins_alt_float.h | |
ins_ekf2.cpp | |
ins_ekf2.h | |
ins_float_invariant.c | |
ins_float_invariant.h | |
ins_float_invariant_wrapper.c | |
ins_float_invariant_wrapper.h | |
ins_gps_passthrough.c | |
ins_gps_passthrough.h | |
ins_gps_passthrough_utm.c | |
ins_int.c | |
ins_int.h | |
ins_vectornav.c | |
ins_vectornav.h | |
ins_vectornav_wrapper.c | |
ins_vectornav_wrapper.h | |
vf_extended_float.c | |
vf_extended_float.h | |
vf_float.c | |
vf_float.h | |
► intermcu | |
intermcu_ap.c | Rotorcraft Inter-MCU on the autopilot |
intermcu_ap.h | Rotorcraft Inter-MCU on the autopilot |
intermcu_fbw.c | Rotorcraft Inter-MCU on FlyByWire |
intermcu_fbw.h | Rotorcraft Inter-MCU on FlyByWire |
► navigation | |
common_flight_plan.c | |
common_flight_plan.h | |
common_nav.c | |
common_nav.h | |
nav_survey_rectangle.c | |
nav_survey_rectangle.h | |
waypoints.c | |
waypoints.h | |
► radio_control | |
► cc2500_frsky | |
cc2500_common.c | |
cc2500_common.h | |
cc2500_compat.c | |
cc2500_compat.h | |
cc2500_frsky_common.h | |
cc2500_frsky_d.h | |
cc2500_frsky_shared.c | |
cc2500_frsky_shared.h | |
cc2500_frsky_x.c | |
cc2500_frsky_x.h | |
cc2500_paparazzi.c | |
cc2500_paparazzi.h | |
cc2500_rx.c | |
cc2500_rx.h | |
cc2500_rx_spi.c | |
cc2500_rx_spi.h | |
cc2500_rx_spi_common.c | |
cc2500_rx_spi_common.h | |
cc2500_settings.c | |
cc2500_settings.h | |
cc2500_smartport.c | |
cc2500_smartport.h | |
dummy.c | |
dummy.h | |
hott.c | |
hott.h | |
hott_common.c | |
hott_common.h | |
ppm.c | |
ppm.h | |
rc_datalink.c | |
rc_datalink.h | |
sbus.c | |
sbus.h | |
sbus_common.c | |
sbus_common.h | |
sbus_dual.c | |
sbus_dual.h | |
spektrum.c | |
spektrum.h | |
spektrum_radio.h | |
superbitrf_rc.c | |
superbitrf_rc.h | |
► sensors | |
baro.h | |
infrared.c | Common infrared |
infrared.h | |
infrared_adc.c | Regroup all functions link to ADC ir |
infrared_adc.h | |
infrared_i2c.c | |
infrared_i2c.h | |
abi.h | |
abi_common.h | |
abi_sender_ids.h | |
actuators.c | |
actuators.h | |
ahrs.c | |
ahrs.h | |
commands.c | Hardware independent data structures for commands handling |
commands.h | Hardware independent code for commands handling |
electrical.c | |
electrical.h | |
gps.c | Device independent GPS code. This provides some general GPS functions and handles the selection of the currently active GPS (if multiple ones are used) |
gps.h | Device independent GPS code (interface) |
imu.c | |
imu.h | |
ins.c | |
ins.h | |
intermcu.h | Rotorcraft Inter-MCU interface |
radio_control.c | |
radio_control.h | |
settings.c | |
settings.h | |
autopilot.c | |
autopilot.h | |
c++.cpp | |
inter_mcu.c | |
inter_mcu.h | |
led.h | Arch independent LED (Light Emitting Diodes) API |
link_mcu.h | |
link_mcu_can.c | |
link_mcu_can.h | |
link_mcu_spi.c | |
link_mcu_spi.h | |
link_mcu_usart.c | |
link_mcu_usart.h | |
mcu.c | Arch independent mcu ( Micro Controller Unit ) utilities |
mcu.h | Arch independent mcu ( Micro Controller Unit ) utilities |
paparazzi.h | |
pprz_debug.c | |
pprz_debug.h | |
pprz_mutex.h | |
pprz_syscalls.c | |
state.c | |
state.h | |
▼ simulator | |
► mesonh | |
__init__.py | |
mesonh.py | |
mesonh_atmosphere.py | |
► nps | |
nps_atmosphere.c | |
nps_atmosphere.h | |
nps_autopilot.h | |
nps_autopilot_fixedwing.c | |
nps_autopilot_rotorcraft.c | |
nps_electrical.c | |
nps_electrical.h | |
nps_fdm.h | |
nps_fdm_crrcsim.c | |
nps_fdm_gazebo.cpp | |
nps_fdm_jsbsim.cpp | |
nps_flightgear.c | |
nps_flightgear.h | |
nps_ins.h | |
nps_ins_vectornav.c | |
nps_ivy.c | |
nps_ivy.h | |
nps_main.h | |
nps_main_common.c | |
nps_main_hitl.c | |
nps_main_sitl.c | |
nps_radio_control.c | |
nps_radio_control.h | |
nps_radio_control_joystick.c | |
nps_radio_control_joystick.h | |
nps_radio_control_spektrum.c | |
nps_radio_control_spektrum.h | |
nps_random.c | |
nps_random.h | |
nps_sensor_accel.c | |
nps_sensor_accel.h | |
nps_sensor_airspeed.c | |
nps_sensor_airspeed.h | |
nps_sensor_aoa.c | |
nps_sensor_aoa.h | |
nps_sensor_baro.c | |
nps_sensor_baro.h | |
nps_sensor_gps.c | |
nps_sensor_gps.h | |
nps_sensor_gyro.c | |
nps_sensor_gyro.h | |
nps_sensor_mag.c | |
nps_sensor_mag.h | |
nps_sensor_sideslip.c | |
nps_sensor_sideslip.h | |
nps_sensor_sonar.c | |
nps_sensor_sonar.h | |
nps_sensor_temperature.c | |
nps_sensor_temperature.h | |
nps_sensors.c | |
nps_sensors.h | |
nps_sensors_utils.c | |
nps_sensors_utils.h | |
► scilab | |
► q3d | |
► fonts | |
ttx2scilab.c | |
► povray | |
q3d.inc | |
► q6d | |
► povray | |
q6d.inc | |
fg.c | |
flight_gear.h | |