Paparazzi UAS
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
Go to the documentation of this file.
97 const int disp_n,
const int block_size);
int16_t max_heading_confidence
This is the max confidence that a specific position was reached.
uint32_t buf_size
Size of values of weight buffer and values buffer.
void * buf_weights
Kernel weight buffer.
uint16_t K_median_h
Width of kernel for the median kernel.
int SE_erosion_OCV
SE size for the second dilation operation (see state 3 "WEDGEBUG_START" and state 6 "POSITION_EDGE" )
void wedgebug_periodic(void)
int heat_map_type
Variable to hold distance from robot to edge to goal (used in EDGE_SCAN (9) state)
void * buf_values
Kernel value buffer. These are the values underneath the kernel.
int SE_dilation_OCV_2
SE size for the first dilation operation.
int16_t max_no_edge_found_confidence
This is the max confidence that edges (macro-see above were found.
int min_disparity
Block size used for the block matching (SBM) function.
uint16_t threshold_depth_of_edges
Below this median depth (cm), an obstacle is considered to block the way (i.e. the blocking obstacle ...
int threshold_edge_magnitude
Below this depth (cm) edges are eligible for the WedgeBug algorith.
int16_t max_edge_found_macro_confidence
This is the max confidence that edges (micro-see above) were found.
float threshold_distance_to_angle
Below this distance (in meters) it is considered that the robot has reached the goal.
uint8_t getMedian(uint8_t *a, uint32_t n)
int16_t max_free_path_confidence
This is the max confidence that an obstacle was spotted.
uint16_t K_median_w
SE size for the Sobel operation, to detect edges.
void kernel_create(struct kernel_C1 *kernel, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, enum image_type type)
void post_disparity_crop_rect(struct crop_t *_img_cropped_info, struct img_size_t *_original_img_dims, const int disp_n, const int block_size)
int16_t max_position_confidence
This is the max confidence that an obstacle was not spotted.
int SE_dilation_OCV_1
SE size for the closing operation.
int16_t max_edge_found_micro_confidence
This is the max confidence that a specific heading was reached.
void kernel_free(struct kernel_C1 *kernel)
timer subsystem type(config options) --------------------------------------------(advanced timers using RCC_APB1) TIM1 adc(if USE_AD_TIM1) radio_control/ppm(if USE_PPM_TIM1
int16_t max_obstacle_confidence
This is the confidence that no edge was found.
int block_size_disparities
Number of disparity levels (0-this number)
int SE_closing_OCV
SE size for the opening operation.
float threshold_distance_to_goal
Above this disparity edges are eligible for WedgeBug algorithm (i.e. edges cannot be very far away)
uint16_t threshold_median_depth
Below this distance (in meters) it is considered that the robot has reached the goal,...
uint8_t save_images_flag
Set to 1 if control mode of drone is changed, 0 otherwise.
int N_disparities
Variable that saves previous mode to control the drone, for some memory.
void set_state(uint8_t _state, uint8_t change_allowed)