Paparazzi UAS
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
enum TFMiniI2CStatus status
void tfmini_i2c_event(void)
Ranger event function Basically just check the progress of the transation to prevent overruns during ...
bool update_agl
Do or don't update AGL ABI message.
uint16_t raw_dist
raw non scaled value from sensor
void tfmini_i2c_init(void)
Set the default values at initialization.
uint16_t strength
strength of reflect signal, not implemented ATM
struct TFMiniI2C tfmini_i2c
struct i2c_transaction trans
I2C transaction structure.
void tfmini_i2c_downlink(void)
void tfmini_i2c_periodic(void)
Get the ranger current distance value.
float offset
offset to what one considers a zero distance to sensor in [m]
float dist
Sacled distance measured in [m].