Paparazzi UAS
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
VIC slots used for the LPC2148 define name e g gps UART1_VIC_SLOT e g modem SPI1_VIC_SLOT SPI1 in mcu_periph spi_arch c or spi_slave_hs_arch c(and some others not using the SPI peripheral yet..) I2C0_VIC_SLOT 8 mcu_periph/i2c_arch.c I2C1_VIC_SLOT 9 mcu_periph/i2c_arch.c USB_VIC_SLOT 10 usb
bool smartPortCheckQueueEmptyFn(void)
smartPortPayload_t * smartPortDataReceive(uint16_t c, bool *clearToSend, smartPortCheckQueueEmptyFn *checkQueueEmpty, bool withChecksum)
bool smartPortDownlinkFn(uint32_t *data)
void processSmartPortTelemetry(smartPortPayload_t *payload, volatile bool *hasRequest, const uint32_t *requestTimeout)
smartPortDownlinkFn * smartPortDownlink
smartPortUplinkFn * smartPortUplink
struct smartPortPayload_s smartPortPayload_t
void smartPortWriteFrameFn(const smartPortPayload_t *payload)
void smartPortUplinkFn(struct smartPortPayload_s *payload)
bool initSmartPortTelemetryExternal(smartPortWriteFrameFn *smartPortWriteFrameExternal)