Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 Hann Woei Ho
3  * Guido de Croon
4  *
5  *
6  * This file is part of Paparazzi.
7  *
8  * Paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
11  * any later version.
12  *
13  * Paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with Paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
20  * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
21  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22  */
24 /*
25  * @file modules/computer_vision/opticflow/linear_flow_fit.c
26  * @brief Takes a set of optical flow vectors and extracts information such as relative velocities and surface roughness.
27  *
28  * A horizontal and vertical linear fit is made with the optical flow vectors, and from the fit parameters information is extracted such as relative velocities (useful for time-to-contact determination), slope angle, and surface roughness.
29  *
30  * Code based on the article:
31  * "Optic-flow based slope estimation for autonomous landing",
32  * de Croon, G.C.H.E., and Ho, H.W., and De Wagter, C., and van Kampen, E., and Remes B., and Chu, Q.P.,
33  * in the International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Volume 5, Number 4, pages 287 – 297, (2013)
34  */
36 #include <stdlib.h>
37 #include <stdio.h>
38 #include <math.h>
39 #include <string.h>
40 //#include "defs_and_types.h"
41 #include "linear_flow_fit.h"
45 #include "math/RANSAC.h"
46 #include "std.h"
48 // Is this still necessary?
49 #define MAX_COUNT_PT 50
51 #define MIN_SAMPLES_FIT 3
53 #define N_PAR_TR_FIT 6
67 bool analyze_linear_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors, int count, float error_threshold, int n_iterations,
68  int n_samples, int im_width, int im_height, struct linear_flow_fit_info *info)
69 {
70  // Are there enough flow vectors to perform a fit?
71  if (count < MIN_SAMPLES_FIT) {
72  // return that no fit was made:
73  return false;
74  }
76  // fit linear flow field:
77  float parameters_u[3], parameters_v[3], min_error_u, min_error_v;
78  fit_linear_flow_field(vectors, count, n_iterations, error_threshold, n_samples, parameters_u, parameters_v,
79  &info->fit_error, &min_error_u, &min_error_v, &info->n_inliers_u, &info->n_inliers_v);
81  // extract information from the parameters:
82  extract_information_from_parameters(parameters_u, parameters_v, im_width, im_height, info);
84  // surface roughness is equal to fit error:
85  info->surface_roughness = info->fit_error;
86  info->divergence = info->relative_velocity_z;
87  float diverg = (fabsf(info->divergence) < 1E-5) ? 1E-5 : info->divergence;
88  info->time_to_contact = 1.0f / diverg;
90  // return successful fit:
91  return true;
92 }
109 void fit_linear_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors, int count, float error_threshold, int n_iterations, int n_samples,
110  float *parameters_u, float *parameters_v, float *fit_error, float *min_error_u, float *min_error_v, int *n_inliers_u,
111  int *n_inliers_v)
112 {
114  // We will solve systems of the form A x = b,
115  // where A = [nx3] matrix with entries [x, y, 1] for each optic flow location
116  // and b = [nx1] vector with either the horizontal (bu) or vertical (bv) flow.
117  // x in the system are the parameters for the horizontal (pu) or vertical (pv) flow field.
119  // local vars for iterating, random numbers:
120  int sam, p, i_rand, si, add_si;
122  // ensure that n_samples is high enough to ensure a result for a single fit:
124  // n_samples should not be higher than count:
125  n_samples = (n_samples < count) ? n_samples : count;
127  // initialize matrices and vectors for the full point set problem:
128  // this is used for determining inliers
129  float _AA[count][3];
130  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(AA, _AA, count);
131  float _bu_all[count][1];
132  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bu_all, _bu_all, count);
133  float _bv_all[count][1];
134  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bv_all, _bv_all, count);
135  for (sam = 0; sam < count; sam++) {
136  AA[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sam].pos.x;
137  AA[sam][1] = (float) vectors[sam].pos.y;
138  AA[sam][2] = 1.0f;
139  bu_all[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sam].flow_x;
140  bv_all[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sam].flow_y;
141  }
143  // later used to determine the error of a set of parameters on the whole set:
144  float _bb[count][1];
145  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bb, _bb, count);
146  float _C[count][1];
147  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(C, _C, count);
149  // ***************
150  // perform RANSAC:
151  // ***************
153  // set up variables for small linear system solved repeatedly inside RANSAC:
154  float _A[n_samples][3];
156  float _bu[n_samples][1];
157  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bu, _bu, n_samples);
158  float _bv[n_samples][1];
159  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(bv, _bv, n_samples);
160  float w[n_samples], _v[3][3];
161  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(v, _v, 3);
162  float _pu[3][1];
163  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(pu, _pu, 3);
164  float _pv[3][1];
165  MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(pv, _pv, 3);
167  // iterate and store parameters, errors, inliers per fit:
168  float PU[n_iterations * 3];
169  float PV[n_iterations * 3];
170  float errors_pu[n_iterations];
171  errors_pu[0] = 0.0;
172  float errors_pv[n_iterations];
173  errors_pv[0] = 0.0;
174  int n_inliers_pu[n_iterations];
175  int n_inliers_pv[n_iterations];
176  int it, ii;
177  for (it = 0; it < n_iterations; it++) {
178  // select a random sample of n_sample points:
179  int sample_indices[n_samples];
180  i_rand = 0;
182  // sampling without replacement:
183  while (i_rand < n_samples) {
184  si = rand() % count;
185  add_si = 1;
186  for (ii = 0; ii < i_rand; ii++) {
187  if (sample_indices[ii] == si) { add_si = 0; }
188  }
189  if (add_si) {
190  sample_indices[i_rand] = si;
191  i_rand ++;
192  }
193  }
195  // Setup the system:
196  for (sam = 0; sam < n_samples; sam++) {
197  A[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].pos.x;
198  A[sam][1] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].pos.y;
199  A[sam][2] = 1.0f;
200  bu[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].flow_x;
201  bv[sam][0] = (float) vectors[sample_indices[sam]].flow_y;
202  //printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",A[sam][0],A[sam][1],A[sam][2],bu[sam][0],bv[sam][0]);
203  }
205  // Solve the small system:
207  // for horizontal flow:
208  // decompose A in u, w, v with singular value decomposition A = u * w * vT.
209  // u replaces A as output:
210  pprz_svd_float(A, w, v, n_samples, 3);
211  pprz_svd_solve_float(pu, A, w, v, bu, n_samples, 3, 1);
212  PU[it * 3] = pu[0][0];
213  PU[it * 3 + 1] = pu[1][0];
214  PU[it * 3 + 2] = pu[2][0];
216  // for vertical flow:
217  pprz_svd_solve_float(pv, A, w, v, bv, n_samples, 3, 1);
218  PV[it * 3] = pv[0][0];
219  PV[it * 3 + 1] = pv[1][0];
220  PV[it * 3 + 2] = pv[2][0];
222  // count inliers and determine their error on all points:
223  errors_pu[it] = 0;
224  errors_pv[it] = 0;
225  n_inliers_pu[it] = 0;
226  n_inliers_pv[it] = 0;
228  // for horizontal flow:
229  // bb = AA * pu:
230  MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pu);
231  // subtract bu_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
232  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bu_all);
234  for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
235  C[p][0] = fabsf(C[p][0]);
236  if (C[p][0] < error_threshold) {
237  errors_pu[it] += C[p][0];
238  n_inliers_pu[it]++;
239  } else {
240  errors_pu[it] += error_threshold;
241  }
242  }
244  // for vertical flow:
245  // bb = AA * pv:
246  MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pv);
247  // subtract bv_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
248  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bv_all);
250  for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
251  C[p][0] = fabsf(C[p][0]);
252  if (C[p][0] < error_threshold) {
253  errors_pv[it] += C[p][0];
254  n_inliers_pv[it]++;
255  } else {
256  errors_pv[it] += error_threshold;
257  }
258  }
259  }
261  // After all iterations:
262  // select the parameters with lowest error:
263  // for horizontal flow:
264  int param;
265  int min_ind = 0;
266  *min_error_u = (float)errors_pu[0];
267  for (it = 1; it < n_iterations; it++) {
268  if (errors_pu[it] < *min_error_u) {
269  *min_error_u = (float)errors_pu[it];
270  min_ind = it;
271  }
272  }
273  for (param = 0; param < 3; param++) {
274  parameters_u[param] = PU[min_ind * 3 + param];
275  }
276  *n_inliers_u = n_inliers_pu[min_ind];
278  // for vertical flow:
279  min_ind = 0;
280  *min_error_v = (float)errors_pv[0];
281  for (it = 0; it < n_iterations; it++) {
282  if (errors_pv[it] < *min_error_v) {
283  *min_error_v = (float)errors_pv[it];
284  min_ind = it;
285  }
286  }
287  for (param = 0; param < 3; param++) {
288  parameters_v[param] = PV[min_ind * 3 + param];
289  }
290  *n_inliers_v = n_inliers_pv[min_ind];
292  // error has to be determined on the entire set without threshold:
293  // bb = AA * pu:
294  MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pu);
295  // subtract bu_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
296  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bu_all);
297  *min_error_u = 0;
298  for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
299  *min_error_u += fabsf(C[p][0]);
300  }
301  // bb = AA * pv:
302  MAT_MUL(count, 3, 1, bb, AA, pv);
303  // subtract bv_all: C = 0 in case of perfect fit:
304  MAT_SUB(count, 1, C, bb, bv_all);
305  *min_error_v = 0;
306  for (p = 0; p < count; p++) {
307  *min_error_v += fabsf(C[p][0]);
308  }
309  *fit_error = (*min_error_u + *min_error_v) / (2 * count);
311 }
321 void extract_information_from_parameters(float *parameters_u, float *parameters_v, int im_width, int im_height,
322  struct linear_flow_fit_info *info)
323 {
324  // This method assumes a linear flow field in x- and y- direction according to the formulas:
325  // u = parameters_u[0] * x + parameters_u[1] * y + parameters_u[2]
326  // v = parameters_v[0] * x + parameters_v[1] * y + parameters_v[2]
327  // where u is the horizontal flow at image coordinate (x,y)
328  // and v is the vertical flow at image coordinate (x,y)
330  // relative velocities:
331  info->relative_velocity_z = (parameters_u[0] + parameters_v[1]) / 2.0f; // divergence / 2
333  // translation orthogonal to the camera axis:
334  // flow in the center of the image:
335  info->relative_velocity_x = -(parameters_u[2] + (im_width / 2.0f) * parameters_u[0] +
336  (im_height / 2.0f) * parameters_u[1]);
337  info->relative_velocity_y = -(parameters_v[2] + (im_width / 2.0f) * parameters_v[0] +
338  (im_height / 2.0f) * parameters_v[1]);
340  float arv_x = fabsf(info->relative_velocity_x);
341  float arv_y = fabsf(info->relative_velocity_y);
343  // extract inclination from flow field:
344  float threshold_slope = 1.0;
345  float eta = 0.002;
347  if (fabsf(parameters_v[1]) < eta && arv_y < threshold_slope && arv_x >= 2 * threshold_slope) {
348  // there is no forward motion and not enough vertical motion, but enough horizontal motion:
349  info->slope_x = parameters_u[0] / info->relative_velocity_x;
350  } else if (arv_y >= 2 * threshold_slope) {
351  // there is sufficient vertical motion:
352  info->slope_x = parameters_v[0] / info->relative_velocity_y;
353  } else {
354  // there may be forward motion, then we can do a quadratic fit:
355  // a linear fit provides no information though
356  info->slope_x = 0.0f;
357  }
359  if (fabsf(parameters_u[0]) < eta && arv_x < threshold_slope && arv_y >= 2 * threshold_slope) {
360  // there is no forward motion, little horizontal movement, but sufficient vertical motion:
361  info->slope_y = parameters_v[1] / info->relative_velocity_y;
362  } else if (arv_x >= 2 * threshold_slope) {
363  // there is sufficient horizontal motion:
364  info->slope_y = parameters_u[1] / info->relative_velocity_x;
365  } else {
366  // there could be forward motion, then we can do a quadratic fit:
367  // a linear fit provides no information though
368  info->slope_y = 0.0f;
369  }
371  // Focus of Expansion:
372  // the flow planes intersect the flow=0 plane in a line
373  // the FoE is the point where these 2 lines intersect (flow = (0,0))
374  // x:
375  float denominator = parameters_v[0] * parameters_u[1] - parameters_u[0] * parameters_v[1];
376  if (fabsf(denominator) > 1E-5) {
377  info->focus_of_expansion_x = ((parameters_u[2] * parameters_v[1] - parameters_v[2] * parameters_u[1]) / denominator);
378  } else { info->focus_of_expansion_x = 0.0f; }
379  // y:
380  denominator = parameters_u[1];
381  if (fabsf(denominator) > 1E-5) {
382  info->focus_of_expansion_y = (-(parameters_u[0] * (info->focus_of_expansion_x) + parameters_u[2]) / denominator);
383  } else { info->focus_of_expansion_y = 0.0f; }
384 }
399 bool analyze_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors __attribute__((unused)), int count, float error_threshold __attribute__((unused)), int n_iterations __attribute__((unused)), int n_samples __attribute__((unused)),
400  int im_width __attribute__((unused)), int im_height __attribute__((unused)), float focal_length __attribute__((unused)), struct linear_flow_fit_info *info __attribute__((unused)))
401 {
402  // Are there enough flow vectors to perform a fit?
403  if (count < N_PAR_TR_FIT) {
404  // return that no fit was made:
405  return false;
406  }
407  return true;
409  /*
410  // fit linear flow field:
411  //float parameters_u[N_PAR_TR_FIT], parameters_v[N_PAR_TR_FIT], min_error_u, min_error_v;
412  float parameters_comb[N_PAR_TR_FIT], min_error_comb;
414  // normalize the flow vectors. Is supposed to be better for the fit and the parameters will be easier to interpret:
415  struct flow_t *normalized_vectors = (struct flow_t *) malloc(count *sizeof(struct flow_t));
418  //float targets_x[count];
419  //float targets_y[count];
421  // separate horizontal / vertical fit:
422  //float D_x[count][N_PAR_TR_FIT-1]; // bias is added in the RANSAC routine
423  //float D_y[count][N_PAR_TR_FIT-1];
425  // combined fit:
426  int total_count = 2*count;
427  float targets[total_count];
428  float D_comb[total_count][N_PAR_TR_FIT];
429  int index;
430  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
432  // normalize vectors:
433  normalized_vectors[i].pos.x = (vectors[i].pos.x - (im_width / 2.0f)) / focal_length;
434  normalized_vectors[i].pos.y = (vectors[i].pos.y - (im_height / 2.0f)) / focal_length;
435  normalized_vectors[i].flow_x = vectors[i].flow_x / focal_length;
436  normalized_vectors[i].flow_y = vectors[i].flow_y / focal_length;
439  // Combine vertical and horizontal flow in one system:
440  // As in "Estimation of Visual Motion Parameters Used for Bio-inspired Navigation", by Alkowatly et al.
441  index = i*2;
442  targets[index] = normalized_vectors[i].flow_x;
443  D_comb[index][0] = 1.0f;
444  D_comb[index][1] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.x;
445  D_comb[index][2] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.y;
446  D_comb[index][3] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.x * normalized_vectors[i].pos.y;
447  D_comb[index][4] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.x * normalized_vectors[i].pos.x;
448  D_comb[index][5] = 0.0f;
450  index++;
451  targets[index] = normalized_vectors[i].flow_y;
452  D_comb[index][0] = 0.0f;
453  D_comb[index][1] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.y;
454  D_comb[index][1] = -normalized_vectors[i].pos.x;
455  D_comb[index][2] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.y * normalized_vectors[i].pos.y;
456  D_comb[index][3] = normalized_vectors[i].pos.x * normalized_vectors[i].pos.y;
457  D_comb[index][4] = 1.0f;
459  }
461  // Perform RANSAC on the horizontal flow:
462  // RANSAC_linear_model(n_samples, n_iterations, error_threshold, targets_x, N_PAR_TR_FIT, D_x, count, parameters_u, &min_error_u);
464  // Perform RANSAC on the combined system:
465  bool use_bias = false;
466  RANSAC_linear_model(n_samples, n_iterations, error_threshold, targets, N_PAR_TR_FIT+1, D_comb, total_count, parameters_comb, &min_error_comb, use_bias);
468  // extract information from the parameters:
469  info->rotation_X = parameters_comb[3];
470  info->rotation_Y = -parameters_comb[4];
471  info->rotation_Z = parameters_comb[2];
472  info->divergence = parameters_comb[1];
473  info->relative_velocity_x = -parameters_comb[0] - info->rotation_Y;
474  info->relative_velocity_y = -parameters_comb[5] + info->rotation_X;
475  if(fabs(parameters_comb[1]) > 1E-3) {
476  info->focus_of_expansion_x = info->relative_velocity_x / parameters_comb[1];
477  info->focus_of_expansion_y = info->relative_velocity_y / parameters_comb[1];
478  }
479  else {
480  // FoE in the center of the image:
481  info->focus_of_expansion_x = 0.0f;
482  info->focus_of_expansion_y = 0.0f;
483  }
485  // free up allocated memory:
486  free(normalized_vectors);
488  // return successful fit:
489  return true;
490  */
491 }
Perform Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC), a robust fitting method.
int n_samples
Definition: detect_gate.c:85
#define MAKE_MATRIX_PTR(_ptr, _mat, _rows)
Make a pointer to a matrix of _rows lines.
#define E
#define A
uint32_t y
The y coordinate of the point.
Definition: image.h:60
struct point_t pos
The original position the flow comes from in subpixels.
Definition: image.h:79
Definition: image.h:78
static float p[2][2]
#define N_PAR_TR_FIT
void fit_linear_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors, int count, float error_threshold, int n_iterations, int n_samples, float *parameters_u, float *parameters_v, float *fit_error, float *min_error_u, float *min_error_v, int *n_inliers_u, int *n_inliers_v)
Analyze a linear flow field, retrieving information such as divergence, surface roughness,...
bool analyze_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors, int count, float error_threshold, int n_iterations, int n_samples, int im_width, int im_height, float focal_length, struct linear_flow_fit_info *info)
Analyze a flow field, retrieving information on relative velocities and rotations,...
bool analyze_linear_flow_field(struct flow_t *vectors, int count, float error_threshold, int n_iterations, int n_samples, int im_width, int im_height, struct linear_flow_fit_info *info)
Analyze a linear flow field, retrieving information such as divergence, surface roughness,...
void extract_information_from_parameters(float *parameters_u, float *parameters_v, int im_width, int im_height, struct linear_flow_fit_info *info)
Extract information from the parameters that were fit to the optical flow field.
float slope_x
Slope of the surface in x-direction - given sufficient lateral motion.
float divergence
Basically, relative_velocity_z. Actual divergence of a 2D flow field is 2 * relative_velocity_z.
int n_inliers_v
Number of inliers in the vertical flow fit.
float slope_y
Slope of the surface in y-direction - given sufficient lateral motion.
float focus_of_expansion_x
Image x-coordinate of the focus of expansion (contraction)
float time_to_contact
Basically, 1 / relative_velocity_z.
float relative_velocity_x
Relative velocity in x-direction, i.e., vx / z, where z is the depth in direction of the camera's pri...
int n_inliers_u
Number of inliers in the horizontal flow fit.
float relative_velocity_z
Relative velocity in z-direction, i.e., vz / z, where z is the depth in direction of the camera's pri...
float surface_roughness
The error of the linear fit is a measure of surface roughness.
float focus_of_expansion_y
Image y-coordinate of the focus of expansion (contraction)
float relative_velocity_y
Relative velocity in y-direction, i.e., vy / z, where z is the depth in direction of the camera's pri...
float fit_error
Error of the fit (same as surface roughness)
Paparazzi floating point algebra.
void pprz_svd_solve_float(float **x, float **u, float *w, float **v, float **b, int m, int n, int l)
SVD based linear solver.
int pprz_svd_float(float **a, float *w, float **v, int m, int n)
SVD decomposition.
Matrix decompositions in floating point.
Simple matrix helper macros.
#define MAT_MUL(_i, _k, _j, C, A, B)
#define MAT_SUB(_i, _j, C, A, B)