Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 Hector Garcia de Marina
3  *
4  * This file is part of paparazzi.
5  *
6  * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9  * any later version.
10  *
11  * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
18  * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
19  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20  *
21  */
28 #ifndef GVF_H
29 #define GVF_H
31 #define GVF_GRAVITY 9.806
34 #ifndef GVF_OCAML_GCS
35 #define GVF_OCAML_GCS true
36 #endif
38 #include "std.h"
50 typedef struct {
51  float ke;
52  float kn;
53  float error;
54  float omega;
55  float speed;
57  bool align;
58 } gvf_con;
60 extern gvf_con gvf_control;
62 typedef struct {
63  float course;
64  float px_dot;
65  float py_dot;
66 } gvf_st;
68 extern gvf_st gvf_state;
71  LINE = 0,
73  SIN,
74  NONE = 255,
75 };
77 typedef struct {
78  enum trajectories type;
79  float p[16];
80 } gvf_tra;
90 typedef struct {
91  int seg;
92  float x1;
93  float y1;
94  float x2;
95  float y2;
96 } gvf_seg;
98 extern gvf_tra gvf_trajectory;
100 struct gvf_grad {
101  float nx;
102  float ny;
103  float nz;
104 };
106 struct gvf_Hess {
107  float H11;
108  float H12;
109  float H13;
110  float H21;
111  float H22;
112  float H23;
113  float H31;
114  float H32;
115  float H33;
116 };
118 extern void gvf_init(void);
119 void gvf_control_2D(float ke, float kn, float e,
120  struct gvf_grad *, struct gvf_Hess *);
121 extern void gvf_set_speed(float speed); // Rotorcraft only (for now)
122 extern void gvf_set_align(bool align); // Rotorcraft only
123 extern void gvf_set_direction(int8_t s);
125 // Straight line
126 extern bool gvf_line_XY_heading(float x, float y, float heading);
127 extern bool gvf_line_XY1_XY2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
128 extern bool gvf_line_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2);
129 extern bool gvf_segment_loop_XY1_XY2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float d1, float d2);
130 extern bool gvf_segment_loop_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2, float d1, float d2);
131 extern bool gvf_segment_XY1_XY2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
132 extern bool gvf_segment_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2);
133 extern bool gvf_line_wp_heading(uint8_t wp, float heading);
135 // Ellipse
136 extern bool gvf_ellipse_wp(uint8_t wp, float a, float b, float alpha);
137 extern bool gvf_ellipse_XY(float x, float y, float a, float b, float alpha);
139 // Sinusoidal
140 extern bool gvf_sin_XY_alpha(float x, float y, float alpha, float w, float off, float A);
141 extern bool gvf_sin_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2, float w, float off,
142  float A);
143 extern bool gvf_sin_wp_alpha(uint8_t wp, float alpha, float w, float off,
144  float A);
146 #endif // GVF_H
static uint16_t d1
Definition: baro_MS5534A.c:202
static uint16_t d2
Definition: baro_MS5534A.c:202
#define A
float ke
Definition: gvf.h:51
float H13
Definition: gvf.h:109
float x1
Definition: gvf.h:92
float H12
Definition: gvf.h:108
float error
Definition: gvf.h:53
float py_dot
Definition: gvf.h:65
bool gvf_segment_XY1_XY2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
Definition: gvf.c:382
float speed
Definition: gvf.h:55
bool gvf_segment_loop_XY1_XY2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float d1, float d2)
Definition: gvf.c:342
float H23
Definition: gvf.h:112
bool gvf_ellipse_wp(uint8_t wp, float a, float b, float alpha)
Definition: gvf.c:472
float H21
Definition: gvf.h:110
int8_t s
Definition: gvf.h:56
void gvf_set_align(bool align)
Definition: gvf.c:259
bool gvf_line_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2)
Definition: gvf.c:328
float H11
Definition: gvf.h:107
Definition: gvf.h:70
Definition: gvf.h:73
Definition: gvf.h:72
Definition: gvf.h:71
Definition: gvf.h:74
float ny
Definition: gvf.h:102
gvf_con gvf_control
Definition: gvf.c:36
bool gvf_sin_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2, float w, float off, float A)
Definition: gvf.c:508
bool gvf_segment_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2)
Definition: gvf.c:404
bool gvf_sin_wp_alpha(uint8_t wp, float alpha, float w, float off, float A)
Definition: gvf.c:531
void gvf_init(void)
Definition: gvf.c:116
float nz
Definition: gvf.h:103
float nx
Definition: gvf.h:101
void gvf_set_speed(float speed)
Definition: gvf.c:253
bool align
Definition: gvf.h:57
gvf_st gvf_state
Definition: gvf.c:39
void gvf_set_direction(int8_t s)
Definition: gvf.c:266
int seg
Definition: gvf.h:91
bool gvf_line_XY_heading(float x, float y, float heading)
Definition: gvf.c:297
bool gvf_sin_XY_alpha(float x, float y, float alpha, float w, float off, float A)
Definition: gvf.c:483
float y1
Definition: gvf.h:93
float H32
Definition: gvf.h:114
gvf_tra gvf_trajectory
Definition: gvf.c:42
float y2
Definition: gvf.h:95
float course
Definition: gvf.h:63
bool gvf_segment_loop_wp1_wp2(uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2, float d1, float d2)
Definition: gvf.c:366
float px_dot
Definition: gvf.h:64
void gvf_control_2D(float ke, float kn, float e, struct gvf_grad *, struct gvf_Hess *)
Definition: gvf.c:131
float x2
Definition: gvf.h:94
float H31
Definition: gvf.h:113
float kn
Definition: gvf.h:52
float H22
Definition: gvf.h:111
float H33
Definition: gvf.h:115
bool gvf_ellipse_XY(float x, float y, float a, float b, float alpha)
Definition: gvf.c:433
bool gvf_line_wp_heading(uint8_t wp, float heading)
Definition: gvf.c:418
bool gvf_line_XY1_XY2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
Definition: gvf.c:304
float omega
Definition: gvf.h:54
Definition: gvf.h:106
Definition: gvf.h:50
Definition: gvf.h:100
Definition: gvf.h:90
Definition: gvf.h:62
Definition: gvf.h:77
static float p[2][2]
static uint32_t s
float alpha
Definition: textons.c:133
unsigned char uint8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit unsigned char type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:98
signed char int8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit char type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:103
float b
Definition: wedgebug.c:202
float heading
Definition: wedgebug.c:258