Paparazzi UAS v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
No Matches
fdm_gazebo module

Gazebo backend for NPS simulator

NPS doc:


  1. Make sure gazebo 9 is installed. (sudo apt-get install gazebo9 libgazebo9-dev)
  2. Prepare the Gazebo world and model:
    1. Prepare the UAV model (see conf/simulator/gazebo/models/ardrone/):
      • Place the aircraft model in the conf/simulator/gazebo/models/ folder, this folder is added to Gazebo's search path when NPS is launched.
      • Gazebo uses a Front, Left, Up coordinate system for aircraft, so make sure the +x axis points forwards.
      • The model should include a link for each motor with the same names as those listed in NPS_ACTUATOR_NAMES (see below), e.g. 'nw_motor'.
      • Camera links should have the name specified in .dev_name in the corresponding video_config_t struct, see sw/airborne/boards/pc_sim.h and sw/airborne/modules/computer_vision/video_thread_nps.c.
    2. Prepare the world (see conf/simulator/gazebo/worlds/ Pay attention to the following:
      • The real-time update rate should be set to zero, as this is already handled by Paparazzi:
        <physics type="ode">
        <real_time_update_rate>0</real_time_update_rate><!-- Handled by Paparazzi! -->
      • Spherical coordinates should be provided for navigation. At this moment, there is an issue where Gazebo incorrectly uses a WSU coordinate system instead of ENU. This can be fixed by setting the heading to 180 degrees as shown below:
        <heading_deg>180</heading_deg><!-- Temporary fix for issue -->
  3. Prepare the airframe file (see examples/ardrone2_gazebo.xml):
    1. Select Gazebo as the FDM (Flight Dynamics Model)
      <target name="nps" board="pc">
      <module name="fdm" type="gazebo"/>
    2. Include the gazebo defines for the vehicle:
      <section name="SIMULATOR" prefix="NPS_">
      <include href="conf/simulator/gazebo/airframes/ardrone2.xml"/>
      • If conf/simulator/gazebo/airframes does not contain an xml for the vehicle model, it should be created with the following contents:
        1. Actuator thrusts and torques
          <!DOCTYPE airframe SYSTEM "../../../airframes/airframe.dtd">
          <section name="SIMULATOR" prefix="NPS_">
          <define name="ACTUATOR_THRUSTS" value="1.55, 1.55, 1.55, 1.55" type="float[]"/>
          <define name="ACTUATOR_TORQUES" value="0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155" type="float[]"/>
          The thrusts and torques are expressed in SI units (N, Nm) and should be in the same order as the ACTUATOR_NAMES defined in the airframe file. The torque direction is determined automatically from the motor mixing.
        2. (Optional) Add actuator dynamics to the SIMULATOR section:
          <section name="SIMULATOR" prefix="NPS_">
          <define name="ACTUATOR_TIME_CONSTANTS" value="0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02" type="float[]"/>
          <define name="ACTUATOR_MAX_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM" value="0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19" type="float[]"/>
          Actuator time constants can be provided without specifying the actuator's maximum angular momentum. If the maximum angular momentum is provided as well, it is used to calculate the rotor spin-up torque.
        3. In the same section, bypass the AHRS and INS as these are not supported yet:
          <section name="SIMULATOR" prefix="NPS_">
          <define name="BYPASS_AHRS" value="1"/>
          <define name="BYPASS_INS" value="1"/>
        4. If required, enable video thread simulation:
          <section name="SIMULATOR" prefix="NPS_">
          <define name="SIMULATE_VIDEO" value="1"/>
        5. Set the aircraft model in the xml file:
          <section name="SIMULATOR" prefix="NPS_">
          <define name="GAZEBO_AC_NAME" value="my_uav"/>
    3. Make sure all included modules work with nps. At the moment, most of the modules that depend on video_thread are only built when ap is selected as the target. To fix this, add nps to the target attribute in the module xml, e.g.:
      <makefile target="ap|nps">
  4. The simulation environment is set in the flight plan file:
    <flight_plan ...>
    #define NPS_GAZEBO_WORLD ""

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!

<module name="fdm_gazebo">
b'<configure name="NPS_DEBUG_VIDEO" value="0|1" />\n '

Module configuration options

Configure Options

  • name: NPS_DEBUG_VIDEO value: 0|1
    Description: show window with video for debugging


Source Files

Raw fdm_gazebo.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="fdm_gazebo" dir="fdm">
Gazebo backend for NPS simulator
NPS doc:
1. Make sure gazebo 9 is installed. (sudo apt-get install gazebo9 libgazebo9-dev)
2. Prepare the Gazebo world and model:
1. Prepare the UAV model (see conf/simulator/gazebo/models/ardrone/):
- Place the aircraft model in the conf/simulator/gazebo/models/
folder, this folder is added to Gazebo&apos;s search path when NPS is
- Gazebo uses a Front, Left, Up coordinate system for aircraft, so
make sure the +x axis points forwards.
- The model should include a link for each motor with the same names
as those listed in NPS_ACTUATOR_NAMES (see below), e.g. &apos;nw_motor&apos;.
- Camera links should have the name specified in .dev_name in the
corresponding video_config_t struct, see sw/airborne/boards/pc_sim.h
and sw/airborne/modules/computer_vision/video_thread_nps.c.
2. Prepare the world (see conf/simulator/gazebo/worlds/
Pay attention to the following:
- The real-time update rate should be set to zero, as this is
already handled by Paparazzi:
&lt;physics type=&quot;ode&quot;&gt;
&lt;real_time_update_rate&gt;0&lt;/real_time_update_rate&gt;&lt;!-- Handled by Paparazzi! --&gt;
- Spherical coordinates should be provided for navigation.
At this moment, there is an issue where Gazebo incorrectly
uses a WSU coordinate system instead of ENU. This can be fixed
by setting the heading to 180 degrees as shown below:
&lt;heading_deg&gt;180&lt;/heading_deg&gt;&lt;!-- Temporary fix for issue --&gt;
3. Prepare the airframe file (see examples/ardrone2_gazebo.xml):
1. Select Gazebo as the FDM (Flight Dynamics Model)
&lt;target name=&quot;nps&quot; board=&quot;pc&quot;&gt;
&lt;module name=&quot;fdm&quot; type=&quot;gazebo&quot;/&gt;
2. Include the gazebo defines for the vehicle:
&lt;section name=&quot;SIMULATOR&quot; prefix=&quot;NPS_&quot;&gt;
&lt;include href=&quot;conf/simulator/gazebo/airframes/ardrone2.xml&quot;/&gt;
- If conf/simulator/gazebo/airframes does not contain an xml for the
vehicle model, it should be created with the following contents:
1. Actuator thrusts and torques
&lt;!DOCTYPE airframe SYSTEM &quot;../../../airframes/airframe.dtd&quot;&gt;
&lt;section name=&quot;SIMULATOR&quot; prefix=&quot;NPS_&quot;&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;ACTUATOR_THRUSTS&quot; value=&quot;1.55, 1.55, 1.55, 1.55&quot; type=&quot;float[]&quot;/&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;ACTUATOR_TORQUES&quot; value=&quot;0.155, 0.155, 0.155, 0.155&quot; type=&quot;float[]&quot;/&gt;
The thrusts and torques are expressed in SI units (N, Nm) and should
be in the same order as the ACTUATOR_NAMES defined in the airframe file.
The torque direction is determined automatically from the motor mixing.
2. (Optional) Add actuator dynamics to the SIMULATOR section:
&lt;section name=&quot;SIMULATOR&quot; prefix=&quot;NPS_&quot;&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;ACTUATOR_TIME_CONSTANTS&quot; value=&quot;0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02&quot; type=&quot;float[]&quot;/&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;ACTUATOR_MAX_ANGULAR_MOMENTUM&quot; value=&quot;0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19&quot; type=&quot;float[]&quot;/&gt;
Actuator time constants can be provided without specifying the
actuator's maximum angular momentum. If the maximum angular momentum
is provided as well, it is used to calculate the rotor spin-up torque.
3. In the same section, bypass the AHRS and INS as these are not
supported yet:
&lt;section name=&quot;SIMULATOR&quot; prefix=&quot;NPS_&quot;&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;BYPASS_AHRS&quot; value=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;BYPASS_INS&quot; value=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
4. If required, enable video thread simulation:
&lt;section name=&quot;SIMULATOR&quot; prefix=&quot;NPS_&quot;&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;SIMULATE_VIDEO&quot; value=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
5. Set the aircraft model in the xml file:
&lt;section name=&quot;SIMULATOR&quot; prefix=&quot;NPS_&quot;&gt;
&lt;define name=&quot;GAZEBO_AC_NAME&quot; value=&quot;my_uav&quot;/&gt;
3. Make sure all included modules work with nps. At the moment, most of
the modules that depend on video_thread are only built when ap is
selected as the target. To fix this, add nps to the target attribute
in the module xml, e.g.:
&lt;makefile target=&quot;ap|nps&quot;&gt;
4. The simulation environment is set in the flight plan file:
&lt;flight_plan ...&gt;
#define NPS_GAZEBO_WORLD &quot;;
<configure name="NPS_DEBUG_VIDEO" value="0|1" description="show window with video for debugging"/>
<makefile target="nps">
nps.CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config gazebo --cflags)
nps.LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config gazebo --libs)
<!-- OpenCV for video debugging -->
ifeq (,$(findstring $(NPS_DEBUG_VIDEO),0 FALSE))
nps.CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config opencv)
nps.LDFLAGS += -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_core
<file name="nps_fdm_gazebo.cpp" dir="nps"/>