A telemetry message with the code content is sent when a QR code is detected when qrscan is called.
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="cv_qrcode" dir="computer_vision/qrcode">
QR code reader using ZBAR library
A telemetry message with the code content is sent when a QR code is detected when qrscan is called.
<define name="QRCODE_CAMERA" value="front_camera|bottom_camera" description="The V4L2 camera device that is used for searching a QR code"/>
<define name="QRCODE_FPS" value="0" description="The (maximum) frequency to run the calculations at. If zero, it will max out at the camera frame rate"/>
<define name="QRCODE_DRAW_RECTANGLE" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="Whether or not to draw a rectangle around a found QR code"/>
<file name="qr_code.h"/>
<init fun="qrcode_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="qr_code.c"/>
<configure name="EXTSW" value="$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/ext" />
<configure name="LIBZBAR" value="$(EXTSW)/libzbar/zbar-0.10" />
<file name="bch15_5.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="binarize.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="isaac.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="qrdec.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="qrdectxt.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="rs.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="util.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/qrcode"/>
<file name="qr_finder.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/decoder"/>
<file name="ean.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar/decoder"/>
<file name="error.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<file name="image.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<file name="scanner.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<file name="symbol.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<file name="refcnt.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<file name="decoder.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<file name="img_scanner.c" dir="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<include name="$(LIBZBAR)/zbar"/>
<include name="$(LIBZBAR)/include"/>
<flag name="CFLAGS" value="Wno-cast-qual"/>
<flag name="CFLAGS" value="Wno-parentheses"/>
<flag name="CFLAGS" value="Wno-pointer-arith"/>
<flag name="CFLAGS" value="Wno-missing-prototypes"/>
<flag name="CFLAGS" value="Wno-shadow"/>
<flag name="CFLAGS" value="Wno-missing-declarations"/>