Important to know is that sw/ext/opencv_bebop must be downloaded, and compiled. After this is done the folder sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install has an opencv.xml file. The LDFLAGS in this file should be the same as in this conf file.
Install OpenCV: WARNING! During simulation, a native version of OpenCV is needed, while for AP you need a cross-compiled version included in ./sw/ext/opencv_bebop.
1) For OpenCV on the bebop, make sure to use Ubuntu 20.4: This solution was only tested for this version of Ubuntu. In NPS, newer versions of OpenCV also work. Then do not follow the instructions below but install (sudo apt-get install) corresponding opencv-dev packages instead, and then skip to step 7)
3) Install the required OpenCV Libraries: sudo apt install libjpeg-turbo8-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev zlib1g-dev libdc1394-22-dev
5) Then go to the build files for the drone : (will configure the files for OpenCV on the drone) command: cd /home/username/paparazzi/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm command: make install
6) Then go to the build files for the computer: (will configure the files for OpenCV on your on computer) command: cd /home/username/paparazzi/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc command: make install
7) finally update the paths in this module file (XML file) for your drone (AP) and for your computer (NPS):
For the Bebop, check the paths are: /sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm/include and lib.
Example for NPS, if you followed the steps 2 to 6 above, your opencv will normally be in /sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc/include
But if you did: sudo apt-get install of opencv-dev, then you will need to update all paths to where opencv-dev is on your machine: /usr/bin/...
8) USEFUL BACKGROUND INFORMATION OpenCv only works on C++ code, therefore you need to use a special trick to call a C++ function from C:
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="cv_opencvdemo" dir="computer_vision">
<description>This example shows how OpenCV can be used on (for example) the Bebop drone.
Important to know is that sw/ext/opencv_bebop must be downloaded, and compiled.
After this is done the folder sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install has an opencv.xml file.
The LDFLAGS in this file should be the same as in this conf file.
// Install OpenCV:
WARNING! During simulation, a native version of OpenCV is needed, while for AP you need a cross-compiled version included in ./sw/ext/opencv_bebop.
The following instructions are for the AP (ARM) version:
1) For OpenCV on the bebop, make sure to use Ubuntu 20.4: This solution was only tested for this version of Ubuntu.
In NPS, newer versions of OpenCV also work. Then do not follow the instructions below but install (sudo apt-get install) corresponding opencv-dev packages instead, and then skip to step 7)
2) Navigate to paparazzi/sw/ext/opencv_bebop:
cd ~/paparazzi/sw/ext/opencv_bebop
3) Install the required OpenCV Libraries:
sudo apt install libjpeg-turbo8-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev zlib1g-dev libdc1394-22-dev
4) Do make (inside the current directory):
5) Then go to the build files for the drone : (will configure the files for OpenCV on the drone)
command: cd /home/username/paparazzi/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm
command: make install
6) Then go to the build files for the computer: (will configure the files for OpenCV on your on computer)
command: cd /home/username/paparazzi/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc
command: make install
7) finally update the paths in this module file (XML file) for your drone (AP) and for your computer (NPS):
For the Bebop, check the paths are: $(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm/include and lib.
Example for NPS, if you followed the steps 2 to 6 above, your opencv will normally be in $(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc/include
But if you did: sudo apt-get install of opencv-dev, then you will need to update all paths to where opencv-dev is on your machine: /usr/bin/...
OpenCv only works on C++ code, therefore you need to use a special trick to call a C++ function from C:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
<define name="OPENCVDEMO_CAMERA" value="front_camera|bottom_camera" description="Video device to use"/>
<define name="OPENCVDEMO_FPS" value="0" description="The (maximum) frequency to run the calculations at. If zero, it will max out at the camera frame rate"/>
<file name="cv_opencvdemo.h"/>
<init fun="opencvdemo_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap">
<file name="cv_opencvdemo.c"/>
<file name="opencv_example.cpp"/>
<file name="opencv_image_functions.cpp"/>
<flag name="CXXFLAGS" value="I$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm/include"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm/lib"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lopencv_world"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_arm/share/OpenCV/3rdparty/lib"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibprotobuf"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibjpeg-turbo"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibpng"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibtiff"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lzlib"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lquirc"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ltegra_hal"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ldl"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lm"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lpthread"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lrt"/>
<makefile target="nps">
<file name="cv_opencvdemo.c"/>
<file name="opencv_example.cpp"/>
<file name="opencv_image_functions.cpp"/>
<flag name="CXXFLAGS" value="I$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc/include"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc/lib"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lopencv_world"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/sw/ext/opencv_bebop/install_pc/share/OpenCV/3rdparty/lib"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="llibprotobuf"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lquirc"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ljpeg"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lpng"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ltiff"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lhdf5"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lpthread"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lsz"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lz"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="ldl"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lm"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lfreetype"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lharfbuzz"/>
<flag name="LDFLAGS" value="lrt"/>