Driver for DSHOT speed controller.
Beware that servo output from the same timer cannot mix PWM and DSHOT. It might be required to disable by hand some PWM output to avoid conflicts when they are activated by default on a board. Currently only implemented over ChibiOS.
Configure DSHOT_BIDIR to TRUE to enable bidirectionnal DSHOT. It overrides the rpm values from the UART dshot telemetry. UART dshot telemetry is still usefull for current and voltage telemetry.
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
<module name="actuators_dshot">
b'<define name="DSHOT_SPEED" value="600" />\n '
b'<configure name="DSHOT_BIDIR" value="FALSE" />\n '
b'<configure name="DSHOT1_GPT_TIM" value="7" />\n '
Module configuration options
Configure Options
- name:
value: FALSE
Description: Bidirectionnal DSHOT for fast rpm feedback
- name:
value: 7
Description: GPT driver used for telemetry timeout
Define Options
- name:
value: 600
Description: DSHOT speed (150,300,600,1200)
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw actuators_dshot.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="actuators_dshot" dir="actuators" task="actuators">
Driver for DSHOT speed controller.
Beware that servo output from the same timer cannot mix PWM and DSHOT.
It might be required to disable by hand some PWM output to avoid conflicts when they are activated by default on a board.
Currently only implemented over ChibiOS.
Configure DSHOT_BIDIR to TRUE to enable bidirectionnal DSHOT.
It overrides the rpm values from the UART dshot telemetry.
UART dshot telemetry is still usefull for current and voltage telemetry.
<configure name="DSHOT_BIDIR" value="FALSE" description="Bidirectionnal DSHOT for fast rpm feedback"/>
<define name="DSHOT_SPEED" value="600" description="DSHOT speed (150,300,600,1200)"/>
<configure name="DSHOT1_GPT_TIM" value="7" description="GPT driver used for telemetry timeout"/>
<file name="actuators_dshot.h"/>
<configure name="DSHOT_BIDIR" default="FALSE"/>
<file_arch name="actuators_dshot_arch.c"/>
<file_arch name="esc_dshot.c" cond="ifeq ($(RTOS),chibios)"/>
<file_arch name="hal_stm32_dma.c" dir="mcu_periph" cond="ifeq ($(RTOS),chibios)"/>
<makefile cond="ifeq ($(DSHOT_BIDIR),TRUE)" target="ap">
<define name="DSHOT_BIDIR" value="$(DSHOT_BIDIR)"/>
<define name="USE_GPT$(DSHOT1_GPT_TIM)" value="TRUE"/>
<define name="DSHOT1_BIDIR_GPT" value="GPTD$(DSHOT1_GPT_TIM)"/>
<file_arch name="dshot_rpmCapture.c"/>
<file_arch name="dshot_erps.c"/>
<file_arch name="input_capture_arch.c" dir="mcu_periph"/>
<file_arch name="timerDmaCache.c" dir="mcu_periph"/>