Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
imu_common module

Common part for all IMUs.

This takes the IMU_GYRO_RAW, IMU_ACCEL_RAW and IMU_MAG_RAW ABI messages as input.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section:

<module name="imu_common"/>

Module configuration options

Airframe file section

  • section name: IMU prefix: IMU_
    • name INTEGRATION value: FALSE
      Description: Enable gyro/accel integration calculations (enabled for the ekf2)
    • name GYRO_CALIB value: {}
      Description: Gyroscope calibration structures list (see struct imu_gyro_t)
    • name ACCEL_CALIB value: {}
      Description: Accelerometer calibration structures list (see struct imu_accel_t)
    • name MAG_CALIB value: {}
      Description: Magnetometer calibration structures list (see struct imu_mag_t)
      Description: The gyro ABI ID which is send over telemetry/logging
      Description: The accel ABI ID which is send over telemetry/logging
      Description: The mag ABI ID which is send over telemetry/logging
    • name LOG_HIGHSPEED value: FALSE
      Description: Log all the accel/gyro measurements at the IMU sampling rates in floats
    • name LOG_HIGHSPEED_DEVICE value: flightrecorder_sdlog
      Description: The device to log all the highspeeds measurements

Module functions

Init Functions

These initialization functions are called once on startup.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw imu_common.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="imu_common" dir="imu" task="sensors">
Common part for all IMUs.
This takes the IMU_GYRO_RAW, IMU_ACCEL_RAW and IMU_MAG_RAW ABI messages as input.
<section name="IMU" prefix="IMU_">
<define name="INTEGRATION" value="FALSE" description="Enable gyro/accel integration calculations (enabled for the ekf2)"/>
<define name="GYRO_CALIB" value="{}" description="Gyroscope calibration structures list (see struct imu_gyro_t)"/>
<define name="ACCEL_CALIB" value="{}" description="Accelerometer calibration structures list (see struct imu_accel_t)"/>
<define name="MAG_CALIB" value="{}" description="Magnetometer calibration structures list (see struct imu_mag_t)"/>
<define name="GYRO_ABI_SEND_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="The gyro ABI ID which is send over telemetry/logging"/>
<define name="ACCEL_ABI_SEND_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="The accel ABI ID which is send over telemetry/logging"/>
<define name="MAG_ABI_SEND_ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="The mag ABI ID which is send over telemetry/logging"/>
<define name="LOG_HIGHSPEED" value="FALSE" description="Log all the accel/gyro measurements at the IMU sampling rates in floats"/>
<define name="LOG_HIGHSPEED_DEVICE" value="flightrecorder_sdlog" description="The device to log all the highspeeds measurements"/>
<dl_settings name="IMU">
<dl_setting var="imu.body_to_imu.eulers_f.phi" shortname="b2i phi" min="-90" max="90" step="0.5" module="modules/imu/imu" param="IMU_BODY_TO_IMU_PHI" unit="rad" alt_unit="deg" handler="SetBodyToImuPhi" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="imu.body_to_imu.eulers_f.theta" shortname="b2i theta" min="-90" max="90" step="0.5" module="modules/imu/imu" param="IMU_BODY_TO_IMU_THETA" unit="rad" alt_unit="deg" handler="SetBodyToImuTheta" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="imu.body_to_imu.eulers_f.psi" shortname="b2i psi" min="-90" max="90" step="0.5" module="modules/imu/imu" param="IMU_BODY_TO_IMU_PSI" unit="rad" alt_unit="deg" handler="SetBodyToImuPsi" type="float" persistent="true"/>
<dl_setting var="imu.b2i_set_current" shortname="b2i cur roll/pitch" min="0" max="1" step="1" values="FALSE|TRUE" module="modules/imu/imu" handler="SetBodyToImuCurrent"/>
<dl_setting var="imu.gyro_abi_send_id" shortname="gyro abi send" min="0" max="255" step="1" param="IMU_GYRO_ABI_SEND_ID"/>
<dl_setting var="imu.accel_abi_send_id" shortname="accel abi send" min="0" max="255" step="1" param="IMU_ACCEL_ABI_SEND_ID"/>
<dl_setting var="imu.mag_abi_send_id" shortname="mag abi send" min="0" max="255" step="1" param="IMU_MAG_ABI_SEND_ID"/>
<file name="imu.h"/>
<init fun="imu_init()"/>
<makefile target="!fbw">
<define name="USE_IMU"/>
<file name="imu.c"/>