Driver for u-blox GPS modules parsing the binary UBX protocol.
The reset variable allows us to manually restart the u-blox GPS. There are three modes:
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
These event functions are called in each cycle of the module event loop.
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
Whenever the specified datalink message is received, the corresponing handler function is called.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="gps_ublox" dir="gps" task="sensors">
U-blox GPS (UART)
Driver for u-blox GPS modules parsing the binary UBX protocol.
The reset variable allows us to manually restart the u-blox GPS. There are three modes:
- Hotstart (GPS_UBX_BOOTRESET = 1)
- Warmstart (GPS_UBX_BOOTRESET = 2)
- Coldstart (GPS_UBX_BOOTRESET = 3)
<configure name="UBX_GPS_PORT" value="UARTx" description="UART where the GPS is connected to (UART1, UART2, etc"/>
<configure name="UBX_GPS_BAUD" value="B38400" description="UART baud rate"/>
<configure name="GPS_UBX_BOOTRESET" value="0" description="Force a hot, warm or cold reset when the system boot up"/>
<dl_settings name="gps_ublox">
<dl_setting MIN="1" MAX="3" STEP="1" values="Hotstart|Warmstart|Coldstart" module="gps/gps_ubx" VAR="gps_ubx_reset" shortname="reset"/>
<file name="gps.h"/>
<init fun="gps_ubx_init()"/>
<periodic fun="gps_ubx_periodic_check()" freq="1." autorun="TRUE"/>
<event fun="gps_ubx_event()"/>
<datalink message="HITL_UBX" fun="gps_ubx_parse_HITL_UBX(buf)"/>
<makefile target="ap|fbw">
<file name="gps_ubx.c"/>
<configure name="UBX_GPS_PORT" default="$(GPS_PORT)" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="UBX_GPS_BAUD" default="$(GPS_BAUD)"/>
<define name="USE_$(UBX_GPS_PORT_UPPER)"/>
<define name="UBX_GPS_PORT" value="$(UBX_GPS_PORT_LOWER)"/>
<define name="$(UBX_GPS_PORT_UPPER)_BAUD" value="$(UBX_GPS_BAUD)"/>
<configure name="UBX2_GPS_PORT" default="$(GPS2_PORT)" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="UBX2_GPS_BAUD" default="$(GPS2_BAUD)"/>
<define name="USE_$(UBX2_GPS_PORT_UPPER)" cond="ifneq ($(UBX2_GPS_PORT)$(SECONDARY_GPS),)"/>
<define name="UBX2_GPS_PORT" value="$(UBX2_GPS_PORT_LOWER)" cond="ifneq ($(UBX2_GPS_PORT)$(SECONDARY_GPS),)"/>
<define name="$(UBX2_GPS_PORT_UPPER)_BAUD" value="$(UBX2_GPS_BAUD)" cond="ifneq ($(UBX2_GPS_BAUD)$(SECONDARY_GPS),)"/>
ifneq (,$(findstring ublox2, $(SECONDARY_GPS)))
# this is the secondary GPS
$(TARGET).CFLAGS += -DGPS_SECONDARY_TYPE_H=\"modules/gps/gps_ubx.h\"
else ifneq (,$(findstring ublox, $(SECONDARY_GPS)))
# this is the secondary GPS
$(TARGET).CFLAGS += -DGPS_SECONDARY_TYPE_H=\"modules/gps/gps_ubx.h\"
ifneq (,$(findstring ublox2, $(PRIMARY_GPS)))
$(TARGET).CFLAGS += -DGPS_TYPE_H=\"modules/gps/gps_ubx.h\"
else ifneq (,$(findstring ublox, $(PRIMARY_GPS)))
$(TARGET).CFLAGS += -DGPS_TYPE_H=\"modules/gps/gps_ubx.h\"
# plain old single GPS usage
$(TARGET).CFLAGS += -DGPS_TYPE_H=\"modules/gps/gps_ubx.h\"
<define name="PRIMARY_GPS" value="GPS_UBX"/>
<define name="USE_UART2"/>
<define name="UBX_GPS_PORT" value="uart2"/>