Targets position are reported using the MARK telemetry message to the ground. It is also possible to update the position of a waypoint based on the latest detection.
Based on the VISUAL_DETECTION ABI message.
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="cv_target_localization" dir="computer_vision">
Find georeferenced position of a target from visual detection.
Targets position are reported using the MARK telemetry message to the ground.
It is also possible to update the position of a waypoint based on the latest detection.
Based on the VISUAL_DETECTION ABI message.
<section name="TARGET_LOC" prefix="TARGET_LOC_">
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_PHI" value="0." description="rotation between camera and body frame (phi angle)"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_THETA" value="0." description="rotation between camera and body frame (theta angle)"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_PSI" value="M_PI_2" description="rotation between camera and body frame (psi angle), by default the camera is placed in front and pointing down"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_X" value="0." unit="m" description="position of the camera in body frame"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_Y" value="0." unit="m" description="position of the camera in body frame"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_Z" value="0." unit="m" description="position of the camera in body frame"/>
<define name="PIXEL_TO_IMAGE_X" value="0.001" description="conversion from pixel unit to m in image plane"/>
<define name="PIXEL_TO_IMAGE_Y" value="0.001" description="conversion from pixel unit to m in image plane"/>
<define name="WP_T1" value="WP_XXXX" description="associate waypoint XXXX to target 1 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection"/>
<define name="WP_T2" value="WP_XXXX" description="associate waypoint XXXX to target 2 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection"/>
<define name="WP_T3" value="WP_XXXX" description="associate waypoint XXXX to target 3 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection"/>
<define name="WP_T1_ID" value="1" description="target 1 ID reported by ABI message"/>
<define name="WP_T2_ID" value="2" description="target 2 ID reported by ABI message"/>
<define name="WP_T3_ID" value="3" description="target 3 ID reported by ABI message"/>
<define name="ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="select ABI message source"/>
<define name="JEVOIS_ALT" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="when used with Jevois smart camera, send current altitude to improve detection of object of known size"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Target Loc">
<dl_setting MAX="1" MIN="0" STEP="1" VAR="target_localization_update_wp" shortname="update_wp" module="modules/computer_vision/cv_target_localization" values="FALSE|TRUE"/>
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="1" STEP="1" VAR="target_localization_mark" shortname="mark" module="modules/computer_vision/cv_target_localization" handler="report_mark"/>
<file name="cv_target_localization.h"/>
<init fun="target_localization_init()"/>
<periodic fun="target_localization_report()" freq="4." autorun="TRUE"/>
<file name="cv_target_localization.c"/>