The tag detection and pose computation is done outside of the module, only the estimation by fusion of AHRS and visual detection with a Kalman filter is performed in this module
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
Whenever the specified datalink message is received, the corresponing handler function is called.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="tag_tracking" dir="computer_vision">
Track position of a tag (ArUco, QRcode, ...) detected by an onboard camera
The tag detection and pose computation is done outside of the module, only the estimation by fusion of AHRS and visual detection with a Kalman filter is performed in this module
<section name="TAG_TRACKING" prefix="TAG_TRACKING_">
<define name="WPS" value="[{.wp_id=WP_TAG, .tag_id=42}, ...]" description="Array of structs. If defined, update the position of the waypoints at the location of the tags"/>
<define name="SIM_WP" value="WP_TARGET" description="designate a waypoint to be used as virtual tag in simulation; if TARGET waypoint exists in flight plan, it is used by default"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_PHI" value="0." description="rotation from body to cam frame (phi)"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_THETA" value="0." description="rotation from body to cam frame (theta)"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_PSI" value="0." description="rotation from body to cam frame (psi)"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_X" value="0." description="camera position in meter in body frame (X axis)"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_Y" value="0." description="camera position in meter in body frame (Y axis)"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_Z" value="0." description="camera position in meter in body frame (Z axis)"/>
<define name="COORD_TO_M" value="1e-3" description="transformation from camera coordinates to meters (default: mm to m)"/>
<define name="R" value="1" description="process noise in kalman filter"/>
<define name="Q_SIGMA2" value="1." description="measurement noise in kalman filter"/>
<define name="P0_POS" value="10." description="initial covariance on position"/>
<define name="P0_SPEED" value="10." description="initial covariance on speed"/>
<define name="TIMEOUT" value="5." description="timeout for lost tracking in seconds"/>
<define name="PREDICT_TIME" value="1." description="position prediction time when moving waypoint"/>
<define name="MAX_OFFSET" value="2." description="maximum position offset for predicted positin compared to estimated position"/>
<define name="MAX_SPEED" value="4." description="maximum horiontal speed for the tracking control"/>
<define name="MAX_VZ" value="2." description="maximum vertical speed for the tracking control"/>
<define name="KP" value="0.5" description="horizontal gain on position error"/>
<define name="KPZ" value="0.2" description="vertical gain on position error"/>
<settings target="ap|nps">
<dl_settings NAME="Tag Tracking">
<dl_setting var="tag_tracking_setting_id" min="-1" step="1" max="50" shortname="tag_id" module="modules/computer_vision/tag_tracking" handler="set_setting_id"/>
<dl_setting var="tag_tracking_motion_type" min="0" step="1" max="1" shortname="motion" values="FIXED|MOVING" module="modules/computer_vision/tag_tracking" handler="set_motion_type"/>
<dl_setting var="tag_tracking_predict_time" min="0." step="0.1" max="5." shortname="pred_time" module="modules/computer_vision/tag_tracking" handler="set_predict_time"/>
<dl_setting var="tag_tracking_kp" min="0." step="0.01" max="5." shortname="kp" module="modules/computer_vision/tag_tracking" handler="set_kp"/>
<dl_setting var="tag_tracking_kpz" min="0." step="0.01" max="5." shortname="kpz" module="modules/computer_vision/tag_tracking" handler="set_kpz"/>
<file name="tag_tracking.h"/>
<init fun="tag_tracking_init()"/>
<periodic fun="tag_tracking_propagate()" freq="10.0" start="tag_tracking_propagate_start()" autorun="TRUE"/>
<periodic fun="tag_tracking_report()" freq="1.0" autorun="TRUE"/>
<datalink message="TARGET_POS" fun="tag_tracking_parse_target_pos(buf)"/>
<file name="tag_tracking.c"/>
<file name="simple_kinematic_kalman.c" dir="filters"/>