Based on poly_osam algorithm. Compatible with generic rotorcraft.
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="nav_survey_hybrid" dir="nav" task="control">
Polygon survey for hybrid aircraft.
Based on poly_osam algorithm.
Compatible with generic rotorcraft.
Support mission mode with custom elements:
- points in local NED: SRVHL orientation sweep_distance radius height p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y [p4x p4y]
- points in global LLA: SRVHG orientation sweep_distance radius height p1lat p1lon p2lat p2lon p3lat p3lon [p4lat p4lon]
- orientation is in degrees, 0 pointing at east, positive counter clockwise
- sweep_distance in meters
- radius can be: negative, automatically set to sweep/2; zero, not turning on circles; positive, fixed radius
- height in meters above reference point
- the polygon in mission mode can have either 3 or 4 points, with positions in meters (local) or degrees (global).
<section name="SURVEY_HYBRID" prefix="SURVEY_HYBRID_">
<define name="MAX_POLYGON_SIZE" value="20" description="max waypoints usable in polygon survey"/>
<define name="HALF_SWEEP_ENABLED" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="interleave sweep lines when sweeping back"/>
<define name="APPROACHING_TIME" value="3." description="end of segment anticipation time"/>
<define name="MAX_SWEEP" value="0" description="max number of sweep lines (0 for unlimited)"/>
<define name="MAX_SWEEP_BACK" value="0" description="max number of sweep back, e.g. changing direction (0 for unlimited)"/>
<define name="ENTRY_DISTANCE" value="10." description="distance from entry point (default: half sweep distance)"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Survey Hybrid">
<dl_setting min="0" max="1" step="1" var="survey_hybrid.half_sweep_enabled" type="uint8" shortname="half_sweep" values="FALSE|TRUE"/>
<dl_setting min="0" max="50" step="1" var="survey_hybrid.sweep_nb_max" type="uint16" shortname="nb_max"/>
<dl_setting min="0" max="50" step="1" var="survey_hybrid.sweep_back_nb_max" type="uint16" shortname="back_nb_max"/>
<file name="nav_survey_hybrid.h"/>
<init fun="nav_survey_hybrid_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap|nps">
<file name="nav_survey_hybrid.c"/>
<test firmware="rotorcraft">
<define name="USE_MISSION"/>