Fixedwing navigation in a 3D spiral.
creating a helix:
- start center (X, Y)
- start and stop altitude
- start and stop radius
- 3D speed of the circle
- in case alt diff is too small, vz is used as expension speed at constant altitude
- in case of radius diff too small, doing a constant radius circle
- if alt diff is too small, basic circle with horizontal speed (vz as no effect) setup will fail if:
- alt diff and vz are not coherent
- vz is too small and not doing circle
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section:
<module name="nav_spiral_3D"/>
Module configuration options
Airframe file section
- section name:
prefix: NAV_SPIRAL_3D_
- name
value: 10.
Description: horizontal distance to start and stop pattern
- name
value: 10.
Description: vertical distance to start and stop pattern
- name
value: 60.
Description: minium circle radius in meters
Module functions
Init Functions
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
Header Files
The following headers are automatically included in modules.h
Source Files
Raw nav_spiral_3D.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="nav_spiral_3D" dir="nav">
Fixedwing navigation in a 3D spiral.
creating a helix:
- start center (X, Y)
- start and stop altitude
- start and stop radius
- 3D speed of the circle
- in case alt diff is too small, vz is used as expension speed at constant altitude
- in case of radius diff too small, doing a constant radius circle
- if alt diff is too small, basic circle with horizontal speed (vz as no effect)
setup will fail if:
- alt diff and vz are not coherent
- vz is too small and not doing circle
<section name="NAV_SPIRAL_3D" prefix="NAV_SPIRAL_3D_">
<define name="DIST_DIFF" value="10." description="horizontal distance to start and stop pattern"/>
<define name="ALT_DIFF" value="10." description="vertical distance to start and stop pattern"/>
<define name="MIN_CIRCLE_RADIUS" value="60." description="minium circle radius in meters"/>
<file name="nav_spiral_3D.h"/>
<init fun="nav_spiral_3D_init()"/>
<makefile target="ap|sim|nps">
<file name="nav_spiral_3D.c"/>