Paparazzi UAS v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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peripherals Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for peripherals:


 Driver for the ADS1220 24-bits ADC from TI SPI communication.
 Driver for the ADS1220 24-bits ADC from TI SPI communication.
 Analog Devices ADXL345 accelerometer driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 Driver for ADXL345 accelerometer using I2C.
 Driver for the accelerometer ADXL345 from Analog Devices using I2C.
 Register and address definitions for ADXL345 accelerometer.
 Driver for the accelerometer ADXL345 from Analog Devices using SPI.
 Driver for the accelerometer ADXL345 from Analog Devices using SPI.
 Driver for the AKM AK8963 magnetometer.
 Register and address definitions for AK8963 magnetometer.
 Driver for the AKM AK8975 magnetometer.
 Driver for the AKM AK8975 magnetometer.
 BMI088 driver common functions (I2C and SPI).
 BMI088 driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 Driver for the BMI088 using I2C.
 Driver for the BMI088 using I2C.
 Register and address definitions for BMI088.
 Bosch BMP085 driver interface.
 Bosch BMP085 driver interface.
 Bosch BMP085 register definitions.
 Sensor driver for BMP280 sensor.
 Sensor driver for BMP280 sensor.
 Sensor driver for BMP3 sensor via I2C.
 Sensor driver for BMP3 sensor via I2C.
 Sensor driver for BMP280 sensor register definition.
 Driver for the cyrf6936 2.4GHz radio chip.
 Driver for the cyrf6936 2.4GHz radio chip.
 Register defines for the CYRF6936 2.4GHz radio chip.
 Driver for the eeprom 225AA256 (and 25LC256) 256K SPI bus serial EEPROM from Microchip.
 Driver for Honeywell HMC5843, HMC5883 and HMC5983 magnetometers.
 Register defs for Honeywell HMC5843, HMC5883 and HMC5983 magnetometers.
 Driver for the Invensense V2 IMUs ICM20948, ICM20648 and ICM20649.
 Driver for the Invensense V2 IMUs ICM20948, ICM20648 and ICM20649.
 Register and address definitions for the Invensense V2 from ardupilot.
 Driver for the Invensense v3 IMUs ICM40605, ICM40609, ICM42605, IIM42652 and ICM42688.
 Driver for the Invensense V3 IMUs ICM40605, ICM40609, ICM42605, IIM42652 and ICM42688.
 Register and address definitions for the Invensense V3 from ardupilot.
 Driver for the Isentek IST8310 magnetometer.
 Register and address definitions for the IST8310 magnetometer.
 Driver for ITG3200.
 Driver for the gyro ITG3200 from InvenSense.
 Register defs for ITG3200 and IMU3000 gyros.
 Driver for L3G4200 from ST.
 Driver for the gyro L3G4200 From ST.
 Register defs for L3G4200 gyros.
 ST L3GD20 3-axis gyroscope driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 ST L3GD20 3-axis gyroscope register definitions.
 Driver for L3GD20 3-axis gyroscope from ST using SPI.
 Driver for L3GD20 3-axis gyroscope from ST using SPI.
 ST LIS302DL 3-axis accelerometer driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 ST LIS302DL 3-axis accelerometer register definitions.
 Driver for LIS302DL 3-axis accelerometer from ST using SPI.
 Driver for LIS302DL 3-axis accelerometer from ST using SPI.
 ST LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer driver interface (I2C).
 ST LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer driver interface (I2C).
 LPS25H barometer driver interface.
 Driver for LPS25H barometer I2C.
 I2C interface for LPS25H barometer.
 Driver for ST LSM303D 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 Register defs for ST LSM303D 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 Driver for ST LSM303D 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 Driver for ST LSM303D 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 Driver for ST LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 Driver for ST LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 Register defs for ST LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and magnetometer.
 LSM6DS33 accelerometer and gyrometer driver I2C interface.
 Driver for LSM6DS33 accelerometer and gyrometer using I2C.
 Driver for the accelerometer and gyrometer LSM6DS33.
 Register defs for ST LSM6DS33 3D accelerometer and gyroscope.
 Driver for MCP3550/1/3.
 Driver for MPL3115A2 baro sensor.
 Driver for the baro MPL3115A2 from Freescale (i2c)
 MPU-60X0 driver common functions (I2C and SPI).
 MPU-60X0 driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 Driver for the MPU-60X0 using I2C.
 Driver for the MPU-60X0 using I2C.
 Register and address definitions for MPU-6000 and MPU-6050.
 Driver for the MPU-60X0 using SPI.
 Driver for the MPU-60X0 using SPI.
 MPU-9250 driver common functions (I2C and SPI).
 MPU-60X0 driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 Driver for the MPU-9250 using I2C.
 Driver for the MPU-9250 using I2C.
 Register and address definitions for MPU-9250.
 Driver for the MPU-9250 using SPI.
 Driver for the MPU-9250 using SPI.
 Driver for the ms2100 magnetic sensor from PNI.
 Driver for the ms2100 magnetic sensor from PNI.
 MS5611 and MS5607 barometer driver common functions (I2C and SPI).
 MS5611 barometer driver common interface (I2C and SPI).
 Measurement Specialties (Intersema) MS5611-01BA and MS5607-02BA03 pressure/temperature sensor interface for I2C.
 Measurement Specialties (Intersema) MS5611-01BA and MS5607-02BA03 pressure/temperature sensor interface for I2C.
 Register definitions for MS5611 barometer.
 Measurement Specialties (Intersema) MS5611-01BA and MS5607-02BA03 pressure/temperature sensor interface for SPI.
 Measurement Specialties (Intersema) MS5611-01BA and MS5607-02BA03 pressure/temperature sensor interface for SPI.
 Driver for the 8-bit I/O expander based on i2c.
 Driver for the 8-bit I/O expander based on i2c.
 QST QMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer driver interface (I2C).
 QST QMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer driver interface (I2C).
 PNI RM3100 3-axis magnetometer driver interface (I2C).
 This is an interface for reading and writing blocks of data to and from an SD card directly over SPI.
 Interface for reading and writing blocks of data to and from an SD card directly over SPI.
 Driver for the SST25Vxxxx flash chips.
 Driver for the SST25Vxxxx flash chips.
 Those platform functions are platform dependent and have to be implemented by the user.
 VL53L1 types definition.
 Functions implementation.
 Functions definition.
 Non-blocking runtime functions for the VL53L1X.
 Non-blocking runtime functions for the VL53L1X.
 Vectornav VN-200 INS subsystem.
 Vectornav VN-200 INS subsystem.