53#if !(defined MF_DAQ_POWER_PORT) && !(defined MF_DAQ_POWER_PIN)
"MF_DAQ power pin is not defined")
61#if (defined MF_DAQ_POWER_PORT) && (defined MF_DAQ_POWER_PIN)
struct pprz_autopilot autopilot
Global autopilot structure.
Core autopilot interface common to all firmwares.
uint16_t flight_time
flight time in seconds
void gpio_setup_output(ioportid_t port, uint16_t gpios)
Setup one or more pins of the given GPIO port as outputs.
Handling of messages coming from ground and other A/Cs.
Common code for AP and FBW telemetry.
struct GpsState gps
global GPS state
Device independent GPS code (interface)
uint32_t tow
GPS time of week in ms.
int32_t hmsl
height above mean sea level (MSL) in mm
int32_t course
GPS course over ground in rad*1e7, [0, 2*Pi]*1e7 (CW/north)
struct NedCoor_i ned_vel
speed NED in cm/s
uint16_t gspeed
norm of 2d ground speed in cm/s
static struct NedCoor_f * stateGetAccelNed_f(void)
Get acceleration in NED coordinates (float).
static struct FloatEulers * stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f(void)
Get vehicle body attitude euler angles (float).
static struct LlaCoor_f * stateGetPositionLla_f(void)
Get position in LLA coordinates (float).
static struct UtmCoor_f * stateGetPositionUtm_f(void)
Get position in UTM coordinates (float).
static struct FloatRates * stateGetBodyRates_f(void)
Get vehicle body angular rate (float).
static struct EnuCoor_f * stateGetSpeedEnu_f(void)
Get ground speed in local ENU coordinates (float).
static struct FloatVect2 * stateGetHorizontalWindspeed_f(void)
Get horizontal windspeed (float).
void mf_daq_send_state(void)
void parse_mf_daq_msg(uint8_t *buf)
void mf_daq_send_report(void)
Communication module with the Data Acquisition board from Meteo France.
float values[MF_DAQ_SIZE]
#define meteo_france_DAQ_SetPower(_x)
float alt
in meters (above WGS84 reference ellipsoid or above MSL)
position in UTM coordinates Units: meters
struct pprzlog_transport pprzlog_tp
PPRZLOG transport structure.
Initialize pprzlog transport.
API to get/set the generic vehicle states.
int int32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit int type.
short int16_t
Typedef defining 16 bit short type.
unsigned char uint8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit unsigned char type.