Paparazzi UAS v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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ins_alt_float.c File Reference

Filters altitude and climb rate for fixedwings. More...

#include "modules/ins/ins_alt_float.h"
#include "modules/core/abi.h"
#include "state.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "mcu_periph/sys_time.h"
#include "modules/gps/gps.h"
#include "firmwares/fixedwing/nav.h"
#include "generated/airframe.h"
#include "generated/modules.h"
#include "modules/sensors/baro.h"
#include "math/pprz_isa.h"
+ Include dependency graph for ins_alt_float.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


 ABI binding for gps data.
#define GPS_SIGMA2   1.
#define GPS_R   2.


static void baro_cb (uint8_t sender_id, uint32_t stamp, float pressure)
static void gps_cb (uint8_t sender_id, uint32_t stamp, struct GpsState *gps_s)
static void accel_cb (uint8_t sender_id, uint32_t stamp, struct Int32Vect3 *accel)
static void reset_cb (uint8_t sender_id, uint8_t flag)
static void alt_kalman_reset (void)
static void alt_kalman_init (void)
static void alt_kalman (float z_meas, float dt)
void ins_alt_float_update_gps (struct GpsState *gps_s)
void ins_alt_float_init (void)
static void reset_ref (void)
static void reset_vertical_ref (void)
void ins_alt_float_update_baro (float pressure)


struct InsAltFloat ins_altf
abi_event baro_ev
static abi_event gps_ev
static abi_event accel_ev
static abi_event reset_ev
static float p [2][2]

Detailed Description

Filters altitude and climb rate for fixedwings.

Definition in file ins_alt_float.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GPS_R   2.

Definition at line 270 of file ins_alt_float.c.


#define GPS_SIGMA2   1.

Definition at line 269 of file ins_alt_float.c.



Definition at line 66 of file ins_alt_float.c.



ABI binding for gps data.

Used for GPS ABI messages.

Definition at line 79 of file ins_alt_float.c.



Definition at line 86 of file ins_alt_float.c.



Definition at line 49 of file ins_alt_float.c.

Function Documentation

◆ accel_cb()

static void accel_cb ( uint8_t  sender_id,
uint32_t  stamp,
struct Int32Vect3 accel 

Definition at line 375 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References ACCEL_BFP_OF_REAL, foo, int32_rmat_transp_vmult(), stateGetNedToBodyRMat_i(), stateSetAccelBody_i(), and stateSetAccelNed_i().

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alt_kalman()

◆ alt_kalman_init()

static void alt_kalman_init ( void  )

Definition at line 282 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References alt_kalman_reset().

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ alt_kalman_reset()

static void alt_kalman_reset ( void  )

Definition at line 274 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References p.

Referenced by alt_kalman_init(), ins_alt_float_update_baro(), and ins_alt_float_update_gps().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ baro_cb()

static void baro_cb ( uint8_t  sender_id,
uint32_t  stamp,
float  pressure 

Definition at line 362 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References ins_alt_float_update_baro().

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gps_cb()

static void gps_cb ( uint8_t  sender_id,
uint32_t stamp  ,
struct GpsState gps_s 

Definition at line 368 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References foo, and ins_alt_float_update_gps().

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ins_alt_float_init()

◆ ins_alt_float_update_baro()

◆ ins_alt_float_update_gps()

void ins_alt_float_update_gps ( struct GpsState gps_s)

◆ reset_cb()

static void reset_cb ( uint8_t sender_id  UNUSED,
uint8_t  flag 

Definition at line 155 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References foo, INS_RESET_REF, INS_RESET_VERTICAL_REF, reset_ref(), and reset_vertical_ref().

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reset_ref()

static void reset_ref ( void  )

Definition at line 133 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References foo, gps, ins_altf, InsAltFloat::origin_initialized, InsAltFloat::reset_alt_ref, stateSetLocalUtmOrigin_f(), and utm_float_from_gps().

Referenced by ins_alt_float_update_gps(), and reset_cb().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reset_vertical_ref()

static void reset_vertical_ref ( void  )

Definition at line 144 of file ins_alt_float.c.

References foo, gps, GpsState::hmsl, ins_altf, InsAltFloat::reset_alt_ref, stateGetUtmOrigin_f(), and stateSetLocalUtmOrigin_f().

Referenced by reset_cb().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ accel_ev

abi_event accel_ev

Definition at line 88 of file ins_alt_float.c.

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

◆ baro_ev

abi_event baro_ev

Definition at line 71 of file ins_alt_float.c.

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

◆ gps_ev

abi_event gps_ev

Definition at line 82 of file ins_alt_float.c.

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().

◆ ins_altf

◆ p

float p[2][2]

Definition at line 272 of file ins_alt_float.c.

Referenced by _chvsnprintf(), ads1114_read(), alt_kalman(), alt_kalman_reset(), baro_apply_calibration(), baro_bmp280_event(), baro_bmp3_event(), bluegiga_broadcast_msg(), bluegiga_ch_available(), bluegiga_init(), bluegiga_load_tx(), bluegiga_transmit(), bmp085_compensated_pressure(), collective_tracking_control(), compensate_pressure(), compute_tas_factor(), crc_crc8(), crc_packet(), ctc_target_send_info_to_nei(), cv_blob_locator_func(), dev_char_available(), dev_check_free_space(), dev_get_byte(), dev_put_buffer(), dev_put_byte(), dev_send_message(), distributed_circular(), dqrdc(), ekf_aw_propagate(), ekf_aw_wrapper_fetch(), eperiodToPacked(), fast9_detect(), fast9_detect_pixel(), faulhaber_parse_msg(), faulhaber_parser(), fit_linear_flow_field(), float_mat_exp(), frsky_x_serial_char_available(), frsky_x_serial_check_free_space(), frsky_x_serial_get_byte(), frsky_x_serial_put_buffer(), frsky_x_serial_put_byte(), frsky_x_serial_send_message(), get_dist2_to_point(), get_tas_factor(), gps_i2c_put_buffer(), grayscale_opencv_to_yuv422(), gvf_ellipse_info(), gvf_intercept_two_lines(), gvf_line_info(), gvf_segment_XY1_XY2(), gvf_sin_info(), handle_spi_thd(), htond(), htonf(), i2c_arch_init(), i2c_blocking_receive(), i2c_blocking_transceive(), i2c_blocking_transmit(), i2c_chibios_submit(), i2c_idle(), i2c_init(), i2c_linux_submit(), i2c_receive(), i2c_setbitrate(), i2c_submit(), i2c_thread(), i2c_transceive(), i2c_transmit(), image_labeling(), imu_gyro_raw_cb(), indi_init_filters(), init_filters(), ins_mekf_wind_get_pos_ned(), ins_mekf_wind_set_pos_ned(), intercept_two_lines(), jpeg_create_svs_header(), logger_uart_periodic(), long_to_string_with_divisor(), ltoa(), mag_calc(), mavlink_send_attitude(), mavlink_send_attitude(), mavlink_send_attitude_quaternion(), mavlink_send_highres_imu(), mf_daq_send_state(), ms5607_calc(), ms5611_calc(), nav_move_waypoint_point(), navdata_update(), operator delete(), opticFlowLK(), opticFlowLK_flat(), out_of_segment_area(), parse_mf_daq_msg(), pipe_arch_periph_init(), pipe_char_available(), pipe_check_free_space(), pipe_getch(), pipe_periph_init(), pipe_put_buffer(), pipe_put_byte(), pipe_receive(), pipe_send_message(), pipe_send_raw(), pprz_polyfit_float(), px4flash_event(), rc_mode_switch(), RotateAndTranslateToWorld(), RotateAndTranslateToWorld(), RotateAndTranslateToWorld(), rtcm3_find_callback(), rtcm3_register_callback(), sdlog_send(), sdlogger_spi_direct_char_available(), sdlogger_spi_direct_check_free_space(), sdlogger_spi_direct_get_byte(), sdlogger_spi_direct_put_buffer(), sdlogger_spi_direct_put_byte(), sdlogger_spi_direct_send_message(), send_body_rates_accel(), send_ins_flow(), send_tune_roll(), sirf_parse_2(), sirf_parse_41(), softi2c_device_event(), softi2c_idle(), softi2c_spin(), softi2c_submit(), spi_blocking_transceive(), spi_init(), spi_lock(), spi_resume(), spi_slave_init(), spi_submit(), stabilization_attitude_quat_float_init(), stabilization_indi_update_filt_freq(), superbitrf_check_free_space(), superbitrf_transmit(), superbitrf_transmit_buffer(), teraranger_crc8(), THD_FUNCTION(), THD_FUNCTION(), THD_FUNCTION(), TranslateAndRotateFromWorld(), TranslateAndRotateFromWorld(), TranslateAndRotateFromWorld(), TranslateAndRotateFromWorld(), uart_char_available(), uart_check_free_space(), uart_getch(), uart_periph_init(), uart_periph_set_baudrate(), uart_periph_set_bits_stop_parity(), uart_periph_set_mode(), uart_put_buffer(), uart_put_byte(), udp_arch_periph_init(), udp_char_available(), udp_check_free_space(), udp_getch(), udp_periph_init(), udp_put_buffer(), udp_put_byte(), udp_receive(), udp_send_message(), udp_send_raw(), UKF_Wind_Estimator_step(), usage(), usart_isr(), and wls_alloc().

◆ reset_ev

abi_event reset_ev

Definition at line 91 of file ins_alt_float.c.

Referenced by ins_alt_float_init().