Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) Ralph Rudi schmidt <>
4  *
5  * This file is part of paparazzi
6  *
7  * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
10  * any later version.
11  *
12  * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, see
19  * <>.
21  */
33 /*
34  *Note. Most variables are initialized in the initialization function. Variables
35  *marked with an "!" were taken into account when calculating the total memory consumption
36  */
39 // New section: Importing headers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 #include <stdio.h>
44 #include "modules/computer_vision/cv.h" // Required for the "cv_add_to_device" function
45 #include "modules/computer_vision/lib/vision/image.h"// For image-related structures
46 #include "pthread.h"
47 #include <stdint.h> // Needed for common types like uint8_t
48 #include "state.h"
49 #include "math/pprz_algebra_float.h"// Needed for vector operations, Euclidean distance, FloatVect3 and FloatRMat
50 #include "math/pprz_algebra.h"// Needed for vector operations (simple subtraction)
51 #include "math/pprz_geodetic_float.h"// Needed for NedCoor_f
52 #include "generated/flight_plan.h" // Needed for WP (waypoint) functions and WP IDs (as defined in "ralphthesis2020_stereo_cyberzoo.xml")
53 #include "firmwares/rotorcraft/autopilot_guided.h" // Needed for guidance functions such as "autopilot_guided_goto_ned" and "guidance_h_set_heading"
54 #include <math.h> // needed for basic math functions
55 #include "autopilot.h" // Needed to set states (GUIDED vs NAV)
56 #include <time.h> // Needed to measure time
59 // New section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 // Defines
62 #define WEDGEBUG_CAMERA_RIGHT_FPS 0 //< Default FPS (zero means run at camera fps)
63 #endif
65 #define WEDGEBUG_CAMERA_LEFT_FPS 0 //< Default FPS (zero means run at camera fps)
66 #endif
70 // New section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 // Define global variables
73 // Declaring images
74 struct image_t img_left;
75 struct image_t img_right;
76 struct image_t img_left_int8;
77 struct image_t img_left_int8_cropped; // Image obtained from left camera, converted into 8bit gray image
78 struct image_t img_right_int8;
81 struct image_t img_middle_int8_cropped; // Image obtained after processing (morphological operations) of previous image
87 // New section: Global variables - Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 // Declaring crop_t structure for information about the cropped image (after BM)
92 struct crop_t img_cropped_info;
94 // Declaring dimensions of images and kernels used
95 struct img_size_t img_dims;
96 struct img_size_t
98 struct img_size_t
101 // Declaring empty kernel for obtaining median
102 struct kernel_C1 median_kernel; // !
103 struct kernel_C1 median_kernel16bit; // !
105 // Delcaring structuring element sizes
116 // Declaring vectors to hold global 3d points
117 struct FloatVect3
118  VSTARTwenu;
119 struct FloatVect3
120  VSTARTwned;
121 struct FloatVect3 VGOALwenu;
122 struct FloatVect3 VGOALwned;
123 struct FloatVect3 VGOALr;
124 struct FloatVect3 VGOALc;
125 struct FloatVect3
127 struct FloatVect3
129 struct FloatVect3
131 struct FloatVect3
133 struct FloatVect3
135 struct FloatVect3
137 struct FloatVect3
141 // Declaring thresholds
152 // Declaring confidence parameters
158 //int16_t edge_found_micro_confidence; //! This is the confidence that an edge was found - inside of the find_best_edge_coordinates function
169 // Declaring boolean flags
170 uint8_t is_start_reached_flag; // Set to 1 if start position is reached, 0 otherwise.
180 uint8_t save_images_flag; // For report: Flag to indicate if images should be saved
182 // Declaring principal points
183 struct point_t c_img;
184 struct point_t c_img_cropped;
186 // Declaring edge search area
187 struct crop_t edge_search_area;
190 // Declaring rotation matrices and transition vectors for frame to frame transformations
191 // 1) Rotation matrix and transition vector to transform from world ENU frame to world NED frame
192 struct FloatRMat Rwnedwenu;
193 struct FloatVect3 VNEDwenu;
194 // 2) Rotation matrix and transition vector to transform from world ned frame to robot frame
195 struct FloatRMat Rrwned;
196 struct FloatVect3 VRwned;
197 // 3) Rotation matrix and transition vector to transform from robot frame to camera frame
198 struct FloatRMat Rcr;
199 struct FloatVect3 VCr;
201 // Declaration and initialization of camera parameters
203  1000.00;
208 // Define new structures + enums
215  EDGE_SCAN = 6
216 };
217 enum navigation_state current_state ;// Default state is 0 i.e. nothing
224 };
226 enum control_mode_state current_mode;// Default state is 0 i.e. nothing
230 // This is a structure to save angles that are needed for the "Edge Scan" state
231 struct ES_angles {
232  float heading_initial; // This is the initial heading of the robot when the "Edge Scan" state is entered
233  float heading_max_left; // This is the maximum left turn angle (determines how much to the left the robot can look to search for edges), to search for edges
234  float heading_max_right;// This is the maximum right turn angle (determines how much to the right the robot can look to search for edges), to search for edges
235  uint8_t initiated; // This is a flag that can be set to check whether the structure is allowed to be overwritten (0=allowed, 1=forbidden)
236  uint8_t is_left_reached_flag; // This is a flag to check whether the left was scanned for an edge already
237  uint8_t is_right_reached_flag; // This is a flag to check whether the right was scanned for an edge already
238 };
239 struct ES_angles initial_heading; // !
242 // Declaring variables for time measurement
243 double time_state[NUMBER_OF_STATES]; // Double array for saving total time (clock cycles) spent in the states (position 0 = state 0 and so on)
244 double counter_state[NUMBER_OF_STATES]; // A counter to measure the total cycles that each state in the FSM (within the periodic function) went through
245 double counter_cycles; // A counter to measure the total cycles that the periodic function went through
246 clock_t clock_total_time; // Clock to measure total time (clock cycles)) it took for the robot to fly from start to goal
247 clock_t clock_total_time_current; // Clock to hold time measured at start of the current cycle of the periodic function
248 clock_t clock_total_time_previous; // Clock to hold time measured at start of the previous cycle of the periodic function
250 clock_t clock_FSM;
252 // Other declarations
255 int N_disparities = 64;
257 int min_disparity = 0;//
258 float heading;
259 float max_edge_search_angle = M_PI /
260  2;
263 float distance_traveled; // Variable to hold the distance traveled of the robot (since start and up to the goal)
264 uint8_t number_of_states; // Variable to save the total number of states used in the finite state machine
269 // For debugging purpose. Allows for changing of state in simulation if 1. If 0, does not allow for state change. Useful if you want to execute only one state repeatedly
271 uint8_t allow_state_change_MOVE_TO_GOAL; // From within state "MOVE_TO_GOAL"
272 uint8_t allow_state_change_POSITION_GOAL; // From within state "POSITION_GOAL"
273 uint8_t allow_state_change_WEDGEBUG_START; // From within state "WEDGEBUG_START"
274 uint8_t allow_state_change_MOVE_TO_EDGE; // From within state "MOVE_TO_EDGE"
275 uint8_t allow_state_change_POSITION_EDGE; // From within state "POSITION_EDGE"
276 uint8_t allow_state_change_EDGE_SCAN; // From within state "EDGE_SCAN"
283 // New section: Functions - Declaration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
285 // Supporting
286 const char *get_img_type(enum image_type img_type); // Function 1: Displays image type
287 void show_image_data(struct image_t *img); // Function 2: Displays image data
288 void show_image_entry(struct image_t *img, int entry_position,
289  const char *img_name); // Function 3: Displays pixel value of image
290 void show_rotation_matrix(struct FloatRMat *R);
292 //Core
293 static struct image_t *copy_left_img_func(struct image_t
294  *img, uint8_t camera_id); // Function 1: Copies left image into a buffer (buf_left)
295 static struct image_t *copy_right_img_func(struct image_t
296  *img, uint8_t camera_id); // Function 2: Copies left image into a buffer (buf_right)
297 void UYVYs_interlacing_V(struct image_t *YY, struct image_t *left,
298  struct image_t *right); // Function 3: Copies gray pixel values of left and right UYVY images into merged YY image
299 void UYVYs_interlacing_H(struct image_t *merged, struct image_t *left, struct image_t *right);
302 void thresholding_img(struct image_t *img, uint8_t threshold);
303 void principal_points(struct point_t *c_output, const struct point_t *c_old_input, struct crop_t *img_cropped_info);
304 float disp_to_depth(const uint8_t d, const float b, const uint16_t f);
305 uint8_t depth_to_disp(const float depth, const float b, const uint16_t f);
306 void Vi_to_Vc(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const uint8_t d,
307  const float b, const uint16_t f);
308 int32_t indx1d_a(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const struct image_t *img);
309 int32_t indx1d_b(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const struct img_size_t *img_dims);
310 int32_t indx1d_c(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const uint16_t img_height, const uint16_t img_width);
312 void Va_to_Vb(struct FloatVect3 *Vb, struct FloatVect3 *Va, struct FloatRMat *Rba, struct FloatVect3 *VOa);
313 void Vb_to_Va(struct FloatVect3 *Va, struct FloatVect3 *Vb, struct FloatRMat *Rba, struct FloatVect3 *VOa);
314 void Vw_to_Vc(struct FloatVect3 *Vc, struct FloatVect3 *Vw, struct FloatRMat *Rrw, struct FloatVect3 *VRw,
315  struct FloatRMat *Rcr, struct FloatVect3 *VCr, const uint8_t verbose);
316 void Vc_to_Vw(struct FloatVect3 *Vw, struct FloatVect3 *Vc, struct FloatRMat *Rrw, struct FloatVect3 *VRw,
317  struct FloatRMat *Rcr, struct FloatVect3 *VCr, const uint8_t verbose);
319 float float_vect3_norm_two_points(struct FloatVect3 *V1, struct FloatVect3 *V2);
321 float heading_towards_setpoint_WNED(struct FloatVect3 *VSETPOINTwned);
322 uint8_t median_disparity_to_point(struct point_t *Vi, struct image_t *img, struct kernel_C1 *kernel_median);
325  struct image_t *img_edges, struct image_t *img_disparity, struct crop_t *edge_search_area, uint8_t threshold,
326  int16_t max_confidence);
327 uint8_t is_setpoint_reached(struct FloatVect3 *VGOAL, struct FloatVect3 *VCURRENTPOSITION, float threshold);
329 float float_norm_two_angles(float target_angle, float current_angle);
330 uint8_t is_heading_reached(float target_angle, float current_angle, float threshold);
331 uint8_t are_setpoint_and_angle_reached(struct FloatVect3 *VGOAL, struct FloatVect3 *VCURRENTPOSITION,
332  float threshold_setpoint, float target_angle, float current_angle, float threshold_angle);
333 void disp_to_depth_img(struct image_t *img8bit_input, struct image_t *img16bit_output);
337 float dispfixed_to_disp(const int16_t d);
338 float disp_to_depth_16bit(const int16_t d, const float b, const uint16_t f);
339 void Vi_to_Vc_depth(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x,
340  const float depth /*depth in m*/, const uint16_t f);
341 void Vi_to_Vc16bit(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const uint16_t d,
342  const float b, const uint16_t f);
343 uint16_t median_depth_to_point(struct point_t *Vi, struct image_t *img, struct kernel_C1 *kernel_median);
345  struct image_t *img_edges, struct image_t *img_depth, struct crop_t *edge_search_area, uint16_t threshold,
346  int16_t max_confidence);
352 // New section: Functions - Definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 // Supporting:
356 // Function 1
357 const char *get_img_type(enum image_type img_type)
358 {
359  switch (img_type) {
360  case IMAGE_YUV422: return "IMAGE_YUV422";
362  case IMAGE_JPEG: return "IMAGE_JPEG";
364  default: return "Image type not found";
365  }
366 }
369 // Function 2
370 void show_image_data(struct image_t *img)
371 {
372  printf("Image-Type: %s\n", get_img_type(img->type));
373  printf("Image-Width: %d\n", img->w);
374  printf("Image-Height: %d\n", img->h);
375  printf("Image-Buf_Size: %d\n", img->buf_size);
376  printf("Image-Buf_Memory_Occupied: %lu\n", sizeof(img->buf));
377 }
380 // Function 3
381 void show_image_entry(struct image_t *img, int entry_position, const char *img_name)
382 {
383  printf("Pixel %d value - %s: %d\n", entry_position, img_name, ((uint8_t *)img->buf)[entry_position]);
384 }
386 // Function 4
388 {
389  printf("[[%f, %f, %f]\n", R->m[0], R->m[1], R->m[2]);
390  printf(" [%f, %f, %f]\n", R->m[3], R->m[4], R->m[5]);
391  printf(" [%f, %f, %f]]\n", R->m[6], R->m[7], R->m[8]);
393 }
397 // External:
399 // Function 1 - Returns the upper left coordinates of a square (x and y coordinates) and the offset in terms of width and height,
400 // given the number of disparity levels and the block size used by the block matching algorithm. This is need to crop an image
401 void post_disparity_crop_rect(struct crop_t *_img_cropped_info, struct img_size_t *_original_img_dims, const int disp_n,
402  const int block_size)
403 {
405  uint16_t block_size_black = block_size / 2;
406  uint16_t left_black = disp_n + block_size_black;
409  _img_cropped_info->y = block_size_black;
410  _img_cropped_info->h = _original_img_dims->h - block_size_black;
411  _img_cropped_info->h = _img_cropped_info->h - _img_cropped_info->y;
413  _img_cropped_info->x = left_black - 1;
414  _img_cropped_info->w = _original_img_dims->w - block_size_black;
415  _img_cropped_info->w = _img_cropped_info->w - _img_cropped_info->x;
416 }
419 // Function 2 - Sets finite state machine state (useful for the flight path blocks)
420 void set_state(uint8_t _state, uint8_t change_allowed)
421 {
422  if (change_allowed == 1) {current_state = _state;}
423 }
426 // Function 3 - Creates empty 8bit kernel
427 void kernel_create(struct kernel_C1 *kernel, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, enum image_type type)
428 {
430  // Set the variables
431  kernel->type = type;
432  kernel->h = height;
433  kernel->w = width;
436  // Depending on the type the size differs
437  if (type == IMAGE_YUV422) {
438  kernel->buf_size = sizeof(uint8_t) * 2 * width * height;
439  } else if (type == IMAGE_JPEG) {
440  kernel->buf_size = sizeof(uint8_t) * 2 * width * height; // At maximum quality this is enough
441  } else if (type == IMAGE_GRADIENT) {
442  kernel->buf_size = sizeof(int16_t) * width * height;
443  } else if (type == IMAGE_INT16) {
444  kernel->buf_size = sizeof(int16_t) * width * height;
445  } else {
446  kernel->buf_size = sizeof(uint8_t) * width * height;
447  }
449  kernel->buf_weights = malloc(kernel->buf_size);
450  kernel->buf_values = malloc(kernel->buf_size);
451 }
454 // Function 4 - Deletes 8bit kernel
455 void kernel_free(struct kernel_C1 *kernel)
456 {
457  if (kernel->buf_weights != NULL) {
458  free(kernel->buf_weights);
459  kernel->buf_weights = NULL;
460  }
461  if (kernel->buf_values != NULL) {
462  free(kernel->buf_values);
463  kernel->buf_values = NULL;
464  }
465 }
468 // Function 5 - Calculates median of a 8bit image
470 {
471  // Allocate an array of the same size and sort it.
472  uint32_t i, j;
474  uint8_t dpSorted[n];
475  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
476  dpSorted[i] = a[i];
477  }
478  for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
479  for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
480  if (dpSorted[j] > dpSorted[j + 1]) {
481  uint8_t dTemp = dpSorted[j];
482  dpSorted[j] = dpSorted[j + 1];
483  dpSorted[j + 1] = dTemp;
484  }
485  }
486  }
488  // Middle or average of middle values in the sorted array.
489  uint8_t dMedian = 0;
490  if ((n % 2) == 0) {
491  dMedian = (dpSorted[n / 2] + dpSorted[(n / 2) - 1]) / 2.0;
492  } else {
493  dMedian = dpSorted[n / 2];
494  }
495  return dMedian;
496 }
499 // Function 6 - Calculates median of a 16bit image
501 {
502  // Allocate an array of the same size and sort it.
503  uint32_t i, j;
505  uint16_t dpSorted[n];
506  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
507  dpSorted[i] = a[i];
508  }
509  for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
510  for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
511  if (dpSorted[j] > dpSorted[j + 1]) {
512  uint16_t dTemp = dpSorted[j];
513  dpSorted[j] = dpSorted[j + 1];
514  dpSorted[j + 1] = dTemp;
515  }
516  }
517  }
519  // Middle or average of middle values in the sorted array.
520  uint16_t dMedian = 0;
521  if ((n % 2) == 0) {
522  dMedian = (dpSorted[n / 2] + dpSorted[(n / 2) - 1]) / 2.0;
523  } else {
524  dMedian = dpSorted[n / 2];
525  }
526  return dMedian;
527 }
532 // Core:
534 // Function 1
535 static struct image_t *copy_left_img_func(struct image_t *img, uint8_t camera_id __attribute__((unused)))
536 {
537  image_copy(img, &img_left);
538  //show_image_data(img);
539  //show_image_entry(&img_left, 10, "img_left");
540  return img;
541 }
544 // Function 2
545 static struct image_t *copy_right_img_func(struct image_t *img, uint8_t camera_id __attribute__((unused)))
546 {
547  image_copy(img, &img_right);
548  //show_image_data(img);
549  //show_image_entry(&img_right, 10, "img_right");
550  return img;
551 }
554 // Function 3
555 void UYVYs_interlacing_V(struct image_t *merged, struct image_t *left, struct image_t *right)
556 {
557  // Error messages
558  if (left->w != right->w || left->h != right->h) {
559  printf("The dimensions of the left and right image to not match!");
560  return;
561  }
562  if ((merged->w * merged->h) != (2 * right->w) * right->w) {
563  printf("The dimensions of the empty image template for merger are not sufficient to merge gray left and right pixel values.");
564  return;
565  }
567  uint8_t *UYVY_left = left->buf;
568  uint8_t *UYVY_right = right->buf;
569  uint8_t *YY = merged->buf;
570  uint32_t loop_length = left->w * right->h;
572  // Incrementing pointers to get to first gray value of the UYVY images
573  UYVY_left++;
574  UYVY_right++;
577  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < loop_length; i++) {
578  *YY = *UYVY_left; // Copies left gray pixel (Y) to the merged image YY, in first position
579  YY++; // Moving to second position of merged image YY
580  *YY = *UYVY_right; // Copies right gray pixel (Y) to the merged image YY, in second position
581  YY++; // Moving to the next position, in preparation to copy left gray pixel (Y) to the merged image YY
582  UYVY_left += 2; // Moving pointer to next gray pixel (Y), in the left image
583  UYVY_right += 2; // Moving pointer to next gray pixel (Y), in the right image
584  /*
585  * Note: Since the loop lenth is based on the UYVY image the size of the data should be (2 x w) x h.
586  * This is also the same size as for the new merged YY image.
587  * Thus incrementing the pointer for UYVY_left and right, in each iteration, does not lead to problems (same for YY image)
588  */
589  }
590 }
593 // Function 4
594 void UYVYs_interlacing_H(struct image_t *merged, struct image_t *left, struct image_t *right)
595 {
596  // Error messages
597  if (left->w != right->w || left->h != right->h) {
598  printf("The dimensions of the left and right image to not match!");
599  return;
600  }
601  if ((merged->w * merged->h) != (2 * right->w) * right->w) {
602  printf("The dimensions of the empty image template for merger are not sufficient to merge gray left and right pixel values.");
603  return;
604  }
606  uint8_t *UYVY_left = left->buf;
607  uint8_t *UYVY_right = right->buf;
608  uint8_t *YY1 = merged->buf; // points to first row for pixels of left image
609  uint8_t *YY2 = YY1 + merged->w; // points to second row for pixels of right image
611  // Incrementing pointers to get to first gray value of the UYVY images
612  UYVY_left++;
613  UYVY_right++;
615  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < left->h; i++) {
616  //printf("Loop 1: %d\n", i);
617  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < left->w; j++) {
618  //printf("Loop 1: %d\n", j);
619  *YY1 = *UYVY_left;
620  *YY2 = *UYVY_right;
621  YY1++;
622  YY2++;
623  UYVY_left += 2;
624  UYVY_right += 2;
625  }
626  YY1 += merged->w; // Jumping pointer to second next row (i.e. over row with pixels from right image)
627  YY2 += merged->w; // Jumping pointer to second next row (i.e. over row with pixels from left image)
628  }
629 }
632 // Function 5 - Returns the maximum value in a uint8_t image
634 {
635  if (img->type == IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) {
636  uint32_t max = 0;
637  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < img->buf_size; i++) {
638  uint8_t *intensity = &((uint8_t *)img->buf)[i];
640  if (*intensity > max) {
641  max = *intensity;
642  }
643  }
644  return max;
645  } else if (img->type == IMAGE_INT16) {
646  uint32_t max = 0;
647  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (img->w * img->h); i++) {
648  uint16_t *intensity = &((uint16_t *)img->buf)[i];
650  if (*intensity > max) {
651  max = *intensity;
652  printf("%d\n", *intensity);
653  printf("location = %d\n", i);
654  }
655  }
656  return max;
657  } else {
658  printf("ERROR: function does not support image type %d. Breaking out of function.", img->type);
659  return 1;
660  }
663 }
666 // Function 6 - Thresholds 8bit images given and turns all values >= threshold to 255
667 void thresholding_img(struct image_t *img, uint8_t threshold)
668 {
669  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < img->buf_size; i++) {
670  uint8_t *intensity = &((uint8_t *)img->buf)[i];
672  if (*intensity >= threshold) {
673  *intensity = 127;
674  } else {
675  *intensity = 0;
676  }
677  }
678 }
681 // Function 7 - Calculates principal point coordinates for a cropped image, based on the x
682 // and y coordinates of the cropped area (upper left-hand side: crop_y and crop_x).
683 void principal_points(struct point_t *c_output, const struct point_t *c_old_input, struct crop_t *_img_cropped_info)
684 {
685  c_output->y = c_old_input->y - _img_cropped_info->y;
686  c_output->x = c_old_input->x - _img_cropped_info->x;
687 }
690 // Function 8a - Converts disparity to depth using focal length (in pixels) and baseline distance (in meters)
691 float disp_to_depth(const uint8_t _d, const float _b, const uint16_t _f)
692 {
693  return _b * _f / _d;
694 }
697 // Function 8c - Converts 16bit fixed number disparity (pixels * 16) to 16bit disparity (pixels)
698 float dispfixed_to_disp(const int16_t _d)
699 {
700  return (_d / 16.00);
701 }
704 // Function 8d - Converts 16bit fixed number disparity (pixels * 16) to 16bit depth (meters) using focal length (in pixels) and baseline distance (in meters)
705 float disp_to_depth_16bit(const int16_t _d, const float _b, const uint16_t _f)
706 {
707  return _b * _f / dispfixed_to_disp(_d);
708 }
711 // Function 8b - Converts depth to disparity using focal length (in pixels) and baseline distance (in meters)
712 uint8_t depth_to_disp(const float _depth, const float _b, const uint16_t _f)
713 {
714  return round(_b * _f / _depth);
715 }
720 // Function 9a - Calculates 3d points in a scene based on the 2d coordinates of the point in the
721 // image plane and the depth. d in in pixels, b is in meters and f is in pixels
722 void Vi_to_Vc(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const uint8_t _d,
723  const float _b, const uint16_t _f)
724 {
725  // Calculating Z
726  // In case disparity is 0 Z will be very very small to avoid detection of algorithm that
727  // calculates closest edge point to target goal
728  //printf("y=%d\n", image_point_y);
729  //printf("x=%d\n", image_point_x);
730  //printf("d=%d\n", d);
733  if (_d == 0) {
734  scene_point->z = 0.0001;
735  } else {
736  scene_point->z = disp_to_depth(_d, _b, _f);
737  }
740  //printf("Z=%f\n", scene_point->Z);
742  // Calculating Y
743  scene_point->y = image_point_y * scene_point -> z / _f;
745  // Calculating X
746  scene_point->x = image_point_x * scene_point -> z / _f;
747  //printf("Y (y=%d) = %f\n", image_point->y, scene_point->Y);
748  //printf("X (x=%d) = %f\n", image_point->x, scene_point->X);
749  //printf("Z (d=%d) = %f\n", d, scene_point->Z);
750 }
753 // Function 9b - Calculates 3d points in a scene based on the 2d coordinates of the point in the
754 // image plane and the depth. d in in pixels, b is in meters and f is in pixels
755 void Vi_to_Vc_depth(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x,
756  const float depth /*depth in m*/, const uint16_t _f)
757 {
758  // Calculating Z
759  scene_point->z = depth;
761  // Calculating Y
762  scene_point->y = image_point_y * scene_point -> z / _f;
764  // Calculating X
765  scene_point->x = image_point_x * scene_point -> z / _f;
766  //printf("Y (y=%d) = %f\n", image_point->y, scene_point->Y);
767  //printf("X (x=%d) = %f\n", image_point->x, scene_point->X);
768  //printf("Z (d=%d) = %f\n", d, scene_point->Z);
769 }
772 // Function 9c - Calculates 3d points in a scene based on the 2d coordinates of the point in the
773 // image plane and the depth. d in in pixels, b is in meters and f is in pixels
774 void Vi_to_Vc16bit(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const uint16_t _d,
775  const float _b, const uint16_t _f)
776 {
777  // Calculating Z
778  // In case disparity is 0 Z will be very very small to avoid detection of algorithm that
779  // calculates closest edge point to target goal
780  //printf("y=%d\n", image_point_y);
781  //printf("x=%d\n", image_point_x);
782  //printf("d=%d\n", d);
785  if (_d == 0) {
786  scene_point->z = 0.0001;
787  } else {
788  scene_point->z = disp_to_depth_16bit(_d, _b, _f);
789  }
792  //printf("Z=%f\n", scene_point->Z);
794  // Calculating Y
795  scene_point->y = image_point_y * scene_point -> z / _f;
797  // Calculating X
798  scene_point->x = image_point_x * scene_point -> z / _f;
799  //printf("Y (y=%d) = %f\n", image_point->y, scene_point->Y);
800  //printf("X (x=%d) = %f\n", image_point->x, scene_point->X);
801  //printf("Z (d=%d) = %f\n", d, scene_point->Z);
803 }
806 // Function 10a - Converts 2d coordinates into 1d coordinates (for 1d arrays) - using struct image_t for dimensions
807 int32_t indx1d_a(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const struct image_t *img)
808 {
809  if (x >= (img->w) || x < 0) {
810  printf("Error: index x=%d is out of bounds for axis 0 with size %d. Returning -1\n", x, img->w);
811  return -1;
812  } else if (y >= (img->h) || y < 0) {
813  printf("Error: index y=%d is out of bounds for axis 0 with size %d. Returning -1\n", y, img->h);
814  return -1;
815  } else {
816  return x + img->w * y;
817  }
818 }
821 // Function 10b - Converts 2d coordinates into 1d coordinates (for 1d arrays) - using struct img_size_t for dimensions
822 int32_t indx1d_b(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const struct img_size_t *_img_dims)
823 {
824  if (x >= (_img_dims->w) || x < 0) {
825  printf("Error: index %d is out of bounds for axis 0 with size %d. Returning -1\n", x, _img_dims->w);
826  return -1;
827  } else if (y >= (_img_dims->h) || y < 0) {
828  printf("Error: index %d is out of bounds for axis 0 with size %d. Returning -1\n", y, _img_dims->h);
829  return -1;
830  } else {
831  return x + _img_dims->w * y;
832  }
833 }
835 // Function 10c - Converts 2d coordinates into 1d coordinates (for 1d arrays) - using two uint16_t values for dimensions
836 int32_t indx1d_c(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const uint16_t img_height, const uint16_t img_width)
837 {
838  if (x >= (img_width) || x < 0) {
839  printf("Error: index x=%d is out of bounds for axis 0 with size %d. Returning -1\n", x, img_width);
840  return -1;
841  } else if (y >= (img_height) || y < 0) {
842  printf("Error: index y=%d is out of bounds for axis 1 with size %d. Returning -1\n", y, img_height);
843  return -1;
844  } else {
845  return x + img_width * y;
846  }
847 }
850 // Function 11 - Function to convert point in coordinate system a to a point in the coordinate system b
851 void Va_to_Vb(struct FloatVect3 *Vb, struct FloatVect3 *Va, struct FloatRMat *Rba, struct FloatVect3 *VOa)
852 {
854  struct FloatVect3 Va_temp;
855  Va_temp.x = Va->x;
856  Va_temp.y = Va->y;
857  Va_temp.z = Va->z;
860  // The following translates world vector coordinates into the agent coordinate system
861  Va_temp.x = Va->x - VOa->x;
862  Va_temp.y = Va->y - VOa->y;
863  Va_temp.z = Va->z - VOa->z;
865  // In case the axes of the world coordinate system (w) and the agent coordinate system (a) do not
866  // coincide, they are adjusted with the rotation matrix R
867  float_rmat_vmult(Vb, Rba, &Va_temp);
868 }
871 // Function 12 - Function to convert point in coordinate system b back to a point in the coordinate system a
872 void Vb_to_Va(struct FloatVect3 *Va, struct FloatVect3 *Vb, struct FloatRMat *Rba, struct FloatVect3 *VOa)
873 {
874  // In case the axes of the agent coordinate system (a) and the world coordinate system (w) do not
875  // coincide, they are adjusted with the inverse rotation matrix R
876  float_rmat_transp_vmult(Va, Rba, Vb);
878  // The following translates agent vector coordinates into the world coordinate system
879  Va->x = Va->x + VOa->x;
880  Va->y = Va->y + VOa->y;
881  Va->z = Va->z + VOa->z;
882 }
885 // Function 13 - Function wrapper to convert a point in the world coordinate system to a point in the camera coordinate system
886 void Vw_to_Vc(struct FloatVect3 *Vc, struct FloatVect3 *Vw, struct FloatRMat *Rrw, struct FloatVect3 *VRw,
887  struct FloatRMat *_Rcr, struct FloatVect3 *_VCr, const uint8_t verbose)
888 {
889  struct FloatVect3 Vr;
891  // Print log only if enabled
892  if (verbose != 0) {
893  // Rotation matrix - World coordinate system expressed in the robot coordinate system
894  printf("Rrw\n");
895  printf("%f, %f, %f,\n", Rrw->m[0], Rrw->m[1], Rrw->m[2]);
896  printf("%f, %f, %f,\n", Rrw->m[3], Rrw->m[4], Rrw->m[5]);
897  printf("%f, %f, %f\n\n", Rrw->m[6], Rrw->m[7], Rrw->m[8]);
899  // Vector coordinates - Robot in the world frame system
900  printf("VRw (drone location)\n");
901  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", VRw->x, VRw->y, VRw->z);
903  // World coordinates
904  printf("Vw\n");
905  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", Vw->x, Vw->y, Vw->z);
906  }
909  // Robot coordinates from world coordinates
910  Va_to_Vb(&Vr, Vw, Rrw, VRw);
912  // Print log only if enabled
913  if (verbose != 0) {
914  // Robot coordinates
915  printf("Vr\n");
916  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", Vr.x, Vr.y, Vr.z);
918  // Rotation matrix - Robot coordinate system expressed in the camera coordinate system
919  printf("Rcr\n");
920  printf("%f, %f, %f,\n", _Rcr->m[0], _Rcr->m[1], _Rcr->m[2]);
921  printf("%f, %f, %f,\n", _Rcr->m[3], _Rcr->m[4], _Rcr->m[5]);
922  printf("%f, %f, %f\n\n", _Rcr->m[6], _Rcr->m[7], _Rcr->m[8]);
924  // Vector coordinates - Camera in the robot frame system
925  printf("VCa (camera location)\n");
926  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", _VCr->x, _VCr->y, _VCr->z);
927  }
929  // Camera coordinates from robot coordinates
930  Va_to_Vb(Vc, &Vr, _Rcr, _VCr);
932  // Print log only if enabled
933  if (verbose != 0) {
934  // Camera coordinates
935  printf("Vc\n");
936  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", Vc->x, Vc->y, Vc->z);
937  }
938 }
941 // Function 14 - Function wrapper to convert a point in the camera coordinate system back to a point in the world coordinate system
942 void Vc_to_Vw(struct FloatVect3 *Vw, struct FloatVect3 *Vc, struct FloatRMat *Rrw, struct FloatVect3 *VRw,
943  struct FloatRMat *_Rcr, struct FloatVect3 *_VCr, const uint8_t verbose)
944 {
945  struct FloatVect3 Vr;
947  // Agent coordinates from camera coordinates
948  Vb_to_Va(&Vr, Vc, _Rcr, _VCr);
950  // Print log only if enabled
951  if (verbose != 0) {
952  // Back to robot coordinates
953  printf("Vr - back calculated\n"); \
954  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", Vr.x, Vr.y, Vr.z);
955  }
958  // World coordinates from a coordinates
959  Vb_to_Va(Vw, &Vr, Rrw, VRw);
961  // Print log only if enabled
962  if (verbose != 0) {
963  // Back to world coordinates
964  printf("Vw - back calculated\n");
965  printf(" %f\n %f\n %f\n\n", Vw->x, Vw->y, Vw->z);
966  }
967 }
969 // Function 15 - Function to obtain the Euclidean distance (in meters) between two 3d points
970 float float_vect3_norm_two_points(struct FloatVect3 *V1, struct FloatVect3 *V2)
971 {
972  struct FloatVect3 V_V1V2_diff;
973  VECT3_DIFF(V_V1V2_diff, *V1, *V2);
974  return float_vect3_norm(&V_V1V2_diff);
975 }
977 // Function 16a - function to calculate angle between robot and specific waypoint
979 {
980  struct FloatVect2 VWPwt = {WaypointX(wp), WaypointY(wp)};
981  struct FloatVect2 difference;
982  float angle;
984  VECT2_DIFF(difference, VWPwt, *stateGetPositionEnu_f());
985  angle = atan2f(difference.x, difference.y);
986  return angle;
987 }
990 // Function 16b - function to calculate angle between robot and specific setpoint
991 float heading_towards_setpoint_WNED(struct FloatVect3 *VSETPOINTwned)
992 {
993  struct FloatVect2 difference;
994  float angle;
996  VECT2_DIFF(difference, *VSETPOINTwned, *stateGetPositionNed_f());
997  angle = atan2f(difference.y, difference.x);
998  return angle;
999 }
1002 // Function 17a - Function to calculate median disparity to a point (Vi) in an image (img), using a kernel structure (kernel_median)
1003 uint8_t median_disparity_to_point(struct point_t *Vi, struct image_t *img, struct kernel_C1 *kernel_median)
1004 {
1005  // Creating Start and stop coordinates of in the image coordinate system, based on kernel size
1006  uint8_t VSTARTi_y = Vi->y - (kernel_median->h / 2);
1007  uint8_t VSTARTi_x = Vi->x - (kernel_median->w / 2);
1008  uint8_t VSTOPi_y = Vi->y + (kernel_median->h / 2);
1009  uint8_t VSTOPi_x = Vi->x + (kernel_median->w / 2);
1011  // In case the upper bounds of the kernel are outside of the image area
1012  // (lower bound not important because of uint8_t type converting everything below 0 to 0):
1013  if (VSTOPi_y > img->h) {
1014  VSTOPi_y = (img->h - 1);
1015  }
1016  if (VSTOPi_x > img->w) {
1017  VSTOPi_x = (img->w - 1);
1018  }
1022  // Declaring kernel coordinates
1023  uint16_t Vk_y;
1024  uint16_t Vk_x;
1026  // Declaring 1d indices (for result of transforming 2d coordinates into 1d coordinate)
1027  int32_t index_img;
1028  int32_t index_kernel;
1030  // Declaring variable to store median in
1031  uint8_t median;
1034  // Here we get the median value of a block in the middle of an image using a kernel structure
1035  for (uint8_t Vi_y = VSTARTi_y; Vi_y < (VSTOPi_y + 1); Vi_y++) {
1036  for (uint8_t Vi_x = VSTARTi_x; Vi_x < (VSTOPi_x + 1); Vi_x++) {
1037  // Calculating kernel coordinates
1038  Vk_y = Vi_y - VSTARTi_y;
1039  Vk_x = Vi_x - VSTARTi_x;
1041  // Converting 2d indices to 1d indices
1042  index_img = indx1d_a(Vi_y, Vi_x, img);
1043  index_kernel = indx1d_c(Vk_y, Vk_x, median_kernel.h, median_kernel.w);
1046  // Saving disparity values of image underneath the kernel, into the kernel buffer
1047  ((uint8_t *) median_kernel.buf_values)[index_kernel] = ((uint8_t *) img->buf)[index_img];
1048  }
1049  }
1051  // Calculating median disparity value of values recoded by the kernel
1054  return median;
1055 }
1058 // Function 17b - Function to calculate median depth (cm) to a point (Vi) in a 16bit image (img), using a kernel structure (kernel_median)
1059 uint16_t median_depth_to_point(struct point_t *Vi, struct image_t *img, struct kernel_C1 *kernel_median)
1060 {
1061  // Creating Start and stop coordinates of in the image coordinate system, based on kernel size
1062  uint16_t VSTARTi_y = Vi->y - (kernel_median->h / 2);
1063  uint16_t VSTARTi_x = Vi->x - (kernel_median->w / 2);
1064  uint16_t VSTOPi_y = Vi->y + (kernel_median->h / 2);
1065  uint16_t VSTOPi_x = Vi->x + (kernel_median->w / 2);
1067  // In case the upper bounds of the kernel are outside of the image area
1068  // (lower bound not important because of uint8_t type converting everything below 0 to 0):
1069  if (VSTOPi_y > img->h) {
1070  VSTOPi_y = (img->h - 1);
1071  }
1072  if (VSTOPi_x > img->w) {
1073  VSTOPi_x = (img->w - 1);
1074  }
1078  // Declaring kernel coordinates
1079  uint16_t Vk_y;
1080  uint16_t Vk_x;
1082  // Declaring 1d indices (for result of transforming 2d coordinates into 1d coordinate)
1083  int32_t index_img;
1084  int32_t index_kernel;
1086  // Declaring variable to store median in
1087  uint16_t median;
1090  // Here we get the median value of a block in the middle of an image using a kernel structure
1091  for (uint16_t Vi_y = VSTARTi_y; Vi_y < (VSTOPi_y + 1); Vi_y++) {
1092  for (uint16_t Vi_x = VSTARTi_x; Vi_x < (VSTOPi_x + 1); Vi_x++) {
1093  // Calculating kernel coordinates
1094  Vk_y = Vi_y - VSTARTi_y;
1095  Vk_x = Vi_x - VSTARTi_x;
1097  // Converting 2d indices to 1d indices
1098  index_img = indx1d_a(Vi_y, Vi_x, img);
1099  index_kernel = indx1d_c(Vk_y, Vk_x, median_kernel.h, median_kernel.w);
1102  // Saving disparity values of image underneath the kernel, into the kernel buffer
1103  ((uint16_t *) median_kernel.buf_values)[index_kernel] = ((uint16_t *) img->buf)[index_img];
1105  }
1106  }
1108  // Calculating median disparity value of values recoded by the kernel
1111  return median;
1112 }
1117 // Function 18a - Function to find "best" (closest ideal pathway to goal from robot to edge to goal) - Using disparity image
1118 // Returns a 3d Vector to the best "edge" and 1 if any edge is found and 0 if no edge is found.
1120  struct FloatVect3
1121  *_VEDGECOORDINATESc, // Declared vector of coordinates of "best" edge detected in camera coordinate system
1122  struct FloatVect3 *VTARGETc, // Declared vector of coordinates of goal in camera coordinate system
1123  struct image_t *img_edges, // Image obtained from the external Sobel edge detection function = sobel_OCV
1124  struct image_t *img_disparity, // Image obtained after simple block matching
1125  struct crop_t *_edge_search_area, // This structure holds information about the window in which edges are searched in
1126  uint8_t threshold, // Above this disparity (pixels) edges are eligible for the WedgeBug algorithm (i.e. edges cannot be very far away)
1127  int16_t max_confidence // This is the max confidence that edges were found - Works like a threshold
1128 )
1129 {
1130  // Declarations
1131  struct FloatVect3
1132  VEDGEc; // A vector to save the point of an eligible detected edge point in the camera coordinate system.
1133  struct FloatVect3 VROBOTCENTERc; // A vector to hold camera center coordinates in the camera coordinate system.
1134  struct point_t
1135  VCLOSESTEDGEi; // A vector to save the point of the "best" eligible detected edge point in the image coordinate system.
1136  float f_distance_edge_to_goal; // Saves distance from edge to goal
1137  float f_distance_robot_to_edge; // Saves distance from robot to goal
1138  float distance; // This stores distance from edge to goal. Its initialized with 255 as basically any edge found will be closer than that and will replace 255 met
1139  uint8_t edge_value; // Variable to store the intensity value of a pixel in the img_edge
1140  uint8_t disparity; // variable to store the disparity level of a pixel in the img_disparity
1141  uint8_t disparity_best; // Variable to store disparity level of associated best edge found (for debugging)
1142  int16_t confidence; // Confidence = number of edge pixels found
1143  int32_t indx; // Variable to store 1d index calculated from 2d index
1145  // Initializations
1146  VROBOTCENTERc.x = 0.0; VROBOTCENTERc.y = 0.0; VROBOTCENTERc.z = 0.0;
1148  distance = 255;
1149  confidence = 0;
1150  disparity_best = 0;
1153  // Loop to calculate position (in image) of point closes to hypothetical target - Start
1154  for (uint16_t y = _edge_search_area->y; y < (_edge_search_area->y + _edge_search_area->h);
1155  y++) { //for (uint32_t y = _edge_search_area.y; y < (_edge_search_area.y + _edge_search_area.h); y++)
1156  for (uint16_t x = _edge_search_area->x; x < (_edge_search_area->x + _edge_search_area->w); x++) {
1157  indx = indx1d_a(y, x, img_edges); // We convert the 2d index [x,y] into a 1d index
1158  edge_value = ((uint8_t *) img_edges->buf)[indx]; // We save the intensity of the current point
1159  disparity = ((uint8_t *) img_disparity->buf)[indx]; // We save the disparity of the current point
1161  // Two conditions must be met for an edge to be considered a viable route for the drone:
1162  // 1) This disparity of the current coordinate (x,y) must coincide with an edge pixel
1163  // (as all non-edge pixels have been set to 0) - (edge_value != 0)
1164  // 2) The disparity of the current coordinate (x, y) must be above a certain threshold. This simulates vision cone - (disparity > threshold_disparity_of_edges)
1165  if ((edge_value != 0) && (disparity > threshold)) {
1166  // We increase the confidence for every edge found
1167  confidence++;
1168  Bound(confidence, 0, max_confidence);
1170  // We determine the offset from the principle point
1171  int32_t y_from_c = y - c_img_cropped.y; // NOTE. The variable "c_img_cropped" is a global variable
1172  int32_t x_from_c = x - c_img_cropped.x; // NOTE. The variable "c_img_cropped" is a global variable
1173  // We derive the 3d scene point using from the disparity saved earlier
1174  Vi_to_Vc(&VEDGEc, y_from_c, x_from_c, disparity, b, f); // NOTE. The variables "b" and "f" are a global variables
1175  // Calculating Euclidean distance (N2) - Edge to goal
1176  f_distance_edge_to_goal = float_vect3_norm_two_points(VTARGETc, &VEDGEc);
1177  // Calculating Euclidean distance (N2) - robot to edge
1178  f_distance_robot_to_edge = float_vect3_norm_two_points(&VEDGEc, &VROBOTCENTERc);
1181  // If current distance (using distance vector) is smaller than the previous minimum distance
1182  // measure then save new distance and point coordinates associated with it
1183  if ((f_distance_robot_to_edge + f_distance_edge_to_goal) < distance) {
1184  // Saving closest edge point, in camera coordinate system
1188  // Saving disparity at point
1189  disparity_best = disparity;
1190  // Saving smallest distance
1191  distance = (f_distance_robot_to_edge + f_distance_edge_to_goal);
1192  // Saving closest edge point, in image coordinate system
1193  VCLOSESTEDGEi.y = y;
1194  VCLOSESTEDGEi.x = x;
1196  }
1198  //printf("x image = %d\n", x);
1199  //printf("y image = %d\n", y);
1200  //printf("x image from c = %d\n", x_from_c);
1201  //printf("y image from c = %d\n", y_from_c);
1202  //printf("d = %d\n", disparity);
1203  //printf("X scene from c = %f\n", scene_point.X);
1204  //printf("Y scene from c = %f\n", scene_point.Y);
1205  //printf("Z scene from c = %f\n", scene_point.Z);
1206  //printf("Closest edge [y,x] = [%d, %d]\n", (int)closest_edge.y, (int)closest_edge.x);
1207  //printf("Robot center coordinates = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VROBOTCENTERc.x, VROBOTCENTERc.y, VROBOTCENTERc.z);
1208  //printf("Edge coordinates = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VEDGEc.x, VEDGEc.y, VEDGEc.z);
1209  //printf("Distance to goal (m) = %f\n", distance);
1210  //printf("Distance to goal2 (m) = %f + %f\n\n", f_distance_robot_to_edge, f_distance_edge_to_goal);
1211  }
1212  }
1213  }
1215  if (confidence == max_confidence) {
1216  ((uint8_t *) img_edges->buf)[indx1d_a(VCLOSESTEDGEi.y, VCLOSESTEDGEi.x, img_edges)] = 255;
1217  printf("Viable closest edge found: [%d, %d] (disparity = %d)\n", VCLOSESTEDGEi.y, VCLOSESTEDGEi.x, disparity_best);
1219  printf("At distance: %f\n", distance);
1220  confidence = 0;
1221  return 1;
1222  } else {
1223  printf("No viable edge found\n");
1224  confidence = 0;
1225  return 0;
1226  }
1227 }
1231 // Function 18b - Function to find "best" (closest ideal pathway to goal from robot to edge to goal) - Using depth image
1232 // Returns a 3d Vector to the best "edge" and 1 if any edge is found and 0 if no edge is found.
1234  struct FloatVect3
1235  *_VEDGECOORDINATESc, // Declared vector of coordinates of "best" edge detected in camera coordinate system
1236  struct FloatVect3 *VTARGETc, // Declared vector of coordinates of goal in camera coordinate system
1237  struct image_t *img_edges, // Image obtained from the external Sobel edge detection function = sobel_OCV
1238  struct image_t *img_depth, // Image holding depth values (cm) obtained from the disparity image
1239  struct crop_t *_edge_search_area, // This structure holds information about the window in which edges are searched in
1240  uint16_t threshold, // Below this depth (cm) edges are eligible for the WedgeBug algorithm (i.e. edges cannot be very far away)
1241  int16_t max_confidence // This is the max confidence that edges were found - Works like a threshold
1242 )
1243 {
1244  // Declarations
1245  struct FloatVect3
1246  VEDGEc; // A vector to save the point of an eligible detected edge point in the camera coordinate system.
1247  struct FloatVect3 VROBOTCENTERc; // A vector to hold camera center coordinates in the camera coordinate system.
1248  struct point_t
1249  VCLOSESTEDGEi; // A vector to save the point of the "best" eligible detected edge point in the image coordinate system.
1250  float f_distance_edge_to_goal; // Saves distance from edge to goal
1251  float f_distance_robot_to_edge; // Saves distance from robot to goal
1252  float distance; // This stores distance from edge to goal. Its initialized with 255 as basically any edge found will be closer than that and will replace 255 meters
1253  uint8_t edge_value; // Variable to store the intensity value of a pixel in the img_edge
1254  uint16_t depth; // Variable to store the depth (in cm) of a pixel in the img_disparity
1255  uint16_t depth_best; // Variable to store depth (cm) level of associated best edge found (for debugging)
1256  int16_t confidence; // Confidence = number of edge pixels found
1257  int32_t indx; // Variable to store 1d index calculated from 2d index
1259  // Initializations
1260  VROBOTCENTERc.x = 0.0; VROBOTCENTERc.y = 0.0; VROBOTCENTERc.z = 0.0;
1262  distance = 255;
1263  confidence = 0;
1264  depth_best = 0;
1267  // Loop to calculate position (in image) of point closes to hypothetical target - Start
1268  for (uint16_t y = _edge_search_area->y; y < (_edge_search_area->y + _edge_search_area->h);
1269  y++) { //for (uint32_t y = _edge_search_area.y; y < (_edge_search_area.y + _edge_search_area.h); y++)
1270  for (uint16_t x = _edge_search_area->x; x < (_edge_search_area->x + _edge_search_area->w); x++) {
1271  indx = indx1d_a(y, x, img_edges); // We convert the 2d index [x,y] into a 1d index
1272  edge_value = ((uint8_t *) img_edges->buf)[indx]; // We save the intensity of the current point
1273  depth = ((uint16_t *) img_depth->buf)[indx];
1275  // Two conditions must be met for an edge to be considered a viable route for the drone:
1276  // 1) This disparity of the current coordinate (x,y) must coincide with an edge pixel
1277  // (as all non-edge pixels have been set to 0) - (edge_value != 0)
1278  // 2) The disparity of the current coordinate (x, y) must be above a certain threshold. This simulates vision cone - (disparity > threshold_disparity_of_edges)
1279  if ((edge_value != 0) && (depth < threshold)) {
1280  // We increase the confidence for every edge found
1281  confidence++;
1282  Bound(confidence, 0, max_confidence);
1284  // We determine the offset from the principle point
1285  int32_t y_from_c = y - c_img_cropped.y; // NOTE. The variable "c_img_cropped" is a global variable
1286  int32_t x_from_c = x - c_img_cropped.x; // NOTE. The variable "c_img_cropped" is a global variable
1287  // We derive the 3d scene point using the depth from the depth image (img_depth). Note depth is in cm, but function takes m. Thus, we convert
1288  Vi_to_Vc_depth(&VEDGEc, y_from_c, x_from_c, (depth / 100.00),
1289  f); // NOTE. The variables "b" and "f" are a global variables
1291  // Calculating Euclidean distance (N2) - Edge to goal
1292  f_distance_edge_to_goal = float_vect3_norm_two_points(VTARGETc, &VEDGEc);
1293  // Calculating Euclidean distance (N2) - robot to edge
1294  f_distance_robot_to_edge = float_vect3_norm_two_points(&VEDGEc, &VROBOTCENTERc);
1297  // If current distance (using distance vector) is smaller than the previous minimum distance
1298  // measure then save new distance and point coordinates associated with it
1299  if ((f_distance_robot_to_edge + f_distance_edge_to_goal) < distance) {
1300  // Saving closest edge point, in camera coordinate system
1304  // Saving disparity at point
1305  depth_best = depth;
1306  // Saving smallest distance
1307  distance = (f_distance_robot_to_edge + f_distance_edge_to_goal);
1308  // Saving closest edge point, in image coordinate system
1309  VCLOSESTEDGEi.y = y;
1310  VCLOSESTEDGEi.x = x;
1312  }
1314  //printf("x image = %d\n", x);
1315  //printf("y image = %d\n", y);
1316  //printf("x image from c = %d\n", x_from_c);
1317  //printf("y image from c = %d\n", y_from_c);
1318  //printf("d = %d\n", disparity);
1319  //printf("X scene from c = %f\n", scene_point.X);
1320  //printf("Y scene from c = %f\n", scene_point.Y);
1321  //printf("Z scene from c = %f\n", scene_point.Z);
1322  //printf("Closest edge [y,x] = [%d, %d]\n", (int)closest_edge.y, (int)closest_edge.x);
1323  //printf("Robot center coordinates = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VROBOTCENTERc.x, VROBOTCENTERc.y, VROBOTCENTERc.z);
1324  //printf("Edge coordinates = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VEDGEc.x, VEDGEc.y, VEDGEc.z);
1325  //printf("Distance to goal (m) = %f\n", distance);
1326  //printf("Distance to goal2 (m) = %f + %f\n\n", f_distance_robot_to_edge, f_distance_edge_to_goal);
1327  }
1328  }
1329  }
1331  if (confidence == max_confidence) {
1332  ((uint8_t *) img_edges->buf)[indx1d_a(VCLOSESTEDGEi.y, VCLOSESTEDGEi.x, img_edges)] = 255;
1333  printf("Viable closest edge found: [%d, %d] (depth = %f)\n", VCLOSESTEDGEi.y, VCLOSESTEDGEi.x, (depth_best / 100.00));
1335  printf("At distance: %f\n", distance);
1336  confidence = 0;
1337  return 1;
1338  } else {
1339  printf("No viable edge found\n");
1340  confidence = 0;
1341  return 0;
1342  }
1343 }
1347 // Function 19 - Function to determine if setpoint was reached (it was reached if distance is below a set threshold)
1348 uint8_t is_setpoint_reached(struct FloatVect3 *VGOAL, struct FloatVect3 *VCURRENTPOSITION, float threshold)
1349 {
1350  if (float_vect3_norm_two_points(VGOAL, VCURRENTPOSITION) < threshold) {return 1;}
1351  else {return 0;}
1352 }
1355 // Function 20 - function to obtain the Euclidian distance between two angles (in radians)
1356 float float_norm_two_angles(float target_angle, float current_angle)
1357 {
1358  float target_current_diff;
1359  target_current_diff = target_angle - current_angle;
1360  //printf("Target angle = %f\n", target_angle);
1361  //printf("Current angle = %f\n", current_angle);
1362  //printf("difference in function = %f\n", sqrt(pow(target_current_diff, 2)));
1363  return sqrt(pow(target_current_diff, 2));
1364 }
1366 // Function 21 - Function to determine if set heading was reached (it was reached if the Euclidean distance is below a set threshold)
1367 uint8_t is_heading_reached(float target_angle, float current_angle, float threshold)
1368 {
1369  if (float_norm_two_angles(target_angle, current_angle) < threshold) {return 1;}
1370  else {return 0;}
1371 }
1373 // Function 22
1375  struct FloatVect3 *VGOAL, struct FloatVect3 *VCURRENTPOSITION, float threshold_setpoint,
1376  float target_angle, float current_angle, float threshold_angle)
1377 {
1378  if ((float_vect3_norm_two_points(VGOAL, VCURRENTPOSITION) < threshold_setpoint)
1379  && (float_norm_two_angles(target_angle, current_angle) < threshold_angle)) {return 1;}
1380  else {return 0;}
1381 }
1384 // Function 23 - Function to convert 16bit disparity (unaltered from OCV output i.e. fixed point 16bit numbers) into 16bit depth values (cm)
1385 void disp_to_depth_img(struct image_t *img_input, struct image_t *img16bit_output)
1386 {
1387  //int n = 89;
1388  float disparity = 1;
1390  //printf("C location %d = %d\n", n, ((int16_t*)img16bit_input->buf)[n]);
1393  // Converting disparity values into depth (cm)
1394  for (int32_t i = 0; i < (img_input->h * img_input->w); i++) {
1396  if (img_input->type == IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) {
1397  disparity = disp_to_depth(((uint8_t *)img_input->buf)[i], b, f);
1398  } else if (img_input->type == IMAGE_INT16) {
1399  disparity = disp_to_depth_16bit(((uint16_t *)img_input->buf)[i], b, f);
1400  } else {
1401  printf("ERROR: function does not support image type %d. Breaking out of function.", img_input->type);
1402  }
1405  /*
1406  if(i == n)
1407  {
1408  printf("Depth in meters at %d = %f\n", n, disparity);
1409  }*/
1411  disparity = disparity * 100;
1413  /*if(i == n)
1414  {
1415  printf("Depth in cm at %d = %f\n", n, disparity);
1416  }*/
1419  ((uint16_t *)img16bit_output->buf)[i] = round(disparity);
1420  }
1421  //printf("Depth in cm at %d = %d\n", n, ((int16_t*)img16bit_output->buf)[n]);
1422 }
1424 // Function 24 - Function that encapsulates all of the background processes. Originally this was in the periodic function,
1425 // but since it is used in the direct and the guidance navigation modes of the state machine, I made it a callable function
1426 // for convenience
1427 void background_processes(uint8_t _save_images_flag)
1428 {
1429  //Background processes
1430  // 1. Converting left and right image to 8bit grayscale for further processing
1431  image_to_grayscale(&img_left, &img_left_int8); // Converting left image from UYVY to gray scale for saving function
1432  image_to_grayscale(&img_right, &img_right_int8); // Converting right image from UYVY to gray scale for saving function
1434  // 2. Deriving disparity map from block matching (left image is reference image)
1436  1);// Creating cropped disparity map image
1437  // For report: creating image for saving 1
1438  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_disparity_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b_img1_post_SBM.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1440  /*
1441  // Optional thresholding of disparity map
1442  uint8_t thresh = 1;
1443  for (int32_t i = 0; i < (img_disparity_int8_cropped.h*img_disparity_int8_cropped.w); i++)
1444  {
1445  uint8_t disparity = ((uint8_t*)img_disparity_int8_cropped)[i];
1446  if(disparity < thresh)
1447  {
1448  ((uint8_t*)img_disparity_int8_cropped)[i] = 0; // if below disparity assume object is indefinately away
1449  }
1450  }*/
1452  // 3. Morphological operations 1
1453  // Needed to smoove object boundaries and to remove noise removing noise
1455  // For report: creating image for saving 2
1456  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_middle_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b_img2_post_opening_8bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1459  // For report: creating image for saving 3
1460  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_middle_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b_img3_post_closing_8bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1463  // For report: creating image for saving 4
1464  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_middle_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b_img4_post_dilation_8bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1466  // 4. Depth image
1468  // For report: creating image for saving 4
1469  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_depth_int16_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b_img5_post_depth_16bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1471  // 5. Sobel edge detection
1473  // For report: creating image for saving 5
1474  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_gray(&img_edges_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b_img6_post_sobel_8bit.bmp");}
1475 }
1478 // Function 25 - Function that encapsulates all of the background processes. Originally this was in the periodic function,
1479 // but since it is used in the direct and the guidance navigation modes of the state machine, I made it a callable function
1480 // for convenience
1481 void background_processes_16bit(uint8_t _save_images_flag)
1482 {
1483  //Background processes
1484  // 1. Converting left and right image to 8bit grayscale for further processing
1485  image_to_grayscale(&img_left, &img_left_int8); // Converting left image from UYVY to gray scale for saving function
1486  image_to_grayscale(&img_right, &img_right_int8); // Converting right image from UYVY to gray scale for saving function
1488  // 2. Deriving disparity map from block matching (left image is reference image)
1490  1);// Creating cropped disparity map image
1491  // For report: creating image for saving 1
1492  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_disparity_int16_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b2_img1_post_SBM_16bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1494  //printf("maximum_intensity = %d\n", maximum_intensity(&img_disparity_int16_cropped));
1496  /*
1497  // Optional thresholding of disparity map
1498  uint8_t thresh = 1;
1499  for (int32_t i = 0; i < (img_disparity_int8_cropped.h*img_disparity_int8_cropped.w); i++)
1500  {
1501  uint8_t disparity = ((uint8_t*)img_disparity_int8_cropped)[i];
1502  if(disparity < thresh)
1503  {
1504  ((uint8_t*)img_disparity_int8_cropped)[i] = 0; // if below disparity assume object is indefinately away
1505  }
1506  }*/
1508  // 3. Morphological operations 1
1509  // Needed to smoove object boundaries and to remove noise removing noise
1512  // For report: creating image for saving 3
1513  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_disparity_int16_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b2_img2_post_closing_16bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1517  // For report: creating image for saving 2
1518  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_disparity_int16_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b2_img3_post_opening_16bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1523  // For report: creating image for saving 4
1524  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_disparity_int16_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b2_img4_post_dilation_16bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1527  // 4. Depth image
1529  // For report: creating image for saving 4
1530  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_HM(&img_depth_int16_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b2_img5_post_depth_16bit.bmp", heat_map_type);}
1533  // 5. Sobel edge detection
1535  // For report: creating image for saving 5
1536  if (_save_images_flag) {save_image_gray(&img_edges_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/for_report/b2_img6_post_sobel_8bit.bmp");}
1538  // 6. Morphological operations 2
1539  // This is needed so that when using the edges as filters (to work on depth values
1540  // only found on edges) the underlying depth values are those of the foreground
1541  // and not the background
1543 }
1550 /*
1551  * a: Coordinate system a (i.e. the coordinate frame a)
1552  * b: Coordinate system b (i.e. the coordinate frame b)
1553  * w: World coordinate system (i.e. the world coordinate frame = x is depth, y is left and right, and z is altitude))
1554  * r: Robot coordinate system (i.e. the robot coordinate frame = x is depth, y is left and right, and z is altitude))
1555  * c: Camera Coordinate system (i.e. the camera coordinate frame = x is left and right, y is altitude and z is depth)
1556  * i: Image coordinate system (i.e. the image (plane) coordinate frame)
1557  * k: Kernel coordinate system (i.e. the kernel coordinate frame)
1558  *
1559  * Va: Vector coordinates, in the coordinate system a (i.e. a point in the coordinate system a)
1560  * Vb: Vector coordinates, in the coordinate system b (i.e. a point in the coordinate system b)
1561  * Vwned: Vector coordinates, in the world coordinate system (i.e. a point in the world coordinate system) -NED
1562  * Vwenu: Vector coordinates, in the world coordinate system two (i.e. a point in the world coordinate system two) - ENU
1563  * Vr: Vector coordinates, in the robot coordinate system (i.e. a point in the world coordinate system)
1564  * Vc: Vector coordinates, in the camera coordinate system (i.e. a point in the world coordinate system)
1565  * Vi: Vector coordinates, in the image coordinate system (i.e. a point in the image [plane] coordinates system)
1566  * Vk: Vector coordinates, in the kernel coordinate system (i.e. a point in the kernel coordinates system)
1567  *
1568  * R: Rotation matrix
1569  *
1570  * Rba: Rotation matrix of coordinate system a expressed in the coordinate system b
1571  * Rrw: Rotation matrix of world coordinate system expressed in the robot coordinate system
1572  * Rcr: Rotation matrix of robot coordinate system expressed in the camera coordinate system
1573  *
1574  * VRw: Vector coordinates of robot in the world coordinate system
1575  * VCr: Vector coordinates of camera in the robot coordinate system
1576  * VOa: Vector coordinates of the object (has its own object frame) in the the coordinate system a *
1577  */
1583 // New section: Init and periodic functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1584 void wedgebug_init()
1585 {
1586  //printf("Wedgebug init function was called\n");
1589  // Images creation process:
1590  // Creation of images
1591  // Creating structure to hold dimensions of normal camera images
1595  image_create(&img_left, img_dims.w, img_dims.h, IMAGE_YUV422); // To store left camera image
1596  image_create(&img_right, img_dims.w, img_dims.h, IMAGE_YUV422);// To store right camera image
1597  image_create(&img_left_int8, img_dims.w, img_dims.h, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // To store gray scale version of left image
1598  image_create(&img_right_int8, img_dims.w, img_dims.h, IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // To store gray scale version of left image
1601  // Creation of images - Cropped:
1602  // Calculating cropped image details (x, y, width and height)
1605  // Creating structure to hold dimensions of cropped camera images
1608  printf("img_cropped_info [w, h, x, y] = [%d, %d, %d, %d]\n", img_cropped_info.w, img_cropped_info.h, img_cropped_info.x,
1611  // Creating empty images - cropped - 8bit
1613  IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);// To store cropped depth - 8 bit
1615  IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);// To store cropped depth - 8 bit
1617  IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // To store intermediate image data from processing - 8 bit
1619  IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // To store edges image data from processing - 8 bit
1621  // Creating empty images - cropped - 16bit
1623  IMAGE_INT16);// To store cropped disparity - 16 bit
1625  IMAGE_INT16);// To store cropped depth - 16 bit
1627  IMAGE_INT16);// To store cropped middle image - 16 bit
1633  // Creation of kernels:
1634  // Creating structure to hold dimensions of kernels
1635  K_median_w = 43;
1636  K_median_h = 43;
1639  // Creating empty kernel:
1643  printf("median_kernel16bit [buf_size, h, w, type] = [%d, %d, %d, %d]\n", median_kernel16bit.buf_size,
1649  // Adding callback functions
1650  cv_add_to_device(&WEDGEBUG_CAMERA_LEFT, copy_left_img_func, WEDGEBUG_CAMERA_LEFT_FPS, 0);
1651  cv_add_to_device(&WEDGEBUG_CAMERA_RIGHT, copy_right_img_func, WEDGEBUG_CAMERA_RIGHT_FPS, 1);
1654  //Initialization of constant rotation matrices and transition vectors for frame to frame transformations
1655  // 1) Rotation matrix and transition vector to transform from world ENU frame to world NED frame
1656  Rwnedwenu.m[0] = 0; Rwnedwenu.m[1] = 1; Rwnedwenu.m[2] = 0;
1657  Rwnedwenu.m[3] = 1; Rwnedwenu.m[4] = 0; Rwnedwenu.m[5] = 0;
1658  Rwnedwenu.m[6] = 0; Rwnedwenu.m[7] = 0; Rwnedwenu.m[8] = -1;
1659  VNEDwenu.x = 0;
1660  VNEDwenu.y = 0;
1661  VNEDwenu.z = 0;
1662  // 2) Rotation matrix and transition vector to transform from robot frame to camera frame
1663  Rcr.m[0] = 0; Rcr.m[1] = 1; Rcr.m[2] = 0;
1664  Rcr.m[3] = 0; Rcr.m[4] = 0; Rcr.m[5] = 1;
1665  Rcr.m[6] = 1; Rcr.m[7] = 0; Rcr.m[8] = 0;
1666  VCr.x = 0;// i.e the camera is x meters away from robot center
1667  VCr.y = 0;
1668  VCr.z = 0;
1670  // Initializing goal vector in the NED world coordinate system
1671  VGOALwenu.x = WaypointX(WP_GOAL);
1672  VGOALwenu.y = WaypointY(WP_GOAL);
1673  VGOALwenu.z = WaypointAlt(WP_GOAL);
1677  // Initializing start vector in the NED world coordinate system
1678  VSTARTwenu.x = WaypointX(WP_START);
1679  VSTARTwenu.y = WaypointY(WP_START);
1680  VSTARTwenu.z = WaypointAlt(WP_START);
1684  // Calculating principal points of normal image and cropped image
1685  c_img.y = img_dims.h / 2;
1686  c_img.x = img_dims.w / 2;
1688  &img_cropped_info); // Calculates principal points for cropped image, considering the original dimensions
1691  // Initializing structuring element sizes
1692  SE_opening_OCV = 13; // SE size for the opening operation
1693  SE_closing_OCV = 13; // SE size for the closing operation
1695  51;//25;//51;//301;// SE size for the first dilation operation (Decides where edges are detected, increase to increase drone safety zone NOTE. This functionality should be replaced with c space expansion)
1697  11; // SE size for the second dilation operation (see state 3 "WEDGEBUG_START" and state 6 "POSITION_EDGE")
1698  SE_sobel_OCV = 5; // SE size for the sobel operation, to detect edges
1699  SE_erosion_OCV =
1700  11; // SE size for the erosion operation (see state 3 "WEDGEBUG_START" and state 6 "POSITION_EDGE", its needed to "drag" the depth of the foreground objects over the edges detected)
1702  // Setting thresholds - non-calculated
1704  700;
1705  threshold_depth_of_edges = 770;
1707  5000; // Edges with a magnitude above this value are detected. Above this value, edges are given the value 127, otherwise they are given the value zero.
1708  threshold_distance_to_goal = 0.25; // Above this threshold (m), the goal is considered reached
1710  1.0;//Above this threshold (m), the goal is considered reached in DIRECT_CONTROL mode
1711  threshold_distance_to_angle = 0.0004; // Above this threshold (radians), the angle/heading is considered reached
1713  // Setting thresholds - calculated
1714  //threshold_median_disparity = depth_to_disp((threshold_median_depth / 100.00), b, f); //8// Above this median disparity, an obstacle is considered to block the way. >60 = close than 35cm
1715  //threshold_median_depth = (uint16_t) disp_to_depth(threshold_median_disparity, b, f) * 100;
1716  //threshold_disparity_of_edges = depth_to_disp((threshold_depth_of_edges / 100.00), b, f); //5// Above this underlying disparity value, edges are considers eligible for detection
1718  // Initializing confidence parameters
1719  obstacle_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that an obstacle was spotted
1720  free_path_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that no obstacle was spotted
1721  position_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that the desired position was reached
1722  heading_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that the desired heading is reached
1723  //edge_found_micro_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that an edge was found
1724  edge_found_macro_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that an edge was found
1725  no_edge_found_confidence = 0; // This is the confidence that no edge was found
1726  max_obstacle_confidence = 10; // This is the max confidence that an obstacle was spotted
1727  max_free_path_confidence = 5; // This is the max confidence that an obstacle was not spotted
1728  max_position_confidence = 30; // This is the max confidence that a specific position was reached
1729  max_heading_confidence = 5; // This is the max confidence that a specific heading was reached
1730  max_edge_found_micro_confidence = 1;//50 // This is the max confidence that edges were found
1732  1; // This is the max confidence that edges were found (can be higher if angular change is slower or speed of periodic function is increase)
1733  max_no_edge_found_confidence = 10; // This is the max confidence that no edges were found
1735  // Initializing boolean flags
1736  is_start_reached_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if start position is reached, 0 otherwise
1737  is_setpoint_reached_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if setpoint is reached, 0 otherwise
1738  is_obstacle_detected_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if obstacle is detected, 0 otherwise
1739  is_path_free_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if no obstacle is detected, 0 otherwise
1740  is_heading_reached_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if heading is reached, 0 otherwise
1741  is_edge_found_macro_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if best edge (according to macro confidence) was found, 0 otherwise
1742  is_edge_found_micro_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if best edge (according to micro confidence) was found, 0 otherwise
1743  is_no_edge_found_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if no edge was identified, 0 otherwise
1744  is_state_changed_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if state was changed, 0 otherwise
1746  initial_heading.is_left_reached_flag = 0; // The scan has not reached the left maximum angle yet
1747  initial_heading.is_right_reached_flag = 0;// The scan has not reached the right maximum angle yet
1752  save_images_flag = 1; // For report: Flag to indicate if images should be saved
1756  // Initializing area over which edges are searched in
1758  // p3DWedgeBug:
1759  edge_search_area.y = 0;
1761  edge_search_area.x = 0;
1764 // // p2DWedgeBug:
1765 // edge_search_area.y = 216/2;
1766 // edge_search_area.h = 1;
1767 // edge_search_area.x = 0;
1768 // edge_search_area.w = img_disparity_int8_cropped.w;
1771  // Initializing Edge scan structure
1772  initial_heading.initiated = 0; // 0 = it can be overwritten
1776  // Initializing debugging options
1778  allow_state_change_MOVE_TO_GOAL = 1; // Allows state change from within state "MOVE_TO_GOAL"
1779  allow_state_change_POSITION_GOAL = 1; // Allows state change from within state "POSITION_GOAL"
1780  allow_state_change_WEDGEBUG_START = 1; // Allows state change from within state "WEDGEBUG_START"
1781  allow_state_change_MOVE_TO_EDGE = 1; // Allows state change from within state "MOVE_TO_EDGE"
1782  allow_state_change_POSITION_EDGE = 1; // Allows state change from within state "POSITION_EDGE"
1783  allow_state_change_EDGE_SCAN = 1; // Allows state change from within state "EDGE_SCAN"
1785  // Other initializations
1786  previous_state = 0; // Variable for state machine memory
1787  previous_mode = 0;
1789  VSTARTwned.x; // Initializing a vector to hold the current position, which is needed for calculating the distance traveled
1793  0; // Clock to measure total time (clock cycles)) it took for the robot to fly from start to goal
1794  clock_total_time_current = 0; // Clock to hold time measured at start of the current cycle of the periodic function
1795  clock_total_time_previous = 0; // Clock to hold time measured at start of the previous cycle of the periodic function
1796  distance_traveled = 0; // Variable to hold the distance traveled of the robot (since start and up to the goal)
1797  number_of_states = NUMBER_OF_STATES; // Variable to save the total number of states used in the finite state machine
1799  99999; // Variable to hold distance from robot to edge to goal (used in EDGE_SCAN (9) state) - initialized with unreasonably high number
1801  clock_FSM = 0;
1802  heat_map_type = 2; // Heat map used when saving image
1804  /*
1805  * Heat maps:
1807  * 1 = COLORMAP_BONE
1808  * 2 = COLORMAP_JET
1811  * 5 = COLORMAP_OCEAN
1814  * 8 = COLORMAP_COOL
1815  * 9 = COLORMAP_HSV
1816  * 10 = COLORMAP_PINK
1817  * 11 = COLORMAP_HOT
1818  */
1820  /*
1821  enum navigation_state {
1822  MOVE_TO_GOAL = 1,
1823  POSITION_GOAL = 2,
1825  MOVE_TO_EDGE = 4,
1826  POSITION_EDGE = 5,
1827  EDGE_SCAN = 6
1829  };*/
1831 }
1837 void wedgebug_periodic()
1838 {
1839  // your periodic code here.
1840  // freq = 15.0 Hz
1841  //printf("Wedgebug periodic function was called\n");
1844  /*
1845  enum control_mode_state {
1849  };
1850  */
1852  // Setting control mode state (needed as switch-case statement cannot use OR statment so that
1853  // AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_DIRECT and AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_Z_HOLD lead to the same outcome. Hence I use my
1854  // own states here
1855  switch (autopilot_get_mode()) {
1858  case (AP_MODE_GUIDED): {current_mode = AUTONOMOUS_GUIDED;} break;
1859  case (AP_MODE_NAV): {current_mode = AUTONOMOUS_NAV;} break;
1860  default: {printf("Unsupported control mode");} break;
1861  }
1863  printf("threshold_median_depth (m) = %f\n", threshold_median_depth / 100.00);
1865  // Debugging - setting default state
1866  //set_state(MOVE_TO_GOAL ,1);
1867  //printf("Current control mode %d\n", current_mode);
1868  //printf("Current state %d\n", current_state);
1872  // Cycle-dependent initializations
1873  //Initialization of dynamic rotation matrices and transition vectors for frame to frame transformations
1874  // Rotation matrix and transition vector to transform from world ned frame to robot frame
1880  // Initialization of robot heading
1883  // Initialization of robot location/orientation-dependent variables
1884  // Converting goal world NED coordinates into Camera coordinates
1886  Va_to_Vb(&VGOALc, &VGOALr, &Rcr, &VCr);
1889  // Checking is state was changed, if yes then all flags are reset and the is_mode_changed_flag
1890  // is set to 1 for this cycle only. Else, the is_mode_changed_flag is set to 0 again;
1892  if (current_mode != previous_mode) {
1893  // Setting flag signifying that the state was changed
1896  } else if (is_mode_changed_flag == 1) {
1898  }
1900  if (is_mode_changed_flag == 1) {printf("Mode was changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1\n");}
1901  printf("is_mode_changed_flag = %d\n", is_mode_changed_flag);
1908  /*
1909  enum control_mode_state {
1913  };
1914  */
1916  /*
1917  enum navigation_state {
1918  MOVE_TO_GOAL = 1,
1919  POSITION_GOAL = 2,
1921  MOVE_TO_EDGE = 4,
1922  POSITION_EDGE = 5,
1923  EDGE_SCAN = 6
1925  };*/
1926  // Finite state machine - Only runs in guided mode
1927  //if ((autopilot_get_mode() == AP_MODE_GUIDED)) // If AP_MODE_GUIDED block - Start
1929  // Switch-case statement for current_mode
1930  switch (current_mode) { // Control mode state machine - Start
1931  // State 1 ################################################################################################################################################################### State 1: DIRECT_CONTROL
1932  case DIRECT_CONTROL: {
1933  printf("DIRECT_CONTROL = %d\n", DIRECT_CONTROL);
1935  // If the mode was just started, then we initialize the FSM with MOVE_TO_GOAL (1)
1936  if (is_mode_changed_flag) {
1937  set_state(MOVE_TO_GOAL, 1);
1938  }
1940  // We do not care about the height of the drone when measuring distance to goal in the DIRECT_CONTROL mode
1941  // So we create this pseudo 2d vector where the z coordinates are the same as the goal. This vector is used
1942  // to check if robot is close to goal
1943  struct FloatVect3 VR2dwned = {.x = VRwned.x, .y = VRwned.y, .z = VGOALwned.z};
1946  // Background processes - Includes image processing for use
1947  // Turn on for debugging
1948  //background_processes(save_images_flag);
1952  switch (current_state) { // Finite state machine - Start
1953  // State 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 1: MOVE_TO_GOAL
1954  case MOVE_TO_GOAL: {
1955  printf("MOVE_TO_GOAL = %d\n", MOVE_TO_GOAL);
1956  //median_disparity_in_front = median_disparity_to_point(&c_img_cropped, &img_disparity_int8_cropped, &median_kernel);
1957  //In case disparity is 0 (infinite distance or error we set it to one disparity
1958  // above the threshold as the likelihood that the object is too close is large (as opposed to it being infinitely far away)
1959  //printf("median_disparity_in_front = %d\n", median_disparity_in_front);
1960  //printf("median_depth_in_front = %f\n", disp_to_depth(median_disparity_in_front, b, f));
1961  //float depth = disp_to_depth(median_disparity_in_front, b, f); // median_depth_in_front / 100.00
1965  float depth = median_depth_in_front / 100.00;
1966  printf("median_depth_in_front = %f\n", depth);
1967  printf("depth to goal = %f\n", VGOALc.z);
1970  if ((median_depth_in_front < threshold_median_depth) && (depth < VGOALc.z)) {
1971  printf("Obstacle is in front of goal\n");
1972  } else {
1973  printf("The path to the goal is free!\n");
1974  }
1980  &VGOALc,//target_point,
1988 // // c. Checking if edges are located
1989 // // Running function to detect and save edge
1990 // is_edge_found_micro_flag =
1991 // find_best_edge_coordinates(
1993 // &VGOALc,//target_point,
1994 // &img_edges_int8_cropped,
1995 // &img_middle_int8_cropped,
1996 // &edge_search_area,
1997 // threshold_disparity_of_edges,
1998 // max_edge_found_micro_confidence);
1999 //
2003  if (save_images_flag) {save_image_gray(&img_edges_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_edges_int8_cropped_marked.bmp");}
2007  printf("Goal is reached\n");
2009  } else {
2010  // If this is the first cycle of this mode, then
2011  if (is_mode_changed_flag) {
2012  clock_total_time_current = clock();;
2013  }
2015  // ############ Metric 2 - Distance traveled (total)
2021  // If the Goal is reached, set is_setpoint_reached_flag to 1 and record time
2026  }
2027  }
2028  } break;
2031  // State 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 2: POSITION_GOAL
2032  case POSITION_GOAL: {
2033  printf("POSITION_GOAL = %d\n", POSITION_GOAL);
2034  printf("Total time to reach goal = %f\n", ((double)clock_total_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
2035  printf("Total distance_traveled = %f\n", distance_traveled);
2037  } break;
2040  // State 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 0
2041  default: {
2042  printf("default = %d\n", 0);
2043  }
2044  } // Finite state machine - End
2047  printf("Time elapsed since start = %f\n", (((double)clock()) - ((double)clock_total_time_current)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
2048  printf("distance_traveled = %f\n", distance_traveled);
2050  } break; // DIRECT_CONTROL - End
2053  // State 2 ################################################################################################################################################################### State 2: AUTONOMOUS_GUIDED
2057  // Checking is state was changed, if yes then all flags are reset and the is_state_changed_flag
2058  // is set to 1 for this cycle only. Else, the is_state_changed_flag is set to 0 again;
2059  if (current_state != previous_state) {
2060  // Setting flag signifying that the state was changed
2062  // Reset flags
2063  is_start_reached_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if start position is reached, 0 otherwise
2064  is_setpoint_reached_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if setpoint is reached, 0 otherwise
2065  is_obstacle_detected_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if obstacle is detected, 0 otherwise
2066  is_path_free_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if no obstacle is detected, 0 otherwise
2067  is_heading_reached_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if heading is reached, 0 otherwise
2068  is_edge_found_macro_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if best edge (according to macro confidence) was found, 0 otherwise
2069  is_edge_found_micro_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if best edge (according to micro confidence) was found, 0 otherwise
2070  is_no_edge_found_flag = 0; // Set to 1 if no edge was identified, 0 otherwise
2071  initial_heading.initiated = 0; // 0 = it can be overwritten
2072  initial_heading.is_left_reached_flag = 0;// The scan has not reached the left maximum angle yet
2073  initial_heading.is_right_reached_flag = 0;// The scan has not reached the right maximum angle yet
2074  distance_robot_edge_goal = 99999; //
2075  } else if (is_state_changed_flag != 0) {
2077  }
2079  // Background processes only happens if the current state is not POSITION_GOAL
2080  if (current_state != POSITION_GOAL) {
2081  // ############ Metric 1 - Recording current time
2082  clock_total_time_current = clock();
2083  //printf("clock_total_time_current = %f\n", (double)clock_total_time_current);
2084  // In case we are in the position start state and the state has changed, initialize clock_total_time_previous
2086  printf("Metric 1 was started\n");
2087  //printf("clock_total_time_current set = %f\n", (double)clock_total_time_current);
2089  }
2090  //Else check time difference to previous cycle and add to clock_total_time
2091  else {
2094  //printf("clock_total_time_previous = %f\n", (double)clock_total_time_previous);
2095  }
2097  // ############ Metric 2 - Distance traveled (total)
2104  // ############ Metric 3 - Runtime average of background processes (see below) - Start:
2105  clock_t time; // Creating variable to hold time (number of cycles)
2106  time = clock(); // Saving current time, way below it is used to calculate time spent in a cycle
2107  counter_cycles++; // Counting how many times a state was activated (needed for average calculation)
2109  // Background processes - Includes image processing for use
2110  //background_processes(save_images_flag);
2113  // ############ Metric 3 - Runtime average of background processes (see below) - End:
2116  // ############ Metric 4 - Runtime average per state - Start:
2117  clock_FSM = clock(); // Saving current time, way below it is used to calculate time spent in a cycle
2118  counter_state[current_state]++; // Counting how many times a state was activated (needed for average calculation). This is done here as state may change in FSM
2119  }
2121  // Initializing previous_state variable for next cycle
2122  // This happens here and not above as the metric above depends on the previous state
2125  switch (current_state) { // Finite state machine - Start
2126  // State 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 1: MOVE_TO_GOAL
2127  case MOVE_TO_GOAL: {
2128  printf("MOVE_TO_GOAL = %d\n", MOVE_TO_GOAL);
2129  // 1. Moving robot towards the goal
2130  // Checking if goal is reached, if not continue to move
2132  printf("Goal is reached\n");
2135  }
2136  // Else, move to goal and check confidence that goal has been reached.
2137  else {
2138  // Sets setpoint to goal position and orientates drones towards the goal as well
2142  // If start appears to be reached increase confidence
2146  }
2148  // If the position_confidence is high enough, set is_start_reached_flag to 1 and reset position_confidence
2151  position_confidence = 0;
2152  }
2153  }
2156  // 2. Check if obstacle is in way, when one is detected change state (dependent on negative flag from 1)
2157  // If the setpoint has not been reached, keep looking for obstacles
2158  if (!is_setpoint_reached_flag) {
2159  // Checking if obstacle is in way, if not continue checking for it
2161  printf("Object detected!!!!!!!!\n");
2162  // 1. Seting setpoint to current location
2165  }
2166  // Else, check confidence that obstacle is there
2167  else { // This happens continuously, as long as the state is active and the goal has not been reached. It stops when the flag has been set below.
2168  // Calculate median depth in front
2170  float depth = median_depth_in_front / 100.00;
2171  printf("median_depth_in_front = %f\n", depth);
2172  printf("depth to goal = %f\n", VGOALc.z);
2175  // If obstacle appears to be detected AND its in front of goal point, increase obstacle_confidence
2177  && (depth < VGOALc.z)) { // NOTE. The first logical statement is in centimeters and the second in meters
2178  printf("Increasing confidence\n");
2181  printf("obstacle_confidence = %d\n", obstacle_confidence);
2182  printf("max_obstacle_confidence = %d\n", max_obstacle_confidence);
2183  } else {
2184  obstacle_confidence = 0;
2185  }
2186  // If the obstacle_confidence is high enough, set is_obstacle_detected_flag to 1 and reset obstacle_confidence
2189  obstacle_confidence = 0;
2190  // Setting holding point so that when state changes to wedgebug the drone stays at one spot, when looking for edges
2194  }
2195  }
2196  }
2198  printf("position_confidence = %d\n", position_confidence);
2199  printf("obstacle_confidence = %d\n", obstacle_confidence);
2200  } break;
2203  // State 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 2: POSITION_GOAL
2204  case POSITION_GOAL: {
2205  printf("POSITION_GOAL = %d\n", POSITION_GOAL);
2206  // Since the drone is at the goal we will swithc bach to the NAV mode
2207  //autopilot_mode_auto2 = AP_MODE_NAV;
2208  //autopilot_static_set_mode(AP_MODE_NAV);
2210  printf("Total time to reach goal = %f\n", ((double)clock_total_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
2211  printf("Total distance_traveled = %f\n", distance_traveled);
2212  printf("Average runtime of background processes = %f\n",
2213  (clock_background_processes / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / counter_cycles));
2215  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < number_of_states; i++) {
2216  printf("Average runtime of state %d = %f\n", i, (time_state[i] / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / counter_state[i]));
2217  }
2218  } break;
2221  // State 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 3: WEDGEBUG_START
2222  case WEDGEBUG_START: {
2223  printf("WEDGEBUG_START = %d\n", WEDGEBUG_START);
2224  /* Details:
2225  * 1) The robot checks if holding point was reached, at which it first detected that an obstacle was it its way
2226  * 2) If that holding point is reached, the robot then scans for any edges.
2227  *
2228  */
2230  // 1. Move robot towards holding point
2231  // Checking if holding point is reached, if not continue to move
2233  printf("Holding point is reached\n");
2234  }
2235  // Else, move to holding point and check confidence that holding point has been reached.
2236  else { // This happens continuously, as long as the state is active. It stops when the flag has been set below.
2238  // Sets setpoint to goal position and orientates drones towards the goal as well
2240  heading_towards_waypoint(WP_GOAL));
2242  // If holding point appears to be reached increase confidence
2246  }
2248  // If the position_confidence is high enough, set is_setpoint_reached_flag to 1 and reset position_confidence
2251  position_confidence = 0;
2252  }
2253  }
2256  // 2. Scan for edges and see if any exist or not, then change state (dependent on flag from 1).
2258  // a. Stopping drone movement (a second time, just to make sure)
2261  // b. Checking if edges are located
2262  // Running function to detect and save edge
2266  &VGOALc,//target_point,
2274  //printf("was_edge_found?: %d\n", was_edge_found);
2277  // d. In this if-else statement we check if an edge was detected. If no edge is detected (by find_best_edge_coordinates) no_edge_found_confidence is
2278  // increased, whereas if an edge is found the edge_found_macro_confidence is increased. If one of the confidences reaches the
2279  // maximum the respective flag is turned on.
2280  // If obstacle is in way
2283  }
2284  // Else if no edge is detected
2285  else if (is_no_edge_found_flag) {
2286  printf("Edge not found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
2288  }
2289  // Else, check if micro edge has been detected (by find_best_edge_coordinates) or not and increase respective confidences.
2290  // Also, check if macro confidence of having detected an edge is reached or whether maximum confidence of having no edges
2291  // detected is reached. If any are reached, respective flags are set
2292  else {
2293  // This if statement increase the confidence
2294  // If edge is detected in find_best_edge_coordinates, increase edge_found_macro_confidence
2298  }
2299  // If no edge is detected in find_best_edge_coordinates, increase no_edge_found_confidence
2300  else {
2303  }
2305  // If the edge_found_macro_confidence is high enough, set is_edge_found_macro_flag to 1 and reset edge_found_macro_confidence and no_edge_found_confidence
2311  // Since we are sure that a suitable edge has been found, the camera coordinates are transformed to
2312  // world coordinates and saved in a global variable, for used in subsequent state to make drone move
2313  // towards this point
2317  //printf("Optimal edge found\n");
2318  //printf("Camera coordinates of edge: [%f, %f, %f]\n", VEDGECOORDINATESc.x, VEDGECOORDINATESc.y, VEDGECOORDINATESc.z);
2319  // Saving best edge in global variable. // Note. VPBESTEDGECOORDINATESwned is used in the MOVE_TO_EDGE (7) and POSITION_EDGE (8) states
2324  // Making snapshot of image with edge coordinates highlighted. Comment out if not needed
2325  if (save_images_flag) {save_image_gray(&img_edges_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_edges_int8_cropped_marked.bmp");}
2327  }
2328  // If the no_edge_found_macro_confidence is high enough, set is_no_edge_found_macro_flag to 1 and reset edge_found_macro_confidence and no_edge_found_confidence
2333  }
2334  }
2335  printf("Edge found confidence = %d\n", edge_found_macro_confidence);
2336  printf("No Edge found confidence = %d\n", no_edge_found_confidence);
2337  }
2338  } break;
2341  // State 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 4: MOVE_TO_EDGE
2342  case MOVE_TO_EDGE: {
2343  printf("MOVE_TO_EDGE = %d\n", MOVE_TO_EDGE);
2345  //printf("Camera coordinates of edge setpoint = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VEDGECOORDINATESc.x, VEDGECOORDINATESc.y, VEDGECOORDINATESc.z);
2346  //printf("Robot coordinates of edge setpoint = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VEDGECOORDINATESr.x, VEDGECOORDINATESr.y, VEDGECOORDINATESr.z);
2347  printf("World NED coordinates of edge setpoint = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VPBESTEDGECOORDINATESwned.x,
2349  //printf("World ENU coordinates of edge setpoint = [%f, %f, %f]\n", VEDGECOORDINATESwenu.x, VEDGECOORDINATESwenu.y, VEDGECOORDINATESwenu.z);
2352  // 1. Orientate robot towards object edge detected
2353  // If correct angle is reached, nothing happens
2355  printf("Heading is reached\n");
2356  }
2357  // Else, adjust heading and check confidence that heading is reached
2358  else { // This happens continuously, as long as the state is active. It stops when the flag has been set below
2359  // Set desired heading
2361  &VPBESTEDGECOORDINATESwned));// heading_towards_waypoint(WP_GOAL));
2363  // If heading appears to be reached increase confidence
2368  }
2370  // If the heading_confidence is high enough, set is_heading_reached_flag to 1 and reset heading_confidence
2373  heading_confidence = 0;
2374  }
2375  }
2378  // 2.Move robot to edge detected (dependent on flag from 1)
2379  // If the robot faces the right direction, go to the object edge coordinates (NEW) detected
2381  // If edge setpoint is reached, stay at it
2383  printf("Edge is reached\n");
2385  heading_towards_waypoint(WP_GOAL));
2386  }
2387  // Else, move to edge setpoint and check confidence that edge setpoint is reached
2388  else { // This happens continuously, as long as the state is active. It stops when the flag has been set below.
2390  // Sets setpoint to edge position and orientates robot towards it as well
2394  // If edge appears to be reached increase confidence
2396  threshold_distance_to_goal)) { // && !is_setpoint_reached_flag)
2399  }
2401  // If the position_confidence is high enough, set is_setpoint_reached_flag to 1 and reset position_confidence
2404  position_confidence = 0;
2405  }
2406  }
2407  }
2411  // 3. Set next state (dependent on 1 and 2)
2412  // If the robot faces the correct angle AND the edge is then reached, the state is changed to "MOVE_TO_GOAL"
2414  printf("Position and Heading are reached\n");
2417  }
2418  printf("position_confidence = %d\n", position_confidence);
2419  printf("heading_confidence = %d\n", heading_confidence);
2420  } break;
2423  // State 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 5: POSITION_EDGE
2424  case POSITION_EDGE: {
2425  printf("POSITION_EDGE = %d\n", POSITION_EDGE);
2427  // This ensures that the robot stay on the edge at all times
2431  // 1. Orientates robot towards the final goal
2432  // If robot faces goal, robot stays on current edge
2434  printf("Heading is reached\n");
2436  }
2437  // Else, adjust heading and check confidence that heading is reached
2438  else { // This happens continuously, as long as the state is active. It stops when the flag has been set.
2439  // Set desired heading
2442  // If heading appears to be reached increase confidence
2446  }
2448  // If the heading_confidence is high enough, set is_heading_reached_flag to 1 and reset heading_confidence
2451  heading_confidence = 0;
2452  }
2453  }
2456  // 2. Check if object is blocking the path or not and set next state (dependent on flag from 1)
2457  // If the robot faces the right direction, check if obstacle exists or not and change state
2459  // In this if-else statement we check if an obstacle is blocking the path or not. If no obstacle is blocking the path the free_path_confidence is
2460  // increased, whereas if an obstacle is blocking the path the obstacle_confidence is increased. If one of the confidences reaches the
2461  // maximum the respective flag is turned on. These statements only execute if the robot faces the goal (see above)
2462  // If obstacle is in way
2464  printf("Object detected!!!!!!!!\n");
2465  // Setting new holding point for WEDGEBUG_START state
2470  }
2471  // Else if the path is clear
2472  else if (is_path_free_flag) {
2473  printf("Path is free\n");
2475  }
2476  // Else, check for obstacles and free path and check confidence that an obstacle is there or that the path is free
2477  else {
2478  // Calculate median depth in front
2480  &median_kernel16bit); // Median depth in centimeters (cm)
2481  printf("Median_depth_in_front (m) = %f\n", (median_depth_in_front / 100.00)); // Median depth in meters (m)
2482  printf("Depth to goal = %f\n", VGOALc.z); // Depth in meters (m)
2484  // This if-else statement increase the confidence
2485  // If obstacle appears to be detected AND its in front of goal point, increase obstacle_confidence
2487  && ((median_depth_in_front / 100.00) <
2488  VGOALc.z)) { // NOTE. The first logical statement is in centimeters and the second in meters
2493  }
2494  // If obstacle appears not detected, increase free_path_confidence
2495  else {
2498  obstacle_confidence = 0;
2499  }
2500  // If the obstacle_confidence is high enough, set is_obstacle_detected_flag to 1 and reset obstacle_confidence and free_path_confidence
2503  obstacle_confidence = 0;
2505  }
2506  // If the free_path_confidence is high enough, set is_path_free_flag to 1 and reset free_path_confidence and obstacle_confidence
2508  is_path_free_flag = 1;
2510  obstacle_confidence = 0;
2511  }
2512  }
2514  }
2515  printf("Obstacle confidence = %d\n", obstacle_confidence);
2516  printf("Free path confidence = %d\n", free_path_confidence);
2517  } break;
2520  // State 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 6: EDGE_SCAN
2521  case EDGE_SCAN: {
2522  printf("EDGE_SCAN = %d\n", EDGE_SCAN);
2524  // 1. The robot is tasked to stay at the holding point for the entire duration of this state
2525  // Making drone hover, so that it does not drift from its current position
2528  // 2. Checking if edges are located
2529  // Running function to detect and save edge
2533  &VGOALc,//target_point,
2541  // 3. The identified best edge is compared to the previous identified best edge, and replace if the total distance (robot-edge-goal)
2542  // has decreased (dependent on flag from 2)
2543  // If edge was found
2545  // First we convert edge camera coordinates into world coordinates (ned and enu)
2546  //VEDGECOORDINATESc.z = VEDGECOORDINATESc.z - 0.25;// add this to make sure drone does not exactly stop on the edge point identified (it might crash otherwise)
2551  // Second, we increase confidence that an edge was spotted
2554  // Third, we calculate the distance of the edge currently spotted, if distance is smaller
2555  // than previous distance VPBESTEDGECOORDINATESwned is updated with the coordinates
2556  // Note. VPBESTEDGECOORDINATESwned is used in the MOVE_TO_EDGE (7) and POSITION_EDGE (8) states
2557  // Calculating Euclidean distance (N2) - Edge to goal
2558  float f_distance_edge_to_goal = float_vect3_norm_two_points(&VGOALwned, &VEDGECOORDINATESwned);
2559  // Calculating Euclidean distance (N2) - robot to edge
2560  float f_distance_robot_to_edge = float_vect3_norm_two_points(&VEDGECOORDINATESwned, &VRwned);
2561  float distance_total = f_distance_robot_to_edge + f_distance_edge_to_goal;
2562  printf("distance_total =%f\n", distance_total);
2563  if (distance_robot_edge_goal > distance_total) {
2564  distance_robot_edge_goal = distance_total;
2568  }
2569  }
2571  printf("Current minimum distance =%f\n", distance_robot_edge_goal);
2572  printf("is_edge_found_micro_flag = %d\n", is_edge_found_micro_flag);
2575  // 4. Initializing current heading parameters (if they have not been initialized before)
2576  if (initial_heading.initiated == 0) {
2579  2); // this way, when the the center of the drone is facing left, its fov does not exceed the maximum angle to the left
2582  2); // this way, when the the center of the drone is facing right, its fov does not exceed the maximum angle to the right
2585  }
2588  // 5. The drone turns right to find any edges
2589  // Code for looking left
2590  // If left heading has been reached (i.e. if the flag is activated)
2592  printf("Left heading is/was reached\n");
2593  }
2594  // Else, adjust angle to to face more left and check confidence that left heading has been reached
2595  else { // This happens continuously, as long as the state is active. It stops when the flag has been set below
2596  // Set heading to maximum left heading
2599  // If heading appears to be reached increase confidence
2603  }
2604  // If the heading_confidence is high enough, set initial_heading.is_left_reached_flag to 1 and reset heading_confidence
2607  heading_confidence = 0;
2608  }
2609  }
2613  // 6. The drone turns right to find any edges (dependent on flag from 5)
2614  // Code for looking right - Only runs if robot has previously looked left (initial_heading.heading_max_left = 1)
2616  // If right heading has been reached (i.e. if the flag is activated)
2618  printf("Right heading is/was reached\n");
2619  }
2620  // Else, adjust angle to to face more right and check confidence that right heading has been reached
2621  else {
2622  // Set heading to maximum left heading
2625  // If heading appears to be reached increase confidence
2629  }
2630  // If the heading_confidence is high enough, set initial_heading.is_right_reached_flag to 1 and resets heading_confidence
2633  heading_confidence = 0;
2634  }
2635  }
2636  }
2639  // 7. Check if confidence of having found a suitable edge is large enough or not and set next state (dependent on flags from 5 and 6)
2642  printf("Edge has been found\n");
2644  } else if (is_no_edge_found_flag) {
2645  printf("Minimum has been encountered\n");
2646  } else {
2648  // If edge_found_macro_confidence is >= max_edge_found_macro_confidence then set is_edge_found_macro_flag
2649  // and reset edge_found_macro_confidence
2653  }
2654  // Else, set is_no_edge_found_flag and reset edge_found_macro_confidence
2655  else {
2658  }
2660  }
2661  }
2663  printf("heading_confidence = %d\n", heading_confidence);
2664  printf("edge_found_confidence = %d\n", edge_found_macro_confidence);
2665  } break;
2667  // State 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State 0
2668  default: {
2669  printf("default = %d\n", 0);
2670  }
2671  break;
2673  } // Finite state machine - End
2677  // ############ Metric 4 - Runtime average per state - End:
2678  clock_FSM = clock() - clock_FSM; // Calculating time it took for the FSM to finish running
2679  time_state[current_state] += ((double)clock_FSM); // Adding calculated time to total time of current state
2681  printf("Time elapsed since start = %f\n", ((double)clock_total_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
2682  printf("distance_traveled = %f\n", distance_traveled);
2683  } break; // AUTONOMOUS_GUIDED - End
2686  // State 3 ################################################################################################################################################################### State 3: AUTONOMOUS_NAV
2687  case AUTONOMOUS_NAV: {
2688  printf("AUTONOMOUS_NAV = %d\n", AUTONOMOUS_NAV);
2689  // Background processes - Includes image processing for use
2694  float depth = median_depth_in_front / 100.00;
2695  printf("median_depth_in_front = %f\n", depth);
2696  printf("depth to goal = %f\n", VGOALc.z);
2699  if ((median_depth_in_front < threshold_median_depth) && (depth < VGOALc.z)) {
2700  printf("Obstacle is in front of goal\n");
2701  } else {
2702  printf("The path to the goal is free!\n");
2703  }
2709  &VGOALc,//target_point,
2717 // // c. Checking if edges are located
2718 // // Running function to detect and save edge
2719 // is_edge_found_micro_flag =
2720 // find_best_edge_coordinates(
2722 // &VGOALc,//target_point,
2723 // &img_edges_int8_cropped,
2724 // &img_middle_int8_cropped,
2725 // &edge_search_area,
2726 // threshold_disparity_of_edges,
2727 // max_edge_found_micro_confidence);
2728 //
2732  if (save_images_flag) {save_image_gray(&img_edges_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_edges_int8_cropped_marked.bmp");}
2736  } break; // AUTONOMOUS_NAV - End
2740  // State 0 ################################################################################################################################################################### State 0
2741  default:
2742  {printf("Unsupported control mode");} break;
2744  } // Control mode state machine - End
2749  /*
2750  // printing flags
2751  printf("is_start_reached_flag = %d\n", is_start_reached_flag);
2752  printf("is_setpoint_reached_flag = %d\n", is_setpoint_reached_flag);
2753  printf("is_obstacle_detected_flag = %d\n", is_obstacle_detected_flag);
2754  printf("is_path_free_flag = %d\n", is_path_free_flag);
2755  printf("is_heading_reached_flag = %d\n", is_heading_reached_flag);
2756  printf("is_state_changed_flag = %d\n", is_state_changed_flag);
2757  printf("initial_heading.initiated = %d\n", initial_heading.initiated);
2758  printf("initial_heading.is_left_reached_flag = %d\n", initial_heading.is_left_reached_flag);
2759  printf("initial_heading.is_right_reached_flag = %d\n", initial_heading.is_right_reached_flag);
2761  */
2762  printf("\n\n");
2766  save_image_gray(&img_left_int8, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_left_int8.bmp");
2767  save_image_gray(&img_right_int8, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_right_int8.bmp");
2768  save_image_HM(&img_disparity_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_disparity_int8_cropped.bmp",
2769  heat_map_type);
2770  //save_image_gray(&img_left_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_left_int8_cropped.bmp");
2771  save_image_HM(&img_middle_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_intermediate_int8_cropped.bmp",
2772  heat_map_type);
2773  save_image_gray(&img_edges_int8_cropped, "/home/dureade/Documents/paparazzi_images/img_edges_int8_cropped.bmp");
2777  /*
2778  // Size of variables
2779  printf("img_left = %d\n", img_left.buf_size);
2780  printf("img_right = %d\n", img_right.buf_size);
2781  printf("img_left_int8 = %d\n", img_left_int8.buf_size);
2782  printf("img_left_int8_cropped = %d\n", img_left_int8_cropped.buf_size);
2783  printf("img_right_int8 = %d\n", img_right_int8.buf_size);
2784  printf("img_disparity_int8_cropped = %d\n", img_disparity_int8_cropped.buf_size);
2785  printf("img_edges_int8_cropped = %d\n", img_edges_int8_cropped.buf_size);
2786  printf("median_kernel = %d\n", median_kernel.buf_size);
2787  printf("SE_opening_OCV = %lu\n", sizeof(SE_opening_OCV));
2788  printf("VSTARTwenu.x = %lu\n", sizeof(VSTARTwenu.x));
2789  printf("current_state = %lu\n", sizeof(current_state));
2790  printf("current_mode = %lu\n", sizeof(current_mode));
2791  */
2800  /*
2801  * Heat maps:
2803  * 1 = COLORMAP_BONE
2804  * 2 = COLORMAP_JET
2807  * 5 = COLORMAP_OCEAN
2810  * 8 = COLORMAP_COOL
2811  * 9 = COLORMAP_HSV
2812  * 10 = COLORMAP_PINK
2813  * 11 = COLORMAP_HOT
2814  */
2817 }
uint8_t autopilot_get_mode(void)
get autopilot mode
Definition: autopilot.c:222
Core autopilot interface common to all firmwares.
bool autopilot_guided_goto_ned(float x, float y, float z, float heading)
Set position and heading setpoints in GUIDED mode.
Autopilot guided mode interface.
#define WaypointX(_wp)
Definition: common_nav.h:45
#define WaypointAlt(_wp)
waypoint altitude in m above MSL
Definition: common_nav.h:48
#define WaypointY(_wp)
Definition: common_nav.h:46
struct video_listener * cv_add_to_device(struct video_config_t *device, cv_function func, uint16_t fps, uint8_t id)
Definition: cv.c:46
Computer vision framework for onboard processing.
float m[3 *3]
float psi
in radians
static void float_vect_copy(float *a, const float *b, const int n)
a = b
void float_rmat_transp_vmult(struct FloatVect3 *vb, struct FloatRMat *m_b2a, struct FloatVect3 *va)
rotate 3D vector by transposed rotation matrix.
static float float_vect3_norm(struct FloatVect3 *v)
void float_rmat_vmult(struct FloatVect3 *vb, struct FloatRMat *m_a2b, struct FloatVect3 *va)
rotate 3D vector by rotation matrix.
rotation matrix
#define VECT2_DIFF(_c, _a, _b)
Definition: pprz_algebra.h:92
#define VECT3_DIFF(_c, _a, _b)
Definition: pprz_algebra.h:182
static struct FloatRMat * stateGetNedToBodyRMat_f(void)
Get vehicle body attitude rotation matrix (float).
Definition: state.h:1300
static struct FloatEulers * stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f(void)
Get vehicle body attitude euler angles (float).
Definition: state.h:1306
static struct EnuCoor_f * stateGetPositionEnu_f(void)
Get position in local ENU coordinates (float).
Definition: state.h:848
static struct NedCoor_f * stateGetPositionNed_f(void)
Get position in local NED coordinates (float).
Definition: state.h:839
void image_copy(struct image_t *input, struct image_t *output)
Copy an image from inut to output This will only work if the formats are the same.
Definition: image.c:89
void image_to_grayscale(struct image_t *input, struct image_t *output)
Convert an image to grayscale.
Definition: image.c:131
void image_create(struct image_t *img, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, enum image_type type)
Create a new image.
Definition: image.c:43
Image helper functions like resizing, color filter, converters...
uint16_t h
height of the cropped area
Definition: image.h:96
uint16_t h
The height.
Definition: image.h:88
uint16_t w
Width of the cropped area.
Definition: image.h:95
uint32_t buf_size
The buffer size.
Definition: image.h:53
void * buf
Image buffer (depending on the image_type)
Definition: image.h:54
uint32_t x
The x coordinate of the point.
Definition: image.h:59
uint16_t x
Start position x (horizontal)
Definition: image.h:93
uint16_t y
Start position y (vertical)
Definition: image.h:94
uint32_t y
The y coordinate of the point.
Definition: image.h:60
uint16_t h
Image height.
Definition: image.h:47
uint16_t w
Image width.
Definition: image.h:46
enum image_type type
The image type.
Definition: image.h:45
Definition: image.h:35
Grayscale image with only the Y part (uint8 per pixel)
Definition: image.h:37
UYVY format (uint16 per pixel)
Definition: image.h:36
An image gradient (int16 per pixel)
Definition: image.h:39
An image to hold disparity image data from openCV (int16 per pixel)
Definition: image.h:40
An JPEG encoded image (not per pixel encoded)
Definition: image.h:38
uint16_t w
The width.
Definition: image.h:87
Definition: image.h:92
Definition: image.h:44
Definition: image.h:58
Paparazzi generic algebra macros.
Paparazzi floating point algebra.
Paparazzi floating point math for geodetic calculations.
float z
in meters
float x
in meters
float y
in meters
#define AP_MODE_NAV
void guidance_h_set_pos(float x, float y)
Set horizontal position setpoint.
Definition: guidance_h.c:455
void guidance_h_hover_enter(void)
Definition: guidance_h.c:343
void guidance_h_set_heading(float heading)
Set heading setpoint.
Definition: guidance_h.c:465
void guidance_v_set_z(float z)
Set z position setpoint.
Definition: guidance_v.c:368
API to get/set the generic vehicle states.
unsigned short uint16_t
Typedef defining 16 bit unsigned short type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:88
int int32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit int type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:83
unsigned int uint32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit unsigned int type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:78
short int16_t
Typedef defining 16 bit short type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:93
unsigned char uint8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit unsigned char type.
Definition: vl53l1_types.h:98
float max_edge_search_angle
Variable for storing the heading of the drone (psi in radians)
Definition: wedgebug.c:259
uint16_t K_median_h
Width of kernel for the median kernel.
Definition: wedgebug.c:113
struct FloatVect3 VHOLDINGPOINTwned
Declared a vector to hold the current position, which is needed for calculating the distance traveled...
Definition: wedgebug.c:135
uint16_t f
Camera baseline, in meters (i.e. horizontal distance between the two cameras of the stereo setup)
Definition: wedgebug.c:204
uint16_t threshold_median_depth
Below this distance (in meters) it is considered that the robot has reached the goal,...
Definition: wedgebug.c:149
void Vi_to_Vc16bit(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const uint16_t d, const float b, const uint16_t f)
float disp_to_depth_16bit(const int16_t d, const float b, const uint16_t f)
uint8_t allow_state_change_POSITION_EDGE
Definition: wedgebug.c:275
uint8_t is_obstacle_detected_flag
Set to 1 if setpoint is reached, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:172
Definition: wedgebug.c:65
uint8_t is_setpoint_reached(struct FloatVect3 *VGOAL, struct FloatVect3 *VCURRENTPOSITION, float threshold)
enum control_mode_state current_mode
Definition: wedgebug.c:226
struct point_t c_img
Definition: wedgebug.c:183
uint8_t is_no_edge_found_flag
Set to 1 if best edge (according to micro confidence) was found, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:177
uint8_t is_mode_changed_flag
Set to 1 if state was changed, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:179
uint8_t find_best_edge_coordinates2(struct FloatVect3 *VEDGECOORDINATESc, struct FloatVect3 *VTARGETc, struct image_t *img_edges, struct image_t *img_depth, struct crop_t *edge_search_area, uint16_t threshold, int16_t max_confidence)
int16_t max_heading_confidence
This is the max confidence that a specific position was reached.
Definition: wedgebug.c:164
float threshold_distance_to_angle
Below this distance (in meters) it is considered that the robot has reached the goal.
Definition: wedgebug.c:146
float float_norm_two_angles(float target_angle, float current_angle)
Camera focal length, in pixels (i.e. distance between camera.
Definition: wedgebug.c:209
Definition: wedgebug.c:215
Definition: wedgebug.c:212
Definition: wedgebug.c:210
Definition: wedgebug.c:211
Definition: wedgebug.c:214
Definition: wedgebug.c:213
uint8_t allow_state_change_EDGE_SCAN
Definition: wedgebug.c:276
uint8_t is_heading_reached(float target_angle, float current_angle, float threshold)
struct FloatVect3 VGOALwenu
Declared vector of coordinates of start position in NED world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:121
struct point_t c_img_cropped
Principal point of normal camera images.
Definition: wedgebug.c:184
uint8_t previous_state
Definition: wedgebug.c:253
struct img_size_t kernel_median_dims
Dimension of image after it has been cropped to remove pixel error due to block matching limitations.
Definition: wedgebug.c:98
void disp_to_depth_img(struct image_t *img8bit_input, struct image_t *img16bit_output)
struct image_t img_left
Definition: wedgebug.c:74
struct img_size_t img_cropped_dims
Dimensions of images captured by the camera (left and right have same dimension)
Definition: wedgebug.c:96
int heat_map_type
Variable to hold distance from robot to edge to goal (used in EDGE_SCAN (9) state)
Definition: wedgebug.c:266
int SE_closing_OCV
SE size for the opening operation.
Definition: wedgebug.c:107
double time_state[NUMBER_OF_STATES]
Definition: wedgebug.c:243
Declared a vector to hold the position of a holding point (offten used to make sure drone stays still...
Definition: wedgebug.c:137
void background_processes(uint8_t save_images_flag)
void show_rotation_matrix(struct FloatRMat *R)
Definition: wedgebug.c:387
struct image_t img_disparity_int8_cropped
Image obtained from right camera, converted into 8bit gray image.
Definition: wedgebug.c:79
int16_t max_edge_found_macro_confidence
This is the max confidence that edges (micro-see above) were found.
Definition: wedgebug.c:166
clock_t clock_total_time
Definition: wedgebug.c:246
int32_t indx1d_a(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const struct image_t *img)
float distance_robot_edge_goal
Definition: wedgebug.c:265
clock_t clock_background_processes
Definition: wedgebug.c:249
uint8_t is_edge_found_micro_flag
Set to 1 if best edge (according to macro confidence) was found, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:176
uint32_t maximum_intensity(struct image_t *img)
struct FloatRMat Rcr
Definition: wedgebug.c:198
void Va_to_Vb(struct FloatVect3 *Vb, struct FloatVect3 *Va, struct FloatRMat *Rba, struct FloatVect3 *VOa)
float heading_max_left
Definition: wedgebug.c:233
float heading_towards_setpoint_WNED(struct FloatVect3 *VSETPOINTwned)
uint8_t allow_state_change_POSITION_GOAL
Definition: wedgebug.c:272
uint16_t getMedian16bit(uint16_t *a, uint32_t n)
int16_t max_position_confidence
This is the max confidence that an obstacle was not spotted.
Definition: wedgebug.c:163
int16_t heading_confidence
This is the confidence that the desired position was reached.
Definition: wedgebug.c:156
struct image_t img_left_int8_cropped
Image obtained from left camera, converted into 8bit gray image.
Definition: wedgebug.c:77
uint8_t median_disparity_to_point(struct point_t *Vi, struct image_t *img, struct kernel_C1 *kernel_median)
enum navigation_state current_state
Definition: wedgebug.c:217
struct FloatVect3 VGOALwned
Declared vector of coordinates of goal in ENU world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:122
uint16_t median_depth_to_point(struct point_t *Vi, struct image_t *img, struct kernel_C1 *kernel_median)
struct FloatVect3 VEDGECOORDINATESwned
Declared vector of coordinates of "best" edge detected in robot coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:129
int SE_dilation_OCV_1
SE size for the closing operation.
Definition: wedgebug.c:108
uint8_t is_right_reached_flag
Definition: wedgebug.c:237
const char * get_img_type(enum image_type img_type)
Definition: wedgebug.c:357
void Vi_to_Vc_depth(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const float depth, const uint16_t f)
struct img_size_t img_dims
Definition: wedgebug.c:95
int min_disparity
Block size used for the block matching (SBM) function.
Definition: wedgebug.c:257
void thresholding_img(struct image_t *img, uint8_t threshold)
uint8_t is_path_free_flag
Set to 1 if obstacle is detected, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:173
struct kernel_C1 median_kernel
Dimensions of the kernel that detect median disparity in front of drone (for obstacle detection)
Definition: wedgebug.c:102
int SE_sobel_OCV
SE size for the erosion operation (see state 3 "WEDGEBUG_START" and state 6 "POSITION_EDGE",...
Definition: wedgebug.c:111
float heading_max_right
Definition: wedgebug.c:234
float threshold_distance_to_goal_direct
Below this distance (in radians) it is considered that the robot has reached the target angle.
Definition: wedgebug.c:147
int16_t position_confidence
This is the confidence that no obstacle was spotted.
Definition: wedgebug.c:155
struct FloatVect3 VNEDwenu
Definition: wedgebug.c:193
clock_t clock_total_time_previous
Definition: wedgebug.c:248
float b
Definition: wedgebug.c:202
void show_image_entry(struct image_t *img, int entry_position, const char *img_name)
Definition: wedgebug.c:381
float dispfixed_to_disp(const int16_t d)
struct FloatRMat Rrwned
Definition: wedgebug.c:195
float threshold_distance_to_goal
Above this disparity edges are eligible for WedgeBug algorithm (i.e. edges cannot be very far away)
Definition: wedgebug.c:145
uint8_t median_disparity_in_front
The maximum angle (in adians) to the left and right of the drone, that edges can be detected in....
Definition: wedgebug.c:261
uint8_t is_heading_reached_flag
Set to 1 if no obstacle is detected, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:174
struct FloatVect3 VSTARTwenu
Height of kernel for the median kernel.
Definition: wedgebug.c:117
int16_t max_edge_found_micro_confidence
This is the max confidence that a specific heading was reached.
Definition: wedgebug.c:165
int SE_erosion_OCV
SE size for the second dilation operation (see state 3 "WEDGEBUG_START" and state 6 "POSITION_EDGE" )
Definition: wedgebug.c:110
float threshold_distance_to_goal_manual
Definition: wedgebug.c:280
void UYVYs_interlacing_V(struct image_t *YY, struct image_t *left, struct image_t *right)
int SE_dilation_OCV_2
SE size for the first dilation operation.
Definition: wedgebug.c:109
uint8_t previous_mode
Variable that saves previous state the state machine was in, for some memory.
Definition: wedgebug.c:254
uint8_t allow_state_change_MOVE_TO_GOAL
Definition: wedgebug.c:271
uint8_t is_total_timer_on_flag
Definition: wedgebug.c:279
void background_processes_16bit(uint8_t save_images_flag)
struct crop_t edge_search_area
Principal point of cropped camera images.
Definition: wedgebug.c:187
uint8_t depth_to_disp(const float depth, const float b, const uint16_t f)
int16_t max_free_path_confidence
This is the max confidence that an obstacle was spotted.
Definition: wedgebug.c:162
void Vw_to_Vc(struct FloatVect3 *Vc, struct FloatVect3 *Vw, struct FloatRMat *Rrw, struct FloatVect3 *VRw, struct FloatRMat *Rcr, struct FloatVect3 *VCr, const uint8_t verbose)
struct image_t img_middle_int8_cropped
Image holding depth values (cm) obtained from the disparity image.
Definition: wedgebug.c:81
int16_t free_path_confidence
This is the confidence that an obstacle was spotted.
Definition: wedgebug.c:154
float disp_to_depth(const uint8_t d, const float b, const uint16_t f)
int block_size_disparities
Number of disparity levels (0-this number)
Definition: wedgebug.c:256
float float_vect3_norm_two_points(struct FloatVect3 *V1, struct FloatVect3 *V2)
struct image_t img_depth_int16_cropped
Image obtained after simple block matching.
Definition: wedgebug.c:80
struct crop_t img_cropped_info
Definition: wedgebug.c:92
Definition: wedgebug.c:220
Definition: wedgebug.c:221
Definition: wedgebug.c:222
Definition: wedgebug.c:223
uint16_t K_median_w
SE size for the Sobel operation, to detect edges.
Definition: wedgebug.c:112
void Vb_to_Va(struct FloatVect3 *Va, struct FloatVect3 *Vb, struct FloatRMat *Rba, struct FloatVect3 *VOa)
uint8_t allow_state_change_WEDGEBUG_START
Definition: wedgebug.c:273
double counter_state[NUMBER_OF_STATES]
Definition: wedgebug.c:244
int16_t edge_found_macro_confidence
This is the confidence that the desired heading is reached.
Definition: wedgebug.c:159
struct FloatVect3 VGOALc
Declared vector of coordinates of goal in robot coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:124
int16_t max_no_edge_found_confidence
This is the max confidence that edges (macro-see above were found.
Definition: wedgebug.c:167
uint16_t median_depth_in_front
Variable to hold the median disparity in front of the drone. Needed to see if obstacle is there.
Definition: wedgebug.c:262
Declared vector of coordinates of goal in camera coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:125
uint8_t is_edge_found_macro_flag
Set to 1 if heading is reached, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:175
void show_image_data(struct image_t *img)
Definition: wedgebug.c:370
struct image_t img_middle_int16_cropped
Definition: wedgebug.c:85
static struct image_t * copy_right_img_func(struct image_t *img, uint8_t camera_id)
Definition: wedgebug.c:62
uint8_t is_start_reached_flag
This is the max confidence that no edges were found.
Definition: wedgebug.c:170
float heading_initial
Definition: wedgebug.c:232
struct FloatVect3 VEDGECOORDINATESwenu
Declared vector of coordinates of "best" edge detected in NED world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:131
uint8_t is_setpoint_reached_flag
Definition: wedgebug.c:171
uint8_t number_of_states
Definition: wedgebug.c:264
int N_disparities
Variable that saves previous mode to control the drone, for some memory.
Definition: wedgebug.c:255
int16_t max_obstacle_confidence
This is the confidence that no edge was found.
Definition: wedgebug.c:161
float heading
Definition: wedgebug.c:258
float distance_traveled
Variable to hold the median depth in front of the drone. Needed to see if obstacle is there.
Definition: wedgebug.c:263
void Vi_to_Vc(struct FloatVect3 *scene_point, int32_t image_point_y, int32_t image_point_x, const uint8_t d, const float b, const uint16_t f)
struct FloatVect3 VGOALr
Declared vector of coordinates of goal in NED world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:123
clock_t clock_FSM
Definition: wedgebug.c:250
uint8_t allow_state_change_MOVE_TO_EDGE
Definition: wedgebug.c:274
uint8_t threshold_median_disparity
Edges with a magnitude above this value are detected. Above this value, edges are given the value 127...
Definition: wedgebug.c:143
uint8_t threshold_disparity_of_edges
Above this median disparity, an obstacle is considered to block the way (i.e. the blocking obstacle n...
Definition: wedgebug.c:144
Declared vector of coordinates of "best" edge detected in camera coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:127
int SE_opening_OCV
Definition: wedgebug.c:106
struct FloatVect3 VRwned
Definition: wedgebug.c:196
int32_t indx1d_c(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const uint16_t img_height, const uint16_t img_width)
uint8_t is_state_changed_flag
Set to 1 if no edge was identified, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:178
int16_t obstacle_confidence
Below this depth (m) edges are eligible for the WedgeBug algorithm (i.e. edges cannot be very far awa...
Definition: wedgebug.c:153
uint8_t are_setpoint_and_angle_reached(struct FloatVect3 *VGOAL, struct FloatVect3 *VCURRENTPOSITION, float threshold_setpoint, float target_angle, float current_angle, float threshold_angle)
int32_t indx1d_b(const int32_t y, const int32_t x, const struct img_size_t *img_dims)
uint8_t find_best_edge_coordinates(struct FloatVect3 *VEDGECOORDINATESc, struct FloatVect3 *VTARGETc, struct image_t *img_edges, struct image_t *img_disparity, struct crop_t *edge_search_area, uint8_t threshold, int16_t max_confidence)
int16_t no_edge_found_confidence
This is the confidence that an edge was found - outside of the find_best_edge_coordinates function.
Definition: wedgebug.c:160
double counter_cycles
Definition: wedgebug.c:245
struct ES_angles initial_heading
Definition: wedgebug.c:239
struct kernel_C1 median_kernel16bit
Definition: wedgebug.c:103
struct image_t img_left_int8
Image obtained from right camera (UYVY format)
Definition: wedgebug.c:76
struct image_t img_edges_int8_cropped
Definition: wedgebug.c:82
static struct image_t * copy_left_img_func(struct image_t *img, uint8_t camera_id)
void principal_points(struct point_t *c_output, const struct point_t *c_old_input, struct crop_t *img_cropped_info)
float heading_towards_waypoint(uint8_t wp)
uint8_t initiated
Definition: wedgebug.c:235
int threshold_edge_magnitude
Declared vector of coordinates of previous "best" edge detected in NED world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:142
void UYVYs_interlacing_H(struct image_t *merged, struct image_t *left, struct image_t *right)
clock_t clock_total_time_current
Definition: wedgebug.c:247
uint8_t is_left_reached_flag
Definition: wedgebug.c:236
struct FloatVect3 VCr
Definition: wedgebug.c:199
struct image_t img_right
Image obtained from left camera (UYVY format)
Definition: wedgebug.c:75
struct image_t img_right_int8
Definition: wedgebug.c:78
struct FloatRMat Rwnedwenu
This structure holds information about the window in which edges are searched in.
Definition: wedgebug.c:192
void Vc_to_Vw(struct FloatVect3 *Vw, struct FloatVect3 *Vc, struct FloatRMat *Rrw, struct FloatVect3 *VRw, struct FloatRMat *Rcr, struct FloatVect3 *VCr, const uint8_t verbose)
uint16_t threshold_depth_of_edges
Below this median disparity, an obstacle is considered to block the way (i.e. the blocking obstacle n...
Definition: wedgebug.c:150
struct image_t img_disparity_int16_cropped
Image obtained from the external sobel edge detection function = sobel_OCV.
Definition: wedgebug.c:84
struct FloatVect3 VSTARTwned
Declared vector of coordinates of start position in ENU world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:119
struct FloatVect3 VDISTANCEPOSITIONwned
Declared vector of coordinates of "best" edge detected in ENU world coordinate system.
Definition: wedgebug.c:133
uint8_t save_images_flag
Set to 1 if control mode of drone is changed, 0 otherwise.
Definition: wedgebug.c:180
void set_state(uint8_t _state, uint8_t change_allowed)
uint16_t w
Definition: wedgebug.h:44
void * buf_weights
Kernel weight buffer.
Definition: wedgebug.h:47
uint32_t buf_size
Size of values of weight buffer and values buffer.
Definition: wedgebug.h:46
enum image_type type
Definition: wedgebug.h:43
uint8_t getMedian(uint8_t *a, uint32_t n)
void wedgebug_init(void)
void post_disparity_crop_rect(struct crop_t *_img_cropped_info, struct img_size_t *_original_img_dims, const int disp_n, const int block_size)
void kernel_free(struct kernel_C1 *kernel)
void * buf_values
Kernel value buffer. These are the values underneath the kernel.
Definition: wedgebug.h:48
void kernel_create(struct kernel_C1 *kernel, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, enum image_type type)
void wedgebug_periodic(void)
uint16_t h
Kernel height.
Definition: wedgebug.h:45
int SBM_OCV(struct image_t *img_disp, const struct image_t *img_left, const struct image_t *img_right, const int ndisparities, const int SADWindowSize, const bool cropped)
int closing_OCV(struct image_t *img_input, const struct image_t *img_output, const int SE_size, const int iteration)
int sobel_OCV(struct image_t *img_input, const struct image_t *img_output, const int kernel_size, const int thr)
int save_image_gray(struct image_t *img, char *myString)
int dilation_OCV(struct image_t *img_input, const struct image_t *img_output, const int SE_size, const int iteration)
int erosion_OCV(struct image_t *img_input, const struct image_t *img_output, const int SE_size, const int iteration)
int opening_OCV(struct image_t *img_input, const struct image_t *img_output, const int SE_size, const int iteration)
int save_image_HM(struct image_t *img, char *myString, int const heatmap)