Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
oneloop_andi.c File Reference
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void init_poles (void)
 Initialize Position of Poles. More...
void calc_normalization (void)
 Calculate Normalization of actuators and discrete actuator dynamics
void normalize_nu (void)
 Function to normalize the pseudo control vector. More...
void G1G2_oneloop (int ctrl_type)
 Function that samples and scales the effectiveness matrix FIXME: make this function into a for loop to make it more adaptable to different configurations. More...
void get_act_state_oneloop (void)
 Function to reconstruct actuator state using first order dynamics. More...
void oneloop_andi_propagate_filters (void)
 Propagate the filters. More...
void init_filter (void)
 Initialize the filters. More...
void init_controller (void)
 Initialize Controller Gains FIXME: Calculate the gains dynamically for transition. More...
void float_rates_of_euler_dot_vec (float r[3], float e[3], float edot[3])
 Attitude Rates to Euler Conversion Function. More...
void float_euler_dot_of_rates_vec (float r[3], float e[3], float edot[3])
 Attitude Euler to Rates Conversion Function. More...
void err_nd (float err[], float a[], float b[], float k[], int n)
 Calculate Scaled Error between two 3D arrays. More...
void err_sum_nd (float err[], float a[], float b[], float k[], float c[], int n)
 Calculate Scaled Error between two 3D arrays. More...
void integrate_nd (float dt, float a[], float a_dot[], int n)
 Integrate in time 3D array. More...
void vect_bound_nd (float vect[], float bound, int n)
 Scale a 3D array to within a 3D bound. More...
void acc_body_bound (struct FloatVect2 *vect, float bound)
 Scale a 3D array to within a 3D bound. More...
float bound_v_from_a (float e_x[], float v_bound, float a_bound, int n)
 Calculate velocity limit based on acceleration limit. More...
void rm_2nd (float dt, float *x_ref, float *x_d_ref, float *x_2d_ref, float x_des, float k1_rm, float k2_rm)
 Reference Model Definition for 2nd order system. More...
void rm_3rd (float dt, float *x_ref, float *x_d_ref, float *x_2d_ref, float *x_3d_ref, float x_des, float k1_rm, float k2_rm, float k3_rm)
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system. More...
void rm_3rd_head (float dt, float *x_ref, float *x_d_ref, float *x_2d_ref, float *x_3d_ref, float x_des, float k1_rm, float k2_rm, float k3_rm)
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to the heading angle. More...
void rm_3rd_attitude (float dt, float x_ref[3], float x_d_ref[3], float x_2d_ref[3], float x_3d_ref[3], float x_des[3], bool ow_psi, float psi_overwrite[4], float k1_rm[3], float k2_rm[3], float k3_rm[3], float max_ang_jerk)
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system with attitude conversion functions. More...
void rm_3rd_pos (float dt, float x_ref[], float x_d_ref[], float x_2d_ref[], float x_3d_ref[], float x_des[], float k1_rm[], float k2_rm[], float k3_rm[], float x_d_bound, float x_2d_bound, float x_3d_bound, int n)
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds. More...
void rm_2nd_pos (float dt, float x_d_ref[], float x_2d_ref[], float x_3d_ref[], float x_d_des[], float k2_rm[], float k3_rm[], float x_2d_bound, float x_3d_bound, int n)
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds. More...
void rm_1st_pos (float dt, float x_2d_ref[], float x_3d_ref[], float x_2d_des[], float k3_rm[], float x_3d_bound, int n)
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds. More...
void ec_3rd_att (float y_4d[3], float x_ref[3], float x_d_ref[3], float x_2d_ref[3], float x_3d_ref[3], float x[3], float x_d[3], float x_2d[3], float k1_e[3], float k2_e[3], float k3_e[3], float max_ang_jerk)
 Error Controller Definition for 3rd order system specific to attitude. More...
void ec_3rd_pos (float y_4d[], float x_ref[], float x_d_ref[], float x_2d_ref[], float x_3d_ref[], float x[], float x_d[], float x_2d[], float k1_e[], float k2_e[], float k3_e[], float x_d_bound, float x_2d_bound, float x_3d_bound, int n)
void calc_model (void)
 Function that calculates the model prediction for the complementary filter. More...
float oneloop_andi_sideslip (void)
 Function to calculate corrections for sideslip. More...
void reshape_wind (void)
void chirp_pos (float time_elapsed, float f0, float f1, float t_chirp, float A, int8_t n, float psi, float p_ref[], float v_ref[], float a_ref[], float j_ref[], float p_ref_0[])
 Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds. More...
void chirp_call (bool *chirp_on, bool *chirp_first_call, float *t_0_chirp, float *time_elapsed, float f0, float f1, float t_chirp, float A, int8_t n, float psi, float p_ref[], float v_ref[], float a_ref[], float j_ref[], float p_ref_0[])
static void send_wls_v_oneloop (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static void send_wls_u_oneloop (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static void send_eff_mat_stab_oneloop_andi (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static void send_eff_mat_guid_oneloop_andi (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static void send_oneloop_andi (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static void send_guidance_oneloop_andi (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static void debug_vect (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev, char *name, float *data, int datasize)
static void send_oneloop_debug (struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
static float positive_non_zero (float input)
 Function to make sure that inputs are positive non zero vaues. More...
static float k_e_1_2_f_v2 (float omega, float zeta)
 Error Controller Gain Design. More...
static float k_e_2_2_f_v2 (float omega, float zeta)
static float k_e_1_3_f_v2 (float omega_n, UNUSED float zeta, float p1)
static float k_e_2_3_f_v2 (float omega_n, float zeta, float p1)
static float k_e_3_3_f_v2 (float omega_n, float zeta, float p1)
static float k_rm_1_3_f (float omega_n, float zeta, float p1)
 Reference Model Gain Design. More...
static float k_rm_2_3_f (float omega_n, float zeta, float p1)
static float k_rm_3_3_f (float omega_n, float zeta, float p1)
static float ec_3rd (float x_ref, float x_d_ref, float x_2d_ref, float x_3d_ref, float x, float x_d, float x_2d, float k1_e, float k2_e, float k3_e)
 Error Controller Definition for 3rd order system. More...
static float w_approx (float p1, float p2, float p3, float rm_k)
 Third Order to First Order Dynamics Approximation. More...
void oneloop_andi_init (void)
 Init function of Oneloop ANDI controller
void oneloop_andi_enter (bool half_loop_sp, int ctrl_type)
 Function that resets important values upon engaging Oneloop ANDI. More...
void oneloop_andi_RM (bool half_loop, struct FloatVect3 PSA_des, int rm_order_h, int rm_order_v, bool in_flight_oneloop)
 Function to generate the reference signals for the oneloop controller. More...
void oneloop_andi_run (bool in_flight, bool half_loop, struct FloatVect3 PSA_des, int rm_order_h, int rm_order_v)
 Main function that runs the controller and performs control allocation. More...
void oneloop_from_nav (bool in_flight)
 Function that maps navigation inputs to the oneloop controller for the generated autopilot. More...
static float chirp_pos_p_ref (float delta_t, float f0, float k, float A)
 Function to calculate the position reference during the chirp. More...
static float chirp_pos_v_ref (float delta_t, float f0, float k, float A)
 Function to calculate the velocity reference during the chirp. More...
static float chirp_pos_a_ref (float delta_t, float f0, float k, float A)
 Function to calculate the acceleration reference during the chirp. More...
static float chirp_pos_j_ref (float delta_t, float f0, float k, float A)
 Function to calculate the jerk reference during the chirp. More...
bool autopilot_in_flight_end_detection (bool motors_on UNUSED)
 Quadplanes can still be in-flight with COMMAND_THRUST==0 and can even soar not descending in updrafts with all thrust off. More...


float num_thrusters_oneloop = 4.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff = 2.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_a = 2.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_v = 2.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_pos = 2.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_p = 20.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_q = 20.0
float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_r = 20.0
float max_r = RadOfDeg(120.0)
bool actuator_is_servo [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = {0}
float act_dynamics [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {1}
float act_max [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {MAX_PPRZ}
float act_min [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {0.0}
float act_max_norm [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {1.0}
float act_min_norm [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {0.0}
float nu_norm_max = 1.0
static float u_pref [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = {0.0}
float theta_pref_max = RadOfDeg(20.0)
float max_a_nav = 4.0
float max_j_nav = 500.0
float max_j_ang = 1000.0
float max_v_nav = 5.0
float max_as = 19.0f
float max_v_nav_v = 1.5
float fwd_sideslip_gain = 0.2
struct OneloopGeneral oneloop_andi
static float use_increment = 0.0
static float nav_target [3]
static float nav_target_new [3]
static float dt_1l = 1./PERIODIC_FREQUENCY
static float g = 9.81
float k_as = 2.0
int16_t temp_pitch = 0
float andi_u [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]
float andi_du [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]
static float andi_du_n [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]
float nu [ANDI_OUTPUTS]
float nu_n [ANDI_OUTPUTS]
static float act_dynamics_d [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]
float actuator_state_1l [ANDI_NUM_ACT]
static float a_thrust = 0.0
static float g2_ff = 0.0
struct Int32Eulers stab_att_sp_euler_1l
struct Int32Quat stab_att_sp_quat_1l
struct FloatEulers eulers_zxy_des
struct FloatEulers eulers_zxy
float psi_des_rad = 0.0
float psi_des_deg = 0.0
static float psi_vec [4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
bool heading_manual = false
bool yaw_stick_in_auto = false
bool ctrl_off = false
static float pitch_pref = 0
struct WLS_t WLS_one_p
static float Wv_backup [ANDI_OUTPUTS] = {1.0}
static float model_pred [ANDI_OUTPUTS]
static float model_pred_ar [3]
static float ang_acc [3]
static float ang_rate [3]
static float lin_acc [3]
bool chirp_on = false
bool chirp_first_call = true
float time_elapsed_chirp = 0.0
float t_0_chirp = 0.0
float f0_chirp = 0.8 / (2.0 * M_PI)
float f1_chirp = 0.8 / (2.0 * M_PI)
float t_chirp = 45.0
float A_chirp = 1.0
int8_t chirp_axis = 0
float p_ref_0 [3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
struct PolePlacement p_att_e
struct PolePlacement p_att_rm
struct PolePlacement p_pos_e
struct PolePlacement p_pos_rm
struct PolePlacement p_alt_e
struct PolePlacement p_alt_rm
struct PolePlacement p_head_e
struct PolePlacement p_head_rm
struct Gains3rdOrder k_att_e
struct Gains3rdOrder k_att_rm
struct Gains3rdOrder k_pos_e
struct Gains3rdOrder k_pos_rm
struct Gains3rdOrder k_att_e_indi
struct Gains3rdOrder k_pos_e_indi
float * bwls_1l [ANDI_OUTPUTS]
float ratio_u_un [ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]
float ratio_vn_v [ANDI_OUTPUTS]
static Butterworth2LowPass filt_accel_ned [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass filt_veloc_ned [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass rates_filt_bt [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass model_pred_la_filt [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass ang_rate_lowpass_filters [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass model_pred_aa_filt [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass model_pred_ar_filt [3]
static Butterworth2LowPass accely_filt
static Butterworth2LowPass airspeed_filt

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 238 of file oneloop_andi.c.



Definition at line 213 of file oneloop_andi.c.



Definition at line 217 of file oneloop_andi.c.



Definition at line 218 of file oneloop_andi.c.



Definition at line 220 of file oneloop_andi.c.



Definition at line 109 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Function Documentation

◆ acc_body_bound()

void acc_body_bound ( struct FloatVect2 vect,
float  bound 

Scale a 3D array to within a 3D bound.

Definition at line 677 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References float_vect_norm(), Min, positive_non_zero(), FloatVect2::x, and FloatVect2::y.

Referenced by reshape_wind().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ autopilot_in_flight_end_detection()

bool autopilot_in_flight_end_detection ( bool motors_on  UNUSED)

Quadplanes can still be in-flight with COMMAND_THRUST==0 and can even soar not descending in updrafts with all thrust off.

Definition at line 1974 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ bound_v_from_a()

float bound_v_from_a ( float  e_x[],
float  v_bound,
float  a_bound,
int  n 

Calculate velocity limit based on acceleration limit.

Definition at line 693 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References float_vect_norm().

Referenced by rm_3rd_pos().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calc_model()

void calc_model ( void  )

Function that calculates the model prediction for the complementary filter.

Definition at line 1762 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References actuator_state_1l, ANDI_NUM_ACT, ANDI_OUTPUTS, EFF_MAT_RW, RW_Model::ele_pref, eulers_zxy, g, wing_model::L, RW_Model::m, model_pred, RW_Model::P, P, FloatEulers::phi, FloatEulers::psi, RW, RW_Model::T, mesonh.mesonh_atmosphere::T, FloatEulers::theta, and RW_Model::wing.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calc_normalization()

void calc_normalization ( void  )

Calculate Normalization of actuators and discrete actuator dynamics

Definition at line 1718 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References act_dynamics, act_dynamics_d, act_max, act_max_norm, act_min, act_min_norm, ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT, ANDI_OUTPUTS, dt_1l, max_j_ang, max_j_nav, MAX_PPRZ, nu_norm_max, positive_non_zero(), ratio_u_un, ratio_vn_v, RW_aD, RW_aE, RW_aN, RW_ap, RW_aq, and RW_ar.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_enter(), oneloop_andi_init(), and oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chirp_call()

void chirp_call ( bool *  chirp_on,
bool *  chirp_first_call,
float *  t_0_chirp,
float *  time_elapsed,
float  f0,
float  f1,
float  t_chirp,
float  A,
int8_t  n,
float  psi,
float  p_ref[],
float  v_ref[],
float  a_ref[],
float  j_ref[],
float  p_ref_0[] 

Definition at line 1950 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A, chirp_first_call, chirp_on, chirp_pos(), OneloopGeneral::ctrl_type, get_sys_time_float(), oneloop_andi, oneloop_andi_enter(), p_ref_0, and t_chirp.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chirp_pos()

void chirp_pos ( float  time_elapsed,
float  f0,
float  f1,
float  t_chirp,
float  A,
int8_t  n,
float  psi,
float  p_ref[],
float  v_ref[],
float  a_ref[],
float  j_ref[],
float  p_ref_0[] 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds.

dt[s] time passed since start of the chirp
f0[Hz] initial frequency of the chirp
f1[Hz] final frequency of the chirp
t_chirp[s] duration of the chirp
p_ref[m] position reference
v_ref[m/s] velocity reference
a_ref[m/s2] acceleration reference
j_ref[m/s3] jerk reference

Definition at line 1886 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A, chirp_pos_a_ref(), chirp_pos_j_ref(), chirp_pos_p_ref(), chirp_pos_v_ref(), p_ref_0, pitch_pref, positive_non_zero(), t_chirp, and theta_pref_max.

Referenced by chirp_call().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chirp_pos_a_ref()

static float chirp_pos_a_ref ( float  delta_t,
float  f0,
float  k,
float  A 

Function to calculate the acceleration reference during the chirp.

Definition at line 1865 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A.

Referenced by chirp_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chirp_pos_j_ref()

static float chirp_pos_j_ref ( float  delta_t,
float  f0,
float  k,
float  A 

Function to calculate the jerk reference during the chirp.

Definition at line 1870 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A.

Referenced by chirp_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chirp_pos_p_ref()

static float chirp_pos_p_ref ( float  delta_t,
float  f0,
float  k,
float  A 

Function to calculate the position reference during the chirp.

Definition at line 1855 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A.

Referenced by chirp_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ chirp_pos_v_ref()

static float chirp_pos_v_ref ( float  delta_t,
float  f0,
float  k,
float  A 

Function to calculate the velocity reference during the chirp.

Definition at line 1860 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A.

Referenced by chirp_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debug_vect()

static void debug_vect ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev,
char *  name,
float *  data,
int  datasize 

Definition at line 521 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References dev.

Referenced by send_oneloop_debug().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ec_3rd()

static float ec_3rd ( float  x_ref,
float  x_d_ref,
float  x_2d_ref,
float  x_3d_ref,
float  x,
float  x_d,
float  x_2d,
float  k1_e,
float  k2_e,
float  k3_e 

Error Controller Definition for 3rd order system.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
xCurrent 1st order signal
x_dCurrent 2nd order signal
x_2dCurrent 3rd order signal
k1_eError Controller Gain 1st order signal
k2_eError Controller Gain 2nd order signal
k3_eError Controller Gain 3rd order signal

Definition at line 901 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ec_3rd_att()

void ec_3rd_att ( float  y_4d[3],
float  x_ref[3],
float  x_d_ref[3],
float  x_2d_ref[3],
float  x_3d_ref[3],
float  x[3],
float  x_d[3],
float  x_2d[3],
float  k1_e[3],
float  k2_e[3],
float  k3_e[3],
float  max_ang_jerk 

Error Controller Definition for 3rd order system specific to attitude.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
xCurrent 1st order signal
x_dCurrent 2nd order signal
x_2dCurrent 3rd order signal
k1_eError Controller Gain 1st order signal
k2_eError Controller Gain 2nd order signal
k3_eError Controller Gain 3rd order signal

Definition at line 933 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References err_nd(), float_vect_copy(), float_vect_sum(), and vect_bound_nd().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ec_3rd_pos()

void ec_3rd_pos ( float  y_4d[],
float  x_ref[],
float  x_d_ref[],
float  x_2d_ref[],
float  x_3d_ref[],
float  x[],
float  x_d[],
float  x_2d[],
float  k1_e[],
float  k2_e[],
float  k3_e[],
float  x_d_bound,
float  x_2d_bound,
float  x_3d_bound,
int  n 

Definition at line 905 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References err_sum_nd(), and vect_bound_nd().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ err_nd()

void err_nd ( float  err[],
float  a[],
float  b[],
float  k[],
int  n 

Calculate Scaled Error between two 3D arrays.

Definition at line 636 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References b.

Referenced by ec_3rd_att(), rm_1st_pos(), rm_2nd_pos(), rm_3rd_attitude(), and rm_3rd_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ err_sum_nd()

void err_sum_nd ( float  err[],
float  a[],
float  b[],
float  k[],
float  c[],
int  n 

Calculate Scaled Error between two 3D arrays.

Definition at line 645 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References b.

Referenced by ec_3rd_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ float_euler_dot_of_rates_vec()

void float_euler_dot_of_rates_vec ( float  r[3],
float  e[3],
float  edot[3] 

Attitude Euler to Rates Conversion Function.

Definition at line 621 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by rm_3rd_attitude().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ float_rates_of_euler_dot_vec()

void float_rates_of_euler_dot_vec ( float  r[3],
float  e[3],
float  edot[3] 

Attitude Rates to Euler Conversion Function.

Definition at line 609 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by rm_3rd_attitude().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ G1G2_oneloop()

void G1G2_oneloop ( int  ctrl_type)

Function that samples and scales the effectiveness matrix FIXME: make this function into a for loop to make it more adaptable to different configurations.

Definition at line 1663 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References act_dynamics, airspeed_filt, ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT, ANDI_OUTPUTS, CTRL_ANDI, CTRL_INDI, ctrl_off, EFF_MAT_G, EFF_MAT_RW, ELE_MIN_AS, RotWingStateSettings::hover_motors_active, SecondOrderLowPass::o, ratio_u_un, ratio_vn_v, and rotwing_state_settings.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_enter(), oneloop_andi_init(), and oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_act_state_oneloop()

void get_act_state_oneloop ( void  )

Function to reconstruct actuator state using first order dynamics.

Definition at line 1645 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References act_dynamics_d, act_max, act_min, actuator_state_1l, ANDI_NUM_ACT, andi_u, and autopilot_get_motors_on().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_controller()

◆ init_filter()

◆ init_poles()

void init_poles ( void  )

Initialize Position of Poles.

Definition at line 972 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References act_dynamics, PolePlacement::omega_n, PolePlacement::p3, p_alt_e, p_alt_rm, p_att_e, p_att_rm, p_head_e, p_head_rm, p_pos_e, p_pos_rm, w_approx(), and PolePlacement::zeta.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ integrate_nd()

void integrate_nd ( float  dt,
float  a[],
float  a_dot[],
int  n 

Integrate in time 3D array.

Definition at line 655 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by rm_1st_pos(), rm_2nd_pos(), rm_3rd_attitude(), and rm_3rd_pos().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_e_1_2_f_v2()

static float k_e_1_2_f_v2 ( float  omega,
float  zeta 

Error Controller Gain Design.

Definition at line 553 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_e_1_3_f_v2()

static float k_e_1_3_f_v2 ( float  omega_n,
UNUSED float  zeta,
float  p1 

Definition at line 565 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_e_2_2_f_v2()

static float k_e_2_2_f_v2 ( float  omega,
float  zeta 

Definition at line 559 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_e_2_3_f_v2()

static float k_e_2_3_f_v2 ( float  omega_n,
float  zeta,
float  p1 

Definition at line 571 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_e_3_3_f_v2()

static float k_e_3_3_f_v2 ( float  omega_n,
float  zeta,
float  p1 

Definition at line 578 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_rm_1_3_f()

static float k_rm_1_3_f ( float  omega_n,
float  zeta,
float  p1 

Reference Model Gain Design.

Definition at line 587 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_rm_2_3_f()

static float k_rm_2_3_f ( float  omega_n,
float  zeta,
float  p1 

Definition at line 594 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ k_rm_3_3_f()

static float k_rm_3_3_f ( float  omega_n,
float  zeta,
float  p1 

Definition at line 601 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ normalize_nu()

void normalize_nu ( void  )

Function to normalize the pseudo control vector.

Definition at line 1753 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References ANDI_OUTPUTS, nu, nu_n, ratio_vn_v, WLS_t::v, and WLS_one_p.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ oneloop_andi_enter()

void oneloop_andi_enter ( bool  half_loop_sp,
int  ctrl_type 

Function that resets important values upon engaging Oneloop ANDI.

FIXME: Ideally we should distinguish between the "stabilization" and "guidance" needs because it is unlikely to switch stabilization in flight, and there are multiple modes that use (the same) stabilization. Resetting the controller is not so nice when you are flying.

Definition at line 1250 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References ANDI_OUTPUTS, ang_acc, OneloopStabilizationRef::att, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_2d, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_3d, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_d, bwls_1l, calc_normalization(), OneloopGeneral::ctrl_type, EFF_MAT_G, ele_min, eulers_zxy, eulers_zxy_des, float_vect_zero(), G1G2_oneloop(), OneloopGeneral::half_loop, init_controller(), init_filter(), lin_acc, model_pred, model_pred_ar, nav_target, nav_target_new, oneloop_andi, FloatEulers::phi, FloatEulers::psi, psi_des_deg, psi_des_rad, OneloopGeneral::sta_ref, and FloatEulers::theta.

Referenced by chirp_call(), guidance_h_run_enter(), oneloop_from_nav(), and stabilization_attitude_enter().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ oneloop_andi_init()

◆ oneloop_andi_propagate_filters()

◆ oneloop_andi_RM()

void oneloop_andi_RM ( bool  half_loop,
struct FloatVect3  PSA_des,
int  rm_order_h,
int  rm_order_v,
bool  in_flight_oneloop 

Function to generate the reference signals for the oneloop controller.

half_loopIn half-loop mode the controller is used for stabilization only
PSA_desDesired position/speed/acceleration
rm_order_hOrder of the reference model for horizontal guidance
rm_order_vOrder of the reference model for vertical guidance

Definition at line 1289 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References A_chirp, a_thrust, OneloopGuidanceRef::acc, OneloopGuidanceState::acc, actuator_state_1l, ANDI_NUM_ACT, OneloopStabilizationRef::att, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_2d, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_3d, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_d, bwls_1l, chirp_axis, chirp_call(), chirp_first_call, chirp_on, dt_1l, eulers_zxy, eulers_zxy_des, f0_chirp, f1_chirp, float_vect_copy(), float_vect_norm(), float_vect_zero(), OneloopGeneral::gui_ref, OneloopGeneral::gui_state, heading_manual, OneloopGuidanceRef::jer, Gains3rdOrder::k1, Gains3rdOrder::k2, Gains3rdOrder::k3, k_att_rm, k_pos_rm, max_a_nav, max_j_ang, max_j_nav, MAX_PPRZ, max_r, max_v_nav, max_v_nav_v, nav_target, nav_target_new, oneloop_andi, ONELOOP_ANDI_MAX_PHI, ONELOOP_ANDI_MAX_THETA, oneloop_andi_sideslip(), p_ref_0, FloatEulers::phi, OneloopGuidanceRef::pos, OneloopGuidanceState::pos, FloatEulers::psi, psi_des_deg, psi_des_rad, psi_vec, radio_control_get(), RADIO_PITCH, RADIO_ROLL, RADIO_THROTTLE, RADIO_YAW, ratio_u_un, ratio_vn_v, reshape_wind(), rm_1st_pos(), rm_2nd_pos(), rm_3rd_attitude(), rm_3rd_pos(), RW_aD, OneloopGeneral::sta_ref, t_0_chirp, t_chirp, FloatEulers::theta, time_elapsed_chirp, use_increment, OneloopGuidanceRef::vel, OneloopGuidanceState::vel, WLS_one_p, WLS_t::Wv, Wv_backup, FloatVect3::x, FloatVect3::y, yaw_stick_in_auto, and FloatVect3::z.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ oneloop_andi_run()

void oneloop_andi_run ( bool  in_flight,
bool  half_loop,
struct FloatVect3  PSA_des,
int  rm_order_h,
int  rm_order_v 

Main function that runs the controller and performs control allocation.

half_loopIn half-loop mode the controller is used for stabilization only
in_flightThe drone is in flight
PSA_desDesired position/speed/acceleration
rm_order_hOrder of the reference model for horizontal guidance
rm_order_vOrder of the reference model for vertical guidance

Definition at line 1426 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References a_thrust, OneloopGuidanceRef::acc, OneloopGuidanceState::acc, act_dynamics, act_max, act_min, actuator_state_1l, andi_du, andi_du_n, ANDI_NUM_ACT, ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT, ANDI_OUTPUTS, andi_u, ang_acc, ang_rate, AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_DIRECT, OneloopStabilizationRef::att, OneloopStabilizationState::att, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_2d, OneloopStabilizationState::att_2d, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_3d, OneloopStabilizationRef::att_d, OneloopStabilizationState::att_d, autopilot, bwls_1l, calc_normalization(), chirp_on, Stabilization::cmd, commands, CTRL_ANDI, CTRL_INDI, ctrl_off, OneloopGeneral::ctrl_type, RW_skew::deg, ec_3rd(), ec_3rd_att(), ec_3rd_pos(), EFF_MAT_G, RW_Model::ele_pref, eulers_zxy, eulers_zxy_des, filt_veloc_ned, float_eulers_of_quat_zxy(), float_vect_copy(), float_vect_sum(), G1G2_oneloop(), g2_ff, G2_RW, get_act_state_oneloop(), OneloopGeneral::gui_ref, OneloopGeneral::gui_state, heading_manual, RotWingStateSettings::hover_motors_active, init_controller(), OneloopGuidanceRef::jer, Gains3rdOrder::k1, Gains3rdOrder::k2, Gains3rdOrder::k3, k_att_e, k_att_e_indi, k_pos_e, k_pos_e_indi, lin_acc, max_a_nav, max_j_ang, max_j_nav, MAX_PPRZ, max_v_nav, pprz_autopilot::mode, normalize_nu(), nu, num_thrusters_oneloop, SecondOrderLowPass::o, oneloop_andi, ONELOOP_ANDI_DEBUG_MODE, ONELOOP_ANDI_MAX_PHI, ONELOOP_ANDI_MAX_THETA, oneloop_andi_propagate_filters(), oneloop_andi_RM(), FloatEulers::phi, pitch_pref, OneloopGuidanceRef::pos, OneloopGuidanceState::pos, FloatEulers::psi, psi_des_deg, psi_des_rad, RADIO_AUX4, RADIO_AUX5, radio_control, ratio_u_un, rotwing_state_settings, RW, RW_Model::skew, OneloopGeneral::sta_ref, OneloopGeneral::sta_state, stabilization, RotWingStateSettings::stall_protection, stateGetNedToBodyQuat_f(), stateGetPositionNed_f(), FloatEulers::theta, theta_pref_max, pprz_autopilot::throttle, WLS_t::u, WLS_t::u_max, WLS_t::u_min, u_pref, WLS_t::u_pref, use_increment, RadioControl::values, OneloopGuidanceRef::vel, OneloopGuidanceState::vel, wls_alloc(), WLS_one_p, NedCoor_f::x, NedCoor_f::y, and NedCoor_f::z.

Referenced by oneloop_from_nav(), and stabilization_attitude_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ oneloop_andi_sideslip()

float oneloop_andi_sideslip ( void  )

Function to calculate corrections for sideslip.

Definition at line 1831 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References accely_filt, airspeed_filt, eulers_zxy, fwd_sideslip_gain, g, SecondOrderLowPass::o, ONELOOP_ANDI_MAX_BANK, FloatEulers::phi, and FloatEulers::theta.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ oneloop_from_nav()

◆ positive_non_zero()

static float positive_non_zero ( float  input)

Function to make sure that inputs are positive non zero vaues.

Definition at line 543 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by acc_body_bound(), calc_normalization(), chirp_pos(), k_e_1_2_f_v2(), k_e_1_3_f_v2(), k_e_2_2_f_v2(), k_e_2_3_f_v2(), k_e_3_3_f_v2(), k_rm_1_3_f(), k_rm_2_3_f(), k_rm_3_3_f(), oneloop_andi_init(), vect_bound_nd(), and w_approx().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reshape_wind()

◆ rm_1st_pos()

void rm_1st_pos ( float  dt,
float  x_2d_ref[],
float  x_3d_ref[],
float  x_2d_des[],
float  k3_rm[],
float  x_3d_bound,
int  n 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds.

dtDelta time [s]
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_2d_desDesired 3rd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal
x_3d_boundBound for the 4th order reference signal
nNumber of dimensions

Definition at line 857 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References err_nd(), float_vect_copy(), integrate_nd(), and vect_bound_nd().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rm_2nd()

void rm_2nd ( float  dt,
float *  x_ref,
float *  x_d_ref,
float *  x_2d_ref,
float  x_des,
float  k1_rm,
float  k2_rm 

Reference Model Definition for 2nd order system.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
k1_rmReference Model Gain 1st order signal
k2_rmReference Model Gain 2nd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal

Definition at line 878 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ rm_2nd_pos()

void rm_2nd_pos ( float  dt,
float  x_d_ref[],
float  x_2d_ref[],
float  x_3d_ref[],
float  x_d_des[],
float  k2_rm[],
float  k3_rm[],
float  x_2d_bound,
float  x_3d_bound,
int  n 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds.

dtDelta time [s]
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_d_desDesired 2nd order signal
k2_rmReference Model Gain 2nd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal
x_2d_boundBound for the 3rd order reference signal
x_3d_boundBound for the 4th order reference signal
nNumber of dimensions

Definition at line 835 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References err_nd(), float_vect_copy(), integrate_nd(), and vect_bound_nd().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rm_3rd()

void rm_3rd ( float  dt,
float *  x_ref,
float *  x_d_ref,
float *  x_2d_ref,
float *  x_3d_ref,
float  x_des,
float  k1_rm,
float  k2_rm,
float  k3_rm 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
k1_rmReference Model Gain 1st order signal
k2_rmReference Model Gain 2nd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal

Definition at line 755 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ rm_3rd_attitude()

void rm_3rd_attitude ( float  dt,
float  x_ref[3],
float  x_d_ref[3],
float  x_2d_ref[3],
float  x_3d_ref[3],
float  x_des[3],
bool  ow_psi,
float  psi_overwrite[4],
float  k1_rm[3],
float  k2_rm[3],
float  k3_rm[3],
float  max_ang_jerk 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system with attitude conversion functions.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
ow_psiOverwrite psi (for navigation functions) [bool]
psi_overwriteOverwrite psi (for navigation functions) [values]
k1_rmReference Model Gain 1st order signal
k2_rmReference Model Gain 2nd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal

Definition at line 714 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References err_nd(), float_euler_dot_of_rates_vec(), float_rates_of_euler_dot_vec(), float_vect_copy(), integrate_nd(), and vect_bound_nd().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rm_3rd_head()

void rm_3rd_head ( float  dt,
float *  x_ref,
float *  x_d_ref,
float *  x_2d_ref,
float *  x_3d_ref,
float  x_des,
float  k1_rm,
float  k2_rm,
float  k3_rm 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to the heading angle.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
k1_rmReference Model Gain 1st order signal
k2_rmReference Model Gain 2nd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal

Definition at line 777 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ rm_3rd_pos()

void rm_3rd_pos ( float  dt,
float  x_ref[],
float  x_d_ref[],
float  x_2d_ref[],
float  x_3d_ref[],
float  x_des[],
float  k1_rm[],
float  k2_rm[],
float  k3_rm[],
float  x_d_bound,
float  x_2d_bound,
float  x_3d_bound,
int  n 

Reference Model Definition for 3rd order system specific to positioning with bounds.

dtDelta time [s]
x_refReference signal 1st order
x_d_refReference signal 2nd order
x_2d_refReference signal 3rd order
x_3d_refReference signal 4th order
x_desDesired 1st order signal
k1_rmReference Model Gain 1st order signal
k2_rmReference Model Gain 2nd order signal
k3_rmReference Model Gain 3rd order signal
x_d_boundBound for the 2nd order reference signal
x_2d_boundBound for the 3rd order reference signal
x_3d_boundBound for the 4th order reference signal
nNumber of dimensions

Definition at line 805 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References bound_v_from_a(), err_nd(), float_vect_copy(), integrate_nd(), and vect_bound_nd().

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_eff_mat_guid_oneloop_andi()

static void send_eff_mat_guid_oneloop_andi ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev 

Definition at line 468 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT, dev, and EFF_MAT_G.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_eff_mat_stab_oneloop_andi()

static void send_eff_mat_stab_oneloop_andi ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev 

Definition at line 457 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References ANDI_NUM_ACT, dev, and EFF_MAT_G.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_guidance_oneloop_andi()

static void send_guidance_oneloop_andi ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev 

◆ send_oneloop_andi()

◆ send_oneloop_debug()

static void send_oneloop_debug ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev 

Definition at line 528 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References RW_Model::as, debug_vect(), dev, model_pred, and RW.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_wls_u_oneloop()

static void send_wls_u_oneloop ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev 

Definition at line 453 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References dev, send_wls_u(), and WLS_one_p.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ send_wls_v_oneloop()

static void send_wls_v_oneloop ( struct transport_tx *  trans,
struct link_device *  dev 

Definition at line 449 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References dev, send_wls_v(), and WLS_one_p.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vect_bound_nd()

void vect_bound_nd ( float  vect[],
float  bound,
int  n 

Scale a 3D array to within a 3D bound.

Definition at line 664 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References float_vect_norm(), positive_non_zero(), and scale.

Referenced by ec_3rd_att(), ec_3rd_pos(), reshape_wind(), rm_1st_pos(), rm_2nd_pos(), rm_3rd_attitude(), and rm_3rd_pos().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ w_approx()

static float w_approx ( float  p1,
float  p2,
float  p3,
float  rm_k 

Third Order to First Order Dynamics Approximation.

p1Pole 1
p2Pole 2
p3Pole 3
rm_kReference Model Gain

Definition at line 958 of file oneloop_andi.c.

References positive_non_zero().

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ A_chirp

float A_chirp = 1.0

Definition at line 404 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ a_thrust

float a_thrust = 0.0

Definition at line 334 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ accely_filt

Butterworth2LowPass accely_filt

◆ act_dynamics

float act_dynamics[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {1}

◆ act_dynamics_d

float act_dynamics_d[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]

Definition at line 332 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), and get_act_state_oneloop().

◆ act_max

float act_max[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {MAX_PPRZ}

Definition at line 179 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), get_act_state_oneloop(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ act_max_norm

float act_max_norm[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {1.0}

Definition at line 191 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization().

◆ act_min

float act_min[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {0.0}

Definition at line 185 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), get_act_state_oneloop(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ act_min_norm

float act_min_norm[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = = {0.0}

Definition at line 197 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization().

◆ actuator_is_servo

bool actuator_is_servo[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = {0}

Definition at line 166 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ actuator_state_1l

◆ airspeed_filt

◆ andi_du

float andi_du[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]

Definition at line 328 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ andi_du_n

float andi_du_n[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]

Definition at line 329 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_init(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ andi_u

float andi_u[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]

Definition at line 327 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by get_act_state_oneloop(), oneloop_andi_init(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ ang_acc

float ang_acc[3]

◆ ang_rate

float ang_rate[3]

Definition at line 393 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_propagate_filters(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ ang_rate_lowpass_filters

Butterworth2LowPass ang_rate_lowpass_filters[3]

Definition at line 440 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), and oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

◆ bwls_1l

float* bwls_1l[ANDI_OUTPUTS]

◆ chirp_axis

int8_t chirp_axis = 0

Definition at line 405 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ chirp_first_call

bool chirp_first_call = true

Definition at line 398 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by chirp_call(), and oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ chirp_on

bool chirp_on = false

Definition at line 397 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by chirp_call(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ ctrl_off

bool ctrl_off = false

Definition at line 357 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by G1G2_oneloop(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ dt_1l

float dt_1l = 1./PERIODIC_FREQUENCY

Definition at line 321 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), and oneloop_andi_RM().


◆ eulers_zxy

◆ eulers_zxy_des

struct FloatEulers eulers_zxy_des

◆ f0_chirp

float f0_chirp = 0.8 / (2.0 * M_PI)

Definition at line 401 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ f1_chirp

float f1_chirp = 0.8 / (2.0 * M_PI)

Definition at line 402 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ filt_accel_ned

Butterworth2LowPass filt_accel_ned[3]

Definition at line 436 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), and oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

◆ filt_veloc_ned

Butterworth2LowPass filt_veloc_ned[3]

Definition at line 437 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), oneloop_andi_propagate_filters(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ fwd_sideslip_gain

float fwd_sideslip_gain = 0.2

Definition at line 277 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_sideslip().

◆ g

float g = 9.81

Definition at line 322 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_model(), and oneloop_andi_sideslip().

◆ g2_ff

float g2_ff = 0.0

Definition at line 335 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

◆ heading_manual

bool heading_manual = false

Definition at line 350 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ k_as

float k_as = 2.0

Definition at line 323 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ k_att_e

struct Gains3rdOrder k_att_e

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ k_att_e_indi

struct Gains3rdOrder k_att_e_indi

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ k_att_rm

struct Gains3rdOrder k_att_rm

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ k_pos_e

struct Gains3rdOrder k_pos_e

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ k_pos_e_indi

struct Gains3rdOrder k_pos_e_indi

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ k_pos_rm

struct Gains3rdOrder k_pos_rm

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and reshape_wind().

◆ lin_acc

float lin_acc[3]

◆ max_a_nav

float max_a_nav = 4.0

Definition at line 249 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), oneloop_andi_RM(), oneloop_andi_run(), and reshape_wind().

◆ max_as

float max_as = 19.0f

Definition at line 269 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by reshape_wind().

◆ max_j_ang

float max_j_ang = 1000.0

Definition at line 261 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ max_j_nav

float max_j_nav = 500.0

Definition at line 255 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ max_r

float max_r = RadOfDeg(120.0)

Definition at line 158 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by attitude_ref_quat_int_set_max_r(), and oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ max_v_nav

float max_v_nav = 5.0

Definition at line 267 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ max_v_nav_v

float max_v_nav_v = 1.5

Definition at line 274 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ model_pred

◆ model_pred_aa_filt

Butterworth2LowPass model_pred_aa_filt[3]

Definition at line 441 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), and oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

◆ model_pred_ar

float model_pred_ar[3]

◆ model_pred_ar_filt

Butterworth2LowPass model_pred_ar_filt[3]

Definition at line 442 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), and oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

◆ model_pred_la_filt

Butterworth2LowPass model_pred_la_filt[3]

Definition at line 439 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), and oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

◆ nav_target

float nav_target[3]

◆ nav_target_new

float nav_target_new[3]

◆ nu

float nu[ANDI_OUTPUTS]

Definition at line 330 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by normalize_nu(), oneloop_andi_init(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ nu_n

float nu_n[ANDI_OUTPUTS]

Definition at line 331 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by normalize_nu(), and oneloop_andi_init().

◆ nu_norm_max

float nu_norm_max = 1.0

Definition at line 203 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization().

◆ num_thrusters_oneloop

float num_thrusters_oneloop = 4.0

Definition at line 103 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

◆ oneloop_andi

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff = 2.0

Definition at line 115 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter().

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_a

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_a = 2.0

Definition at line 121 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter().

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_p

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_p = 20.0

Definition at line 140 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter().

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_pos

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_pos = 2.0

Definition at line 133 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_q

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_q = 20.0

Definition at line 147 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter().

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_r

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_r = 20.0

Definition at line 154 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter().

◆ oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_v

float oneloop_andi_filt_cutoff_v = 2.0

Definition at line 127 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter().

◆ p_alt_e

struct PolePlacement p_alt_e

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_alt_rm

struct PolePlacement p_alt_rm

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_att_e

struct PolePlacement p_att_e

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_att_rm

struct PolePlacement p_att_rm

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_head_e

struct PolePlacement p_head_e

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_head_rm

struct PolePlacement p_head_rm

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_pos_e

struct PolePlacement p_pos_e

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_pos_rm

struct PolePlacement p_pos_rm

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_controller(), and init_poles().

◆ p_ref_0

float p_ref_0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}

Definition at line 406 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by chirp_call(), chirp_pos(), and oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ pitch_pref

float pitch_pref = 0

Definition at line 360 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by chirp_pos(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ psi_des_deg

float psi_des_deg = 0.0

Definition at line 344 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_enter(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ psi_des_rad

float psi_des_rad = 0.0

Definition at line 343 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_enter(), oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ psi_vec

float psi_vec[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}

Definition at line 345 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ rates_filt_bt

Butterworth2LowPass rates_filt_bt[3]

Definition at line 438 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by init_filter(), and oneloop_andi_propagate_filters().

◆ ratio_u_un

float ratio_u_un[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT]

◆ ratio_vn_v

float ratio_vn_v[ANDI_OUTPUTS]

Definition at line 433 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by calc_normalization(), G1G2_oneloop(), normalize_nu(), and oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ stab_att_sp_euler_1l

struct Int32Eulers stab_att_sp_euler_1l

Definition at line 335 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ stab_att_sp_quat_1l

struct Int32Quat stab_att_sp_quat_1l

Definition at line 335 of file oneloop_andi.c.

◆ t_0_chirp

float t_0_chirp = 0.0

Definition at line 400 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ t_chirp

float t_chirp = 45.0

Definition at line 403 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by chirp_call(), chirp_pos(), and oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ temp_pitch

int16_t temp_pitch = 0

Definition at line 324 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by indi_apply_actuator_models().

◆ theta_pref_max

float theta_pref_max = RadOfDeg(20.0)

Definition at line 223 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by chirp_pos(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ time_elapsed_chirp

float time_elapsed_chirp = 0.0

Definition at line 399 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ u_pref

float u_pref[ANDI_NUM_ACT_TOT] = {0.0}

Definition at line 209 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_run().

◆ use_increment

float use_increment = 0.0

Definition at line 318 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM(), and oneloop_andi_run().

◆ WLS_one_p

struct WLS_t WLS_one_p
Initial value:
= {
.gamma_sq = 100.0,
.v = {0.0},
.Wv = {1.0},
.Wu = {1.0},
.u_pref = {0.0},
.u_min = {0.0},
.u_max = {0.0},
.PC = 0.0,
.SC = 0.0,
.iter = 0
Definition: oneloop_andi.h:48
Definition: oneloop_andi.h:52

Definition at line 360 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by normalize_nu(), oneloop_andi_RM(), oneloop_andi_run(), send_wls_u_oneloop(), and send_wls_v_oneloop().

◆ Wv_backup

float Wv_backup[ANDI_OUTPUTS] = {1.0}

Definition at line 387 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().

◆ yaw_stick_in_auto

bool yaw_stick_in_auto = false

Definition at line 355 of file oneloop_andi.c.

Referenced by oneloop_andi_RM().