#define POS_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_ai)
#define SPEED_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_ai)
#define ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_ai)
void guidance_h_run_enter(void)
static enum GuidanceOneloop_VMode _v_mode
struct StabilizationSetpoint guidance_h_run_pos(bool in_flight, struct HorizontalGuidance *gh)
struct StabilizationSetpoint guidance_oneloop_run_mode(bool in_flight, struct HorizontalGuidance *gh, struct VerticalGuidance *gv, enum GuidanceOneloop_HMode h_mode, enum GuidanceOneloop_VMode v_mode)
void guidance_v_run_enter(void)
static struct VerticalGuidance * _gv
struct ThrustSetpoint guidance_v_run_pos(bool in_flight UNUSED, struct VerticalGuidance *gv)
struct StabilizationSetpoint guidance_h_run_speed(bool in_flight, struct HorizontalGuidance *gh)
struct ThrustSetpoint guidance_v_run_speed(bool in_flight UNUSED, struct VerticalGuidance *gv)
struct ThrustSetpoint thrust_sp
struct ThrustSetpoint guidance_v_run_accel(bool in_flight UNUSED, struct VerticalGuidance *gv)
struct StabilizationSetpoint guidance_h_run_accel(bool in_flight, struct HorizontalGuidance *gh)
A dummy guidance mode to run the oneloop_andi controller.
void oneloop_andi_enter(bool half_loop_sp, int ctrl_type)
Function that resets important values upon engaging Oneloop ANDI.
void oneloop_andi_run(bool in_flight, bool half_loop, struct FloatVect3 PSA_des, int rm_order_h, int rm_order_v)
Main function that runs the controller and performs control allocation.
struct OneloopGeneral oneloop_andi
#define CTRL_ANDI
Control types.
Horizontal guidance for rotorcrafts.
struct VerticalGuidance guidance_v
Vertical guidance for rotorcrafts.
union StabilizationSetpoint::@278 sp
Thrust setpoint // TODO to a setpoint header Structure to store the desired thrust vector with differ...