Paparazzi UAS v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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core Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for core:


 Main include for ABI (AirBorneInterface).
 Common tools for ABI middelware.
 Convenience defines for ABI sender IDs.
 Hardware independent data structures for commands handling.
 Hardware independent code for commands handling.
 Wrapper to access pwm_input mcu peripheral from other modules.
 Wrapper to access pwm_input mcu peripheral from other modules.
 Variable setting though the radio control.
 Persistent settings interface.
 Persistent settings interface.
 Enhanced CLI shell code.
 System monitoring for bare metal targets return cpu load, average exec time, ...
 System monitoring common header return cpu load, average exec time, ...
 System monitoring for RTOS targets return cpu load, average exec time, ...
 Measure external trigger pulse at PPM input (default).
 Measure external trigger pulse at PPM input (default).