Paparazzi UAS v7.0_unstable
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abi_sender_ids.h File Reference

Convenience defines for ABI sender IDs. More...

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 default onboard baro
#define BARO_MS5611_SENDER_ID   10
#define BARO_BMP_SENDER_ID   12
#define BARO_ETS_SENDER_ID   13
#define BARO_MS5534A_SENDER_ID   14
#define BARO_HCA_SENDER_ID   15
#define BARO_MPL3115_SENDER_ID   16
#define BARO_SCP_SENDER_ID   17
#define BARO_SIM_SENDER_ID   19
#define BARO_BMP3_SENDER_ID   20
#define MS45XX_SENDER_ID   40
#define SDP3X_SENDER_ID   41
#define UAVCAN_SENDER_ID   42
#define AIRSPEED_NPS_ID   1
#define AIRSPEED_ADC_ID   2
#define AIRSPEED_SDP3X_ID   3
#define AIRSPEED_ETS_ID   4
#define AOA_ADC_ID   1
#define AOA_PWM_ID   2
#define INCIDENCE_NPS_ID   20
#define AGL_SONAR_ADC_ID   1
#define AGL_SONAR_NPS_ID   3
#define AGL_SONAR_PX4FLOW_ID   4
#define AGL_LIDAR_LITE_ID   6
#define AGL_PX4FLOW_ID   7
#define AGL_LIDAR_SF11_ID   8
#define AGL_VL53L0_LASER_ARRAY_ID   9
#define AGL_LIDAR_TFMINI_ID   11
#define AGL_VL53L1X_ID   12
#define AGL_SONAR_PWM_ID   13
#define AGL_LIDAR_TFMINI_I2C_ID   14
#define AGL_LIDAR_MATEKSYS_3901_L0X_ID   15
#define AGL_UAVCAN_ID   16
#define MAG_HMC58XX_SENDER_ID   2
#define MAG_IST8310_SENDER_ID   4
#define MAG_RM3100_SENDER_ID   5
#define MAG_QMC5883L_SENDER_ID   7
#define IMU_MAG_PITOT_ID   50
#define GPS_UBX_ID   1
#define GPS_NMEA_ID   2
#define GPS_SIRF_ID   3
#define GPS_SKYTRAQ_ID   4
#define GPS_MTK_ID   5
#define GPS_PIKSI_ID   6
#define GPS_XSENS_ID   7
#define GPS_DATALINK_ID   8
#define GPS_UDP_ID   9
#define GPS_ARDRONE2_ID   10
#define GPS_SIM_ID   11
#define GPS_MULTI_ID   12
#define GPS_VECTORNAV_ID   13
#define GPS_IMCU_ID   14
#define GPS_DW1000_ID   15
#define GPS_UBX2_ID   16
#define IMU_BOARD_ID   1
#define IMU_ANALOG_ID   2
#define IMU_ASPIRIN_ID   3
#define IMU_ASPIRIN2_ID   4
#define IMU_B2_ID   5
#define IMU_CRISTA_ID   6
#define IMU_DROTEK_ID   7
#define IMU_GL1_ID   8
#define IMU_MPU6000_ID   9
#define IMU_MPU6000_HMC_ID   10
#define IMU_MPU9250_ID   11
#define IMU_PPZUAV_ID   12
#define IMU_UM6_ID   13
#define IMU_GX3_ID   14
#define IMU_XSENS_ID   15
#define IMU_MPU60X0_ID   16
#define IMU_PX4_ID   17
#define IMU_VECTORNAV_ID   18
#define IMU_BMI088_ID   19
#define IMU_CUBE1_ID   20
#define IMU_CUBE2_ID   21
#define IMU_CUBE3_ID   22
#define IMU_NPS_ID   23
#define IMU_ICM42688_ID   24
#define IMU_PIXHAWK1_ID   25
#define IMU_PIXHAWK2_ID   26
#define IMU_PIXHAWK3_ID   27
#define IMU_F1E_ID   30
#define AHRS_ALIGNER_ID   1
#define FLOW_OPTICFLOW_PMW3901_ID   3
#define VEL_DRAGSPEED_ID   1
#define VEL_PX4FLOW_ID   2
#define VEL_OPTICFLOW_ID   3
#define VEL_STEREOCAM_ID   5
#define VEL_OPTICFLOW_PMW3901_ID   6
#define RSSI_BLUEGIGA_ID   1
#define MAG_CALIB_UKF_ID   20
#define UWB_COMM_ID   1
#define CAM_JEVOIS_ID   1
#define ACCEL_SP_FCR_ID   1
#define DETECT_GATE_ABI_ID   33
#define JOYSTICK_ID   1
#define LWC_SIM_ID   1
#define CLOUD_SENSOR_ID   1
#define VEL_SP_FCR_ID   1
#define LIDAR_DATA_VL53L5CX_ID   1

Detailed Description

Convenience defines for ABI sender IDs.

Definition in file abi_sender_ids.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ACCEL_SP_FCR_ID   1

Definition at line 569 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 491 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 495 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 507 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 503 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 499 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_LIDAR_LITE_ID   6

Definition at line 161 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_LIDAR_MATEKSYS_3901_L0X_ID   15

Definition at line 197 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_LIDAR_SF11_ID   8

Definition at line 169 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_LIDAR_TFMINI_I2C_ID   14

Definition at line 193 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_LIDAR_TFMINI_ID   11

Definition at line 181 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_PX4FLOW_ID   7

Definition at line 165 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 177 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_SONAR_ADC_ID   1

Definition at line 141 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 145 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_SONAR_NPS_ID   3

Definition at line 149 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_SONAR_PWM_ID   13

Definition at line 189 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_SONAR_PX4FLOW_ID   4

Definition at line 153 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 157 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_UAVCAN_ID   16

Definition at line 201 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_VL53L0_LASER_ARRAY_ID   9

Definition at line 173 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AGL_VL53L1X_ID   12

Definition at line 185 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AHRS_ALIGNER_ID   1

Definition at line 423 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AIRSPEED_ADC_ID   2

Definition at line 107 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AIRSPEED_ETS_ID   4

Definition at line 115 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AIRSPEED_NPS_ID   1

Definition at line 103 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AIRSPEED_SDP3X_ID   3

Definition at line 111 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 119 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AOA_ADC_ID   1

Definition at line 126 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define AOA_PWM_ID   2

Definition at line 130 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 44 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_BMP3_SENDER_ID   20

Definition at line 76 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_BMP_SENDER_ID   12

Definition at line 48 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



default onboard baro

Definition at line 33 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_ETS_SENDER_ID   13

Definition at line 52 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_HCA_SENDER_ID   15

Definition at line 60 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_MPL3115_SENDER_ID   16

Definition at line 64 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_MS5534A_SENDER_ID   14

Definition at line 56 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_MS5611_SENDER_ID   10

Definition at line 40 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_SCP_SENDER_ID   17

Definition at line 68 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define BARO_SIM_SENDER_ID   19

Definition at line 72 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define CAM_JEVOIS_ID   1

Definition at line 561 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define CLOUD_SENSOR_ID   1

Definition at line 609 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 587 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 591 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define DETECT_GATE_ABI_ID   33

Definition at line 580 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 434 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 438 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 430 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 446 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define FLOW_OPTICFLOW_PMW3901_ID   3

Definition at line 442 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_ARDRONE2_ID   10

Definition at line 276 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_DATALINK_ID   8

Definition at line 268 of file abi_sender_ids.h.

◆ GPS_DW1000_ID

#define GPS_DW1000_ID   15

Definition at line 296 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_IMCU_ID   14

Definition at line 292 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_MTK_ID   5

Definition at line 256 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_MULTI_ID   12

Definition at line 284 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_NMEA_ID   2

Definition at line 244 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_PIKSI_ID   6

Definition at line 260 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_SIM_ID   11

Definition at line 280 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_SIRF_ID   3

Definition at line 248 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_SKYTRAQ_ID   4

Definition at line 252 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_UBX2_ID   16

Definition at line 300 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_UBX_ID   1

Definition at line 240 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_UDP_ID   9

Definition at line 272 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_VECTORNAV_ID   13

Definition at line 288 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define GPS_XSENS_ID   7

Definition at line 264 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_ANALOG_ID   2

Definition at line 311 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_ASPIRIN2_ID   4

Definition at line 319 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_ASPIRIN_ID   3

Definition at line 315 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_B2_ID   5

Definition at line 323 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_BMI088_ID   19

Definition at line 379 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_BOARD_ID   1

Definition at line 307 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_CRISTA_ID   6

Definition at line 327 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_CUBE1_ID   20

Definition at line 383 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_CUBE2_ID   21

Definition at line 387 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_CUBE3_ID   22

Definition at line 391 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_DROTEK_ID   7

Definition at line 331 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_F1E_ID   30

Definition at line 416 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_GL1_ID   8

Definition at line 335 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_GX3_ID   14

Definition at line 359 of file abi_sender_ids.h.

◆ IMU_ICM42688_ID

#define IMU_ICM42688_ID   24

Definition at line 399 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_MAG_PITOT_ID   50

Definition at line 233 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_MPU6000_HMC_ID   10

Definition at line 343 of file abi_sender_ids.h.

◆ IMU_MPU6000_ID

#define IMU_MPU6000_ID   9

Definition at line 339 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_MPU60X0_ID   16

Definition at line 367 of file abi_sender_ids.h.

◆ IMU_MPU9250_ID

#define IMU_MPU9250_ID   11

Definition at line 347 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_NPS_ID   23

Definition at line 395 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_PIXHAWK1_ID   25

Definition at line 403 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_PIXHAWK2_ID   26

Definition at line 407 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_PIXHAWK3_ID   27

Definition at line 411 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_PPZUAV_ID   12

Definition at line 351 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_PX4_ID   17

Definition at line 371 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_UM6_ID   13

Definition at line 355 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_VECTORNAV_ID   18

Definition at line 375 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define IMU_XSENS_ID   15

Definition at line 363 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define INCIDENCE_NPS_ID   20

Definition at line 134 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define JOYSTICK_ID   1

Definition at line 598 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define LIDAR_DATA_VL53L5CX_ID   1

Definition at line 664 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define LWC_SIM_ID   1

Definition at line 605 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define MAG_CALIB_UKF_ID   20

Definition at line 518 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 225 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define MAG_HMC58XX_SENDER_ID   2

Definition at line 209 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define MAG_IST8310_SENDER_ID   4

Definition at line 217 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 213 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define MAG_QMC5883L_SENDER_ID   7

Definition at line 229 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define MAG_RM3100_SENDER_ID   5

Definition at line 221 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 80 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define MS45XX_SENDER_ID   40

Definition at line 88 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 533 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 545 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 537 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 541 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 640 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 644 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 636 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 648 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 616 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 624 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 620 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 628 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 632 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 553 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 576 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define RSSI_BLUEGIGA_ID   1

Definition at line 484 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define SDP3X_SENDER_ID   41

Definition at line 92 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 514 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define UAVCAN_SENDER_ID   42

Definition at line 96 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define UWB_COMM_ID   1

Definition at line 525 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define VEL_DRAGSPEED_ID   1

Definition at line 453 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 465 of file abi_sender_ids.h.



Definition at line 469 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define VEL_OPTICFLOW_ID   3

Definition at line 461 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define VEL_OPTICFLOW_PMW3901_ID   6

Definition at line 477 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define VEL_PX4FLOW_ID   2

Definition at line 457 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define VEL_SP_FCR_ID   1

Definition at line 656 of file abi_sender_ids.h.


#define VEL_STEREOCAM_ID   5

Definition at line 473 of file abi_sender_ids.h.