float cov_setpoint
for adaptive gain control, setpoint of the covariance (oscillations)
uint8_t cov_array_filledXY
float d_err
difference of error for the D-gain
float P
P-gain for control.
int32_t PID_divergence_control(float dt, struct OpticalFlowHoverControl *of_hover_ctrl)
Determine and set the thrust for constant divergence control.
struct OpticalFlowHover of_hover
float divergence
Divergence estimate.
struct GainsPID PID
The struct with the PID gains.
float flowX
Flow estimate in X direction.
float set_cov_div(bool cov_method, struct OFhistory *history, struct DesiredInputs *inputs)
Set the covariance of the divergence and the thrust / past divergence This funciton should only be ca...
float previous_err
Previous tracking error.
float I
I-gain for control.
float input[COV_WINDOW_SIZE]
float PID_flow_control(float dt, struct OpticalFlowHoverControl *of_hover_ctrl)
Determine and set the desired angle for constant flow control.
float reduction_factor
Reduce the gain by this factor when oscillating.
float sum_err
integration of the error for I-gain
float past_OF[COV_WINDOW_SIZE]
float setpoint
setpoint for constant divergence/flow
float D
D-gain for control.
uint8_t cov_array_filledZ
void set_cov_flow(bool cov_method, struct OFhistory *historyX, struct OFhistory *historyY, struct DesiredInputs *inputs, struct FloatVect3 *covs)
Set the covariance of the flow and past flow / desired angle This funciton should only be called once...
float flowY
Flow estimate in Y direction.
float nominal_value
The nominal value of thrust, phi or theta depending on Z, Y, X.
float err
Current tracking error.
float ramp
The ramp pused is increased with per dt.
struct OFhistory historyX
struct OFhistory historyY
bool cov_method
method to calculate the covariance: between thrust and div / angle and flow (0) or div and div past /...
Paparazzi floating point algebra.
int int32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit int type.
unsigned int uint32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit unsigned int type.
unsigned char uint8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit unsigned char type.