71 extern struct FloatQuat ins_ext_vision_rot;
definition of the local (flat earth) coordinate system
Integrated Navigation System interface.
bool accel_valid
If we received a acceleration measurement.
bool rel_heading_valid
If we received a valid relative heading.
void ins_ekf2_update(void)
bool got_imu_data
If we received valid IMU data (any sensor)
void ins_ekf2_remove_gps(int32_t mode)
bool gyro_valid
If we received a gyroscope measurement.
uint32_t accel_dt
Accelerometer delta timestamp between abi messages (us)
uint32_t gyro_dt
Gyroscope delta timestamp between abi messages (us)
struct LtpDef_i ltp_def
Latest LTP definition from the quat_reset_counter EKF2.
void ins_ekf2_change_param(int32_t unk)
uint32_t flow_stamp
Optic flow last abi message timestamp.
float rel_heading
Relative heading from RTK gps (rad)
struct ekf2_t ekf2
Local EKF2 status structure.
float temp
Latest temperature measurement in degrees celcius.
void ins_ekf2_parse_EXTERNAL_POSE(uint8_t *buf)
void ins_ekf2_parse_EXTERNAL_POSE_SMALL(uint8_t *buf)
struct FloatVect3 delta_accel
Last accelerometer measurements.
uint64_t ltp_stamp
Last LTP change timestamp from the EKF2.
float qnh
QNH value in hPa.
uint8_t quat_reset_counter
Amount of quaternion resets from the EKF2.
struct FloatRates delta_gyro
Last gyroscope measurements.
static uint8_t mode
mode holds the current sonar mode mode = 0 used at high altitude, uses 16 wave patterns mode = 1 used...
int int32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit int type.
unsigned int uint32_t
Typedef defining 32 bit unsigned int type.
unsigned long long uint64_t
unsigned char uint8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit unsigned char type.