Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- s -
- s
: CHIMU_Quaternion
, gvf_con
- s_route_ref
: GuidanceHRef
- sacc
: GpsState
- sample_frequency
: delayed_first_order_lowpass_filter_t
- sat_id
: sirf_msg_41
- sat_threshold
: avi_isp_statistics_bayer_regs
- saturation
: AttRefEulerFloat
, AttRefQuatFloat
, AttRefQuatInt
- scale
: AirspeedAdc
, Lsm303dlhcAccConfig
, Lsm303dlhcMagConfig
- scaled_height
: mt9f002_t
- scaled_initial_time
: NpsMain
- scaled_width
: mt9f002_t
- sccstp
- sclh
: i2cRegs_t
- scll
: i2cRegs_t
- scr
: uartRegs_t
- scsi_cmd_data
- scsi_cmd_len
- sdcard_buf_idx
: sdlogger_spi_periph
- SE
: inv_correction_gains
- search_distance
: opticflow_t
- sec
: rtcRegs_t
, XsensTime
- second
: sirf_msg_41
- SecondFrame
: SpektrumStateStruct
- sect
: NavCube
- seg
: gvf_seg
- seg_center1
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
- seg_center2
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
- seg_end
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
, ZamboniSurvey
- seg_start
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
, ZamboniSurvey
- segment_angle
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
- segments
: NavSpiral
- sel0
: pinRegs_t
- sel1
: pinRegs_t
- sel2
: pinRegs_t
- select
: spi_transaction
- self_test
: Adxl345Config
- sem
: spi_init
- send_ck_a
: GpsMtk
, GpsUbx
, InterMcuData
- send_ck_b
: GpsMtk
, GpsUbx
, InterMcuData
- sens
: Aoa_Adc
, Aoa_Pwm
- sense
: USBMassStorageDriver
- sensitivity
: NpsSensorAccel
, NpsSensorGyro
, NpsSensorMag
- sensor_id
, mavlink_optical_flow
, mavlink_optical_flow_rad
- sensor_size
: video_config_t
- sent_rx
: Hmc5843
- sent_tx
: Hmc5843
- seq
: mavlink_message
, mavlink_mission_mgr
- set0
: gpioRegs_t
- set1
: gpioRegs_t
- set2
: gpioRegs_t
- set3
: gpioRegs_t
- SetMask
: config_mkk_v2_eeprom_t
- setpoint
: actuators_mkk_v2_struct
, VerticalCtrlDemo
- sff_grp_sa
: can_accept_Regs_t
- sff_sa
: can_accept_Regs_t
- sh
: inv_gains
- shift_vt_pix_clk_div
: mt9f002_t
- short_product_id
: USBMassStorageConfig
- short_product_version
: USBMassStorageConfig
- short_vendor_id
: USBMassStorageConfig
- shots
: mora_status_union::mora_status_struct
- sideslip
: AirData
, ExtU
, NpsFdm
, NpsSensors
- sideslip_f
: State
- sign
: DiscSurvey
- signature
- sim_time
: NpsMain
- size
: MedianFilterFloat
, MedianFilterInt
, NavCube
- slave4_ready
: ImuAspirin2Spi
, ImuMpu9250
- slave_addr
: i2c_transaction
- slave_idx
: spi_transaction
- slave_init_status
: Mpu60x0_I2c
, Mpu60x0_Spi
, Mpu9250_I2c
, Mpu9250_Spi
- slaves
: Mpu60x0Config
, Mpu9250Config
- slip_deg
- slope_x
: linear_flow_fit_info
- slope_y
: linear_flow_fit_info
- slots
: telemetry_cb_slots
- smbus_alert_cnt
: i2c_errors
- smplrt_div
: Itg3200Config
, Mpu60x0Config
, Mpu9250Config
- snapshot_num
: CameraSnapshot
- snapshot_valid
: CameraSnapshot
- socket
: _crrcsim
- sockfd
: UdpSocket
- softInt
: vicRegs_t
- softIntClear
: vicRegs_t
- sog
: sirf_msg_41
- sol_flags
: GpsMtk
, GpsUbx
- sonar
: NpsSensors
- sonar_timestamp
: px4flow_i2c_frame
, px4flow_i2c_integral_frame
- sop_col
: SuperbitRF
- sortData
: MedianFilterFloat
, MedianFilterInt
- sp
: HorizontalGuidance
- sp_offset_pitch
: IndiController_int
- sp_offset_roll
: IndiController_int
- spare1
: CHIMU_sensor_data
- spark_plugs_ok
: FGNetCtrls
- speed
: force_
, GuidanceHRef
, HorizontalGuidanceReference
, HorizontalGuidanceSetpoint
, inv_state
, Vi_gps_info
- speed_3d
: GpsState
- speed_gps
: inv_measures
- speed_H
- speed_history
: NpsSensorGps
- speed_L
- speed_latency
: NpsSensorGps
- speed_noise_std_dev
: NpsSensorGps
- speed_status
: State
- speedbrake
: FGNetCtrls
- speedup
: FGNetCtrls
- spektrum_dev
: NpsMain
- SpektrumTimer
: SpektrumStateStruct
- spi
: spi_periph_dma
- spi_3_wire
: Adxl345Config
, L3gd20Config
, Lis302dlConfig
- spi_p
: Ads1220
, Adxl345_Spi
, Cyrf6936
, Eeprom25AA256
, L3gd20_Spi
, Lis302dl_Spi
, Lsm303d_Spi
, Mpu60x0_Spi
, Mpu9250_Spi
, Ms2100
, Ms5611_Spi
, SDCard
, SST25VFxxxx
- spi_t
: Cyrf6936
, SDCard
, SST25VFxxxx
- spi_trans
: Ads1220
, Adxl345_Spi
, Eeprom25AA256
, L3gd20_Spi
, Lis302dl_Spi
, Lsm303d_Spi
, Mpu60x0_Spi
, Mpu9250_Spi
, Ms5611_Spi
- spidr
: spi_periph_dma
- spoilers
: FGNetCtrls
- sr
: spiRegs_t
, sspRegs_t
- sst
: DirectMemoryLogger
- stage
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
, ZamboniSurvey
- stall_warning
- start
: inputbuf
, logger_uart_data_struct
- start_byte
- starter_power
: FGNetCtrls
- stat
: adcRegs_t
, i2cRegs_t
- state
: AhrsFloatInv
, DW1000
, esc32_private
, GpsMtk
, GpsNmea
, GpsSirf
, GpsSkytraq
, GpsUbx
, InsFloatInv
, mavlink_mission_mgr
, msg_state_t
, SuperbitRF
, takeoff_detect_struct
, USBMassStorageDriver
- statistics_bayer
: libisp_config
- statistics_yuv
: avi_isp_offsets
, libisp_config
- status
: acInfo
, ActuatorsDisco
, Ads1220Config
, AhrsAligner
, AhrsFloatCmpl
, AhrsFloatDCM
, AhrsIntCmplEuler
, AhrsIntCmplQuat
, AhrsMlkf
, Ak8963
, Ak8975
, BaroBoard
, Bmp085
, CopilotStatus
, Cyrf6936
, DirectMemoryLogger
, disco_bldc_obs
, DiscSurvey
, ESC32
, ESC32_com
, gps_ubx_ucenter_struct
, GpsMtk
, GpsNmea
, GpsSkytraq
, GpsUbx
, GX3Packet
, HackHD
, i2c_periph
, i2c_transaction
, intermcu_t
, InterMcuData
, LidarLite
, LidarSF11
, mavlink_transport
, mora_transport
, Ms2100
, Ms5611_I2c
, Ms5611_Spi
, msg_state_t
, nav_catapult_struct
, NavSpiral
, OrientationReps
, px4flow_data
, RadioControl
, Sbus
, Sc18Is600
, SDCard
, sdlogger_spi_periph
, SHott
, slot_
, spi_periph
, spi_transaction
, SST25VFxxxx
, SuperbitRF
, tcas_ac_status
, UM6Packet
, VNPacket
, w5100_periph
- status_flags
: GpsMtk
, GpsUbx
- status_idx
: SST25VFxxxx
- stddev
: px4flow_data
- stereo_bin
: AvoidNavigationStruct
- stop_byte
- sub_b
: avi_isp_pedestal_regs
- sub_gb
: avi_isp_pedestal_regs
- sub_gr
: avi_isp_pedestal_regs
- sub_r
: avi_isp_pedestal_regs
- subdev_format
: video_config_t
- subdev_name
: video_config_t
- submit_err_cnt
: ActuatorsMkk
- subpixel_factor
: opticflow_t
- sum
: adc_buf
- sum_echo
: navdata_measure_t
- sum_err
: OpticalFlowLanding
, VerticalCtrlDemo
- supply_voltage
: NpsElectrical
- surface_d
: FloatAttitudeGains
- surface_dd
: FloatAttitudeGains
- surface_i
: FloatAttitudeGains
- surface_p
: FloatAttitudeGains
- surface_roughness
: linear_flow_fit_info
, opticflow_result_t
- suspend
: spi_periph
- svid
: SVinfo
- svinfos
: GpsState
- sw_ver_h
: gps_ubx_ucenter_struct
- sw_ver_l
: gps_ubx_ucenter_struct
- sweep_vec
: gvf_SurveyPolyAdv
, SurveyPolyAdv
- sweep_width
: ZamboniSurvey
- Sync
: SpektrumStateStruct
- sync_send
: AirspeedMs45xx
- sys_id
: mavlink_message
- system_status
: mavlink_heartbeat