Paparazzi UAS  v5.18.0_stable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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nps module

New Paparazzi Simulator (NPS)

Bindings between embedded autopilot code and a flight dynamic model (FDM). Possible FDM are: JSBSim or CRRCSIM, see corresponding modules. Can run Software In The Loop (SITL) or Hardware In The Loop (HITL) simulations.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!

<module name="nps">
b'<configure name="USE_HITL" value="0|1" />\n '

Module configuration options

Configure Options

  • name: USE_HITL value: 0|1
    Description: run as SITL (0:default) or HITL (1) simulation


Source Files

Raw nps.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="nps" dir="simulator">
New Paparazzi Simulator (NPS)
Bindings between embedded autopilot code and a flight dynamic model (FDM).
Possible FDM are: JSBSim or CRRCSIM, see corresponding modules.
Can run Software In The Loop (SITL) or Hardware In The Loop (HITL) simulations.
<configure name="USE_HITL" value="0|1" description="run as SITL (0:default) or HITL (1) simulation"/>
<makefile target="nps|hitl">
<flag name="ARCHDIR" value="sim"/>
<define name="SITL"/>
<define name="USE_NPS"/>
nps.LDFLAGS += -lm -livy $(shell pcre-config --libs) -lgsl -lgslcblas
# detect system arch and include rt and pthread library only on linux
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
nps.LDFLAGS += -lrt -pthread
# sdl needed for joystick input
nps.LDFLAGS += $(shell sdl-config --libs)
# glib is still needed for some components (such as radio input)
nps.CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags)
nps.LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config glib-2.0 --libs)
# add the simulator directory to the make searchpath
VPATH += $(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/simulator
<include name="$(SRC_FIRMWARE)"/>
<include name="$(SRC_BOARD)"/>
<include name="$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/simulator"/>
<include name="$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/sw/simulator/nps"/>
<include name="$(PAPARAZZI_HOME)/conf/simulator/nps"/>
<file name="nps_random.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensors.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensors_utils.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_gyro.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_accel.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_mag.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_baro.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_sonar.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_gps.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_airspeed.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_temperature.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_aoa.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_sensor_sideslip.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_electrical.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_atmosphere.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_ivy.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_flightgear.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_radio_control.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_radio_control_joystick.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_radio_control_spektrum.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_main_common.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="math/pprz_geodetic_wmm2020.c" dir="math"/>
<makefile target="nps">
<flag name="MAKEFILE" value="nps"/>
<file name="nps_main_sitl.c" dir="nps"/>
<makefile target="hitl">
<flag name="MAKEFILE" value="hitl"/>
<configure name="INS_DEV" default="/dev/ttyUSB1"/>
<configure name="INS_BAUD" default="B921600"/>
<configure name="AP_DEV" default="/dev/ttyUSB2"/>
<configure name="AP_BAUD" default="B921600"/>
<define name="INS_DEV" value="$(INS_DEV)" type="string"/>
<define name="INS_BAUD" value="$(INS_BAUD)"/>
<define name="AP_DEV" value="$(AP_DEV)" type="string"/>
<define name="AP_BAUD" value="$(AP_BAUD)"/>
<file name="nps_main_hitl.c" dir="nps"/>
<file name="nps_ins_vectornav.c" dir="nps"/>
<makefile target="nps|hitl" firmware="fixedwing">
<file name="nps_autopilot_fixedwing" dir="nps"/>
<makefile target="nps|hitl" firmware="rotorcraft">
<file name="nps_autopilot_rotorcraft" dir="nps"/>