Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- r -
- r
: DoubleRates
, FloatRates
, Int16Rates
, Int32Rates
, Int64Rates
- R_ratio
- rad_vec
: SurveyPolyAdv
- radio_ok_cpt
: RadioControl
- radius
: _mission_circle
, NavSpiral
- radius_increment
: NavSpiral
- radius_min
: NavSpiral
- radius_squared
: avi_isp_chromatic_aberration_regs
- radius_start
: NavSpiral
- range
: Adxl345Config
, Lis302dlConfig
- rate
: Ads1220Config
, Adxl345Config
, AhrsGX3
, AttRefEulerFloat
, AttRefEulerInt
, AttRefQuatFloat
, AttRefQuatInt
, CHIMU_sensor_data
, Hmc58xxConfig
, IndiEstimation
, IndiVariables
, Lis302dlConfig
, Lsm303dlhcAccConfig
, Lsm303dlhcMagConfig
, Vi_ahrs_info
- rate_correction
: AhrsFloatCmpl
, AhrsFloatDCM
, AhrsIntCmplQuat
- rate_p
: ReferenceSystem
- rate_q
: ReferenceSystem
- rate_r
: ReferenceSystem
- rate_status
: State
- rates
: edge_hist_t
, inv_command
, opticflow_state_t
, pose_t
- rates_d
: FloatAttitudeGains
- rates_sum
: ImuKrooz
- raw
: Aoa_Adc
, Aoa_Pwm
- raw_mode
: Mpl3115
- rawIntr
: vicRegs_t
- rawValue
: CalibrationPoint
- rc_count
: SuperbitRF
- rc_frame_available
: SuperbitRF
- rc_sp
: HorizontalGuidance
- rc_status
: fbw_status_t
- rc_t
: ctrl_module_demo_struct
- rc_values
: SuperbitRF
- rc_x
: ctrl_module_demo_struct
- rc_y
: ctrl_module_demo_struct
- rc_z
: ctrl_module_demo_struct
- RcAvailable
: SpektrumStateStruct
- rcc_dma
: spi_periph_dma
- re
: complex
- RE
: inv_correction_gains
- read_buf
: Ms2100
- read_config
: config_mkk_v2_struct
- read_number
: actuators_mkk_v2_struct
- read_state
: GpsSirf
, GpsUbxI2C
- read_trans
: Ms2100
- ready
: GeoMag
- real_exposure
: mt9f002_t
- real_fps
: mt9f002_t
- rec_chk
: VNPacket
- red_coeff_mem
: avi_isp_green_imbalance_green_red_coeff_mem_regs
, avi_isp_lens_shading_correction_red_coeff_mem_regs
- ref
: CalibrationPoint
, HorizontalGuidance
- ref_ltp
: GpsSkytraq
- reference
: IndiController_int
- reference_acceleration
: IndiVariables
- reg_addr
: i2c_periph
, spi_periph
, uart_periph
- RegID
: VN100_Req_Packet
, VN100_Res_Packet
- regs
: IOPacket
- reinj_1
: AhrsIntCmplEuler
- relative_velocity_x
: linear_flow_fit_info
- relative_velocity_y
: linear_flow_fit_info
- relative_velocity_z
: linear_flow_fit_info
- rem_compid
: mavlink_mission_mgr
- rem_sysid
: mavlink_mission_mgr
- removable
- replies
: gps_ubx_ucenter_struct
- reply
: gps_ubx_ucenter_struct
- req
: mavlink_transport
- req_buf
: Ms2100
- req_trans
: Mpl3115
, Ms2100
- reserved
: FGNetCtrls
- reset
: AhrsFloatInv
, GpsState
, InsFloatInv
- reset_alt_ref
: InsAltFloat
- reset_dp_offset
: MeteoStick
- residual
: AhrsIntCmplEuler
- resolution
: SuperbitRF
, sys_time
- resolution_cpu_ticks
: sys_time
- resolve
: tcas_ac_status
- response_counter
: SDCard
- response_data_format
- responses
: ESC32
- result
: USBMassStorageDriver
- ReSync
: SpektrumStateStruct
- resync_count
: SuperbitRF
- ret_end
: SurveyPolyAdv
, ZamboniSurvey
- ret_start
: SurveyPolyAdv
, ZamboniSurvey
- return_angle
: SurveyPolyAdv
, ZamboniSurvey
- reverse
: FGNetCtrls
- revision
: config_mkk_v2_eeprom_t
- rgrim_conf
: avi_isp_dead_pixel_correction_regs
- rgrim_gain
: avi_isp_dead_pixel_correction_regs
- rh
: inv_gains
- right_aileron
, NpsFdm
- right_flap
- ring_data
: rotation_history_ring_buffer_t
- ring_index
: rotation_history_ring_buffer_t
- ring_size
: rotation_history_ring_buffer_t
- ris
: sspRegs_t
- rmat
: AhrsGX3
- rmat_f
: OrientationReps
- rmat_i
: OrientationReps
- roll
: Infrared
, NpsJoystick
, NpsRadioControl
- roll_accel
: HCtlAdaptRef
- roll_angle
: HCtlAdaptRef
- roll_comp_angle
: IndiController_int
- roll_neutral
: Infrared
- roll_p
: HeliIndiGains
- roll_rate
: HCtlAdaptRef
- rollback
: HfilterFloat
- route_ref
: GuidanceHRef
- row_speed_10_8
: mt9f002_t
- rows
- rows_in_bottom_mcus
- rowSpeed_2_0
: mt9f002_t
- rpm
: esc32_parameter
, NpsFdm
- rpm2_H
- rpm2_L
- rpm_H
- rpm_L
- rpm_obs
: ActuatorsBebop
- rpm_ref
: ActuatorsBebop
- rssi
: rssi_info_
- rudder
: FGNetCtrls
, NpsFdm
- rudder_trim
: FGNetCtrls
- running
: BaroBoard
- rv
: inv_gains
- rw_activity_callback
: USBMassStorageConfig
- rx_buf
: Ads1220
, Adxl345_Spi
, bluegiga_periph
, Eeprom25AA256
, GpsUbxI2C
, L3gd20_Spi
, Lis302dl_Spi
, Lsm303dlhc_Spi
, Mpu60x0_Spi
, Mpu9250_Spi
, Ms5611_Spi
, uart_periph
, udp_periph
, w5100_periph
- rx_buf_avail
: GpsUbxI2C
- rx_buf_idx
: GpsUbxI2C
- rx_chan
: spi_periph_dma
- rx_chan_sel
: spi_periph_dma
- rx_count
: Cyrf6936
- rx_dummy_buf
: spi_periph_dma
- rx_extra_dummy_dma
: spi_periph_dma
- rx_extract_idx
: bluegiga_periph
, uart_periph
, udp_periph
, w5100_periph
- rx_idx_buf
: spi_periph
- rx_insert_idx
: bluegiga_periph
, uart_periph
, udp_periph
, w5100_periph
- rx_irq_status
: Cyrf6936
- rx_len
: Sc18Is600
- rx_mtx
: SerialInit
- rx_nvic_irq
: spi_periph_dma
- rx_packet
: Cyrf6936
- rx_packet_count
: SuperbitRF
- rx_sem
: SerialInit
- rx_sr
: can_central_Regs_t
- rx_status
: Cyrf6936
- rx_transport
: SuperbitRF
- ry_lut
: avi_isp_gamma_corrector_ry_lut_regs