Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
navigation.h File Reference

Rotorcraft navigation functions. More...

#include "std.h"
#include "math/pprz_geodetic_int.h"
#include "math/pprz_geodetic_float.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "modules/nav/waypoints.h"
#include "modules/nav/common_flight_plan.h"
#include "autopilot.h"
#include "generated/airframe.h"
+ Include dependency graph for navigation.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  RotorcraftNavigation
 General Navigation structure. More...


 default nav_circle_radius in meters More...
#define NAV_CLIMB_VSPEED   0.5f
#define NAV_DESCEND_VSPEED   -0.8f
#define ARRIVED_AT_WAYPOINT   3.0f
 minimum horizontal distance to waypoint to mark as arrived More...
 Maximum distance from HOME waypoint before going into failsafe mode. More...
#define NAV_CARROT_DIST   12
 Carrot distance during navigation. More...
#define CARROT   0
 default approaching_time for a wp More...
 default navigation frequency More...
 Nav modes these modes correspond to the flight plan instructions used to set the high level navigation. More...
 Nav setpoint modes these modes correspond to submodes defined by navigation routines to tell which setpoint should be considered. More...
#define GetPosX()   (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x)
 Get current x (east) position in local coordinates. More...
#define GetPosY()   (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y)
 Get current y (north) position in local coordinates. More...
#define GetPosAlt()   (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->z+state.ned_origin_f.hmsl)
 Get current altitude above MSL. More...
#define GetPosHeight()   (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->z)
 Get current height above reference. More...
#define GetAltRef()   (state.ned_origin_f.hmsl)
 Get current altitude reference for local coordinates. More...
#define NavStartDetectGround()   ({ autopilot.detect_ground_once = true; false; })
#define NavDetectGround()   nav_detect_ground()
#define NavSetFailsafe   nav_set_failsafe
#define NavSetGroundReferenceHere   nav_reset_reference
#define NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere   nav_reset_alt
#define NavSetWaypointHere   waypoint_set_here_2d
#define NavCopyWaypoint   waypoint_copy
#define NavCopyWaypointPositionOnly   waypoint_position_copy
#define NavCheckWaypointTime(wp, time)   nav_check_wp_time(&waypoints[wp].enu_f, time)
#define NavAttitude(_roll)
#define NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(_pitch)
 Set the climb control to auto-throttle with the specified pitch pre-command. More...
#define NavVerticalAltitudeMode(_alt, _pre_climb)
 Set the vertical mode to altitude control with the specified altitude setpoint and climb pre-command. More...
#define NavVerticalClimbMode(_climb)
 Set the vertical mode to climb control with the specified climb setpoint. More...
#define NavVerticalThrottleMode(_throttle)
 Set the vertical mode to fixed throttle with the specified setpoint. More...
#define NavHeading   nav_set_heading_rad
 Set the heading of the rotorcraft, nothing else. More...
#define NavSetMaxSpeed(_speed)
 Set maximum speed. More...
#define nav_IncreaseShift(x)   {}
#define nav_SetNavRadius(x)   {}
#define navigation_SetFlightAltitude(x)
#define NavVerticalAutoPitchMode(_throttle)   {}
 Unused compat macros. More...
#define NavFollow(_i, _d, _h)   {}


typedef void(* navigation_stage_init) (void)
typedef void(* navigation_goto) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp)
typedef void(* navigation_route) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp_start, struct EnuCoor_f *wp_end)
typedef bool(* navigation_approaching) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp_to, struct EnuCoor_f *wp_from, float approaching_time)
typedef void(* navigation_circle) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp_center, float radius)
typedef void(* navigation_oval_init) (void)
typedef void(* navigation_oval) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp1, struct EnuCoor_f *wp2, float radius)


void nav_register_stage_init (navigation_stage_init nav_stage_init)
 Registering functions. More...
void nav_register_goto_wp (navigation_goto nav_goto, navigation_route nav_route, navigation_approaching nav_approaching)
 Register functions. More...
void nav_register_circle (navigation_circle nav_circle)
void nav_register_oval (navigation_oval_init _nav_oval_init, navigation_oval nav_oval)
void nav_init (void)
 Navigation Initialisation. More...
void nav_run (void)
void nav_parse_BLOCK (uint8_t *buf)
void nav_parse_MOVE_WP (uint8_t *buf)
float get_dist2_to_waypoint (uint8_t wp_id)
 Returns squared horizontal distance to given waypoint. More...
float get_dist2_to_point (struct EnuCoor_f *p)
 Returns squared horizontal distance to given point. More...
void compute_dist2_to_home (void)
 Computes squared distance to the HOME waypoint potentially sets too_far_from_home. More...
void nav_home (void)
 Home mode navigation (circle around HOME) More...
void nav_reset_reference (void)
 Reset the geographic reference to the current GPS fix. More...
void nav_reset_alt (void)
 Reset the altitude reference to the current GPS alt. More...
void nav_periodic_task (void)
 Navigation main: call to the code generated from the XML flight plan. More...
bool nav_is_in_flight (void)
void nav_glide_points (struct EnuCoor_f *start_point, struct EnuCoor_f *end_point)
void nav_set_heading_rad (float rad)
 heading utility functions More...
void nav_set_heading_deg (float deg)
 Set nav_heading in degrees. More...
void nav_set_heading_towards (float x, float y)
 Set heading to point towards x,y position in local coordinates. More...
void nav_set_heading_towards_waypoint (uint8_t wp)
 Set heading in the direction of a waypoint. More...
void nav_set_heading_towards_target (void)
 Set heading in the direction of the target. More...
void nav_set_heading_current (void)
 Set heading to the current yaw angle. More...
void nav_set_failsafe (void)
bool nav_detect_ground (void)
static void NavKillThrottle (void)
static void NavResurrect (void)
bool nav_check_wp_time (struct EnuCoor_f *wp, uint16_t stay_time)
 Check the time spent in a radius of 'ARRIVED_AT_WAYPOINT' around a wp
static void NavGotoWaypoint (uint8_t wp)
static void NavSegment (uint8_t wp_start, uint8_t wp_end)
static bool NavApproaching (uint8_t wp, float approaching_time)
static bool NavApproachingFrom (uint8_t to, uint8_t from, float approaching_time)
static void NavCircleWaypoint (uint8_t wp_center, float radius)
static void nav_oval_init (void)
static void Oval (uint8_t wp1, uint8_t wp2, float radius)
static void NavGlide (uint8_t wp_start, uint8_t wp_end)
 Nav glide routine. More...


struct RotorcraftNavigation nav
float flight_altitude
 Dynamically adjustable, reset to nav_altitude when it is changing. More...

Detailed Description

Rotorcraft navigation functions.

Definition in file navigation.h.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ RotorcraftNavigation

struct RotorcraftNavigation

General Navigation structure.

Definition at line 119 of file navigation.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for RotorcraftNavigation:
Data Fields
struct EnuCoor_f accel accel setpoint (in m/s)
struct EnuCoor_f carrot carrot position (also used for GCS display)
float climb climb setpoint (in m/s)
float climb_vspeed climb speed setting, mostly used in flight plans
float descend_vspeed descend speed setting, mostly used in flight plans
float dist2_to_home squared distance to home waypoint
float failsafe_mode_dist2 maximum squared distance to home wp before going to failsafe mode
float fp_altitude altitude setpoint from flight plan (in meters)
float fp_max_speed maximum speed setpoint from flight plan (in m/s), negative value means unset or invalid, do not use
float heading heading setpoint (in radians)
uint8_t horizontal_mode
float nav_altitude current altitude setpoint (in meters): might differ from fp_altitude depending on altitude shift from operator
navigation_approaching nav_approaching
navigation_circle nav_circle
navigation_goto nav_goto
navigation_oval nav_oval
navigation_oval_init nav_oval_init
navigation_route nav_route
navigation_stage_init nav_stage_init
float pitch pitch angle (in radians)
struct FloatQuat quat quaternion setpoint
float radius radius setpoint (in meters)
struct FloatRates rates rates setpoint (in rad/s)
float roll roll angle (in radians)
uint8_t setpoint_mode
struct EnuCoor_f speed speed setpoint (in m/s)
struct EnuCoor_f target final target position (in meters)
uint32_t throttle throttle command (in pprz_t)
bool too_far_from_home too_far flag
uint8_t vertical_mode

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ARRIVED_AT_WAYPOINT   3.0f

minimum horizontal distance to waypoint to mark as arrived

Definition at line 55 of file navigation.h.


#define CARROT   0

default approaching_time for a wp

Definition at line 70 of file navigation.h.



default nav_circle_radius in meters

Definition at line 42 of file navigation.h.



Maximum distance from HOME waypoint before going into failsafe mode.

Definition at line 60 of file navigation.h.

◆ GetAltRef

#define GetAltRef ( )    (state.ned_origin_f.hmsl)

Get current altitude reference for local coordinates.

This is the ground_alt from the flight plan at first, but might be updated later through a call to NavSetGroundReferenceHere() or NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere(), e.g. in the GeoInit flight plan block.

Definition at line 192 of file navigation.h.

◆ GetPosAlt

#define GetPosAlt ( )    (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->z+state.ned_origin_f.hmsl)

Get current altitude above MSL.

Definition at line 183 of file navigation.h.

◆ GetPosHeight

#define GetPosHeight ( )    (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->z)

Get current height above reference.

Definition at line 185 of file navigation.h.

◆ GetPosX

#define GetPosX ( )    (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x)

Get current x (east) position in local coordinates.

Definition at line 179 of file navigation.h.

◆ GetPosY

#define GetPosY ( )    (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y)

Get current y (north) position in local coordinates.

Definition at line 181 of file navigation.h.


#define NAV_CARROT_DIST   12

Carrot distance during navigation.

Definition at line 65 of file navigation.h.


#define NAV_CLIMB_VSPEED   0.5f

Definition at line 46 of file navigation.h.


#define NAV_DESCEND_VSPEED   -0.8f

Definition at line 50 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 88 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 87 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 90 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 89 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 86 of file navigation.h.



Nav modes these modes correspond to the flight plan instructions used to set the high level navigation.

Definition at line 85 of file navigation.h.

◆ nav_IncreaseShift

#define nav_IncreaseShift (   x)    {}

Definition at line 380 of file navigation.h.

◆ nav_SetNavRadius

#define nav_SetNavRadius (   x)    {}

Definition at line 381 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 102 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 103 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 106 of file navigation.h.



Nav setpoint modes these modes correspond to submodes defined by navigation routines to tell which setpoint should be considered.

Definition at line 100 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 104 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 105 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 101 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 94 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 93 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 95 of file navigation.h.



Definition at line 92 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavAttitude

#define NavAttitude (   _roll)
{ \
nav.horizontal_mode = NAV_HORIZONTAL_MODE_ATTITUDE; \
nav.setpoint_mode = NAV_SETPOINT_MODE_ATTITUDE; \
nav.roll = _roll; \
Definition: navigation.h:103
Definition: navigation.h:88

Definition at line 257 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavCheckWaypointTime

#define NavCheckWaypointTime (   wp,
)    nav_check_wp_time(&waypoints[wp].enu_f, time)

Definition at line 250 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavCopyWaypoint

#define NavCopyWaypoint   waypoint_copy

Definition at line 245 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavCopyWaypointPositionOnly

#define NavCopyWaypointPositionOnly   waypoint_position_copy

Definition at line 246 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavDetectGround

#define NavDetectGround ( )    nav_detect_ground()

Definition at line 226 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavFollow

#define NavFollow (   _i,
)    {}

Definition at line 395 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavHeading

#define NavHeading   nav_set_heading_rad

Set the heading of the rotorcraft, nothing else.

Definition at line 290 of file navigation.h.



default navigation frequency

Definition at line 78 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_SetFlightAltitude

#define navigation_SetFlightAltitude (   x)
{ \
flight_altitude = x; \
nav.nav_altitude = flight_altitude - state.ned_origin_f.hmsl; \
struct State state
Definition: state.c:36
struct LtpDef_f ned_origin_f
Definition of the local (flat earth) coordinate system.
Definition: state.h:220
float hmsl
Height above mean sea level in meters.
float flight_altitude
Dynamically adjustable, reset to nav_altitude when it is changing.
Definition: nav.c:74

Definition at line 382 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere

#define NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere   nav_reset_alt

Definition at line 242 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavSetFailsafe

#define NavSetFailsafe   nav_set_failsafe

Definition at line 239 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavSetGroundReferenceHere

#define NavSetGroundReferenceHere   nav_reset_reference

Definition at line 241 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavSetMaxSpeed

#define NavSetMaxSpeed (   _speed)
{ \
nav.fp_max_speed = _speed; \

Set maximum speed.

Definition at line 293 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavSetWaypointHere

#define NavSetWaypointHere   waypoint_set_here_2d

Definition at line 244 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavStartDetectGround

#define NavStartDetectGround ( )    ({ autopilot.detect_ground_once = true; false; })

Definition at line 225 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavVerticalAltitudeMode

#define NavVerticalAltitudeMode (   _alt,
{ \
nav.vertical_mode = NAV_VERTICAL_MODE_ALT; \
nav.fp_altitude = _alt; \
Definition: navigation.h:94

Set the vertical mode to altitude control with the specified altitude setpoint and climb pre-command.

Definition at line 271 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavVerticalAutoPitchMode

#define NavVerticalAutoPitchMode (   _throttle)    {}

Unused compat macros.

Definition at line 390 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode

#define NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode (   _pitch)
{ \
nav.pitch = _pitch; \

Set the climb control to auto-throttle with the specified pitch pre-command.

Definition at line 265 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavVerticalClimbMode

#define NavVerticalClimbMode (   _climb)
{ \
nav.vertical_mode = NAV_VERTICAL_MODE_CLIMB; \
nav.climb = _climb; \
nav.speed.z = _climb; \
Definition: navigation.h:93

Set the vertical mode to climb control with the specified climb setpoint.

Definition at line 277 of file navigation.h.

◆ NavVerticalThrottleMode

#define NavVerticalThrottleMode (   _throttle)
{ \
nav.vertical_mode = NAV_VERTICAL_MODE_MANUAL; \
nav.throttle = _throttle; \
Definition: navigation.h:92

Set the vertical mode to fixed throttle with the specified setpoint.

Definition at line 284 of file navigation.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ navigation_approaching

typedef bool(* navigation_approaching) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp_to, struct EnuCoor_f *wp_from, float approaching_time)

Definition at line 111 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_circle

typedef void(* navigation_circle) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp_center, float radius)

Definition at line 112 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_goto

typedef void(* navigation_goto) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp)

Definition at line 109 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_oval

typedef void(* navigation_oval) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp1, struct EnuCoor_f *wp2, float radius)

Definition at line 114 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_oval_init

typedef void(* navigation_oval_init) (void)

Definition at line 113 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_route

typedef void(* navigation_route) (struct EnuCoor_f *wp_start, struct EnuCoor_f *wp_end)

Definition at line 110 of file navigation.h.

◆ navigation_stage_init

typedef void(* navigation_stage_init) (void)

Definition at line 108 of file navigation.h.

Function Documentation

◆ compute_dist2_to_home()

void compute_dist2_to_home ( void  )

Computes squared distance to the HOME waypoint potentially sets too_far_from_home.

Computes squared distance to the HOME waypoint potentially sets too_far_from_home.

Updates dist2_to_home and potentially sets too_far_from_home

Definition at line 326 of file navigation.c.

◆ get_dist2_to_point()

float get_dist2_to_point ( struct EnuCoor_f p)

Returns squared horizontal distance to given point.

Definition at line 308 of file navigation.c.

◆ get_dist2_to_waypoint()

float get_dist2_to_waypoint ( uint8_t  wp_id)

Returns squared horizontal distance to given waypoint.

Definition at line 318 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_check_wp_time()

bool nav_check_wp_time ( struct EnuCoor_f wp,
uint16_t  stay_time 

Check the time spent in a radius of 'ARRIVED_AT_WAYPOINT' around a wp

Definition at line 180 of file navigation.c.

References ARRIVED_AT_WAYPOINT, autopilot, ENU_BFP_OF_REAL, pprz_autopilot::flight_time, float_vect2_norm(), INT_VECT3_ZERO, stateGetPositionEnu_f(), VECT2_DIFF, EnuCoor_i::x, and EnuCoor_i::y.

Referenced by mission_nav_path(), mission_nav_segment(), and mission_nav_wp().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nav_detect_ground()

bool nav_detect_ground ( void  )

Definition at line 267 of file navigation.c.

References autopilot, and pprz_autopilot::ground_detected.

◆ nav_glide_points()

void nav_glide_points ( struct EnuCoor_f start_point,
struct EnuCoor_f end_point 

Definition at line 282 of file navigation.c.

References float_vect2_norm2(), NavVerticalAltitudeMode, pos_diff, stateGetPositionEnu_f(), VECT2_DIFF, FloatVect2::x, FloatVect2::y, and EnuCoor_f::z.

Referenced by nav_land_run(), and NavGlide().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nav_home()

void nav_home ( void  )

Home mode navigation (circle around HOME)

Home mode navigation (circle around HOME)

Nominal speed

Nominal speed

Nominal speed

Definition at line 424 of file nav.c.

◆ nav_init()

void nav_init ( void  )

Navigation Initialisation.

Definition at line 532 of file nav.c.

◆ nav_is_in_flight()

bool nav_is_in_flight ( void  )

Definition at line 277 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_oval_init()

static void nav_oval_init ( void  )

Definition at line 350 of file navigation.h.

References nav, and RotorcraftNavigation::nav_oval_init.

◆ nav_parse_BLOCK()

void nav_parse_BLOCK ( uint8_t buf)

Definition at line 115 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_parse_MOVE_WP()

void nav_parse_MOVE_WP ( uint8_t buf)

Definition at line 121 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_periodic_task()

void nav_periodic_task ( void  )

Navigation main: call to the code generated from the XML flight plan.

Definition at line 445 of file nav.c.

◆ nav_register_circle()

void nav_register_circle ( navigation_circle  nav_circle)

Definition at line 399 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_register_goto_wp()

void nav_register_goto_wp ( navigation_goto  nav_goto,
navigation_route  nav_route,
navigation_approaching  nav_approaching 

Register functions.

Definition at line 392 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_register_oval()

void nav_register_oval ( navigation_oval_init  _nav_oval_init,
navigation_oval  nav_oval 

Definition at line 404 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_register_stage_init()

void nav_register_stage_init ( navigation_stage_init  nav_stage_init)

Registering functions.

Registering functions.

Definition at line 387 of file navigation.c.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_stage_init, and nav_stage_init().

Referenced by nav_rotorcraft_init().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nav_reset_alt()

void nav_reset_alt ( void  )

Reset the altitude reference to the current GPS alt.

Definition at line 241 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_reset_reference()

void nav_reset_reference ( void  )

Reset the geographic reference to the current GPS fix.

Definition at line 234 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_run()

void nav_run ( void  )

Definition at line 165 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_failsafe()

void nav_set_failsafe ( void  )

Definition at line 380 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_heading_current()

void nav_set_heading_current ( void  )

Set heading to the current yaw angle.

Definition at line 375 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_heading_deg()

void nav_set_heading_deg ( float  deg)

Set nav_heading in degrees.

Definition at line 344 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_heading_rad()

void nav_set_heading_rad ( float  rad)

heading utility functions

heading utility functions

Definition at line 337 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_heading_towards()

void nav_set_heading_towards ( float  x,
float  y 

Set heading to point towards x,y position in local coordinates.

Definition at line 350 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_heading_towards_target()

void nav_set_heading_towards_target ( void  )

Set heading in the direction of the target.

Definition at line 369 of file navigation.c.

◆ nav_set_heading_towards_waypoint()

void nav_set_heading_towards_waypoint ( uint8_t  wp)

Set heading in the direction of a waypoint.

Definition at line 363 of file navigation.c.

◆ NavApproaching()

static bool NavApproaching ( uint8_t  wp,
float  approaching_time 

Definition at line 320 of file navigation.h.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_approaching, and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NavApproachingFrom()

static bool NavApproachingFrom ( uint8_t  to,
uint8_t  from,
float  approaching_time 

Definition at line 329 of file navigation.h.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_approaching, and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NavCircleWaypoint()

static void NavCircleWaypoint ( uint8_t  wp_center,
float  radius 

Definition at line 340 of file navigation.h.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_circle, and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NavGlide()

static void NavGlide ( uint8_t  wp_start,
uint8_t  wp_end 

Nav glide routine.

Definition at line 367 of file navigation.h.

References nav_glide_points(), and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NavGotoWaypoint()

static void NavGotoWaypoint ( uint8_t  wp)

Definition at line 302 of file navigation.h.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_goto, and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NavKillThrottle()

static void NavKillThrottle ( void  )

Definition at line 229 of file navigation.h.

References AP_MODE_NAV, autopilot_get_mode(), and autopilot_set_motors_on().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ NavResurrect()

static void NavResurrect ( void  )

Definition at line 233 of file navigation.h.

References AP_MODE_NAV, autopilot_get_mode(), and autopilot_set_motors_on().

Referenced by nav_takeoff_run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NavSegment()

static void NavSegment ( uint8_t  wp_start,
uint8_t  wp_end 

Definition at line 311 of file navigation.h.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_route, and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Oval()

static void Oval ( uint8_t  wp1,
uint8_t  wp2,
float  radius 

Definition at line 355 of file navigation.h.

References nav, RotorcraftNavigation::nav_oval, and waypoint_get_enu_f().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ flight_altitude

float flight_altitude

Dynamically adjustable, reset to nav_altitude when it is changing.

Definition at line 74 of file nav.c.

Referenced by formation_flight(), nav_init(), and nav_set_altitude().

◆ nav