32#include "generated/flight_plan.h"
Core autopilot interface common to all firmwares.
struct point waypoints[NB_WAYPOINT]
size == nb_waypoint, waypoint 0 is a dummy waypoint
Standard Digital Camera Control Interface.
#define VECT2_ADD(_a, _b)
#define VECT2_SMUL(_vo, _vi, _s)
#define VECT2_DIFF(_c, _a, _b)
#define VECT2_COPY(_a, _b)
#define VECT2_SUM(_c, _a, _b)
bool nav_approaching_xy(float x, float y, float from_x, float from_y, float approaching_time)
Decide if the UAV is approaching the current waypoint.
void nav_init_stage(void)
needs to be implemented by fixedwing and rotorcraft seperately
void nav_route_xy(float last_wp_x, float last_wp_y, float wp_x, float wp_y)
Computes the carrot position along the desired segment.
void nav_circle_XY(float x, float y, float radius)
Navigates around (x, y).
Fixedwing Navigation library.
#define NavCourseCloseTo(x)
#define NavVerticalAltitudeMode(_alt, _pre_climb)
Set the vertical mode to altitude control with the specified altitude setpoint and climb pre-command.
#define NavVerticalAutoThrottleMode(_pitch)
Set the climb control to auto-throttle with the specified pitch pre-command.
bool nav_survey_zamboni_run(void)
main navigation routine.
void nav_survey_zamboni_setup(uint8_t center_wp, uint8_t dir_wp, float sweep_length, float sweep_spacing, int sweep_lines, float altitude)
initializes the variables needed for the survey to start.
Zamboni pattern survey for fixedwings.
struct FloatVect2 wp_center
struct FloatVect2 turn_center2
float return_angle
in degrees
float flight_angle
in degrees
struct FloatVect2 ret_start
z_survey_stage stage
z_stage starts at ENTRY and than circles trought the other states until to rectangle is completely co...
struct FloatVect2 turn_center1
struct FloatVect2 sweep_width
struct FloatVect2 seg_start
struct FloatVect2 ret_end
int pre_leave_angle
in degrees.
struct FloatVect2 seg_end
#define CARROT
default approaching_time for a wp
unsigned char uint8_t
Typedef defining 8 bit unsigned char type.