void float_quat_of_eulers(struct FloatQuat *q, struct FloatEulers *e)
Quaternion from Euler angles.
void int32_quat_of_rmat(struct Int32Quat *q, struct Int32RMat *r)
Quaternion from rotation matrix.
#define float_rmat_of_eulers
zyx Euler (float)
#define EULERS_BFP_OF_REAL(_ei, _ef)
#define RMAT_BFP_OF_REAL(_ei, _ef)
void int32_quat_of_eulers(struct Int32Quat *q, struct Int32Eulers *e)
Quaternion from Euler angles.
void float_eulers_of_rmat(struct FloatEulers *e, struct FloatRMat *rm)
struct FloatRMat rmat_f
Orientation rotation matrix.
struct FloatQuat quat_f
Orientation as quaternion.
void orientationCalcQuat_i(struct OrientationReps *orientation)
struct FloatEulers eulers_f
Orienation in zyx euler angles.
void orientationCalcRMat_f(struct OrientationReps *orientation)
struct Int32Quat quat_i
Orientation quaternion.
#define ORREP_QUAT_F
Quaternion (float)
#define ORREP_QUAT_I
Quaternion (BFP int)
zyx Euler (BFP int)
#define ORREP_RMAT_F
Rotation Matrix (float)
void float_rmat_of_quat(struct FloatRMat *rm, struct FloatQuat *q)
struct Int32RMat rmat_i
Orientation rotation matrix.
#define QUAT_BFP_OF_REAL(_qi, _qf)
void orientationCalcEulers_i(struct OrientationReps *orientation)
void float_quat_of_rmat(struct FloatQuat *q, struct FloatRMat *rm)
Quaternion from rotation matrix.
#define RMAT_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_ef, _ei)
void int32_eulers_of_quat(struct Int32Eulers *e, struct Int32Quat *q)
uint8_t status
Holds the status bits for all orientation representations.
void orientationCalcQuat_f(struct OrientationReps *orientation)
#define QUAT_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_qf, _qi)
#define ORREP_RMAT_I
Rotation Matrix (BFP int)
void orientationCalcRMat_i(struct OrientationReps *orientation)
void int32_eulers_of_rmat(struct Int32Eulers *e, struct Int32RMat *rm)
struct Int32Eulers eulers_i
Orientation in zyx euler angles.
Generic orientation representation and conversions.
void float_eulers_of_quat(struct FloatEulers *e, struct FloatQuat *q)
void orientationCalcEulers_f(struct OrientationReps *orientation)
#define int32_rmat_of_eulers
Rotation matrix from Euler angles.
void int32_rmat_of_quat(struct Int32RMat *rm, struct Int32Quat *q)
Convert unit quaternion to rotation matrix.
#define EULERS_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_ef, _ei)