Paparazzi UAS
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
▼MCU Peripherals | |
I2C Interface | |
SPI Interface | |
▼State interface | This general state interface holds all the most important vehicle states like position, velocity, attitude, etc |
Position representations | |
Speed representations | |
Acceleration representations | |
Angular rate representations | |
Wind- and airspeed representations | |
Attitude representations | |
LPC21 architecture | |
STM32 architecture | |
▼Math | Paparazzi math functions |
Generic Orientation Representations | This generic orientation representation consists of a struct, containing the 6 orientation representations, and a status variable |
▼Algebra functions | Algebra functions and macros |
Float Algebra | |
Generic Algebra macros | |
Double Algebra | |
Fixed Point Algebra | |
▼Geodetic functions | Geodetic calculation functions and macros |
Generic Geodetic macros. | |
Double Geodetic functions | |
Fixed Point Geodetic functions | |
UTM (Mercator) projections | |
WGS-84 Geoid | |
Geomagnetic field model | |
International Standard Atmosphere utilities |