double hmsl
height in meters above mean sea level
vector in North East Down coordinates Units: meters
void lla_of_utm_d(struct LlaCoor_d *out, struct UtmCoor_d *in)
void ecef_of_ned_vect_d(struct EcefCoor_d *ecef, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct NedCoor_d *ned)
position in UTM coordinates Units: meters
double gc_of_gd_lat_d(double gd_lat, double hmsl)
struct DoubleRMat ltp_of_ecef
rotation from ECEF to local frame
double alt
in meters above WGS84 reference ellipsoid
struct LlaCoor_d lla
origin of local frame in LLA
double alt
in meters above WGS84 reference ellipsoid
vector in Latitude, Longitude and Altitude
void ecef_of_ned_point_d(struct EcefCoor_d *ecef, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct NedCoor_d *ned)
void ecef_of_enu_point_d(struct EcefCoor_d *ecef, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EnuCoor_d *enu)
void enu_of_lla_point_d(struct EnuCoor_d *enu, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct LlaCoor_d *lla)
vector in East North Up coordinates Units: meters
void enu_of_ecef_vect_d(struct EnuCoor_d *ned, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EcefCoor_d *ecef)
definition of the local (flat earth) coordinate system
vector in EarthCenteredEarthFixed coordinates
void lla_of_ecef_d(struct LlaCoor_d *out, struct EcefCoor_d *in)
void ned_of_lla_point_d(struct NedCoor_d *ned, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct LlaCoor_d *lla)
uint8_t zone
UTM zone number.
void ltp_def_from_ecef_d(struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EcefCoor_d *ecef)
Paparazzi generic macros for geodetic calculations.
void ned_of_ecef_point_d(struct NedCoor_d *ned, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EcefCoor_d *ecef)
struct EcefCoor_d ecef
origin of local frame in ECEF
void ecef_of_enu_vect_d(struct EcefCoor_d *ecef, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EnuCoor_d *enu)
Paparazzi double precision floating point algebra.
void enu_of_ecef_point_d(struct EnuCoor_d *ned, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EcefCoor_d *ecef)
void ecef_of_lla_d(struct EcefCoor_d *out, struct LlaCoor_d *in)
void ned_of_ecef_vect_d(struct NedCoor_d *ned, struct LtpDef_d *def, struct EcefCoor_d *ecef)