154 if ((p->
nav_type >> 8 & 0x7) >= 0x4) {
156 }
else if ((p->
nav_type >> 8 & 0x7) >= 0x1) {
208 switch (message_id) {
int32_t north
in centimeters
uint32_t tow
time of week in seconds *10^3]
uint32_t pacc
position accuracy in cm
uint8_t nb_channels
Number of scanned satellites.
int16_t vx
x-velocity * 8 in m/s
int32_t longitude
in degrees (+= East) *10*7
int16_t vy
y-velocity * 8 in m/s
Main include for ABI (AirBorneInterface).
Sirf protocol specific code.
position in UTM coordinates Units: meters
uint32_t ehpe
estimated horizontal position error, in meters * 10^2
int32_t east
in centimeters
void sirf_parse_msg(void)
void gps_impl_init(void)
GPS initialization.
#define GPS_FIX_3D
3D GPS fix
struct UtmCoor_i utm_pos
position in UTM (north,east: cm; alt: mm over ellipsoid)
uint32_t last_3dfix_ticks
cpu time ticks at last valid 3D fix
int32_t alt
in millimeters above WGS84 reference ellipsoid
static uint32_t get_sys_time_usec(void)
Get the time in microseconds since startup.
uint32_t sacc
speed accuracy in cm/s
uint32_t last_msg_time
cpu time in sec at last received GPS message
uint32_t cacc
course accuracy in rad*1e7
uint8_t zone
UTM zone number.
Paparazzi floating point math for geodetic calculations.
int32_t x_pos
x-position in m
int16_t vz
z-velocity * 8 in m/s
vector in Latitude, Longitude and Altitude
int32_t z_pos
z-position in m
int32_t hmsl
height above mean sea level in mm
uint32_t tow
GPS time of week in ms.
#define GPS_FIX_NONE
No GPS fix.
#define GPS_FIX_2D
2D GPS fix
uint16_t sog
speed over ground, in m/s * 10^2
Device independent GPS code (interface)
uint16_t pdop
position dilution of precision scaled by 100
uint16_t ehve
estimated horizontal velocity error in m/s * 10^2
struct EcefCoor_i ecef_pos
position in ECEF in cm
uint8_t num_sat
Number of satellites used for solution.
int32_t lon
in degrees*1e7
uint8_t zone
UTM zone number.
volatile uint32_t nb_sec_rem
remainder of seconds since startup in CPU_TICKS
char msg_buf[SIRF_MAXLEN]
buffer for storing one nmea-line
uint16_t cog
course over ground, in degrees clockwise from true north * 10^2
uint32_t last_3dfix_time
cpu time in sec at last valid 3D fix
int32_t alt
in millimeters above WGS84 reference ellipsoid
int32_t course
GPS course over ground in rad*1e7, [0, 2*Pi]*1e7 (CW/north)
volatile uint32_t nb_sec
full seconds since startup
int32_t latitude
in degrees (+= North) *10^7
void sirf_parse_char(uint8_t c)
uint16_t heading_err
in degrees * 10^2
uint32_t last_msg_ticks
cpu time ticks at last received GPS message
uint8_t num_sv
number of sat in fix
arch independent LED (Light Emitting Diodes) API
uint16_t gspeed
norm of 2d ground speed in cm/s
struct EcefCoor_i ecef_vel
speed ECEF in cm/s
int32_t y_pos
y-position in m
uint8_t hdop
Horizontal dilution of precision x 5 (0.2 precision)
struct LlaCoor_i lla_pos
position in LLA (lat,lon: deg*1e7; alt: mm over ellipsoid)
int32_t alt_ellipsoid
in meters *10^2
int32_t alt_msl
in meters *10^2
int32_t lat
in degrees*1e7
struct GpsState gps
global GPS state
#define LLA_FLOAT_OF_BFP(_o, _i)
#define UNINIT
Receiving pprz messages.
void utm_of_lla_f(struct UtmCoor_f *utm, struct LlaCoor_f *lla)