104 if (bit_is_set(flags, 5)) {
105 if (bit_is_set(flags, 1)) {
111 if (!bit_is_set(flags, 0) && !bit_is_set(flags, 1)) {
115 if (bit_is_set(flags, 1)) {
130 if (bit_is_set(flags, 6)) {
133 if (bit_is_set(flags, 2)) {
144 if (bit_is_set(flags, 7)) {
147 if (bit_is_set(flags, 3)) {
bool guidance_v_set_guided_z(float z)
Set z setpoint in GUIDED mode.
bool autopilot_guided_goto_ned_relative(float dx, float dy, float dz, float dyaw)
Set position and heading setpoints wrt.
bool guidance_h_set_guided_heading_rate(float rate)
Set heading rate setpoint in GUIDED mode.
bool guidance_v_set_guided_vz(float vz)
Set z velocity setpoint in GUIDED mode.
static struct FloatEulers * stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f(void)
Get vehicle body attitude euler angles (float).
void autopilot_guided_update(uint8_t flags, float x, float y, float z, float yaw)
Set guided setpoints using flag mask in GUIDED mode.
static bool stateIsLocalCoordinateValid(void)
Test if local coordinates are valid.
bool guidance_h_set_guided_pos(float x, float y)
Set horizontal position setpoint in GUIDED mode.
bool guidance_h_set_guided_body_vel(float vx, float vy)
Set body relative horizontal velocity setpoint in GUIDED mode.
Autopilot guided mode interface.
Core autopilot interface common to all firmwares.
bool guidance_h_set_guided_vel(float vx, float vy)
Set horizontal velocity setpoint in GUIDED mode.
API to get/set the generic vehicle states.
bool autopilot_guided_move_ned(float vx, float vy, float vz, float heading)
Set velocity and heading setpoints in GUIDED mode.
bool guidance_h_set_guided_heading(float heading)
Set heading setpoint in GUIDED mode.
static struct NedCoor_f * stateGetPositionNed_f(void)
Get position in local NED coordinates (float).
bool autopilot_guided_goto_body_relative(float dx, float dy, float dz, float dyaw)
Set position and heading setpoints wrt.
bool autopilot_guided_goto_ned(float x, float y, float z, float heading)
Set position and heading setpoints in GUIDED mode.
uint8_t autopilot_get_mode(void)
get autopilot mode