Paparazzi UAS  v5.8.2_stable-0-g6260b7c
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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Todo List
File abi.h
explain how to use ABI
Global adc_buf_channel (uint8_t adc_channel, struct adc_buf *s, uint8_t av_nb_sample)
: fx a more general ADC
Global add_byte_to_buffer (uint8_t value)
Add a protection against overflows
File adxl345_i2c.c
IRQ handling
File adxl345_spi.c
Use SPICallback to copy data from rx_buf when transaction is successful, instead of checking transaction status for SPITransSuccess in event loop. Problem is that in the callback we don't have a reference to the Adxl345_Spi struct.
File ahrs_float_dcm_algebra.h
get rid of this and use pprz math lib.
Global ahrs_gx3_register (void)
: provide enable function
find real value)
check value At low altitudes pressure change is ~1.2 kPa for every 100 meters. So with a scale ADC->meters of 0.32 we get: 12 Pascal = 0.32 * ADC -> SCALE = ~ 12 / 0.32 = 37.5
File gpio_arch.h
implement gpio_set|clear
Global gps_Reset (_val)
this still needs to call gps specific stuff
Global guidance_h_cmd_earth
convert to real force command
File hmc58xx.c
DRDY/IRQ handling
Global imu_impl_init (void)

drdy int handling for adxl345

eoc interrupt for itg3200, polling for now (including status reg)

drdy int handling for adxl345

eoc interrupt for itg3200, polling for now (including status reg)

drdy int handling for adxl345

Global init_ap (void)

, properly implement or remove

: properly implement/fix a triggered attitude loop

Global ins_int_update_gps (struct GpsState *gps_s)
maybe use gps_s->ned_vel directly??
File itg3200.c
DRDY/IRQ handling
Global memory_read_id (void)
change the cb function to actualy read the value returned
Global mpu60x0_configure_i2c_slaves (Mpu60x0ConfigSet mpu_set, void *mpu)

: only one slave so far.

: only one slave so far.

Global mpu9250_configure_i2c_slaves (Mpu9250ConfigSet mpu_set, void *mpu)

: only one slave so far.

: only one slave so far.

File nav_line_osam.c
compare with normal flight line
Global quat_from_earth_cmd_f (struct FloatQuat *quat, struct FloatVect2 *cmd, float heading)
optimize yaw angle calculation
Global read_rc_setpoint_speed_i (struct Int32Vect2 *speed_sp, bool_t in_flight)
calc proper scale while making sure a division by zero can't occur
Global run_memory_management (void)
We don't need two buffers as far as they are imadiatly copied when sended to the memory
Global sdcard1
Add support for multiple SD cards.
File sdcard_spi.c
CRC checksums are not implemented. Fake values of 0xFF are used and they are ignored by the card.
Global SpektrumParser (uint8_t _c, SpektrumStateType *spektrum_state, bool_t secondary_receiver)
collect more data. I suspect that there is a low res
Global spi0
SPI error struct
Global spi_arch_int_enable (struct spi_periph *spi)
fix priority levels if necessary
Global start_new_log (void)

Add the size of the values sended (in Bytes : SIZE_OF_LOGGED_VALUES).

Add a space to writte the total size of that log (for the progress bar in the downloading application)

Global stateGetAngleOfAttack_f (void)
only float for now
Global stateGetSideslip_f (void)
only float for now
Global stateSetAngleOfAttack_f (float aoa)
no integer yet
Global stateSetSideslip_f (float sideslip)
no integer yet
Global waypoint_set_xy_i (uint8_t wp_id, int32_t x, int32_t y)
: how to handle global waypoints?