36 #define INV_STATE_DIM 9
49 #define INV_MEASURE_DIM 6
60 #define INV_COMMAND_DIM 3
float lx
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on attitude (longitudinal subsystem)
Dispatcher to register actual AHRS implementations.
struct FloatVect3 ME
Correction gains on gyro biases.
float OE
Correction gains on magnetometer sensitivity.
struct OrientationReps body_to_imu
body_to_imu rotation
float n
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on accel bias (scaling subsystem)
struct FloatVect3 accel
Measured accelerometers.
float o
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on mag bias (scaling subsystem)
float mx
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on gyro bias (longitudinal subsystem)
struct FloatQuat quat
Estimated attitude (quaternion)
void ahrs_float_invariant_align(struct Int32Rates *lp_gyro, struct Int32Vect3 *lp_accel, struct Int32Vect3 *lp_mag)
Invariant filter tuning gains.
Invariant filter command vector.
struct inv_command cmd
command vector
struct FloatVect3 LE
Correction gains on attitude.
float mz
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on gyro bias (heading subsystem)
float my
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on gyro bias (lateral subsystem)
void ahrs_float_invariant_update_accel(struct Int32Vect3 *accel)
float ly
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on attitude (lateral subsystem)
void ahrs_float_invariant_update_mag(struct Int32Vect3 *mag)
bool_t reset
flag to request reset/reinit the filter
Paparazzi floating point algebra.
struct AhrsFloatInv ahrs_float_inv
float NE
Correction gains on accel bias.
struct inv_correction_gains corr
correction gains
struct FloatRates rates
Input gyro rates.
Invariant filter correction gains.
float lz
Tuning parameter of accel and mag on attitude (heading subsystem)
Invariant filter measurement vector.
struct FloatVect3 mag
Measured magnetic field.
struct FloatRates bias
Estimated gyro biases.
void ahrs_float_inv_set_body_to_imu_quat(struct FloatQuat *q_b2i)
float cs
Estimates magnetometer sensitivity.
struct inv_measures meas
measurement vector
Generic orientation representation and conversions.
void ahrs_float_invariant_propagate(struct Int32Rates *gyro, float dt)
void ahrs_float_invariant_init(void)
struct inv_gains gains
tuning gains
float as
Estimated accelerometer sensitivity.
struct inv_state state
state vector
Invariant filter structure.