Paparazzi UAS  v5.18.0_stable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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cv_target_localization module

Find georeferenced position of a target from visual detection.

Targets position are reported using the MARK telemetry message to the ground. It is also possible to update the position of a waypoint based on the latest detection.

Based on the VISUAL_DETECTION ABI message.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section:

<module name="cv_target_localization"/>

Module configuration options

Airframe file section

  • section name: TARGET_LOC prefix: TARGET_LOC_
    • name BODY_TO_CAM_PHI value: 0.
      Description: rotation between camera and body frame (phi angle)
    • name BODY_TO_CAM_THETA value: 0.
      Description: rotation between camera and body frame (theta angle)
    • name BODY_TO_CAM_PSI value: M_PI_2
      Description: rotation between camera and body frame (psi angle), by default the camera is placed in front and pointing down
    • name CAM_POS_X value: 0.
      Description: position of the camera in body frame
    • name CAM_POS_Y value: 0.
      Description: position of the camera in body frame
    • name CAM_POS_Z value: 0.
      Description: position of the camera in body frame
    • name PIXEL_TO_IMAGE_X value: 0.001
      Description: conversion from pixel unit to m in image plane
    • name PIXEL_TO_IMAGE_Y value: 0.001
      Description: conversion from pixel unit to m in image plane
    • name WP_T1 value: WP_XXXX
      Description: associate waypoint XXXX to target 1 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection
    • name WP_T2 value: WP_XXXX
      Description: associate waypoint XXXX to target 2 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection
    • name WP_T3 value: WP_XXXX
      Description: associate waypoint XXXX to target 3 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection
    • name WP_T1_ID value: 1
      Description: target 1 ID reported by ABI message
    • name WP_T2_ID value: 2
      Description: target 2 ID reported by ABI message
    • name WP_T3_ID value: 3
      Description: target 3 ID reported by ABI message
    • name ID value: ABI_BROADCAST
      Description: select ABI message source
    • name JEVOIS_ALT value: FALSE|TRUE
      Description: when used with Jevois smart camera, send current altitude to improve detection of object of known size

Module functions

Init Functions

These initialization functions are called once on startup.

Periodic Functions

These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw cv_target_localization.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="cv_target_localization" dir="computer_vision">
Find georeferenced position of a target from visual detection.
Targets position are reported using the MARK telemetry message to the ground.
It is also possible to update the position of a waypoint based on the latest detection.
Based on the VISUAL_DETECTION ABI message.
<section name="TARGET_LOC" prefix="TARGET_LOC_">
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_PHI" value="0." description="rotation between camera and body frame (phi angle)"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_THETA" value="0." description="rotation between camera and body frame (theta angle)"/>
<define name="BODY_TO_CAM_PSI" value="M_PI_2" description="rotation between camera and body frame (psi angle), by default the camera is placed in front and pointing down"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_X" value="0." unit="m" description="position of the camera in body frame"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_Y" value="0." unit="m" description="position of the camera in body frame"/>
<define name="CAM_POS_Z" value="0." unit="m" description="position of the camera in body frame"/>
<define name="PIXEL_TO_IMAGE_X" value="0.001" description="conversion from pixel unit to m in image plane"/>
<define name="PIXEL_TO_IMAGE_Y" value="0.001" description="conversion from pixel unit to m in image plane"/>
<define name="WP_T1" value="WP_XXXX" description="associate waypoint XXXX to target 1 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection"/>
<define name="WP_T2" value="WP_XXXX" description="associate waypoint XXXX to target 2 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection"/>
<define name="WP_T3" value="WP_XXXX" description="associate waypoint XXXX to target 3 when using direct WP update from latest visual detection"/>
<define name="WP_T1_ID" value="1" description="target 1 ID reported by ABI message"/>
<define name="WP_T2_ID" value="2" description="target 2 ID reported by ABI message"/>
<define name="WP_T3_ID" value="3" description="target 3 ID reported by ABI message"/>
<define name="ID" value="ABI_BROADCAST" description="select ABI message source"/>
<define name="JEVOIS_ALT" value="FALSE|TRUE" description="when used with Jevois smart camera, send current altitude to improve detection of object of known size"/>
<dl_settings NAME="Target Loc">
<dl_setting MAX="1" MIN="0" STEP="1" VAR="target_localization_update_wp" shortname="update_wp" module="modules/computer_vision/cv_target_localization" values="FALSE|TRUE"/>
<dl_setting MAX="5" MIN="1" STEP="1" VAR="target_localization_mark" shortname="mark" module="modules/computer_vision/cv_target_localization" handler="report_mark"/>
<file name="cv_target_localization.h"/>
<init fun="target_localization_init()"/>
<periodic fun="target_localization_report()" freq="4." autorun="TRUE"/>
<file name="cv_target_localization.c"/>