Paparazzi UAS  v5.18.0_stable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
ctrl_windtunnel module

Windtunnel controller for performing step inputs on flaps and throttle.

No detailed description...

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section:

<module name="ctrl_windtunnel"/>

Module configuration options

Airframe file section

  • section name: WINDTUNNEL prefix: CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_
    • name STEPTIME value: 8.0
      Description: Time [seconds]
    • name THR_MIN value: 0
      Description: Minimum throttle in the sequence of steps [MAX_PPRZ]
    • name THR_MAX value: 0
      Description: Maximum throttle in the sequence of steps
    • name THR_STEP value: 1200
      Description: Throttle steps
    • name FLAP_MIN value: -7200
      Description: Minimum flap in the sequence of steps
    • name FLAP_MAX value: 0
      Description: Maximum flap in the sequence of steps
    • name FLAP_STEP value: 2400
      Description: Flaps steps


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw ctrl_windtunnel.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="ctrl_windtunnel" dir="ctrl">
Windtunnel controller for performing step inputs on flaps and throttle.
<section name="WINDTUNNEL" prefix="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_">
<define name="STEPTIME" value="8.0" description="Time [seconds]"/>
<define name="THR_MIN" value="0" description="Minimum throttle in the sequence of steps [MAX_PPRZ]"/>
<define name="THR_MAX" value="0" description="Maximum throttle in the sequence of steps"/>
<define name="THR_STEP" value="1200" description="Throttle steps"/>
<define name="FLAP_MIN" value="-7200" description="Minimum flap in the sequence of steps"/>
<define name="FLAP_MAX" value="0" description="Maximum flap in the sequence of steps"/>
<define name="FLAP_STEP" value="2400" description="Flaps steps"/>
<dl_settings NAME="WindtunnelCtrl">
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_steptime" min="0.1" step="0.1" max="120" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="steptime" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_STEPTIME"/>
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_throttle.min" min="0" step="100" max="9600" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="thr_min" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_THR_MIN"/>
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_throttle.max" min="0" step="100" max="9600" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="thr_max" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_THR_MAX"/>
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_throttle.step" min="0" step="100" max="9600" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="thr_step" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_THR_STEP"/>
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_flaps.min" min="-9600" step="100" max="9600" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="flaps_min" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_FLAP_MIN"/>
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_flaps.max" min="-9600" step="100" max="9600" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="flaps_max" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_FLAP_MAX"/>
<dl_setting var="ctrl_windtunnel_flaps.step" min="0" step="100" max="9600" module="ctrl/ctrl_windtunnel" shortname="flaps_step" param="CTRL_WINDTUNNEL_FLAP_STEP"/>
<file name="ctrl_windtunnel.h"/>
<file name="ctrl_windtunnel.c"/>
<makefile target="ap">