46 #define READING_BLOCK_SIZE 200
51 #define SIZE_OF_VALUES_NAMES 10
61 #define NBR_VALUES_TO_LOG 9
108 #define TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE 32
356 for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
464 static uint8_t ml_write_values_to_memory_status = 0;
465 static uint32_t previus_mem_addr = 0;
466 static uint8_t *previus_values = NULL;
467 static uint8_t previus_size = 0;
471 if ((ml_write_values_to_memory_status == 0) &&
472 ((previus_mem_addr != mem_addr) || (previus_values != values) || (previus_size != size))) {
474 ml_write_values_to_memory_status = 1;
475 previus_mem_addr = mem_addr;
476 previus_values = values;
480 switch (ml_write_values_to_memory_status) {
488 ml_write_values_to_memory_status = 2;
496 ml_write_values_to_memory_status = 3;
503 ml_write_values_to_memory_status = 3;
505 ml_write_values_to_memory_status = 0;
513 return ml_write_values_to_memory_status;
531 static uint8_t ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status = 0;
533 switch (ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status) {
537 ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status = 1;
542 ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status = 2;
549 ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status = 2;
551 ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status = 0;
559 return ml_erase_4k_on_memory_status;
576 static uint8_t ml_erase_memory_status = 0;
578 switch (ml_erase_memory_status) {
582 ml_erase_memory_status = 1;
587 ml_erase_memory_status = 2;
594 ml_erase_memory_status = 2;
596 ml_erase_memory_status = 0;
603 return ml_erase_memory_status;
646 static uint8_t append_to_memory_status = 0;
647 static uint8_t index_value_unwritten = 0;
649 uint8_t size_data_left_to_write;
652 uint32_t size_used_in_current_page, size_left_current_page, size_to_write;
654 while (!wait_for_SPI) {
656 switch (append_to_memory_status) {
662 append_to_memory_status = 1;
675 append_to_memory_status = 1;
686 size_left_current_page = 0x00000100 - size_used_in_current_page;
688 size_data_left_to_write = size - index_value_unwritten;
689 if (size_left_current_page > size_data_left_to_write) { size_to_write = size_data_left_to_write; }
690 else { size_to_write = size_left_current_page; }
692 if (size_to_write > 250) { size_to_write = 250; }
694 if (size_to_write > 0) {
698 index_value_unwritten += size_to_write;
701 if (index_value_unwritten == size) {
703 append_to_memory_status = 0;
704 index_value_unwritten = 0;
858 for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
964 static uint8_t start_log_status = 0;
973 if (i != (NBR_VALUES_TO_LOG - 1)) { strcat(msg_names,
";"); }
976 switch (start_log_status) {
986 start_log_status = 1;
990 start_log_status = 1;
998 start_log_status = 2;
1003 start_log_status = 3;
1008 start_log_status = 0;
1079 return return_value;
1150 if (uart_received ==
'A') {
1154 }
else if (uart_received ==
'B') {
1220 static uint8_t current_sequence_id = 0;
1224 if (array[i] == sequence[current_sequence_id]) {
1225 current_sequence_id++;
1226 if (current_sequence_id >= sequence_size) {
1227 current_sequence_id = 0;
1231 current_sequence_id = 0;
uint8_t ml_write_values_to_memory(uint32_t mem_addr, uint8_t *values, uint8_t size)
Function writting a buffer of values to the memory.
static void memory_transaction_done_cb(struct spi_transaction *trans)
generic allback function for SPI transactions
void high_speed_logger_direct_memory_init(void)
Function initialisating the module.
uint8_t start_values_sequence[3]
Start sequence written at the begining of the values of a log (after the header)
enum SPIClockPolarity cpol
clock polarity control
uint8_t logging_status_gui
Status of the module.
arch independent UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) API
uint8_t nbr_values_in_buffer
Number of Bytes in the first buffer (buffer_values_logged)
void high_speed_logger_direct_memory_handler(uint8_t val)
Function managing the interface with the user.
void memory_send_wren(void)
Function sending a request to set the writte enable flag in the memory.
enum SPIClockDiv cdiv
prescaler of main clock to use as SPI clock
uint8_t stop_log_sequence[6]
Stop sequence written at the end of the log.
uint16_t output_length
number of data words to write
uint8_t buffer_values_logged[256]
First local buffer for the log.
struct spi_transaction memory_transaction
Structure used for general comunication with the memory.
Periodic telemetry system header (includes downlink utility and generated code).
uint8_t uart_getch(struct uart_periph *p)
uint8_t ml_erase_completely_memory(void)
Function erasing the entire memory.
uint8_t buffer_values_sending[256]
Second local buffer for the log.
if we completly erase the memory at the start of the log.
void send_buffer_to_uart(void)
Function sending the read values from the memory to te UART.
uint32_t nbr_lost_values
Number of Bytes we have lost due to overflows (reseted each time we can write agin in the buffer) ...
static volatile bool memory_ready
Flag stating if the memory is being used.
uint8_t buffer_used
Flag defining wich buffer is used.
size (in characters) of the nameof the logged values.
uint8_t continue_reading_memory
Flag defining if we need to keep reading the memory (if the PC asked for new values) ...
static void memory_read_status_cb(struct spi_transaction *trans)
Callback function decrypting the status Byte of the memory.
void memory_send_wrdi(void)
Function sending a request to clear the writte enable flag in the memory.
void memory_erase_4k(uint32_t mem_addr)
Function sending a request to erase 4KB of the memory.
SPI transaction structure.
bool spi_submit(struct spi_periph *p, struct spi_transaction *t)
Submit SPI transaction.
enum SPIBitOrder bitorder
MSB/LSB order.
struct spi_transaction memory_send_value_transaction
Structure used for sending values to the memory.
uint8_t start_log_sequence[6]
Start sequence written at the begining of a log.
struct Imu imu
global IMU state
size (in bytes) of the values we log.
uint8_t start_lost_values_sequence[6]
Start sequence indicating we have lost some Bytes due to overflows.
char ** name_of_the_values
list of the names of the messages you are logging
volatile uint8_t * output_buf
pointer to transmit buffer for DMA
uint32_t current_writting_addr
The address at wich we will write next time.
uint8_t send_buffer_to_memory(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t *size)
Function sending a buffer ot the memory.
void add_array_to_buffer(uint8_t *array, uint8_t size)
Function adding an array to the local buffer.
uint8_t are_buffers_empty(void)
Function returning true if the two local buffers are empty.
void memory_read_id(void)
Function sending a request for the ID of the memory chip.
enum SPISlaveSelect select
slave selection behavior
nbr of MB in the memory
void high_speed_logger_direct_memory_periodic(void)
Main function of the module.
uint8_t stop_lost_values_sequence[6]
Stop sequence indicating we have lost some Bytes due to overflows.
uint32_t current_reading_addr
The address at wich we will read next time.
Architecture independent SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) API.
struct Int32Vect3 mag_unscaled
unscaled magnetometer measurements
enum SPIClockPhase cpha
clock phase control
int32_t r
in rad/s with INT32_RATE_FRAC
struct Int32Rates gyro_unscaled
unscaled gyroscope measurements
size of the block that we read in the memory and send over UART. MAX = 250.
uint8_t run_memory_management(void)
Function sending the buffer to the memory when possible.
uint8_t nbr_values_in_buffer_sending
Number of Bytes in the second buffer (nbr_values_in_buffer_sending)
nbr of messages you want to log
uint8_t relaunch_reading_memory
Flag defining if we need to keep reading the memory (if the stop sequence is found we stop) ...
uint8_t ml_erase_4k_on_memory(uint32_t mem_addr)
Function erasing 4KB of the memory.
uint8_t sending_buffer_to_uart
Flag defining if we are sending values through the UART.
static void memory_read_values_cb(struct spi_transaction *trans)
Callback function decrypting the read values from the memory.
void run_logger(void)
Funcion called to add the values to log to the buffer with a frequency divider in order to not overfl...
SPICallback after_cb
NULL or function called after the transaction.
Buffer used to fetch the values from the memory.
void uart_periph_init(struct uart_periph *p)
void ml_read_log_in_memory(void)
Function continuing the reading of the current log in memory.
uint8_t append_values_to_memory(uint8_t *values, uint8_t size)
Function adding a buffer of values to the memory.
uint8_t end_log(void)
Function ending the current log.
uint8_t is_sequence_in_array(uint8_t *array, uint8_t array_size, uint8_t *sequence, uint8_t sequence_size)
Function testing if a sequence is in a buffer of values.
Inertial Measurement Unit interface.
uint16_t input_length
number of data words to read
int uart_check_free_space(struct uart_periph *p, long *fd, uint16_t len)
void uart_put_byte(struct uart_periph *p, long fd, uint8_t data)
Uart transmit implementation.
void memory_completly_erase(void)
Function sending a request to erase the entire memory.
uint8_t values_send_buffer[256]
Buffer used for sending value to the memory.
uint8_t memory_status_byte
Last status Byte read from the memory.
void uart_periph_set_bits_stop_parity(struct uart_periph *p, uint8_t bits, uint8_t stop, uint8_t parity)
Set parity and stop bits.
uint8_t wait_answear_from_reading_memory
Flag defining if we are waiting for an answear from the memory when reading values from it...
the nbr of kilo Bytes left at the end of the memory before stoping the log automaticaly ...
slave is selected before transaction and unselected after
Skip X values between write.
void memory_write_values(uint32_t mem_addr, uint8_t *values, uint8_t size)
Function sending a request to write a buffer of values to the memory.
uint32_t values_to_log[NBR_VALUES_TO_LOG]
list of the messages you want to log
void memory_read_values(uint32_t mem_addr, uint8_t size)
Function sending a request to read some values in memory.
Common code for AP and FBW telemetry.
enum SPIDataSizeSelect dss
data transfer word size
uint8_t slave_idx
slave id: SPI_SLAVE0 to SPI_SLAVE4
int32_t p
in rad/s with INT32_RATE_FRAC
volatile uint8_t * input_buf
pointer to receive buffer for DMA
struct Int32Vect3 accel_unscaled
unscaled accelerometer measurements
void add_byte_to_buffer(uint8_t value)
Function adding a Byte to the local buffer.
uint8_t start_new_log(void)
Function starting a new log.
nbr of Bytes 0x00 received before the real values when reading the memory
uint8_t msg[10]
Buffer used for general comunication over SPI (out buffer)
void add_values_to_buffer(void)
Function adding the configured messages to the buffers of the values to be written in memory...
int32_t q
in rad/s with INT32_RATE_FRAC
uint8_t buff[25]
Buffer used for general comunication over SPI (in buffer)
int uart_char_available(struct uart_periph *p)
Check UART for available chars in receive buffer.
void memory_read_status_1(void)
Function sending a request to fetch the status Byte of the memory.
uint32_t current_unerased_addr
The address of the next block to erase.