60 #define foo_handler() {}
73 #elif defined USE_HMC5843
88 #define ImuMagEvent() {}
#define ImuCristaArchPeriodic()
void imu_scale_gyro(struct Imu *_imu)
void hmc5843_idle_task(void)
void imu_scale_accel(struct Imu *_imu)
Main include for ABI (AirBorneInterface).
volatile uint8_t ami601_status
void imu_christa_event(void)
struct Imu imu
global IMU state
struct Int32Vect3 mag_unscaled
unscaled magnetometer measurements
int32_t r
in rad/s with INT32_RATE_FRAC
void imu_crista_init(void)
struct Int32Rates gyro_unscaled
unscaled gyroscope measurements
struct Int32Vect3 accel
accelerometer measurements in m/s^2 in BFP with INT32_ACCEL_FRAC
uint16_t ami601_values[AMI601_NB_CHAN]
volatile bool ADS8344_available
struct Int32Vect3 mag
magnetometer measurements scaled to 1 in BFP with INT32_MAG_FRAC
Inertial Measurement Unit interface.
#define ADS8344_NB_CHANNELS
void imu_scale_mag(struct Imu *_imu)
#define AMI601Event(_handler)
void imu_crista_arch_init(void)
uint16_t ADS8344_values[ADS8344_NB_CHANNELS]
int32_t p
in rad/s with INT32_RATE_FRAC
void hmc5843_periodic(void)
struct Int32Vect3 accel_unscaled
unscaled accelerometer measurements
int32_t q
in rad/s with INT32_RATE_FRAC
void imu_crista_periodic(void)
struct Int32Rates gyro
gyroscope measurements in rad/s in BFP with INT32_RATE_FRAC