35 #include "generated/airframe.h"
44 #define GX3_MAX_PAYLOAD 128
45 #define GX3_MSG_LEN 67
46 #define GX3_HEADER 0xC8
47 #define GX3_MIN_FREQ 300
49 #define IMU_GX3_LONG_DELAY 4000000
88 #define PRIMARY_AHRS ahrs_gx3
arch independent UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) API
void gx3_packet_read_message(void)
uint8_t msg_buf[GX3_MAX_PAYLOAD]
void ahrs_gx3_align(void)
Integrated Navigation System interface.
void ahrs_gx3_publish_imu(void)
void gx3_packet_parse(uint8_t c)
void ahrs_gx3_register(void)
float mag_offset
Difference between true and magnetic north.
struct FloatQuat ltp_to_imu_quat
Rotation from LocalTangentPlane to IMU frame as quaternions.
struct FloatVect3 accel
measured acceleration in IMU frame
struct AhrsGX3 ahrs_gx3
Axis definition: X axis pointing forward, Y axis pointing to the right and Z axis pointing down...
Device independent GPS code (interface)
uint32_t time
GX3 time stamp.
void imu_gx3_periodic(void)
Inertial Measurement Unit interface.
API to get/set the generic vehicle states.
struct FloatRMat rmat
measured attitude in IMU frame (rotational matrix)
arch independent LED (Light Emitting Diodes) API
struct GX3Packet packet
Packet struct.
uint16_t chksm
aux variable for checksum
struct FloatRates rate
measured angular rates in IMU frame
uint32_t ltime
aux time stamp