This module controls triggering of an attached external digital camera via one or more GPIO pins for on/off/shoot/zoom. It can trigger photos based on GPS distance, time or circle radius in both fixedwings and rotorcraft.
This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "./module.dtd">
<module name="digital_cam">
Digital Photo Camera Triggering (using a GPIO pin)
This module controls triggering of an attached external digital camera via one or more GPIO pins for on/off/shoot/zoom.
It can trigger photos based on GPS distance, time or circle radius in both fixedwings and rotorcraft.
<define name="DC_SHOOT_ON_BUTTON_RELEASE" description="if defined, call dc_send_shot_postion on button release instead of on push"/>
<define name="DC_SHUTTER_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO12" description="mandatory, gpio to control shutter"/>
<define name="DC_ZOOM_IN_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO2" description="optional, gpio to activate zoom in"/>
<define name="DC_ZOOM_OUT_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO5" description="optional, gpio to activate zoom out"/>
<define name="DC_POWER_GPIO" value="GPIOB,GPIO1" description="optional, gpio to turn power on"/>
<define name="DC_POWER_OFF_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO1" description="optional, gpio to turn power off"/>
<define name="DC_PUSH" value="gpio_set|gpio_clear" description="specifies whether to set or clear gpio to push the shutter (default: gpio_set)"/>
<define name="DC_RELEASE" value="gpio_clear|gpio_set" description="specifies whether to set or clear gpio to release the shutter (default: gpio_clear)"/>
<define name="DC_SHUTTER_DELAY" value="0.5" description="how long to push shutter in seconds"/>
<define name="DC_POWER_OFF_DELAY" value="0.75" description="how long to send power off in seconds"/>
<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIOD" value="1.0" description="time period for DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIODIC in seconds"/>
<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE_INTERVAL" value="50" description="distance interval for DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE in meters"/>
<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_SURVEY_INTERVAL" value="50" description="distance interval for DC_AUTOSHOOT_SURVEY in meters"/>
<define name="DC_SHOT_SYNC_SEND" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="send DC_SHOT message when photo was taken (default: TRUE)"/>
<dl_settings name="control">
<dl_settings name="dc">
<dl_setting max="255" min="0" step="1" module="digital_cam/dc" var="0" handler="send_command" shortname="Shutter">
<strip_button name="Photo" icon="digital-camera.png" value="32" group="maindc"/>
<strip_button name="Power" icon="off.png" value="111" group="maindc"/>
<strip_button name="ZoomIn" icon="zoom.png" value="116" group="dczoom"/>
<strip_button name="ZoomOut" icon="zoom.png" value="119" group="dczoom"/>
<dl_setting max="3" min="0" step="1" var="dc_autoshoot" values="STOP|PERIODIC|DISTANCE|EXT_TRIG">
<strip_button name="Start Autoshoot" icon="dcstart.png" value="1" group="dcauto"/>
<strip_button name="Stop Autoshoot" icon="dcstart.png" value="0" group="dcauto"/>
<dl_setting max="60" min="0.1" step="0.5" var="dc_autoshoot_period" shortname="Periodic" param="DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIOD" unit="sec"/>
<dl_setting max="255" min="0" step="1" var="dc_distance_interval" shortname="dist" param="DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE_INTERVAL" unit="meter"/>
<dl_setting max="250" min="0" step="5" module="digital_cam/dc" var="dc_survey_interval" handler="Survey" shortname="Survey-Interval"/>
<dl_setting max="90" min="5" step="5" module="digital_cam/dc" var="dc_circle_interval" handler="Circle" shortname="Circle-Interval"/>
<dl_setting max="1" min="0" step="1" var="dc_cam_tracing" shortname="Cam-Tracing"/>
<file name="gpio_cam_ctrl.h"/>
<file name="dc.h"/>
<init fun="gpio_cam_ctrl_init()"/>
<periodic fun="gpio_cam_ctrl_periodic()" freq="10" autorun="TRUE"/>
<makefile target="ap|sim|nps">
<define name="DIGITAL_CAM" />
<file name="gpio_cam_ctrl.c"/>
<file name="dc.c"/>