Paparazzi UAS  v5.18.0_stable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
telemetry_bluegiga module

Telemetry using PPRZ protocol over Bluegiga modules

Bluegiga is a SPI-slave device without Chip select but with a compulsory DRDY

Required: BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV: the SPI device which MUST have a SLAVE mode without chipselect


On Lisa-s, the Superbit-RF module can be replaced with a bluegiga-bluetooth 4 low power board. This module puts the telemetry over this bluetooth 4 link.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!

<module name="telemetry_bluegiga">
b'<define name="BLUEGIGA_DRDY_GPIO" value="GPIOX" />\n '
b'<define name="BLUEGIGA_DRDY_GPIO_PIN" value="GPIOY" />\n '
b'<configure name="BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV" value="SPIx" />\n '
b'<configure name="MODEM_LED" value="none" />\n '

Module configuration options

Configure Options

  • name: BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV value: SPIx
    Description: SPI where the modem is connected to (SPI1, SPI2, etc)
  • name: MODEM_LED value: none
    Description: LED number for modem status, 'none' to disable

Define Options

    Description: GPIO port used for data ready pin
    Description: GPIO pin number used for data ready pin

Auto-loaded modules

The following modules are automatically loaded (just as if you had added them in the airframe file)

  • module__telemetrynps
  • module__telemetrysim

Module functions

Init Functions

These initialization functions are called once on startup.

Event Functions

These event functions are called in each cycle of the module event loop.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw telemetry_bluegiga.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="telemetry_bluegiga" dir="datalink" task="datalink">
Telemetry using PPRZ protocol over Bluegiga modules
Bluegiga is a SPI-slave device without Chip select but with a compulsory DRDY
BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV: the SPI device which MUST have a SLAVE mode without chipselect
Optional: (defaults to SUPERBITRF DRDY)
On Lisa-s, the Superbit-RF module can be replaced with a bluegiga-bluetooth 4 low power board.
This module puts the telemetry over this bluetooth 4 link.
<configure name="BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV" value="SPIx" description="SPI where the modem is connected to (SPI1, SPI2, etc)"/>
<configure name="MODEM_LED" value="none" description="LED number for modem status, 'none' to disable"/>
<define name="BLUEGIGA_DRDY_GPIO" value="GPIOX" description="GPIO port used for data ready pin"/>
<define name="BLUEGIGA_DRDY_GPIO_PIN" value="GPIOY" description="GPIO pin number used for data ready pin"/>
<autoload name="telemetry" type="nps"/>
<autoload name="telemetry" type="sim"/>
<file name="bluegiga_dl.h"/>
<init fun="bluegiga_dl_init()"/>
<event fun="bluegiga_dl_event()"/>
<makefile target="!fbw|sim|nps">
<configure name="BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV" default="SPI2" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="MODEM_LED" default="none"/>
<define name="SPI_SLAVE"/>
<define name="BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV" value="$(BLUEGIGA_SPI_DEV_LOWER)"/>
<define name="MODEM_LED" value="$(MODEM_LED)" cond="ifneq ($(MODEM_LED),none)"/>
<define name="DOWNLINK"/>
<define name="PERIODIC_TELEMETRY"/>
<define name="DOWNLINK_DEVICE" value="bluegiga_p"/>
<define name="DOWNLINK_TRANSPORT" value="pprz_bg_tp"/>
<define name="DATALINK" value="BLUEGIGA"/>
<file name="bluegiga_dl.c"/>
<file name="downlink.c" dir="subsystems/datalink"/>
<file name="datalink.c" dir="subsystems/datalink"/>
<file name="telemetry.c" dir="subsystems/datalink"/>
<file name="pprz_transport.c" dir="pprzlink/src"/>
<file name="bluegiga.c" dir="subsystems/datalink"/>
<makefile target="ap" firmware="fixedwing">
<file name="fixedwing_datalink.c" dir="$(SRC_FIRMWARE)"/>
<file name="ap_downlink.c" dir="$(SRC_FIRMWARE)"/>
<makefile target="ap|fbw" firmware="fixedwing">
<file name="fbw_downlink.c" dir="$(SRC_FIRMWARE)"/>
<makefile target="ap" firmware="rotorcraft">
<file name="rotorcraft_datalink.c" dir="$(SRC_FIRMWARE)"/>
<file name="rotorcraft_telemetry.c" dir="$(SRC_FIRMWARE)"/>