Paparazzi UAS  v5.18.0_stable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
rotorcraft_cam module

Camera control for rotorcraft.

The camera is controled by the heading of the vehicle for pan and can be controlled by a servo for tilt if defined.

Four modes:

  • NONE: no control
  • MANUAL: the servo position is set with PWM
  • HEADING: the servo position and the heading of the rotorcraft are set with angles
  • WP: the camera is tracking a waypoint (Default: CAM)

If ROTORCRAFT_CAM_SWITCH_GPIO is defined, this gpio is set/cleared to switch the power of the camera on in normal modes and disable it when in NONE mode. On boards with CAM_SWITCH, ROTORCRAFT_CAM_SWITCH_GPIO can be defined to CAM_SWITCH_GPIO.

Example for airframe file

Add to your firmware section:

<module name="rotorcraft_cam"/>

Module configuration options

Airframe file section

  • section name: CAM prefix: ROTORCRAFT_CAM_
      Description: Select default mode (default: MODE_NONE)
    • name SWITCH_GPIO value: gpio
      Description: GPIO used to turn on/off the camer power, e.g. CAM_SWITCH_GPIO or GPIOB,GPIO22. Nothing set by default.
    • name CAM_ON value: gpio_set|gpio_clear
      Description: Gpio output level to turn camera power power on. gpio_set (default) or gpio_clear
    • name CAM_OFF value: gpio_set|gpio_clear
      Description: Gpio output level to turn camera power power off. gpio_set or gpio_clear (default)
    • name TILT_SERVO value: name
      Description: Servo name for tilt control (no tilt control if not defined)
    • name TILT_ANGLE_MIN value: angle
      Description: Tilt angle corresponding to the servo min position
    • name TILT_ANGLE_MAX value: angle
      Description: Tilt angle corresponding to the servo max position
    • name USE_PAN value: TRUE|FALSE
      Description: Enable pan control with heading (default: TRUE)
    • name TRACK_WP value: WP_XXX
      Description: Enable waypoint tracking mode on the selected WP (default: enable if waypoint CAM is defined)
    • name STICK_TILT_INC value: angle/stick_input
      Description: Sensitivity of the datalink stick tilt control (default: 10 deg)
    • name STICK_PAN_INC value: angle/stick_input
      Description: Sensitivity of the datalink stick pan control (default: 20 deg)

Module functions

Init Functions

These initialization functions are called once on startup.

Periodic Functions

These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.

  • rotorcraft_cam_periodic()
    • Frequency in Hz: 10.
    • Autorun: LOCK
      Periodic function automatically starts after init and can't be stopped.

Datalink Functions

Whenever the specified datalink message is received, the corresponing handler function is called.


Header Files

The following headers are automatically included in modules.h

Source Files

Raw rotorcraft_cam.xml file:

<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="rotorcraft_cam" dir="cam_control">
Camera control for rotorcraft.
The camera is controled by the heading of the vehicle for pan and can be controlled by a servo for tilt if defined.
Four modes:
- NONE: no control
- MANUAL: the servo position is set with PWM
- HEADING: the servo position and the heading of the rotorcraft are set with angles
- WP: the camera is tracking a waypoint (Default: CAM)
If ROTORCRAFT_CAM_SWITCH_GPIO is defined, this gpio is set/cleared to switch the power
of the camera on in normal modes and disable it when in NONE mode.
<section name="CAM" prefix="ROTORCRAFT_CAM_">
<define name="DEFAULT_MODE" value="MODE_NONE|MODE_MANUAL|MODE_HEADING|MODE_WP" description="Select default mode (default: MODE_NONE)"/>
<define name="SWITCH_GPIO" value="gpio" description="GPIO used to turn on/off the camer power, e.g. CAM_SWITCH_GPIO or GPIOB,GPIO22. Nothing set by default."/>
<define name="CAM_ON" value="gpio_set|gpio_clear" description="Gpio output level to turn camera power power on. gpio_set (default) or gpio_clear"/>
<define name="CAM_OFF" value="gpio_set|gpio_clear" description="Gpio output level to turn camera power power off. gpio_set or gpio_clear (default) "/>
<define name="TILT_SERVO" value="name" description="Servo name for tilt control (no tilt control if not defined)"/>
<define name="TILT_ANGLE_MIN" value="angle" description="Tilt angle corresponding to the servo min position"/>
<define name="TILT_ANGLE_MAX" value="angle" description="Tilt angle corresponding to the servo max position"/>
<define name="USE_PAN" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="Enable pan control with heading (default: TRUE)"/>
<define name="TRACK_WP" value="WP_XXX" description="Enable waypoint tracking mode on the selected WP (default: enable if waypoint CAM is defined)"/>
<define name="STICK_TILT_INC" value="angle/stick_input" description="Sensitivity of the datalink stick tilt control (default: 10 deg)"/>
<define name="STICK_PAN_INC" value="angle/stick_input" description="Sensitivity of the datalink stick pan control (default: 20 deg)"/>
<dl_settings NAME="CAM">
<dl_setting var="rotorcraft_cam_mode" MIN="0" STEP="1" MAX="3" module="cam_control/rotorcraft_cam" shortname="mode" values="NONE|MAN|HEADING|WP" handler="SetCamMode">
<strip_button name="CN" value="0" group="cam_mode1"/>
<strip_button name="CM" value="1" group="cam_mode1"/>
<strip_button name="CH" value="2" group="cam_mode2"/>
<strip_button name="CWP" value="3" group="cam_mode2"/>
<key_press key="F1" value="0"/>
<key_press key="F2" value="1"/>
<dl_setting var="rotorcraft_cam_tilt_pwm" min="1000" step="1" max="2500" shortname="tilt_pwm"/>
<dl_setting var="rotorcraft_cam_tilt" min="-90" step="1" max="0" shortname="tilt" alt_unit="deg" alt_unit_coef="0.0139882">
<strip_button name="Look Foreward" icon="lookfore.png" value="0" group="cam_look"/>
<strip_button name="Look Down" icon="lookdown.png" value="-6434" group="cam_look"/>
<dl_setting var="rotorcraft_cam_pan" MIN="0" STEP="1" MAX="360" shortname="pan" unit="1/2^12r" alt_unit="deg" alt_unit_coef="0.0139882"/>
<file name="rotorcraft_cam.h"/>
<init fun="rotorcraft_cam_init()"/>
<periodic fun="rotorcraft_cam_periodic()" freq="10."/>
<file name="rotorcraft_cam.c"/>