This module controls triggering of an attached external digital camera via one or more GPIO pins for on/off/shoot/zoom. It can trigger photos based on GPS distance, time or circle radius in both fixedwings and rotorcraft.
Add to your firmware section: This example contains all possible configuration options, not all of them are mandatory!
<module name="digital_cam">
b'<define name="DC_SHOOT_ON_BUTTON_RELEASE" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_SHUTTER_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO12" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_ZOOM_IN_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO2" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_ZOOM_OUT_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO5" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_POWER_GPIO" value="GPIOB,GPIO1" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_POWER_OFF_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO1" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_PUSH" value="gpio_set|gpio_clear" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_RELEASE" value="gpio_clear|gpio_set" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_SHUTTER_DELAY" value="0.5" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_POWER_OFF_DELAY" value="0.75" />\n\n '
b'<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIOD" value="1.0" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE_INTERVAL" value="50" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_SURVEY_INTERVAL" value="50" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_SHOT_SYNC_SEND" value="TRUE|FALSE" />\n '
b'<define name="DC_SHOT_EXTRA_DL" value="TRUE|FALSE" />\n '
These initialization functions are called once on startup.
These functions are called periodically at the specified frequency from the module periodic loop.
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "./module.dtd">
<module name="digital_cam">
Digital Photo Camera Triggering (using a GPIO pin)
This module controls triggering of an attached external digital camera via one or more GPIO pins for on/off/shoot/zoom.
It can trigger photos based on GPS distance, time or circle radius in both fixedwings and rotorcraft.
<define name="DC_SHOOT_ON_BUTTON_RELEASE" description="if defined, call dc_send_shot_postion on button release instead of on push"/>
<define name="DC_SHUTTER_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO12" description="mandatory, gpio to control shutter"/>
<define name="DC_ZOOM_IN_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO2" description="optional, gpio to activate zoom in"/>
<define name="DC_ZOOM_OUT_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO5" description="optional, gpio to activate zoom out"/>
<define name="DC_POWER_GPIO" value="GPIOB,GPIO1" description="optional, gpio to turn power on"/>
<define name="DC_POWER_OFF_GPIO" value="GPIOC,GPIO1" description="optional, gpio to turn power off"/>
<define name="DC_PUSH" value="gpio_set|gpio_clear" description="specifies whether to set or clear gpio to push the shutter (default: gpio_set)"/>
<define name="DC_RELEASE" value="gpio_clear|gpio_set" description="specifies whether to set or clear gpio to release the shutter (default: gpio_clear)"/>
<define name="DC_SHUTTER_DELAY" value="0.5" description="how long to push shutter in seconds"/>
<define name="DC_POWER_OFF_DELAY" value="0.75" description="how long to send power off in seconds"/>
<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIOD" value="1.0" description="time period for DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIODIC in seconds"/>
<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE_INTERVAL" value="50" description="distance interval for DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE in meters"/>
<define name="DC_AUTOSHOOT_SURVEY_INTERVAL" value="50" description="distance interval for DC_AUTOSHOOT_SURVEY in meters"/>
<define name="DC_SHOT_SYNC_SEND" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="send DC_SHOT message when photo was taken (default: TRUE)"/>
<define name="DC_SHOT_EXTRA_DL" value="TRUE|FALSE" description="send DC_SHOT message other extra datalink like companion CPU (default: FALSE, requires DC_SHOT_SYNC_SEND)"/>
<dl_settings name="control">
<dl_settings name="dc">
<dl_setting max="255" min="0" step="1" module="digital_cam/dc" var="0" handler="send_command" shortname="Shutter">
<strip_button name="Photo" icon="digital-camera.png" value="32" group="maindc"/>
<strip_button name="Power" icon="off.png" value="111" group="maindc"/>
<strip_button name="ZoomIn" icon="zoom.png" value="116" group="dczoom"/>
<strip_button name="ZoomOut" icon="zoom.png" value="119" group="dczoom"/>
<dl_setting max="3" min="0" step="1" var="dc_autoshoot" values="STOP|PERIODIC|DISTANCE|EXT_TRIG">
<strip_button name="Start Autoshoot" icon="dcstart.png" value="1" group="dcauto"/>
<strip_button name="Stop Autoshoot" icon="dcstart.png" value="0" group="dcauto"/>
<dl_setting max="60" min="0.1" step="0.5" var="dc_autoshoot_period" shortname="Periodic" param="DC_AUTOSHOOT_PERIOD" unit="sec"/>
<dl_setting max="255" min="0" step="1" var="dc_distance_interval" shortname="dist" param="DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE_INTERVAL" unit="meter"/>
<dl_setting max="250" min="0" step="5" module="digital_cam/dc" var="dc_survey_interval" handler="Survey" shortname="Survey-Interval"/>
<dl_setting max="90" min="5" step="5" module="digital_cam/dc" var="dc_circle_interval" handler="Circle" shortname="Circle-Interval"/>
<dl_setting max="1" min="0" step="1" var="dc_cam_tracing" shortname="Cam-Tracing"/>
<file name="gpio_cam_ctrl.h"/>
<file name="dc.h"/>
<init fun="gpio_cam_ctrl_init()"/>
<periodic fun="gpio_cam_ctrl_periodic()" freq="10" autorun="TRUE"/>
<makefile target="ap|sim|nps">
<define name="DIGITAL_CAM" />
<file name="gpio_cam_ctrl.c"/>
<file name="dc.c"/>