Autoload several onboard sensors and subsystems
for the Matek F405 Wing board with proper configuration. IMU MPU6000 Baro (BMP280) OSD Normal front of the board is on the servo S3-S8 servo connector Normal up of the board is on STM32F405 side.
Example for airframe file
Add to your firmware section:
<module name="board_matek_f405_wing"/>
Auto-loaded modules
The following modules are automatically loaded (just as if you had added them in the airframe file)
Raw board_matek_f405_wing.xml file:
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">
<module name="board_matek_f405_wing" dir="boards">
Autoload several onboard sensors and subsystems
for the Matek F405 Wing board with proper configuration.
Baro (BMP280)
Normal front of the board is on the servo S3-S8 servo connector
Normal up of the board is on STM32F405 side.
<autoload name="imu" type="mpu6000"/>
<makefile target="!sim|nps|fbw">
<configure name="IMU_MPU_SPI_DEV" value="spi1" case="upper|lower"/>
<configure name="IMU_MPU_SPI_SLAVE_IDX" value="SPI_SLAVE0"/>
<configure name="BMP280_I2C_DEV" value="i2c1" />
<configure name="BMP280_SLAVE_ADDR" value="BMP280_I2C_ADDR" />
<configure name="MAX7456_SPI_DEV" value="spi2" />
<configure name="MAX7456_SLAVE_IDX" value="SPI_SLAVE1" />
<define name="USE_MATEK_TYPE_OSD_CHIP" value="true" />
<define name="USE_PAL_FOR_OSD_VIDEO" value="true" />
<define name="BARO_ALTITUDE_VAR" value="baro_alt" />