Paparazzi UAS  v5.12_stable-4-g9b43e9b
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
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1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Paparazzi Team
3  *
4  * This file is part of paparazzi.
5  *
6  * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9  * any later version.
10  *
11  * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, see
18  * <>.
19  */
21 /* Thanks to TU Delft by assigning students Dino Hensen, Vincent van Hoek for
22  * their inital work and later improvements made in 2015 by Freek van Tienen
23 */
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <stdlib.h>
35 #include <fcntl.h>
36 #include <termios.h> /* for baud rates and options */
37 #include <unistd.h>
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <math.h>
40 #include <errno.h>
41 #include <assert.h>
42 #include <pthread.h>
44 #include "std.h"
45 #include "navdata.h"
46 #include "subsystems/ins.h"
47 #include "subsystems/ahrs.h"
48 #include "subsystems/abi.h"
49 #include "mcu_periph/gpio.h"
51 /* Internal used functions */
52 static void *navdata_read(void *data __attribute__((unused)));
53 static void navdata_cmd_send(uint8_t cmd);
54 static bool navdata_baro_calib(void);
55 static void mag_freeze_check(void);
56 static void baro_update_logic(void);
58 /* Main navdata structure */
64 static bool navdata_available = false;
66 /* syncronization variables */
67 static pthread_mutex_t navdata_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
68 static pthread_cond_t navdata_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
71 #define NAVDATA_FILTER_ID 2
72 #endif
78 #ifndef SONAR_OFFSET
79 #define SONAR_OFFSET 880
80 #endif
85 #ifndef SONAR_SCALE
86 #define SONAR_SCALE 0.00047
87 #endif
92 ssize_t full_write(int fd, const uint8_t *buf, size_t count)
93 {
94  size_t written = 0;
96  while (written < count) {
97  ssize_t n = write(fd, buf + written, count - written);
98  if (n < 0) {
99  if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
100  continue;
101  }
102  return n;
103  }
104  written += n;
105  }
106  return written;
107 }
112 ssize_t full_read(int fd, uint8_t *buf, size_t count)
113 {
114  /* Apologies for illiteracy, but we can't overload |read|.*/
115  size_t readed = 0;
117  while (readed < count) {
118  ssize_t n = read(fd, buf + readed, count - readed);
119  if (n < 0) {
120  if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
121  continue;
122  }
123  return n;
124  }
125  readed += n;
126  }
127  return readed;
128 }
133 static void send_navdata(struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
134 {
135  pprz_msg_send_ARDRONE_NAVDATA(trans, dev, AC_ID,
138  &,
139  &navdata.measure.ay,
140  &,
141  &navdata.measure.vx,
142  &navdata.measure.vy,
143  &navdata.measure.vz,
160  &,
161  &,
162  &,
165 }
166 #endif
172 {
173  assert(sizeof(struct navdata_measure_t) == NAVDATA_PACKET_SIZE);
175  /* Check if the FD isn't already initialized */
176  if (navdata.fd <= 0) {
177  navdata.fd = open("/dev/ttyO1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); /* O_NONBLOCK doesn't work */
179  if (navdata.fd < 0) {
180  printf("[navdata] Unable to open navdata board connection(/dev/ttyO1)\n");
181  return false;
182  }
184  /* Update the settings of the UART connection */
185  fcntl(navdata.fd, F_SETFL, 0); /* read calls are non blocking */
186  /* set port options */
187  struct termios options;
188  /* Get the current options for the port */
189  tcgetattr(navdata.fd, &options);
190  /* Set the baud rates to 460800 */
191  cfsetispeed(&options, B460800);
192  cfsetospeed(&options, B460800);
194  options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); /* Enable the receiver and set local mode */
195  options.c_iflag = 0; /* clear input options */
196  options.c_lflag = 0; /* clear local options */
197  options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; //clear output options (raw output)
199  //Set the new options for the port
200  tcsetattr(navdata.fd, TCSANOW, &options);
201  }
203  // Reset available flags
204  navdata_available = false;
205  navdata.baro_calibrated = false;
206  navdata.baro_available = false;
207  navdata.imu_lost = false;
209  // Set all statistics to 0
213  navdata.packetsRead = 0;
216  /* Stop acquisition */
219  /* Read the baro calibration(blocking) */
220  if (!navdata_baro_calib()) {
221  printf("[navdata] Could not acquire baro calibration!\n");
222  return false;
223  }
224  navdata.baro_calibrated = true;
226  /* Start acquisition */
229  /* Set navboard gpio control */
233  /* Start navdata reading thread */
234  pthread_t navdata_thread;
235  if (pthread_create(&navdata_thread, NULL, navdata_read, NULL) != 0) {
236  printf("[navdata] Could not create navdata reading thread!\n");
237  return false;
238  }
241  register_periodic_telemetry(DefaultPeriodic, PPRZ_MSG_ID_ARDRONE_NAVDATA, send_navdata);
242 #endif
244  /* Set to initialized */
245  navdata.is_initialized = true;
246  return true;
247 }
254 static void *navdata_read(void *data __attribute__((unused)))
255 {
256  /* Buffer insert index for reading/writing */
257  static uint8_t buffer_idx = 0;
259  while (TRUE) {
261  /* Wait until we are notified to read next data,
262  i.e. buffer has been copied in navdata_update */
263  pthread_mutex_lock(&navdata_mutex);
264  while (navdata_available) {
265  pthread_cond_wait(&navdata_cond, &navdata_mutex);
266  }
267  pthread_mutex_unlock(&navdata_mutex);
269  /* Read new bytes */
270  int newbytes = read(navdata.fd, navdata_buffer + buffer_idx, NAVDATA_PACKET_SIZE - buffer_idx);
272  /* When there was no signal interrupt */
273  if (newbytes > 0) {
274  buffer_idx += newbytes;
275  navdata.totalBytesRead += newbytes;
276  }
278  /* If we got a full packet */
279  if (buffer_idx >= NAVDATA_PACKET_SIZE) {
280  /* check if the start byte is correct */
281  if (navdata_buffer[0] != NAVDATA_START_BYTE) {
282  uint8_t *pint = memchr(navdata_buffer, NAVDATA_START_BYTE, buffer_idx);
284  /* Check if we found the start byte in the read data */
285  if (pint != NULL) {
286  memmove(navdata_buffer, pint, NAVDATA_PACKET_SIZE - (pint - navdata_buffer));
287  buffer_idx = pint - navdata_buffer;
288  fprintf(stderr, "[navdata] sync error, startbyte not found, resetting...\n");
289  } else {
290  buffer_idx = 0;
291  }
292  continue;
293  }
295  /* full packet read with startbyte at the beginning, reset insert index */
296  buffer_idx = 0;
298  /* Calculate the checksum */
299  uint16_t checksum = 0;
300  for (int i = 2; i < NAVDATA_PACKET_SIZE - 2; i += 2) {
301  checksum += navdata_buffer[i] + (navdata_buffer[i + 1] << 8);
302  }
304  struct navdata_measure_t *new_measurement = (struct navdata_measure_t *)navdata_buffer;
306  /* Check if the checksum is OK */
307  if (new_measurement->chksum != checksum) {
308  fprintf(stderr, "[navdata] Checksum error [calculated: %d] [packet: %d] [diff: %d]\n",
309  checksum, new_measurement->chksum, checksum - new_measurement->chksum);
311  continue;
312  }
314  /* Set flag that we have new valid navdata */
315  pthread_mutex_lock(&navdata_mutex);
316  navdata_available = true;
317  pthread_mutex_unlock(&navdata_mutex);
318  }
319  }
321  return NULL;
322 }
324 #include "subsystems/imu.h"
325 static void navdata_publish_imu(void)
326 {
332  imu_scale_mag(&imu);
333  uint32_t now_ts = get_sys_time_usec();
334  AbiSendMsgIMU_GYRO_INT32(IMU_BOARD_ID, now_ts, &imu.gyro);
335  AbiSendMsgIMU_ACCEL_INT32(IMU_BOARD_ID, now_ts, &imu.accel);
336  AbiSendMsgIMU_MAG_INT32(IMU_BOARD_ID, now_ts, &imu.mag);
337 }
343 {
344  /* Check if initialized */
345  if (!navdata.is_initialized) {
346  navdata_init();
348  return;
349  }
351  pthread_mutex_lock(&navdata_mutex);
352  /* If we got a new navdata packet */
353  if (navdata_available) {
355  /* Copy the navdata packet */
356  memcpy(&navdata.measure, navdata_buffer, NAVDATA_PACKET_SIZE);
358  /* reset the flag */
359  navdata_available = false;
360  /* signal that we copied the buffer and new packet can be read */
361  pthread_cond_signal(&navdata_cond);
362  pthread_mutex_unlock(&navdata_mutex);
364  /* Check if we missed a packet (our counter and the one from the navdata) */
367  fprintf(stderr, "[navdata] Lost frame: %d should have been %d\n",
370  }
373  /* Invert byte order so that TELEMETRY works better */
374  uint8_t tmp;
376  tmp = p[0];
377  p[0] = p[1];
378  p[1] = tmp;
380  tmp = p[0];
381  p[0] = p[1];
382  p[1] = tmp;
387 #ifdef USE_SONAR
388  /* Check if there is a new sonar measurement and update the sonar */
389  if (navdata.measure.ultrasound >> 15) {
390  float sonar_meas = (float)((navdata.measure.ultrasound & 0x7FFF) - SONAR_OFFSET) * SONAR_SCALE;
391  AbiSendMsgAGL(AGL_SONAR_ARDRONE2_ID, sonar_meas);
392  }
393 #endif
398  } else {
399  /* no new packet available, still unlock mutex again */
400  pthread_mutex_unlock(&navdata_mutex);
401  }
402 }
407 static void navdata_cmd_send(uint8_t cmd)
408 {
409  full_write(navdata.fd, &cmd, 1);
410 }
416 static bool navdata_baro_calib(void)
417 {
418  /* Start baro calibration acquisition */
421  /* Receive the calibration (blocking) */
422  uint8_t calibBuffer[22];
423  if (full_read(navdata.fd, calibBuffer, sizeof calibBuffer) < 0) {
424  printf("[navdata] Could not read calibration data.");
425  return false;
426  }
428  /* Convert the read bytes */
429  navdata.bmp180_calib.ac1 = calibBuffer[0] << 8 | calibBuffer[1];
430  navdata.bmp180_calib.ac2 = calibBuffer[2] << 8 | calibBuffer[3];
431  navdata.bmp180_calib.ac3 = calibBuffer[4] << 8 | calibBuffer[5];
432  navdata.bmp180_calib.ac4 = calibBuffer[6] << 8 | calibBuffer[7];
433  navdata.bmp180_calib.ac5 = calibBuffer[8] << 8 | calibBuffer[9];
434  navdata.bmp180_calib.ac6 = calibBuffer[10] << 8 | calibBuffer[11];
435  navdata.bmp180_calib.b1 = calibBuffer[12] << 8 | calibBuffer[13];
436  navdata.bmp180_calib.b2 = calibBuffer[14] << 8 | calibBuffer[15];
437  navdata.bmp180_calib.mb = calibBuffer[16] << 8 | calibBuffer[17];
438 = calibBuffer[18] << 8 | calibBuffer[19];
439 = calibBuffer[20] << 8 | calibBuffer[21];
441  return true;
442 }
448 static void mag_freeze_check(void)
449 {
450  /* Thanks to Daren.G.Lee for initial fix on 20140530 */
451  static int16_t LastMagValue = 0;
452  static int MagFreezeCounter = 0;
454  if (LastMagValue == {
455  MagFreezeCounter++;
457  /* Has to have at least 30 times the exact same value to consider it a frozen magnetometer value */
458  if (MagFreezeCounter > 30) {
459  fprintf(stderr, "mag freeze detected, resetting!\n");
461  /* set imu_lost flag */
462  navdata.imu_lost = true;
465  /* Stop acquisition */
468  /* Reset the hardware of the navboard */
470  usleep(20000);
473  /* Wait for 40ms for it to boot */
474  usleep(40000);
476  /* Start the navdata again and reset the counter */
478  MagFreezeCounter = 0; /* reset counter back to zero */
479  }
480  } else {
481  navdata.imu_lost = false;
482  /* Reset counter if value _does_ change */
483  MagFreezeCounter = 0;
484  }
485  /* set last value */
486  LastMagValue =;
487 }
494 static void baro_update_logic(void)
495 {
496  static int32_t lastpressval = 0;
497  static uint16_t lasttempval = 0;
498  static int32_t lastpressval_nospike = 0;
499  static uint16_t lasttempval_nospike = 0;
500  static uint8_t temp_or_press_was_updated_last =
501  0; /* 0 = press, so we now wait for temp, 1 = temp so we now wait for press */
503  static int sync_errors = 0;
504  static int spike_detected = 0;
506  if (temp_or_press_was_updated_last == 0) { /* Last update was press so we are now waiting for temp */
507  /* temp was updated */
508  temp_or_press_was_updated_last = true;
510  /* This means that press must remain constant */
511  if (lastpressval != 0) {
512  /* If pressure was updated: this is a sync error */
513  if (lastpressval != navdata.measure.pressure) {
514  /* wait for temp again */
515  temp_or_press_was_updated_last = false;
516  sync_errors++;
517  //printf("Baro-Logic-Error (expected updated temp, got press)\n");
518  }
519  }
520  } else {
521  /* press was updated */
522  temp_or_press_was_updated_last = false;
524  /* This means that temp must remain constant */
525  if (lasttempval != 0) {
526  /* If temp was updated: this is a sync error */
527  if (lasttempval != navdata.measure.temperature_pressure) {
528  /* wait for press again */
529  temp_or_press_was_updated_last = true;
530  sync_errors++;
531  //printf("Baro-Logic-Error (expected updated press, got temp)\n");
533  } else {
534  /* We now got valid pressure and temperature */
535  navdata.baro_available = true;
536  }
537  }
538  }
540  /* Detected a pressure swap */
541  if (lastpressval != 0 && lasttempval != 0
542  && ABS(lastpressval - navdata.measure.pressure) > ABS(lasttempval - navdata.measure.pressure)) {
543  navdata.baro_available = false;
544  }
546  /* Detected a temprature swap */
547  if (lastpressval != 0 && lasttempval != 0
548  && ABS(lasttempval - navdata.measure.temperature_pressure) > ABS(lastpressval - navdata.measure.temperature_pressure)) {
549  navdata.baro_available = false;
550  }
552  lasttempval = navdata.measure.temperature_pressure;
553  lastpressval = navdata.measure.pressure;
555  /*
556  * It turns out that a lot of navdata boards have a problem (probably interrupt related)
557  * in which reading I2C data and writing uart output data is interrupted very long (50% of 200Hz).
558  * Afterwards, the 200Hz loop tries to catch up lost time but reads the baro too fast swapping the
559  * pressure and temperature values by exceeding the minimal conversion time of the bosh baro. The
560  * normal Parrot firmware seems to be perfectly capable to fly with this, either with excessive use of
561  * the sonar or with software filtering or spike detection. Paparazzi with its tightly coupled baro-altitude
562  * had problems. Since this problems looks not uncommon a detector was made. A lot of evidence is grabbed
563  * with a logic analyzer on the navboard I2C and serial output. The UART CRC is still perfect, the baro
564  * temp-press-temp-press logic is still perfect, so not easy to detect. Temp and pressure are swapped,
565  * and since both can have almost the same value, the size of the spike is not predictable. However at
566  * every spike of at least 3 broken boards the press and temp are byte-wise exactly the same due to
567  * reading them too quickly (trying to catch up for delay that happened earlier due to still non understood
568  * reasons. As pressure is more likely to quickly change, a small (yet unlikely) spike on temperature together with
569  * press==temp yields very good results as a detector, although theoretically not perfect.
571  #samp press temp.
572  50925 39284 34501
573  50926 39287 34501
574  50927 39287 34501
575  50928 39283 34501 // *press good -> baro
576  50929 39283 34501
577  50930 39285 34501 // *press good -> baro
578  50931 39285 34500
579  50932 34500 34500 // press read too soon from chip (<4.5ms) -> ADC register still previous temp value
580  50933 34500 36618 // press not updated, still wrong. Temp is weird: looks like the average of both
581  50934 39284 36618 // new press read, but temp still outdated
582  50935 39284 34501
583  50936 39284 34501 // *press good -> baro
584  50937 39284 34500
585  50938 39281 34500
586  50939 39281 34500
587  50940 39280 34500
588  50941 39280 34502
589  50942 39280 34502
590  50943 39280 34501
592  */
594  /* If press and temp are same and temp has jump: neglect the next frame */
596  navdata.measure.pressure) { // && (abs((int32_t)navdata.temperature_pressure - (int32_t)lasttempval) > 40))
597  /* dont use the next 3 packets */
598  spike_detected = 3;
599  }
601  if (spike_detected > 0) {
602  /* disable kalman filter use */
603  navdata.baro_available = false;
605  // override both to last good
606  navdata.measure.pressure = lastpressval_nospike;
607  navdata.measure.temperature_pressure = lasttempval_nospike;
609  /* Countdown */
610  spike_detected--;
611  } else { // both are good
612  lastpressval_nospike = navdata.measure.pressure;
613  lasttempval_nospike = navdata.measure.temperature_pressure;
614  }
615 }
unsigned short uint16_t
Definition: types.h:16
Dispatcher to register actual AHRS implementations.
static void gpio_clear(ioportid_t port, uint16_t pin)
Clear a gpio output to low level.
Definition: gpio_arch.h:108
#define IMU_BOARD_ID
Periodic telemetry system header (includes downlink utility and generated code).
Some architecture independent helper functions for GPIOs.
#define B460800
Definition: uart_arch.h:42
#define VECT3_ASSIGN(_a, _x, _y, _z)
Definition: pprz_algebra.h:124
#define RATES_ASSIGN(_ra, _p, _q, _r)
Definition: pprz_algebra.h:329
Main include for ABI (AirBorneInterface).
Integrated Navigation System interface.
struct Imu imu
global IMU state
Definition: imu.c:108
void gpio_setup_output(ioportid_t port, uint16_t gpios)
Setup one or more pins of the given GPIO port as outputs.
Definition: gpio_arch.c:33
struct Int32Vect3 mag_unscaled
unscaled magnetometer measurements
Definition: imu.h:48
struct Int32Rates gyro_unscaled
unscaled gyroscope measurements
Definition: imu.h:46
#define TRUE
Definition: std.h:4
static uint8_t checksum
Definition: airspeed_uADC.c:60
struct Int32Vect3 accel
accelerometer measurements in m/s^2 in BFP with INT32_ACCEL_FRAC
Definition: imu.h:39
unsigned long uint32_t
Definition: types.h:18
signed short int16_t
Definition: types.h:17
#define DefaultPeriodic
Set default periodic telemetry.
Definition: telemetry.h:66
struct Int32Vect3 mag
magnetometer measurements scaled to 1 in BFP with INT32_MAG_FRAC
Definition: imu.h:40
Inertial Measurement Unit interface.
void imu_scale_gyro(struct Imu *_imu)
Definition: imu_vectornav.c:43
signed long int32_t
Definition: types.h:19
static const struct usb_device_descriptor dev
Definition: usb_ser_hw.c:73
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: types.h:14
void imu_scale_mag(struct Imu *_imu)
Definition: ahrs_gx3.c:351
Definition: actuators.c:58
int fd
Definition: serial.c:26
struct Int32Vect3 accel_unscaled
unscaled accelerometer measurements
Definition: imu.h:47
static float p[2][2]
void imu_scale_accel(struct Imu *_imu)
Definition: imu_vectornav.c:44
uint32_t get_sys_time_usec(void)
Get the time in microseconds since startup.
Definition: sys_time_arch.c:68
static void gpio_set(ioportid_t port, uint16_t pin)
Set a gpio output to high level.
Definition: gpio_arch.h:98
int8_t register_periodic_telemetry(struct periodic_telemetry *_pt, uint8_t _id, telemetry_cb _cb)
Register a telemetry callback function.
Definition: telemetry.c:46
struct Int32Rates gyro
gyroscope measurements in rad/s in BFP with INT32_RATE_FRAC
Definition: imu.h:38