Paparazzi UAS  v7.0_unstable
Paparazzi is a free software Unmanned Aircraft System.
chconf.h File Reference

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#define _CHIBIOS_RT_CONF_VER_7_0_
System settings
 Handling of instances. More...
System timers settings
 System time counter resolution. More...
#define CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY   10000
 System tick frequency. More...
 Time intervals data size. More...
 Time types data size. More...
 Time delta constant for the tick-less mode. More...
Kernel parameters and options
#define CH_CFG_TIME_QUANTUM   10
 Round robin interval. More...
 Idle thread automatic spawn suppression. More...
 Kernel hardening level. More...
Performance options
 OS optimization. More...
Subsystem options
#define CH_CFG_USE_TM   TRUE
 Time Measurement APIs. More...
 Time Stamps APIs. More...
 Threads registry APIs. More...
 Threads synchronization APIs. More...
 Semaphores APIs. More...
 Semaphores queuing mode. More...
 Mutexes APIs. More...
 Enables recursive behavior on mutexes. More...
 Conditional Variables APIs. More...
 Conditional Variables APIs with timeout. More...
 Events Flags APIs. More...
 Events Flags APIs with timeout. More...
 Synchronous Messages APIs. More...
 Synchronous Messages queuing mode. More...
 Dynamic Threads APIs. More...
OSLIB options
 Mailboxes APIs. More...
 Memory checks APIs. More...
 Core Memory Manager APIs. More...
 Managed RAM size. More...
 Heap Allocator APIs. More...
 Memory Pools Allocator APIs. More...
 Objects FIFOs APIs. More...
 Pipes APIs. More...
 Objects Caches APIs. More...
 Delegate threads APIs. More...
 Jobs Queues APIs. More...
Objects factory options
 Objects Factory APIs. More...
 Maximum length for object names. More...
 Enables the registry of generic objects. More...
 Enables factory for generic buffers. More...
 Enables factory for semaphores. More...
 Enables factory for mailboxes. More...
 Enables factory for objects FIFOs. More...
 Enables factory for Pipes. More...
Debug options
 Debug option, kernel statistics. More...
 Debug option, system state check. More...
 Debug option, parameters checks. More...
 Debug option, consistency checks. More...
 Debug option, trace buffer. More...
 Trace buffer entries. More...
 Debug option, stack checks. More...
 Debug option, stacks initialization. More...
 Debug option, threads profiling. More...
Kernel hooks
#define CH_CFG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_FIELDS    /* Add system custom fields here.*/
 System structure extension. More...
 System initialization hook. More...
#define CH_CFG_OS_INSTANCE_EXTRA_FIELDS    /* Add OS instance custom fields here.*/
 OS instance structure extension. More...
 OS instance initialization hook. More...
#define CH_CFG_THREAD_EXTRA_FIELDS    /* Add threads custom fields here.*/
 Threads descriptor structure extension. More...
 Threads initialization hook. More...
 Threads finalization hook. More...
#define CH_CFG_CONTEXT_SWITCH_HOOK(ntp, otp)
 Context switch hook. More...
 ISR enter hook. More...
 ISR exit hook. More...
 Idle thread enter hook. More...
 Idle thread leave hook. More...
 Idle Loop hook. More...
 System tick event hook. More...
#define CH_CFG_SYSTEM_HALT_HOOK(reason)
 System halt hook. More...
#define CH_CFG_TRACE_HOOK(tep)
 Trace hook. More...
 Runtime Faults Collection Unit hook. More...